Correspondence SectionCorrespondence Letter from Carver County Parks dated July 11, 2000 Article For Heidi Lemmon, Skateboarding Is A Political Maneuver, dated July 3, 2000. Lakeshore Weekly News article Overpass Skate Park Opens, dated June 29, 2000. Letter from School District 112 received July 3, 2000. Letter to Spohn Ranch Incorporated dated July 3, 2000. Letter t alsh dated July 3, 2000. Letter to Dave Benson dated July 3, 2000. Letter to Brian Moore dated July 3, 2000. The Connection Newsletter by Anoka Parks and Recreation dated June 2000. New Release fi'om MASC dated July 7, 2000. Letter to Mar), Ann Porter dated June 27, 2000. Letter to Jan Lash from the Kids of the Stonecreek Park Program. Memo to David Hempel from Theodore and Marlene Bentz dated July 10, 2000. Research News dated June 2000. Picnic Evaluations. 01/17/1~4 03:10 4674355 CARVER COUNTY PARKS PAGE 82 CARVER COUNTY PARKS 10775 County R. oad 33 Norwood Young Amcrica, Minnesota 55397 Phone (612) 467-4200 Fax (612) 4~67-4355 Division of Public Works ('~w~'mmc,I Adlmtlli~51ralH)li I'h~me (t*l 2) I(~1 -I{tl0 July 11, 2000 Mr. Todd Hoffman City of Chanhassen 690 City Center Dr. P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Todd: As we have discussed, the County inter)ds to update the development master plan for Lake Minnewashta Regional Park. I am hopeful that the process to update the plan can begin late this year or eady 2001. The updated master plan will reflect recent Improvements to roads, parking areas, restored wetlands and other improvements that have occurred since the original 1982 development master plan was created. It is likely that a strong emphasis of the updated plan will include resource management as well as the pdmary park uses of hiking, cross-country skiing, boating, fishing, swimming, picnicking and nature interpretation. The County is aware of the demand for an off-leash area for dogs. In updating the master plan of the park, an off-leash area may be considered. W'rth any proposal for a new fadlity or activity, the activity or facility will be evaluated in terms of its appropriateness, impact on the park and on primary park activities. At this point, I can not say with certainty that an off-leash area for pets would be included in the updated master plan for the park. However, do to the demand for this activity an off-leash area would receive consideration in the initial planning stages of the plan. With the exception of a few areas within Lake Minnewashta, dogs are permitted on a six-foot leash. If you or the City Park Commission are in need of any additional information concerning the County Park System please let me know. Sincerely, Martin J. Walsh Parks Director AJ~Trmative Actiort/Equal.Opportuni~. Employer For Heidi Lemmon, kf' Skateboarding Is r a r A PoliticaIManeuver 'i,c She's the Stealth Force Behind:l Proliferation of Skateparks; 'Rage' Works the Machine By ROBERT JOItN$ON SANTA MONICA, Calif.-To under- stand one of the main reasons why skate- board parks are proliferating all across America, step into the littered home office of 4$.year-old Heidi Lemmon. No. Ms. Lemmon doesn't skate, though her teenage son Duncan does. No, she doesn't think of herself as a lobbyist, though in a way she is one. No, she doesn't think of herself as an entrepreneur. But with no one to really encourage her she has put together the Skatepark U.S.A. Associat on, which has performed at least one miracle already: getting anarchy-prone skateboarders to pay dues. get organized and lobby their local governments to build them skateparks, often with taxpayer money. Currently bls. Lemmon is the behind- the-scenes force in at least 150 of these campaigns, including one way up in Craig, Alaska, where skateboarders despaired of ever convincing the to',vn that v;hat it re- ally needed was a skateboard park. Now, ei brgzed by his. Lemmon's popular Skatepark U.S.A. ~,~,eb site, 16-sear-did Chad Scbwegel has learned how to lobby Craig's government, which has agreed to donate public land tox~'ard building a park there. "She lets you knoW you aren't fight- ing aloue.~ says Mr. Sch,~egel. Teclmically, the Skutepark Association, founded in 1997, is a not-for-profit organi- zat on. But hfs. Leto- r. ~ ~ mon has a goal to sign f, ~ 'q ~ up lO0,000 skateboard- ~ ~ ers willing to pony up ,1~ ~ ~ ~ $25 annually for dues. ~ ~: ~ ~ For their money, the I~ ~ r:: :.:~ kids get a card and ~_~ 7' 7:~'~ medical insurance :!.!:,?g~ should they break ~ 2~: ) ~': Tq their .necks while go- '' ~ ¥ ' ink airborne (or re- ~ turning to earth). ~ : hlore critically, be- / cause they have Heidi Leto,Ion Skatepark's msur- thro~i,;,h private brokers, they promise not to s'!e the very parks that have been built tot are p anneal on the r behalf. This [ tends to remove a huge obstacle in' the | minds of public servants everywhere who [ worry about the parks becoming feeding tanks for schoOls of personal-injury law- [ yer~;r her efforts, hfs. Lemmon gets to / keep 20% of the dues she collects. She has ~ only 1,~00 members now, but should she I reach her gpa of 100,000, it would add up / to half a million dollars a year. That's a / big career jump for a woman who. before [ she became America's stealth weapon in I skateboard-park prolileration, worked as / an interior designer. '/ In fact, the skateboarding industry [ thinB she is. in skateboarding parlance, | truly tad. "Heidi Lemmon is doing more / for skateboard ng than big-name stunt per- [ formers like Tony Hawk, and she isn't [ even on ESPN2," says Mark Stosberg. [ He's the 24-year-old leader PI a movement' / based on hfs. Cemmon's organizing strafe- ] gies, to get the city of Richmond. Intl., to Please TuI~l lO Pu~e Ad, Column 5 NOTICE TO READERS The Wall Street Journal ,,viii not be published tomorrow, in obser- vance of Independence Day. A Mom Pushes Skateboard Parks Continued Bom Page A1 ' build a skatepark. 'Heidi has done all the real work to set up the association, and now people are ioining as fast as they hear about it," adds Karen Oxman of Gelfand, Newman & Wasserman, a Los Angeles insurance firm. Skateparks can also join gfs. Lem- mon's association for $40 a year and get discounts on Insurance from brokers like Ms. Oxman. 'I wrote about 30 of those policies last year, and now I'm getting five to 10 calls a week,~ says Ms. Oxman of the policies that cost $2,000 to $5,000 a year. Though the skateboard industry-insur- ers, park builders and skateboard and in- line skate makers and retailers-stands to profit handsomely from hfs. Lemmon's ef- forts, she says this is more about a mis- sion than money. She's seen her 15-year- old son Duncan chased from sidewalks and parks by police who view skaters as a nuisance. Many localities have pass'Sd an- tiskateboarding laws that carry hefty fines for skating in the wrong place-which is almost everywhere. Despite skateboarders' unsavory repu- tations, Ms. Lemmon simply sees them as misunderstood. 'A lot of these kids like to think of themselves as rebels." she says. "But I find that most just want a sport without a lot of rules that slow them down, no parents arguing with referees and no uniforms that turn them into numbers ... I identify with these kids." Marketing hloves She also has had an uncanny ability to identify with a hot new market while spot- ting a vacuum in the efforts to make it grow. For all the obstacles to skateboard- ing, the sport is exploding- fueled in part by the very outlaw image that creates so much opposition to it. Manufacturers esti- mate there are ~.5 million skateboarders in the U.S., up about 50% in just the last three years, who buy about $1.45 billion in equipment annually. Most skate where the general population objects to them, largely because there are only about 400 skateparks in the U.S. I~fore than 300 of those parks-collec- tions of downhill concrete and wooden ramps and obstacles costing $30,000 to $200,000-were built last year alone, often after skaters and their advocates pried loose local funding, his. Lemmon left her imprint on almost all of them. She was a pivotal adviser, for example, to the youth- led lobbying group that got city and fed- eral funds to build the nation's first inner- city park-a 14,000-square-foot facility-in the tough Lyunwood section of Los Ange- les. It opened earlier this year. It seems, in fact, that "she's involved with most" of the parks built these days, says Grey Benson, a Duluth, l~finn., con- tractor who plans to build 30 parks this year, twice the nuraber of last year. But few politicians who feel the pres- sure of Ms. Lemmon's volunteer legions have even heard of her. 'The kids are the ones you send before the city commission- ers. It's harder for them to say 'no' to kids who ask for a place to play and then ~ive you all the facts and figures on how little it will cost and how popular it will be," says Michael Taylor, a father of two boys In Palmetto, Fla., who is helping them peti- tion for a park with advice from Ms. Lorn- moo. Ladled Into her suggestions: Local kids should volunteer manual labor, which not only keeps down skatepark costs but tells politicians that kids ~re willing to work for what they want. Indeed, one of her strengths is in tak- ing all that skateboarder rebelliousness and channeling it into political action. Daniel Trapp, a Columbus, Ohio, area teenager, recently e-mailed Ms. Lemmon in a fury of obscenities to complain about how skaters there were chronically ha- rassed by the police and how adults seemed indifferent to their plight. What lle got back from bis. Lommon was a sympa- thetic note that also detailed how to start winning support for a public park-start- ing with cleaning up his language. Mr. Trapp, whose Web persona is Rage, says Ms. bemmon totally changed his attitude. Instead of fuming, he's fo- menting a plan to hit up local government for a park. 'My life is turning around. She explained to me how to ~et a petition go- ing, and we hauled 119 signatures in three hours. I am starting to believe we can get the city council to listen now." These tactics don't always work. Pat Whitesel, the Palmetto, Fla., mayor cur- rently besieged by Lemmun-coached skatepark advocates, says, ~I'm afraid that after we spend a lot of money on a nice park, a lot of the kids will still want to skate uncontrolled out there among our pedestrians and keep jumping off the side of buildings." Still, more often than not, the kids make favorable impressions and get their way. In Craig, Alaska. a town of 2,000 about 100 miles south of Juneau, Tom Briggs, the city administrator, says he's been "impressed" by hfr. Schwegel's skatepark drive and says, "It's nice to see youth involvement in our government. We don't get much of that," And though Craig has stopped short of actually funding a park, the donation of city land has young Mr. Scbwegel skating on air. He says that Ms. Lemmon has al- ready given him plenty of ideas on how to raise the $120,000 necessary to build the facility. "She's going to help us find local businesses that want to advertise on tile park fences like they do in baseball stadi- ums-and maybe name the place after a big sponsor." He adds, "We just have to keep the pressure on." Lo&'l .... ' · ' C t com, munity']ournal of 'the West Suburba .. .. , - . . .... ,~:.