8 Park&Trl Maintenance ReportsCITYOF 690 677 Center Drive, PO Box I47 Chanhasseu, Minnesota 55317 Phone 612. 93Z 1900 General Fax 612. 937.5739 Engi,eeri,g Fax 612.937.9152 Pubh'c 5)(fi'O, ~x 612. 934.2524 MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director FROM: DATE: Dale Gregol7, Park Superintendent August 15, 2000 SUBJECT: Park and Trail Maintenance Report Summer is slipping away. It seems lil~c.just yesterday that wc hired our summer seasonal workers and already they arc leaving to start football practice and go back to college. August brings a new challenge this year with thc water restrictions in Chanhasscn. We will be trying to adjust the watering schedule to keep thc soccer fields and softball fields that are used in the fall looking good and still stay within thc watering restriction requirements. Thc improvements around thc warming house at Chanhassen Recreation Center wcrc completed thc end of July with thc laying of sod. This has really improved thc look of thc front of the Chanhasscn Recreation Center. With thc help of thc STS (Sentence to Serve) people for two days, wc wcrc able to put wood chips around most of thc trccs in thc parks. Thc Lake Ann soccer field was taken out of usc this fall so wc could rework the field. We filled all low areas, aerated and slit seeded the field as well as lay sod in front of thc soccer goals. Work has been started on the Senior Garden Plot. Thc area has been mowed and worked up with a disc. We will be trimming trees along the back side and hauling in some mulch to mix with thc soil. ~hp (fl'iy of (fhtHlhassell, A ~rou,i,g commtodt~, w/th c[ea, [akcs. aua//n' schooh, a c/,an,i,cz c/ow,towJn thrh,/,e busi, esses, a,~ [waudfi~/ /~,Trks. ,4 e,"ea~, t~/ace to/ire, work. CITYOF 690 O(y Ce, ter Drive, PO Box 147 Chanhasse,, Minnesota 55317 Pt~one 612.937. I900 Oner, d Fax' 612937.5739 &~ gine edng Fax' 612.937. 9152 ?ub/ic Safeq Fax 612. 93(2524 W~'b z~,z~'t~:ci, d~a,hasse,. ,m. us MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director FROM: Dale Gregory, Park Superintendent DATE: July 19, 2000 SUBJECT: Park and Trail Maintenance Report July has proven to be avcry busy month. A lot of work went into getting things ready for this year's Fourth of July celebration. The weather was great and wc had a very large turnout of people for all actMties. All who helped organize this year's activitics did a great job. We have had many complaints regarding thistles in areas of our parks that are not mowed. We have spent a great deal of time spraying and mowing these thistles. We are also in thc process of mowing along all City trails for the second time this scason. We have had some troublc with the new retaining wall by ballficld #4 at Lake Ann Park. Attcr one of thc heavy rains this summer, thc wall started to tip ovcr. Wc had to dismantle thc wall, re-compact all thc soil, and install drains behind thc wall. Thc contractor warranty for the wall was still in affect and they were thcrc to rebuild it. Wc arc also doing work around thc Bluff Creek warming house to improve thc appcarance of the building. Drain tile has been installed to help a water problem around the building and sod will bc installcd shortly,