- :... :... ' . . . 18. No.' 44 ' June 29, 2000 .-FREE. Tim He.on over'pa 'ab°Ve i'~ park· · strutted, ir :hool chosen for Gore's visit Sans ~ered Gore ~ts at ~ the :lear st of exemplary place to v'isit to demonstrate both the successe~ of special and regular education, and also the need for additional funding to help these programs reach their full potential. According to Jan Ormasa, direc- tor of special services, during the Education Forum, State Education Commissioner Christine Jax said that Hopkins'was chosen to host one of Gore's national school days visits bemuse of the quality of special and regular education which students receive in the school district. Thursday, June 22 started with Gore and Ventura arriving sepa- rately before 7:15 a.m. People com- muting to and from the western suburbs may have noticed the traffic jams the motorcade created during rush hour on highWays 100 and 169 along with Interstate 394. Gore to page 16 approval for 7-Hi location tew people from the neighbor- hood had come to the meeting with negative comments com- pared to other business develop- ments in the city. It was noted that Target repre- sentatives and city staff have put a lot of effort into planning for the tomers as they enter the parkihg lot from County Road 101. Target has also proposed putting' in wetlands, but a final decision on that aspect will be made at a latter date. Traffic ,alas a major concern to' all involved in the project. ers School District Fields Task Force J-uae 20, 2000 .h{ecting Notes I. .%Iinutes of.".lay 30, 2000 accepted as distrqbuted. £. City o£Carver Soccer Field Proposal presented by Kevin Car'roli. Cu~'cntly the City of Cap,'er has no soccer field. The proposed project v, ould cost 5100,000 but a partnership with the District would ask ~br a maximum amount of 530,000. The ~ld would be placed in Community Park and maintained by :Ne City of Carver. It would run No~h and South and have a parking lot. The o~ginal timetable was to begin the t0roject this fall with completion in the sp~ng and use to begirt in thc sp~ng o62002. This was a project submitled to the DN~ Outdoor Recreation Grant Pro~am which was not funded. Thc field would be i~gated. After discussion, it was decided to table any recommendation umiI thc Task Force is Further along in the process. It was -~,,d xxhether thc field could bc at East U;lJort but this is oclt ogthe Oit~ of Cat-vet's jurisdiction. , 3. Fred kXq:itney pointed out that while tonight's a?r:da is socccr-~bcused, football, baseball, ~d softball should not be overlooked. Soccer Stadium )ighting proposal from Voice/Stream was described. This would replace the lighting at no cost to the District for a 20-year no-rcnt..lease to Voice/Stream for a cellular phone tower on one of the light poles.., The value would be S107,000. This proposal goes to the School Board on July 13, 2000 Update on new Middle School Field requirements - July 5, 2000 is date for a District and City meeting to review Pioneer Park site. A report will be on the agenda for our July 11th meeting. With the Board's decision to have ~ades 6-8 at East and at West, the question ,,vas raised about whether the number of fields needed might double. d. Design proposals were presented for additional fields at Middle School Campus The field improvement projects in 1999 Referendum tally sheet and detail pages of the options and costs were distributed. It was suggested that current irrigation heads be examined. Jay presented Schemes A and B giving options for placement of soccer fields. Parking was put in at 50:1. It ,,vas noted that in Chanhassen, the ratio is 4.3:1. Landscaping screening and wood fence would be provided. Parking and concerns about parking in the Park Ridge neighborhood were discussed. The point of agreement was that adequate and convenient is the key to minimize parking in the neighborhood. A wood privacy fence ~vas suggested but this is something that needs neighborhood input. A chain link fence is see-through which the District did not think neighbors would want. Placement of field P would be needed with north south orientation for soccer but for student access east west would be better. Football on the other hand needs the space (direction does not matter). Drawings of options will be sent with Minutes. Jay Pomeroy, Doug Pass, Judy Martinez-Sones, Mike Werner, Rick Clark, Frank Scott and Lee Meyer did not get Minutes from our last meeting. High School Campus Middle School Campus Field Improvements - Proposed options and costs June 23, 2000 2 2 BLEACHER IMPROVEMENTS Middle School Soccer Fields Existing Seating Capacity: 1800 Cost to repair exiting bleachers to meet code: $45,000 - $55,000 Number of seats needed in new bleacher: 600 Bleacher Cost 600 x 1.15 x $120/seat Less health/safety funding 8' x 25' pressbox w/structure TOTAL construction cost $83,000 -$18,000 $33,000 $98,000 High School Football Field Seating capacity of Home bleachers: 2000 Proposed Visitor capacity: 900 Bleacher Cost Option 1 900 x 1.15 x $120Iseat(open) TOTAL construction cost Bleacher Cost Option 2 900 x 1.15 x S90lseat (light truss) TOTAL construction cost $124,200 $94,000 HIGH SCHOOL FIELD IMPROVEMENTS Upgrade 1 Soccer and 1 practice football field (South of pathway) Regrade and level Sand peat fields Upgrade 1 Soccer field (North of pathway) Regrade and level Sand peat fields TOTAL construction cost 3 Install irrigatien well $40,000 $20,000 $260,000 $60,000 $130,000 NEW ELEMENTARY SCHOOL FIELD IMPROVEMENTS Irrigation for 2 soccer fields $24,000 $390,000 CITY OF CARVER SOCCER FIELD Proposed School District contribution $30,000 AJA INC KKE Architects High School Campus Middle School Campus Field Improvements - Proposed options and costs June 23, 2000 MIDDLE SCHOOL FIELD IMPROVEMENTS Upgrade existing Soccer Complex Eadhwork; Drainage New Sports Field Lighting System* Irrigation (existing) (review heads) Seeding, Sodding Add Sand / Peat TOTAL construction cost *pending contract with Voice Stream Communications Develop Soccer Fields - Scheme A . '~ Field M - Alternate Field K Field P (EastJWest Soccer field) Irrigation Service (well) Parking Lot- 100 Spaces, gravel Landscape Screening, Wood Fence TOTAL construction cost Field J - Alternate Develop Soccer Fields - Scheme B Field J Field K Field P (East/West Soccer field) Irrigation Service (well) Parking Lot - 100 Spaces, gravel Landscape Screening, Wood Fence TOTAL construction cost Alternate Field P (North/South Soccer) Alternate Field P (East/West Football) $75,000 $o $10,000 $16,000 $180,000 $101,000 $180,000 $60,000 $60,000 $66,0OO $45,000 $55,000 $52,000 $338,000 S220,000 SllO,OOO $60,OOO $66,000 $45,ooo $55,ooo $52,000 $388,000 $78,000 $28,000 NOTES 4 1,3 1 2 1,3 NOTES 1 Budget includes Earthwork, drainage, irrigation, seeding and sodding 2 Budget includes Asphalt removal, earthwork, drainage, irrigation, seeding and sodding 3 Either field J or M can built but this will impact the overall cost 4 Provides 1 regulation soccer field and 1 football field AJA INC I*,'~l~' A rchitorf~ F/ELD 22 5' X 3C~' FIEL~ K .i : ! '! REL OCA TED FENCE MIDDL~ SCHOOL F/ELD IMPROVEMENT'S SCHEME 'B' ¢¢ AJA I JUNE 23, / FI~3.D M ~ ~ .i 'x II I M/DD/..~ SCHOOl. SCHEME AJA / Ag~' JUNE 2~ 2~ CITYOF CHANHASSEN 690 G0, Cemer Drive, ?O Box 147 Chanhmsen, Mim~esota 55317 Ihone 612.937.1900 Ge,er, d F~v 612.93Z5739 ~,~3~eeri,g ~a.~' 612 937.9152 P, blic S,~9' Et.v 61293(2524 July 3, 2000 Spohn Ranch Incorporated 15131 Clark Avenue, Unit B City of Industry, CA 91745 Dear Spohn Ranch: Thank you for your proposal dated June., 12, 2000, for Chanhassen Skate Park Phase II. I enjoyed viewing the materials you mailed. They allowed me to acquaint myself with your product, which is unique to others I have experienced. Unfortunately, the pricing sheets you mailed confirmed our previous discussion. With a budget of $15,000. it proved impractical to consider your product for our needs. Again, thank you for responding Io my inquiry. I receive 4-6 inquiries a month on our skate park and I will make sure these callers are aware of your company. Sincerely, Todd Hoffman Park and Recreation Director Tit:grab C~ "Park and Recreation Commission gg, parkX,lh' SpohnRanchlnc CITYOF Cig Center Drive, PO Box 147 C/sauhassen, Min,esota 55317 Phone 612.937.1900 Ge,eM Fax 612.937.5739 £,gi, ecd,g Fax 612.937.9152 15, b/ic S,~O, F,= 81Z93&2524 ll';'b d'a 'Ii:c~. c/,,ml,, mc,.,m, us July 3, 2000 Mr. Marty Walsh Carver County Parks 10775 County Road 33 Young America, MN 55397 Dar Marry: On Tuesday, June 27, tile Chanhassen P~ark and Recreation Commission reviexved tile attached ordinance concerning animals in parks. The commission elected to recommend the city council approve this ordinance amendment. As a part of our discussion that evening, the topic ora "dog exercise park" ,,vas raised. The city's park system does not offer a location which could accommodate this facility. I inforlned the COlnlnission that you have considered including such a facility ill all update of tile master plan for Lake Minnewashta Regional Park. Could you provide an update on this topic to tile city's park and recreation comnlission? You Call trust that the commission will support your efforts. Sincerely, Todd Hoffman Park and Recreation Director TH:ns C: qSal'k and Recreation Conunission CITYOF CHANHASSEN 690 G~y Center Drit,e, PO ~ox 147 Cha,hasse,, Mi, nesota 55317 ?ho,e 612.937.1900 Gc,eral Fax' 612.937. 5739 £,.gi,m'ing F~r; 612.937.9152 ]bb/ic Safc0, Fax 612.934.2524 l13b July 3, 2000 Mr. Dave Benson True Ride 5781 Berquist Road Duluth, MN 55804 Dear Dave: Congratulations! The City of Chanhassen has selected True Ride as the supplier of our Phase II Skate Park. This letter is sent to confirm my telephone message left earlier this week. As you know, if the equipment could be here tomorrow the comlnunity would put it to use. To this end, please do whatever you can to ensure a timely delivery of our Phase II. Delivery by August 25a was specified in my RFP. If you can do better than this, I would appreciate it! Dave, thanks again for taking the time and effort to submit your Phase Il proposal. I look forward to our continued relationship. Sincerely, Todd Itoffman Park and Recreation Director TH :grab c: ;Park and Recreation Commission g:\park\th\TrucRidcPhascllLtr CITYOF 590 CiO, Center Drive, PO aox 147 Cha~hassen, Mim~esota 55317 Phoae 612.937.1900 Ge,era/Fax 612· 937.5739 E, gi,ceri,g Fax 612937.9152 &th/it S, OO' Fax 612. 93 (2524 lI'~'b wwit:ci.d.,,m/,,tssc,.,m, us July 3, 2000 Mr. Brian Moore Ramptech, Inc. 14855 Persistence Drive Woodbridge, VA 22191 Dear Mr. Moore: Thank you for your proposal for Chanhassen s Skate Park Phase II. I enjoyed viewing the materials you mailed. However, Ramptech ,,','as not selected as tile supplier for our new equipment. Sphon Ranch was not considered as a source due to tile pricing o£their equipment. True Ride, tile supplier of our first phase, '`','as selected again as tile vendor for our second phase. The main issues that distanced 3'our proposal fi'om your competitors were: Smaller sizing of equipment. Less money in equipment/more money in shipping. The City's Park and Recreation Commission '`,,'as convinced that by selecting True Ride they would receive more product for their money. I receive 4-6 inquiries a month about our skate park. I will make sure these callers are aware of your company. Sincerely, Todd Hoffinan Director of Park and Recreation Tit:grab c: '~(~:?ark and Recreation Commission g:\park\th\RampTech 'Inside this Newsletter 1. The Anoka County Board of Commissioners has adopted a long-range plan for management of the Cedar Creek Greenway Corridor. 2. Rice Creek Chain of Lakes Park development nearing completion. 3. Departmcnt rcceivcs conservation grants from DNR. From The Director: I am pleased to announce that the Anoka County Board of Commissioners has adopted a long-range plan for management of the Cedar Creek Greenway Corridor in Oak Grove and Andove'f. The Cedar Creek Study was one of the first to' completed in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area, under the Metropolitan Greenways Program. The genesis of the Cedar Creek Greenway Study was a comprehensive review of natural resources contained in the Anoka County Parks and Recreation System Plan finished in 1998. That plan identified resources along the Cedar Creek (in Andover and Oak Grove) as containing some of the most significant, undisturbed natural resources in the entire Metropolitan Area. Through a grant from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, coupled with technical assistance from the University of Minnesota, a planning process for the 8,000 acre Cedar Creek Corridor got underway in early 1999. Anoka County Cedar Creek Greenway Throughout the planning process input was SOught from a wide vafieb/of stakeholders. An inter-agency task force, including representatives from municipalities, local conservation organizations, and state agencies, provided technical and policy expertise. A twenty member citizen's task force was established by the County Board which included private land owners within the corridor. Plans were reviewed with local planning and park commissions, as well as db/ councils. Letters of support were received from eight different agencies. Two public meetings were also held giving citizens an opportunity to offer comments and insights about future land stewardship. A view of the Cedar Creek Grenway Corridor from a canoe. To further the vision for the Cedar Creek Greenway, the plan is recommending that the County, along with it's allied partners, pursue an implementation grant through the Metropolitan Greenways program. These funds could be used for a wide variety of initiatives such as the staffing of a full time resource coordinator to work with local land owners, the purchase of conservation easements, and the restoration of natural resources on public and private lands. The County will begin pursuit of these grant funds in the fall of 2000, working closely with representatives from the cities of Oak Grove and Andover, along with local conservation agencies. The Cedar Creek Corridor Greenway Plan will serve as a model for other local governments to follow in the stewardship of important natural resources in the Metropolitan Area. The plan is based on the concept of cooperation between local governments and private landowners. No additional publicly held meetings are planned and no new regulations are being proposed. The unique and progressive nature of the plan is a testament to the creative leadership of the county board, closely assisted by a wide array of citizens and public officials. Rangers And Gate Attendants Are In Full Swing The summer season is well under way, and is going quite smoothly. There are a lot of new faces in the Park Ranger and Gate Attendants ranks. Of the twenty Rangers, eleven are new. Twenty-five Gate Attendants, out of the thirty-two hired, are new this summer. Rangers received 16 hours of training and Gate Attendants received 12 hours of training, plus 'On the Job" training for both groups. This seas'on we have 10 Rangers tJ3ined to ride our mountain bikes. Bicycle patrols are at Lake George, Bunker Hills, and at the Chon Rapids Dam. There is also a Ranger patrolling Riverfront and ~slands of Peace on a golf cart on a regular basis. Pond Water Management Applied At Chomonix Chomonix Golf Course has implemented the Riparan Ecotone Restoration plan in the past few years. Our focus has been on the encouragement and establishment of native grasses. We are now looking at other methods to better the water quality on the course. During the week of June 5~ a new and natural product for reducing algae growth was implemented in several of the golf course ponds. This product called Aqua-Force, makes use of natural occurring beneficial bacteria to reduce excessive nutrient levels in the water. Aqua-Force uses both aerobic and anaerobic bacteria to work in areas of the ponds containing oxygen as well as in those areas where there is little or no oxygen present (e.g. sludge layer at the bottom of the ponds). Ranger Ryan Erdman on golf cart patrolling Coon Rapids Dam Regional Park. 5tephanie Cherfier, a five year veteran of the Park Ranger program, has been promoted to Ranger Supervisor. She has been assigned to work the night and weekend shift. Stephanie is attending the University of Minnesota Duluth, ~here she is majoring in Criminal .lustice. Stephanie is a ~elcome addition to our supervisory staff, but she will be ~is~d at the stable where she was the Lead Mounted Ranger J~e past two years. l'he interim Superintendent of Park Rangers is being ably assisted this season by .lessica WonNa, who is the new Gate ~,ttendant Supervisor..lessica was a Gate Attendant in Bunker ~ark last summer. She has been busy covedng the six gate louses and training the staff to handle all sorts of reque.~s and ;ervices. Among the more complicated duties are the two :ampground registration sites. The addition of the credit card machines has made paying more convenient yet added 'esponsibilities for the staff. Fhis l~as been an excellent summer for recruiting and hiring .,nthusiastic and capable staff. The class of 2000 has )erformed well during the busy start of the season. Let's lope for great weather and more excellent service from the Dark Rangers and Gate Attendants. One of the-ponds on//16 fairway to benefit from the product called Aqua-Force. The benefits of this natural solution to cleaner ponds are: keeps ponds clean and clear significantly improves water quality and clarity reduces excess nutrients reduces odor safe for humans, animals and fish no harmful chemicals 100 % natural and biodegradable improves dissolved oxygen levels reduces biological oxygen demand (BOD) breaks down organic sludge The product is safe for humans, all animals, fish and vegetation. :It is the most effective all natural way to maintain ponds in an environmentally balanced condition. Chomonix will be a demonstration site for BioPond, using the Aqua-Force product this year. Plans are being made to treat additional ponds using this method next year. ,_Rice Creek Chain of Lakes Park Development aaring Completion As reported earlier, development at the Rice Creek Chain-of- Lakes Regional Park Reserve has been ongoing since last fall. Construction of the buildings by RAK Construction is nearly complete, with some minor finishing work needed before the final inspection. New building development indudes: a main hands-on activities using their eyes, ears, and noses, the program encourages sensory awareness and self-discovery. The fee is $2/child. Pre-registraUon is required. Please call Wargo Nature Center at 651-429-8007 for more informaUon. large group picnic pavilion is as Impressive as it is practical. ~Iding with restrooms and changing rooms, a lifeguard station .,,th plenty of storage, a gazebo for picnickers, and a large picnic pavilion. The picnic pavilion will accommodate about :[50 people and has a fire pit adjacent to it. The quality of work and craftsmanship with this project has been very outstanding, and the buildings will make a great attraction to the beach area. Park crews have installed a new accessible creative play area, with swings and a motif of tropical design. In addition, there will be a water play area next to the beach which will mesmerize kids of ail ages. Regarding the roadways and parking lots, W.B. Hiller has been working around the clock to get proposed development complete. Since inclement weather slowed the completion date, the department is now looking at finishing by .luly 1". Hiller has finished the boat access and has completed a major portion of the trail system. It is antidpated that all work will be completed in early July, anticipating the grand opening on .luly 22"~. Programs Help Youngsters Relate To Natural World In striving to reach nature lovers of all ages, the Anoka County Parks and Recreation Department offers a monthly Nymphs and '"Jthatches program for children ages 4 and 5 years old. This ogram is held the third Tuesday of each month from 9:30- 10:30 a.m. at the Coon Rapids Dam Visitor Center, and on the corresponding Thursday from 9:30-:[0:30 a.m. at the Joseph E. Wargo Nature Center. Themes change each month to provide the children with new and different ways of relating to the natural world. By getting the children involved in outdoor By get'dng the children Involved in outdoor hands-on acttviOes using their eyes, ears, and noses, the program encourages sensory awareness and self-discovery. For the month of August, Nymphs and Nuthatches summer day camp will be offered instead of the monthly program. The day camp will be offered on August 8-:[0 from 9:30-:[].:30 a.m. or :[:00-3:00 p.m. at the Joseph E. Wargo Nature Center. The same camp will be offered the following week, August :[7 at the Coon Rapids Dam Visitor Center. This year Nymphs and Nuthatches campers will be exploring the world using just one or two of their five senses each day. Activities include hiking, games, crafts, snacks and storytelling. The fee is $30/child. [n-person registration is required. Please call Wargo Nature Center at 65:[-429-8007 for more information Department Receives Conservation Grants From DNR The Parks and Recreation Department was recently informed by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources that two applications for the Conservation Partners grant program have been selected for funding. The two projects include an oak savanna restoration at Rum River North County Park and a wet prairie restoration at the Rice Creek Chain of Lakes Regional Park Reserve. A total of $2:[,800 was awarded to the Parks and Recreation Department for the two projects. ~ne Rum River North oak savanna restoration will focus on ?~toring a 6 acre old field located on a River Terrace along the ',um River which has been historically farmed and has since een inundated with invasive non-native plants. This project /ill remove the non-native spedes and re-plant the site with pedfic native grasses and wildflowers to emulate a barrens oak avanna vegetation community. The project benef~ to the )c. al community include a re-introduction of native plant iversity, aesthetic enhancements, and to provide an cological interpretive area for the St Frands High School. The .~gional benefits of this effort are intended to work towards .~claiming the vastly fragmented oak savanna across the Anoka andplain Region. he Rice Creek Chain of Lakes wet prairie restoration entails ~e restoration of a 15 acre old agricultural field that has since een invaded by non-naUve plants. The goal of this project is ) re-introduce a high diversity of plant species including a fixture of moisture-loving, upland prairie plants, wet meadow 'ants, and specialized plants that grow only on moist sand. he wet prairie plant community has nearly been eliminated om the region, hence, underscoring the importance of re- 'eating this natural community type. nplementation of these restoration projects will begin ~mediately with a comprehensive native seed collection 'ogram focused on the collection of seed from local remnant ~tural communities throughout the park system. Maintaining cai genotypes is a primary goal for these restoration projects. ye anticipated completion date for the installation phase is ctober of 2001. MCA Camp At Lake George [n Full Swing ay Camp Guy Robinson is the most recent addition to the list '" recreational opportunities offered at Lake George. A )operative effort between the YMCA and Anoka County ~rks, Day Camp Guy Robinson offers activities for up to 130 .'st through sixth grade childm each day, Monday thxrough -iday, throughout the summer. t4any ~ark ame~iUes are used by the YMCA Day Camp. ~mp Director Tim Bersie-Mize and his staff work and play 3sely with the children in activities ranging from archery and rt building to fishing and canoeing. The Camp is situated in e Shelter 8 area of the park. Tim and his staff are pleased ith the location of the Camp and the amenities that are ,ailable. Parks staff have been busy preparing the site for the YMCA. Parkkeeper Scott. Gilbertson and his crew have cut activity "pods~ out of the brush and spread wood chips on the trails that lead to them. In addition they have provided the YMCA with a designated beach area as well as a campfire pit and new grills in the Shelter 8 area. It has been a successful start for Day Camp Guy Robinson. Parks ands YMCA staff look forward to working together to provide children with positive outdoor experiences for many seasons to come. BanfilI-Locke Center For The Arts Presents New Exhibit BanfilI-Locke Center for the Arts is pleased to announce the upcoming exhibit of works by The .lade Street Co-op, a group of seven artists who artistically express the figure in individual styles and media. The support group has been meeting since the winter of 1991-92 when Mora Community Education ran two ser~sions of life drawing at the urging of the Kanabec County?Art Association. The Coop acts as a mutual support group on a personal and philosophical basis. The majority of the group's artists are based within a thirty-minute radius of Moor where the Co-op is located. "Go Figure: Figure Works from Greater Minnesota" will be on display 3uly 22 - August 26>, 2000. Public reception is August 20~, 2000 from 2 p.m. - 5 p.m. This exhibit is free and open to the public. Gallery hours are Tuesday - Saturday, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Remember that Banfill-Locke River Days begins at noon, Sunday, .luly 9~ and ends at 10:00 p.m. There will be educational booths, storytelling by Barnes & Noble, food vendors, art demonstrations, youth graffiti wall, face painting, book sale, and signing. Enjoy music by the Fridley City Band, Charlie Hcquire, the singing park ranger, Musikki German Band, Natalie Hiller, CODA, and a vadety of other performers. As the sun sets over the Mississippi River, relax on the grass in the natural amphitheater and enjoy Shakespeare in the Park performing "Comedy of Errors". Kordiak Park Volunteers Are Znvolved On Thursday, June 22, the Kordiak Park Volunteers in Parks (VIP) group gathered for their summer meeting. Commissioner Kordiak, 3ohn VonDeLinde, .left Perry and Peter Mott of the Parks and Recreation Department, donators to the Reforest Kordiak Park Project, and several VIP members met to discuss current natural resource and park maintenance projects and future tree planting plans for the park. The group discussed several topics and came to consensus on many decisions. Led by VonDeUnde and Kordiak, the group discussed maintenance approaches for the fall and spring season; which included the placement of a portable restroom near the parking lot, the agreement that the park did not need chemical treatments for weeds in the park, and helped steer the group on the development of policies related to natural resource management in the park. The group also indicated that future donations to the park could go towards a community "bulletin board" placed near the parking lot and used to highlight upcoming events in the park. The group also recommended having community corrections groups visit the park on a few more occasions to dean debris from Highland Lake's shoreline. jrt of the meeting was focused on the Reforest Kordiak Park tree planting project. Numerous people who have donated to the project were present and provided comments about how and where they might like to see the project performed. Later this summer, nearly $3,000 of donated plant material will be added to the park for wildlife habitat and to replace aging trees in the park. A plaque will be placed in the park to recognize the donors (there is still time to donated - call 763- 767-2870). Only teens are allowed on the Tuesday Twilight Teen Night from 6:30 p.m. to 9;30 p.m. Commissioner Kordiak talks with members of the Volunteers In Parks (WP) at a recent meeting at Kordiak County Park. ~t the conclusion of the two-hour discussion, several participants expressed their gratitude for being included in the meeting and encouraged the department to continue their efforts in this area. All participants will be invited to the tree planting ceremony, which will be held in late .luly or early August. Wave Pool Opens Successfully Our opening day was a complete success. Everything from the operations in the concessions stand to the daily pool-wide games went absolutely fantastic. The weather that weekend was possibly the best that it has ever been in the 13 summers that the pool has been open. Unfortunately, the weather during the last few weeks has not been as cooperative. With rainy days causing early closings and unfavorable swimming conditions, attendance has been slow. As the temperature begins to go up and the clouds disappear we anticipate a full pool and great time for the whole family. For any teenagers that are sitting at home wondering what to do, do not forget about our Tuesday Twilight Teen Night where only teens are allowed, it happens every Tuesday night from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Something new that we have added this summer are themes for each teen night. We have everything from Hawaiian Night to the .luly 4~ bash. Come for the fun and you can still make any fireworks show in ~'~he area. So, if you are ever looking for something to do on that hot sunny day in 3uly, come out and join us. Our staff here promises to give you great service and a fun environment for young and old alike. Waste Reduction and Recycling Grants S, ecured "Once again the Parks and Recreation Department has been successful in securing grants through the Integrated Waste Management Department. In the past, the encouragement of the grant program has prOvided for the recycled materials used at Lake George Regional Park, a paperless time sheet procedure used at the Wave Pool, recycled base material for trails, recycled paving stone for a walkway at Riedel Farm Estate, and much more. This recycled plastic lumber pa~ bench is heavy duty and ensures many years of service. This year the grant committee has awarded $5,132 for new recycled benches for the tees at Chomonix Golf Course, and $9,250 for recycled rubber buffer bollards (say. that fast three times) to be used at Rice Creek Chain of Lakes Regional Park Reserve. The benches are easy to move to allow for mowing, easy to place with the tee markers, and easy to store during the winter. The recycled products are becoming more durable and offer a greater selection of colors and styles. The rubber buffer bollards also come in a few color selections and styles. The advantage of these bollards over the metal version is the forgiving quality of the rubber. The rubber bollard gives a little when bumped, thus avoiding damage and discoloration of either the vehicle or the bollard. The Parks and Recreation Department is constantly on the lookout for ways to encourage the recycled materials industries. The lumber currently used for the picnic tables and benches has been made from recycled plastic and sawdust. Salvaged paint will be used for projects this summer. Recycled Class V material is regularly used as a base for trails and roadways as has recyded asphalt. Tire chunks are being tested as a sub-base for trails or parking. Chewing gum is scraped from the undersides of picnic tables and resold at the concession stand (just seeing if you are paying attenUon). In addition to the conscious effort to use recycled materials, the department encourages recycling by providing recycling bins at all parks. :in certain areas, waste reduction is encouraged by requiring park users to pack out their refuse. This causes people to re-think what they bring and how they pack for their visit. Integrated Waste Management has been a great supporter of :he efforts made to reduce, reuse, and recycle within the ~noka County Parks and Recreation Department. The grant ~rogram continues to provide encouragement to be creative and re-think how business is conducted and how services are ~rovided. Featured Employee of the Month .vl~e Nellen began working as a Parkkeeper May 1. The opening was created after Rick Tyson retired. He has been ~vorking in the southern division on the mowing crew. Mike states that he likes the job and wants to have a positive impact on all who visit the park system. He likes to challenge himself and strives to raise the standards of performance. M~e's life began in Germany but his family moved to Minnesota when he was an infant. His mother is from England. Mike has seven children ages 14 to 24. Some of his children are adopted and have special needs. Besides tending to his children's activities, Mike enjoys outdoor activities and reading autobiographies. :in 1968, Mike saw active duty in Vietnam. He served in the infantry. Mike was living in the Mankato area before taking this position. Prior to staring work with Anok~ County, Mike has worked a variety of jobs. Most recently he worked contract labor remodeling and building homes. He has sold vacuum deaners and water treatment systems. For ten years Mike worked a dairy farm with his father on 300 acres in Rice County. He has run his own property maintenance service business. For five years Mike was a furrier buyer in the Mankato area. He also worked in the hog market. Quite a varied past. Mike likes to ~allenge himself and strives to raise the standards of performance. This versatility is a part of what made Mike a strong candidate for the Parkkeeper position. Those skills along with a desire to serve the community have propelled him to achieve. He has a special interest in serving youth at risk. Please be sure to welcome Mike to Anoka County as he adjusts to his new surroundings. · Projects must comply with Minnesota statutes 16B.335 · Any public owned facilities leased to nonpublic groups must be documented · Must comply with ADA Where can I get the complete information? 1. On the MASC web site at http://www, masc.state.mn.us/programs/masccfl 2. Call (612) 785-5631. and we will fax or send a complete RFP. ~ .... ~?'COMMISSlON 1700 105th Ave N.E. Blaine, MN 55449 NEWS RELEASE For immediate release: July 7, 2000 Contact: Barclay Kruse, Associate Director Minnesota Amateur Sports Commission (763) 785-5634 Fax: (763) 785-5699 Minnesota Amateur Sports Commission Announces New Grant Program Blaine, Minn -- The Minnesota Amateur Sports Commission (MASC) announces that $2.5 million in grant funds are being made available for amateur sports facilities and athletic fields. While the new program applies to all sports, a special emphasis will be given to the development of new soccer fields. The new grant program is intended to fund proposals to design, furnish, equip, reno- vate, or construct parks and recreation facilities including soccer fields and school facil- ities to provide youth, with preference for youth in grades four through eight, with regu- lar enrichment activities during non- school hours. The deadline for application is August 15, 2000. All applicants must be a governmental unit, such as a county, city, or school district. Quaiifying enrichment programs include athletic and recreational activities, academic enrichment, homework assistance, computer and technology use, and arts and cultural activities. The facilities must be fully available for programming sponsored by nonprofit groups and community groups serving youth, or school, county, or city programs during non-school times. Grant applications will be evaluated by need, reasonableness of cost, ability of the organization to administer the facility or program, fiscal capability to complete the pro- ject, and collaboration with other community organizations to provide for multi-uses of a facility. The grant program is a cooperation between the Minnesota Department of Children, Families and Learning and the MASC. For a copy of the RFP, please call the MASC at (763) 785-5631 or Icg onto the MASC's web site at http://www, masc.state.mn.us/programs/masccfl. Minnesota Amateur Sports Commission/CFL Grant Program Summary Announcine The Minnesota Amateur Sports Commission (MASC) in conjunction with the Minnesota Department o£ Children, Family & Learning (CFL) is offering a grant program to design, furnish, equip, renovate, replace or construct parks and recreation facili- ties. school £acilitics and soccer fields. Amount Available $2,500,000 (two million five hundred thousand dollars) is available to be distributed between the eight congressional districts by the MASC. Grants will range from $2,500, $5,000 to $100,000. Who Can APply Government units such as school districts, cities and counties can apply. Nonprofit organizations such as soccer clubs are encouraged to partner with local governments. Eligible Expenses Funds may be used to design, furnish, equip, renovate, replace or construct parks and recreation facilities, school facilities and soccer fields. Operating expenses are not eligible for funding. Selection Criteria 1. Geographic equity to all eight Minnesota congressional district'k 2. Cost: Projects that develop the most facility for tile least cost will be favored. 3. Organizational Capacity: · The capacity of the applicant to proceed promptly with tile improvement of the facility ii' funded. · Tile experience of tile applicant in successfully developing and operating tile program with the intent to operate tile facility. - A plan to operate tile program intended for tile facility. A private, nonprofit organization that leases or manages the facility must also demonstrate tile ability and a plan to operate the program. 4. Fiscal Capacity: · The availability and source of funds to pay the ongoing costs of the program(s). · The availability and source of other funds to pay for the cost of acquisition or rehabilitation of the structure beyond xvhat this grant will provide and thc ability to cover all expenses incurred before the end of the construction project. · The extent to which the requested funds are to be used in conjunction with committed direct or in-kind contributions from other public and/or private sector sources. Extent of commitment will be considered: fully committed, commit- ted contingent upon receipt of state funds, or uncommitted. .5. Collaboration - The extent to which the application involves the local community in planning and implementation. Collaborative efforts, family resources center models, and "one-stop" models that include more than one program will receive favorable consideration. Written evidence of meaningful collaboration are recommended. General letters of sup- port will be viewed favorably but will not carry as much weight as evidence of actual collaboration. 6. Preference must be given to: o Youth in grades four through eight · Provide equal access and programming for all children o Grants that expand the number of children participating in enrichment programs or improve the quality or range of pro- gram offerings. · Grants that offer year-round programming. o To school attendance areas with high concentrations of children eligible for free or reduced school lunch. Match Requirement Match requirement for soccer field development Total project costs up to S20.000 - match requirement l:l (total up to $10,000) Total project costs $20.001-$75,000 - match requirement 1:3 ttotal up to $25,000) Total project costs over $75,001 - match requirement 1:4 (total up to $100.000) Match requirement for other sport facility development - match requirement 1:1. Applicants will have until September 15, 2000 Io provide documentation of matching dollars. DEADLINE: Applications must be postmarked by August 15, 2000. What other government rules apply? CITYOF CHANHASSEN 6~0 Ci0' Ce.to' DEre, PO £ox 147 Cl,a.l~a;;en, ~inne~ota 55317 ~l~o,e 612.93Z I900 Ge, e~I ~.~' 612. 93Z 5739 E~.:ia'cE~.~ f-2v 612 93 Z 9152 June 27,2000 Ms. Mary Ami Porter 2235 Thrushwood Circle Victoria, MN 55386 Dear Mary Ann: Thank you for meeting with Susan Margk and me on June 20. ~o discuss the Dance for Fun program. I appreciated ~he update on lhe program and found the notes that you distributed helpful. I discussed your idea of remodeling portions of the Recreation Center Io accommodate a larger dance program with Scott Botcher and Todd Gerhardt. While they admire your enthusiasm, they found this concept impraclical. Again, thank you lbr meeting with mc. If you have additional inquirie5 about room allocalions, please consult with NIs. Nlarok. In addition, fool fl'cc to contact me at any time. Sincerely. Todd I loffinan Park and Recreation I)ircctor TIt: grab C: Park and Recreation Commission Scott Botcher, Git5, Manager Todd Gerhardt, Assistant City Manager Susan Marek, Recreation Center Manager W U//lO/U[) u~:u5 P'AX 6122040499 CHUMBO HOLDINGS CORP. [~OOl To: Cc~ Date: Re' David Hempel Assistant City Engineer City of Chanhassen 690 City Center Drive, PO Box 147 Chanhassen MN 55317 Fax: (612) 937-9152 Mayor - City of Chanhassen Council Members - City' of Chanhassen Theodore m'~d N'Iarlene Bentz 7300 Galpin Blvd Excelsior .MNr 55331 PIN 25.0101700 July l 0. 2000 Trunk Highway 5 / \Vest 78t~' Street Roadway and Utility Improvements (Lake .~\nn park to Century Bo'aIcvard) - Project No. 97-6 Let this letter serve as notice of our intent to seek at: Assessment Deferral for this project as it relates to PIN 25.0101700. We arc seeking the deferral until such time as the property subdivides. Please distribu:e a copy of this request to the Mayor and the CiD, Council members for their review at the next City Council Meeting. If you seek an,sThing additional from us to becin :lie defmTal process, t,,leasc don't hesitate to contact us via mail. Thard,: you in ads ance for you': attention o:: this matter. OF* RESEARCH 0 A N O K N 0 W L E O G F News OVERHEARD This new approach counts each bicycle only once and also makes it possible for detection of bicycles at more difficult angles. Number 19, June 2000 Research shows accuracy of video cdmera-bosed bicycle counting system With increasing congestion on roads, ahemative methods of transportation are looking more and more popular. Bicycles, for example, offer exercise as well as transportation, and more and more communities are investing in multi-use paths. Does the inx'estment in such paths result in tligh use2 Communities who are looking for answers to that question may wnnt to consider a new method of counting tile number of bicycles on a trail or road. As a result of research, conducted at the Univer- sity of Minnesota and i'anded by tile Minnesota Department of Transportation, the system can reliably count--up to 70 percent accuracy--the number of bicycles on a trail. Researchers Nikos Papanikolopoulos and Scott Rogers from the University's Artificial Intelli- gence, Robotics, and Vision Laboratory devel- oped a system to monitor bicycle activity in sequences of gray scale images from a video camera. Concepts from the proposed system also could apply to other uses, such as detecting, tracking, and classifying vehicles, pedestrians, rollerbalders, and other traffic objects. Cameras often provide richer and more complete information than other methods for counting bicycle use, such as loop detectors, laser triggers, and manual counting. Cameras also offer a less intrusive, more mobile method. This v,,ork builds on previous camera-based research, which focused primarily on distin- guishing bicycles from the background. This new approach counts each bicycle only once and also makes it possible for detection of bicycles at more difficuh angles. Tile system uses a simple bicycle model of two circular objects separated by a relatively known distance. This model helps the computer detect the bicycle image. The system identifies raw images, blobs or image regions, edge images, based on the bicycle model. A personal com- puter processes the raw images. Researchers successfully tested the system on a dual Pentium computer equipped with a Matrox imagining board. The system achieved a peak performance of eight frames per second. Experi- mental results based on outdoor scenes show promising results for a variety of weather conditions. For a copy of the report, Bicycle Counter; call 651/282-2274. For more information about the research project, contact Nikos Papanikolopoulos at 612/625-0163. Mail Stop 330, 395 John Ireland Boulevard, St. Paul, Minnesota 55155 CHANItASSEN PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 690 CITY CENTER DRIVE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 PHONE - 937-1900 PICNIC EVALUATION J O'L 0 3 2000 ~..;1 i ',,' br- L;ri/~l~'ri~, In order to better serve participants using our picnic facilities, we ask that you take a few minutes to answer the following questions and give us some suggestions. Thank you! Group Name:(optional) ~6//~/~ /l/~C.~/~ cY~ Picnic Facility:. Excellent Good Overall impression of facility Did facility meet your expectations Were there enough tables/grills, etc. Procedure for reserving picnic .Chic Reservation Fee Was facility clean Average Fair Poor (Please Circle) 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 Comments: XArhat did you like most about your picnic facility? ¥,rhat amenities would you like added? hat improvements could be made to better the facility? (over) Do you have any suggestions or ideas to better the picnic reservation process? Thank you for taking the time to complete this evaluation. Your input and comments are very important to us. Have a gq:eat day! CHANHASSEN PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 690 CITY CENTER DRIVE RECEIVEP CHANHASSEN~ MN 55317 PHONE- 937-1900 ~UN 2 8 ~[0[~0 PICNIC EVALUATION C[TY OF In order to better serve participants using our picnic facilities, we ask that you take a few minutes to answer the following questions and give us some suggestions. Thank you! Group Name:(optional) LJ-J'l'x ~& ~(r~ Picnic Facility~ && ('e ~ Excellent Good Average Fair Poor (Please Circle) Overall impression of facility l Did facility meet 3'our expectations 1 enough tables/grills, etc. 1 Were there Procedure for reserving picnic ,,:jJ 2 chic Reservation Fee 1 2 Was facility clean 1 3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 5 ~__3 ,' 4 5 3 4 5 Conlnlenls: What did you like most about your picnic facility? ,c,, ~. ~<_ ,-," . What amenities would you like added? hat improvements~ could bezade t~,better the facility? , f t (over) Do you have any suggestions or ideas to better the picnic reservation process? Additional Comments: Thank you for taking the time to complete this evaluation. Your input and comments are very important to us. Have a great day! CHANHASSEN PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 690 CITY CENTER DRIVE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 PHONE - 937-1900 PICNIC EVALUATION RECEIVED JUL 1'8 2000 CITY OF CHANHASSEN In order to better serve participants using our picnic facilities, we ask that you take a fexv minutes to answer the following questions and give us some suggestions. Thank you! Group Name:(optional)_(~'hf)/Q-Tt~'~ / ~J/(5/~¢ Picnic Facility: ~/~[-~ ;&~. ~t~U/J'~'(J/") ! Excellent Good Overall impression of facility 1 Did facility ineet your expectations 1 Were there enough tables/grills, etc. 1 Procedure for rescr¥ing picnic 1 .cnic Reservation Fee 1 Was facility clean 1 Average Fair Poor (Please Circle) 3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 5 "Aq~at did you like most about your picnic facility? ./~//~' / What amenities would you like added? hat improvements could be made to better the facility? .//7~/?~' r52}'/ --~/]d -7///?~--~ (over) Do you have any suggestions or ideas to better the picnic reservation process? Additional Comments: Thank you for taking the time to complete this evaluation. Your input and comments are very important to us. Have a great day! CHANHASSEN PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 690 CITY CENTER DRIVE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 PHONE - 937-1900 PICNIC EVALUATION In order to better serve participants using our picnic facilities, we ask that you take a few minutes to answer the following questions and give us some suggestions. Thank you! GmupName:(optional)~~, ~'10~ ~_(k~5"-' eicnicFacility: [LlJ(.,O_._ ~ 0CAt31 ]];C'57/~ Excellent Good Average Fair Poor Overall impression of facility Did facility meet your expectations Were there enough tables/~lls, etc. P~edure for rese~Mng picnic Picnic Resen,ation Fee Was facility clean (Please Circle) 3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 5 ¥?hat amenities would you like added? /~O~?L~,:.O,'( ~"'}L~ .~/'--"-'(/?~09 /}~'L:,"7~ k\'nat hnprovements could be made to better the facility? (over~ Do y~ou have any suggestions or ideas to better the picnic reservation process? Additional Comments: ~ ,-- . 3 /hL:~. - ' ' Thank you for taking the time to complete this evaluation. Your input and comments are very important to us. Have a great day! CHANHASSEN PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT ~ 690 CITY CENTER·DRIVE'. . ., ' ~:' .'" ~'' ~: -", "', . CItANItASSEN, MN 55317 PHONE - 937-1900 PICNIC EVALUATION In order to better serve participants using our picnic facilities, we ask that you take a few minutes to answer the £olloMng questions and give us some suggestions. Thank you! Group Name:(optional) Excellent Good Average Fair Poor (Please Circle) Did facility meet your expectations 2 Were fl~ere enough tables/grills, etc. 2 Procedure for reserving picnic 1 2 ~-' '.nic Reservation Fee 1 2 Was facility clean 1 2 3 4 5 4 5 3 4 5 (~ 4' 5 Comments: t did you like mpst about your picnic V, qaat amenities would you like added? 0&0C :arhat improvements could be made to b~tter tl~e facility? (over) Do you have any suggeslfions or ideas, to be, l:t,er th~ picnic reservation process?. "h~c-Dth ~ hO, cO ftC)-tlr'~__ . I Thank you for taking the time to complete this evaluation. Your input and comments are very important to us. Have a great day! CHANHASSEN PARKS690 CITyANDcENTERRECREATIONDRIVE DEPARTMENT~'A'" '-[~NtU~lV[ CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 PHONE- 937-1900 JU~ 2 8 ;>000 PICNIC EVALUATION CITY OF CHANHASSEN In order to better serve participants using our picnic facilities, we ask that you take a few minutes to answer the following questions and give us some suggestions. Thank you! Group Name:(optional~-/~fM s'~~/,/~,'/~.ff Picnic Facility: ,~~ ~d-ee~~ Excellent Good Average Fair Poor (Please Circle) Overall impression of facility 1 ~ 3 Did facility meet >,our expectations 1 ~,'-/ 3 Were there enough tables/grills, etc. ~ 2 3 Procedure for rcser¥ing picnic 1 Q~ 3 "~ ;cnic Reservation Fee 1 2 ~ Was facility clean 1 3 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 COlllnlelltS.' ~3.q~at did you like xllost about your picnic facility? ¥.qlat amenities would you like added? · ,gtVhat improvements could be made to better the facility? (over) Do you have any suggestions or ideas to better the picnic reservation process? Additional Comments: Thank you for taking the time to complete this evaluation. Your input and comments are very important to us. Have a great day! CHANHASSEN PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 690 CITY CENTER DRIVE CHAN~SSEN, MN 55317 PHONE - 937-1900 PICNIC EVALUATION - ,~,~ In order to better serve participants using our picnic facilities, we ask that you take a few minutes to answer the following questions and give us some suggestions. Thank you! Group Name:(optional) t~:'c. 5 ,.v,,,, o ,~ 7/-- Picnic Facility: .. .g,~ [zc 5 o ~,-, ,,, Excellent Good Average Fair Poor (Please Circle) Overall impression of facility 1 Did facility meet your expectations 1 Were there enough tables/grills, etc. 1 (~ 3 4 5 ~) ~, 3 4 5 ~ ' 3 4 5 Procedure for reserving picnic 1 Picnic Reservation Fee 1 as facility clean 1 2 (57) 4 5 2 3 (~ 5 Q? 3 4 5 Comments: ¥,rhat did you like most about your picnic facility? What amenities would you like added? /¢'e,-,~ ~ / ~ ~ ]~0..¢ ,/,,,.,~ ~..~ r~ ,-o r-- {.,o /[e? ,¢,~ ,'// What improvements could be made to better the facility.'? (over) ,Jilt'1 2 G 2000 Do you have any suggestions or ideas to better the picnic reservation process? Additional Comments: Thank you for taking the time to complete this evaluation. Your input and comments are very important to us. Have a great day! CHANI4_~SSEN PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 690 CITY CENTER D.RIVE ' CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 PHONE - 937-1900 PICNIC EVALUATION RECEIVED 2 3 In order to better serve participants using our picnic facilities, we ask that you. take a few minutes to answer the £ollowing questions and give us some suggestions. Thank you! Group Name:(optional) [-J,~d¢~ Jc~.~ [l~ Picnic Facility:. Overall impression of facility Did facility meet your expectations Were there enough tables/grills, etc. Procedure for reserving picnic -- nic Reservation Fee Was facility clean Comments: ~ Excellent Good Average Fair Poor (Please Circle) 2 3 4 5 2 ,*! 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 - 5 (~ 2 3 4 5 What amenities would you like added? ~.rtlat improvements could be made to better the facility? (over) Do you have any suggestions or ideas to better the picnic reservation process? Addi,~nai Comments: Thank you for taking the time to complete this evaluation. Your input and comments are very important to us. Have a great day! L_ CHANHASSEN PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 690 CITY CENTER DRIVE JUN 8 000 CHANIIASSEN, MN 55317 , CiTy OF C~'NHASSEN PHONE - 937-1900 PICNIC EVALUATION In order to better serve participants using our picnic facilities, we ask that you take a few minutes to answer the following questions and give us some suggestions. Thank you! Group Name:(optional) ~f{l~]??t~.t c[y)ff_~,?,t~.~ ~ Picnic Facility: Excellent Good Average ,Fair ,Poor (Please Circle) Overall impression of facility Did facility meet your expectations Were there enough tables/grills, etc. Procedure for reserving picnic cnic Reservation Fee Was facility clean 2 3 4 5 2 ': 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 Colnments: What did you like most about you, r picnic facility? V, rhat amenities would you like added? ~'~hat hnprovements could be made to better the facility? (over) Do you.~haVe any suggestions or ideas to better the picnic, reservation proce~ss? . Additional Comments: Thank you for taking the time to complete this evaluation. Your input and comments are very important to us. Have a great day! CHANIIASSEN PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 690 CITY CENTER DRIVE CHANItASSEN, MN 55317 PHONE - 937-1900 PICNIC EVALUATION In order to better serve participants using our picnic facilities, we ask that you take a few minutes to answer the following questions and give us some suggestions. Thank you! Group Name:(optional) ~'~o-.~.-- 6%. r_, £. 4s.~o,. Picnic Facility: kt,~/{,e-,, 15~,/1 ,~o,,-'}- Excellent Good Average Fair Poor (Please Circle) Overall impression of facility 1 Did facility meet your expectations 1 3 4 5 3 4 5 Were there enough tables/grills, etc. 2 3 4 5 Procedure for reserving picnic 1 .icReservation Fee ~ 5 3 4 5 ~ 2 3 4 5 Was facility clean ~) 2 3 4 5 ~\qmt did you like most about yourpicnic facility? ('~.~;~,,_.--~__ What amenities would you like added? improvements could be made to better the facility? Jill 0 7 201'10 (over) Do you have any suggestions or ideas to better the picnic reservation process.'? Additional Comments: Thank you for taking the time to complete this evaluation. Your input and comments are very important to us. Have a great day! CHANHASSEN PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 690 CITY CENTER DRIVE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 PHONE - 937-1900 PICNIC EVALUATION In order to better serve participants using our picnic facilities, we ask that you take a few minutes to answer the following questions and give us some suggestions. Thank you! Group Name:(optional) /~'/~' J-~'~¢- ~"q/'7 Picnic Facility: ~_~.~_ /~4 Excellent Good Average Fair Poor (Please Circle) Overall impression of facility Did facility meet your expectations Were there enough tables/grills, etc. (.~-1 Procedure for reserving picnic .nic Reservation Fee 1 Was facility clean ~1~ 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 ~_~) 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 xx, qaat did you like most about your picnic facility? ¥,q~at amenities would you like added? at improvements could be made to better the facility? (over) Do you have any suggestions or ideas to better the picnic reservation process? Additional Comments: Thank you for taking the time to complete this evaluation. Your input and comments are very important to us. Have a great day! CHANHASSEN PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 690 CITY CENTER DRIVE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 PHONE - 937-1900 PICNIC EVALUATION In order to better serve participants using our picnic facilities, we ask that you take a few minutes to answer the following questions and give us some suggestions. Thank you! GroupName:(optional) ~___~ .o ~-. ~-~_.~ Picnic Facility: ~ ~. ~z_~ ~ --~E<~ © ;.r Excellent Overall impression of facility 1 Did facility meet your expectations 1 Were there enough tables/grills, etc. 1 Good Average Fair Poor (Please Circle) ~ 3 4 5 ~,' 3 4 5 Procedure for reserving picnic 1 chic Reservation Fee 1 Was facility clean 1 ~-~ 3 4 5 ~.~; 3 4 5 Q~j 3 4 5 ColYullents: What did you like most about your picnic facility? 'What amenities would you like added? hat improvements could be made to better the facility? (over) Do you have any suggestions or ideas to better the picnic reservation process? Additional Comments: Thank you for taking the time to complete this evaluation. Your input and comments are very important to us. Have a great day! CHANHASSEN PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 690 CITY CENTER DRIVE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 PHONE - 937-1900 PICNIC EVALUATION In order to better serve participants using our picnic facilities, we ask that you take a few minutes to answer the following questions and give us some suggestions. Thank you! Group Name:(optional) ¢~7~r/2/''~ ~'~~ Picnic Facility: ~-~'f-/ '~ Excellent Good O-~ era,, impression of facility Did facility meet your expectations Were there enough tables/grills, etc. Procedure for reserving picnic mic Reservation Fee Was facility clean Average Fair Poor (Please Circle) 2 3 4 5 7 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 Comments: What did you like most about your picnic facility? ¥,q~at amenities would you like added? at improvements could be made to better the facility? (over) Do you have any suggestions or ideas to better the picnic reservation process? Additional Comments: Thank you for taking the time to complete this evaluation. Your input and comments are very important to us. Have a great day! CHANHASSEN PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 690 CITY CENTER DRIVE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 PHONE - 937-1900 PICNIC EVALUATION ,JUL g 1 2000 In order to better serve participants using our picnic facilities, we ask that you take a few minutes to answer the following questions and give us some suggestions. Thank you! Group Name:(optional) ~c.,~/~C~L ~gt.X/ ,.~ Picnic Facility: l Excellent Good 0 ,,~-,~11 ' ' x ~r,,,, ~mpressmn of facility Did facility meet your expectations Were there enough tables/grills, etc. Procedure for reserving picnic nic Reservation Fee Was facility clean Average Fair Poor (Please Circle) (~ 3 4 5 2~ '" 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 2~ 3 4 5 2~ 3 4 5 ~) 3 4 5 Comments: O0 & C.o~o M t'~C o3 rv~ Mol' o~..1 ~ What did you like most about your picnic facility?, g~,~ 4- ~o{{e-~bArF// I v,q~at amenities would you like added? at improvements could be made to better the facility? (over) Do you have any suggestions or ideas to better the picnic reservation process? Additional Comments: Thank you for taking the time to complete this evaluation. Your input and comments are very important to us. Have a great day! CHANHASSEN PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 690 CITY CENTER DRIVE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 PHONE - 937-1900 PICNIC EVALUATION ,JUL 8 1 2000 In order to better serve participants using our picnic facilities, we ask that you take a few minutes to answer the £ollowing questions and give us some suggestions. Thank you! GroupName:(optional) fl//O~/~L~/r'/ eicnicFacility: ~~ ~~..v'l '~ Excellent Good Average Fair Poor (Please Circle) 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 / .chic Reservation Fee 1 / 2 3 4 5 / Was facility clean 1 / 2 3 4 5 / ,:~t dLd p~ like ,po: abou:,ur picni: facility?~ : ,': ~.. p 1~ : ~ Overall impression of facility Did facility meet your expectations Were there enough tables/grills, etc. Procedure for reserving picnic Comme. nts: % 0'~ '-/Gt~7) (x~ O.~t ~.t~ What amenities would you like added? improvements could be made to better the facility? (over) Do you have any suggestions or ideas to better the picnic reservation process? Additional Comments: Thank you for taking the time to complete this evaluation. Your input and comments are very important to us. ttave a great day! CHANHASSEN PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 690 CITY CENTER DRIVE CHANItASSEN, MN 55317 PHONE - 937-1900 PICNIC EVALUATION 2000 In order to better serve participants using our picnic facilities, we ask that you take a few minutes to answer the following questions and give us some suggestions. Thank you! Group Name:(optional) .~)~.[t,.t/~- (/W'~l,/'~'}:.r &-t?, Picnic Facility: Excellent Good Average Fair Poor (Please Circle) Overall impression of facility (~ 2 Did facility meet your expectations ~ 2 Were there enough tables/grills, etc. 1 (~ 3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 5 Procedure for reserving picnic (~ 2 3 4 5 znic Reservation Fee 1 ,~ 3 4 5 Was facility clean 1 O 3 4 5 What did you like most about you,' picnic facility? (--~a_2.~'J' ¢~o.~ c./,b er',) _ What amenities wou~d~ you like added? at improven~ents could be made to better the facility? ~,_.,/~0 ~ ~ca'e,~.o~9 j~<;~2~ f~o.~ (over) Do you have any suggestions or ideas to better the picnic reservation process? Additional Comments: Thank you for taking the time to complete this evaluation. Your input and comments are very important to us. Have a great day! CHANHASSEN PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 690 CITY CENTER DRIVE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 PHONE - 937-1900 PICNIC EVALUATION 2000 In order to better serve participants using our picnic facilities, we ask that you take a few minutes to answer the following questions and give us some suggestions. Thank you! GroupName:(optional) %( ¢,0.~ji0..~bT' (_~/~ Picnic Facility:. ¢'~v~'it~c' Excellent Good Average Fair Poor (Please Circle) Overall impression of facility Did facility meet your expectations Were there enough tables/ghlls, etc. 2 3 4 5 2 ." 3 4 5 2 ~:) 4 5 Procedure for reserving picnic icnic Reservation Fee  :) 2 3 4 ~ 2 3 4 Was facility clean ~ 2 3 4 ~t d~d you ~kc mos~ ~bout you: p~cn~c :~c~y? ~ 5 5 5 What amenities would you like added? ~'Vhat improvemen~ts could he m~de to better the facility? ~Y~)K~ ~_r(~c--~ :(}~ (over) Do you have any suggestions or ideas to better the picnic reservation process? Additional Comments: Thank you for taking the time to complete this evaluation. Your input and comments are very important to us. Have a great day! CHANHASSEN PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 690 CITY CENTER DRIVE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 ;'3;~ PHONE - 937-1900 PICNIC EVALUATION In order to better serve participants using our picnic facilities, we ask that you take a few minutes to answer the following questions and give us some suggestions. Thank you! Group Name:(optional)OOY),_.F~ ['2-~_~0f~i/,/.~.h!, ~(,O- '--Picnic Facility: Excellent Good Poor Overall impression of facility Did facility meet your expectations Were there enough tables/ghlls, etc. Procedure for reserving picnic Average Fair (Please Circle) 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 5 5 5 5 znic Reservation Fee 1 (2/) 3 4 5 Was facility clea. n I ~7 ' 3 4 5 What did you like most about your picnic facility? ¥,qmt amenities would you like added? ~at improvements could be made to better the facility? (over) Additional Comments: Thank you for taking the time to complete this evaluation. Your input and comments are very important to us. Have a great day! CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION Date Motion By July 24, 2000 Resolution' 2000-58 Senn Seconded By Jansen ORDERING A SPECIAL ELECTION ON THE QUESTION OF ISSUING GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS AND APPROVING THE OFFICIAL BALLOT WHEREAS, the City Council has detemfined that it is in the best interest of the community to alloxv the electors to vote on whether or not to authorize the issuance of general obligation bonds. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA: A special election, on the same day as the state primary election, is hereby called for the 12th day of September, 2000, for the special purpose of submitting substantially the following question to the electors: "Shall the City Council of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota be authorized to issue its general obligation bonds in an amount not to exceed $6,000,000 for the purpose of the acquisition and betterment ora building to be used for a public library and for ancillary and related purposes?" The form of the official ballot attached hereto is approved, provided the ballot form shall have such changes as are necessary to be in the form approved by the Rules of the Secretary of State. The ballot shall be titled "Library Referendum". 3. The City Clerk is directed to take all necessary steps to call the special election. The resolution dated July 20, 2000 entitled "Ordering a Special Election on the Question of Issuing General Obligation Bonds and Approving the Official Ballot" is repealed. 87100.02 1 RNK:r07/24/00 ADOPTED this 24th of July, 2000, by the City Council of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota. N~n~y~I~. M~acino, Mayor YES Mancino Engel Jansen Senn NO ABSENT None Labatt 87100.02 2 RNK:r07/24/00 OFFICIAL ELECTION BALLOT CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER & HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA YES NO "Shall the City Council of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota be authorized to issue its general obligation bonds in an amount not to exceed $6,000,000 for the purpose of the acquisition and b, etterment ora building and to be used as a public library and./for ancillary and related purposes?" NOTICE: BY VOTING "YES" ON THIS BALLOT QUESTION, YOU ARE VOTING FOR A PROPERTY TAX INCREASE. The maximum amount of increased levy as a percentage of market value is .03397%. The amount that will be raised by the new referendum tax rate in the first year it is to be levied is $540,750. INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS If you wish to vote in favor of the question, place an "X" in the square before the word "YES". If you wish to vote against the question, place an "X" in the square before the xvord "NO". (NOTE: On the back of each ballot shall be printed the words "Official Ballot", the date of the election, and lines for the initials of the judges.) 87095.02 RNK:r07/24/00 Highway 101 Trail Tentative Project Schedule 07/25/00 09/25/00 11/27/00 03/01/01 03/12/01 05/15/01 08/30/01 Submit concept plans to MnDot for Limited Use Permit (L.U.P.) Order preparation of plans and specifications (after receipt of L.U.P.) Approve plans and specifications, order easement acquisition and advertisement for bids Bid Opening Award construction contract Commence construction Construction complete CITYOF 690 City Center Dtive, PO aox 147 Chanhassen, Mi, nesota 55317 Phone 612.93Z 1900 Ge,em/Fax 612.93Z 5739 E,gi,eeri,,g Fa.,: 612. 937.9152 Pz~blic Sari,O, F~.x- 612.93(2524 lr~b a.wz~ cl. cl,,~,,h,zs.,c,. ,,,. ,s July 24, 2000 Ms. Karen Lewis 1771 Ringneck Drive Excelsior, MN 55331 Dear Ms. Lewis: The City of Chanhassen was more than happy to assist your group with a public gathering permit to use Pheasant Hills Park on June 17, 2000. Upon receiving your request, special accelerfi'ted actions were taken in order to facilitate your permit approval. As part of your public gathering permit, certain conditions needed to be followed as stated in your May 2t, 2000 letter. One of those conditions was the $50 special clean-out charge for the portable restroom. As discussed in our previous phone conversations, having 150 additional people from your 3-family graduation party was above and beyond normal activity for the park. Therefore, the special clean was in the best interests of the rest of your neighbors and the Chanhassen community using Pheasant Hills Park. The cost of the special clean was $30 and an extra $20 was added to help cover a portion of staff time that was spent coordinating the processing of your permit. Notwithstanding, we will be refunding $20 for you to divide between the three families that were involved with the graduation party. If you have any questions, please call me at 937-1900 ext. 126. Sincer05/, Je~gemer Recreation Superintendent JR: ns c: Scott Botcher, City Manager g:\park~jerry\lewis7-24 ro I'HE :)RDER )F ~.~i L~wzs 1771 RINGNECK DRIVE EXCELSIOR MN' 55331 -THE CHANHASSEN BANK, ~?~- ...... NO~*-' - - - ' *- -..--~:.-. AMOUNT $2o.oo ************************************ DO~S ~ O0 0~0 To: City Manager, Mayor and Chanhassen City Council I understand there will be a discussion on July 24, 2000 on the ordinance for the discharge of firearms. I would like to make the following inputs. First a little history, it seems this situation is a crime scene. The victim (the long time resident) has minimum rights, the perpetrator (new comer) has all the protection. When we moved to Chanhassen (actually township) it was because we liked it and wouldn't think of trying to change. Now we have people moving in and immediately lobby for more ammenities. Our taxes go up for schools, parks, trails, tornado warning systems, libraries, no hunting or shooting, etc. Yes, I was for the improvements, except one, for they were necessary for the situation. But sometimes one should say no to the continuous parade of requests for changes and escalating costs especially when the requests are not based on facts and numbers. I am referring to the two complaints about shooting, "they didn't realize one could shoot etc", children are out playihg, a child might see a wounded animal, all are in ones perception that things are not exactly as they wish! Being an engineer I tend to let data lead the way. Oddly enough it was impossible to get data on the number of vehicle/deer accidents, and police calls about hunters not adhering to city laws, in fact any data relating to hunting being a problem was not available. Lack of data means one thing, at this time there is not a problem. Stu Fox of the Eden Prairie Police said there was no problem with hunters but there is with poachers, as in all communities. Stu did go into detail on the process of reducing the hunting area due to new building developments. Eden Prairie, as in Chanhassen, has strict requirements for the discharge of firearms which has inade the community safe for hunting. I have experienced the process of going through the registration for each conununity and feel the process is realistic. Many have been concerned about the overpopulation of the deer herd primarily as a threat when driving and the ecological damage that happens when an area is overbrowsed. Evidence of a large deer herd is available by driving highway 5 and observing road kill along the road, example--large doe laying on roadside Friday morning by Arboratum-- Eden Prairie conducted studies for eight years before they contracted a firm to reduce their burgeoning deer herd, their cost now is $200 per deer and they eliminated 125 deer for a total cost last year of $25,000. That is the contracted cost, their burdened costs were not included. Minnetonka has a deer reducing budget of $60,000 and a car/deer accident average of one every three days. I understand removal cost for geese is roughly $21.00 per goose. The cost for wildlife control must be considered when making a decision about firearm control. If one properly controls public hunting, as has been the case, then we can put the money into issues that can save lives, build libraries, and how about Round Itouse Park where people park across from the beach and let their three year old run across the street. A natural fence along the parkway would deter this type of traffic, not much money needed but we don't have it. The pedestrian parkway crossing is in dire need of eye catching road paint and a sign in the middle of the road noting the right of way could be accomplished. The Safety Dept. could use more money for speed traps, that is a real intimidator! I doubt Round House Park is an exception for more safety measures, but they need more money. The minute gains for eliminating firearms and incurring more costs is no match for improving the safety of our Chanhassen children!! IfI remember correctly, the city charges $10.00 for a hunting permit, another source of income to help pay overhead costs. I would like to comment on the "motherhood and apple pie" phrases used in describing the discharge of firearms in Chan. "Hunting and shooting in populated areas" this simply is not done. Why would a hunter go into a populated area to shoot? well maybe a poacher. Ifa hunter is out in the field a poacher isn't going t? show himself, he knows about the TIP line and what that can do to him. Yes, we m~iy see some unfortunate wildlife get wounded but is this worse than seeing a deer carcass in the road and cars continually running over it? Death in the wild is not nice, every animal and bird will experience it by a predator, starvation, car incident or maybe a fatal shot. Isn't it better for the majority of the unfortunate to leave without the pain ora predator eating them or starving? Please heavily weigh on the numbers and go light on the emotional phrases when you make your decision. Dave H6adla 6870 Minnewashta Parkway Excelsior Mn 55331 DaveYSTF~aol.com HoIjSE DATES Why Choose Chanhassen Dance & Performing Arts Centre? We offe~: a Wid~-~ariety of d~n~ce cl~'~es On levels frOm beginner to advanced Excellent Pre-School program Award winning competition lines for all ages- Locally held two hour, fully-staged, profe~'~ional recital Professional staffwith extensive training in all aspects &dance A staffthat works hard towards building your child's self-esteem, confidence and coordination Reasonable tuition rates and multiple class discoums Owner/Director: Renee Anker / Teaching Dance to our community for 17 years! packet please call (952) 934-8840 ChanhaSSen I~rme &' Performing Arts Centre Present this coupon when registering for fall classes and receive a FREE PAIR OF BALLET SHOES! (value $20.00) Valid at Chanhassen Dance and Performing Arts Centre 370 Lake Drive East Chanhassen, MN 55317 (952) 934-8840: (Coupon valid for NEW STUDENT ONLY) Only one coupon per student Offer expires August 22, 2000 2246 Stone Creek Lane East Chanhassen, MN 55317 August 3, 2000 Todd Hoffman 690 City Center Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 RECEIVED 0 7 000 CITY OF CHANHASSEN Dear Todd, I've been wanting to drop you a note for a while: find the article in the Villager regarding the addition to the new skate park was my impetus. I've spent my summer car pooling teenage boys form our neighborhood to the Chanhassen Skate Park. I want to personally thank you and the Park and Recreation Board for your foresight into this "extreme" sport. Our Park and Rec. Department has provided a fabulous alternative sport for the boys and girls in our community. My son for example, does not like contact sports like football and soccer. He finds baseball too slow; thus the excitement of boarding is where the action is. He likes boarding because he competes against himself by perfecting his "grinds" and jump turns. Thank you for giving them a place to come together as a group to learn from each other and bond. Much praise needs to be expressed to the Board for providing the skate park and the addition. The kids know that they are fortunate when they talk with friends from Chaska who have had to do much of their own fund raising. They are proud as small town kids to have their own skate park before their friends in Eden Prairie do. I would also like to mention that the city staff has been very helpful with any concerns and/or problems that have surfaced at the skate park. Todd, as I learn of the Boards decision to finish Stone Creek Park along with the skate board addition, I must conclude that the Park and Rec. Dept. along with the Board are extremely in tune to the needs of its citizens. I personally appreciate the openness and considerations that I have experienced dealing with our Park and Recreation Department. As a neighborhood, we appreciate the Stone Creek Park Summer Discovery Playground program that is so popular here that we "run" to the Rec. Center thus its filled the first couple days! Our kids love the staff`and the creative craft projects. As always ifI can be of any service or help pleasc let me know, (401-9454). Lori Juelich Todd, This is Bob Midness at 112 Sandy Hook and we've talked about the geese situation. They did a round-up in my yard last week. According to my wife, it was done very systematically, very kind, and no problem--just a few feathers in the yard. I do appreciate...there's probably a dozen or so non-breeding pair that cruise around, but at least I don't have the 100 that were sitting on my beach and the flies and the mess that goes along with it. I thank you and your people and the University of Minnesota for taking care of this and doing it in a real decent way. I thank you and appreciate it. Bob Midness July 20, 2000 District 112 Fields Task Force Meeting # 5 July 11, 2000 Meeting Notes 1. Meeting convened by Paul Schlueter. 2. Meeting notes from our last meeting clarified in that Scheme A has Field J as an alternate. 3. Doug Pass reported that Holy Family High School (Kathleen Brown, Principal) wants to be a partner with District 112. The campus will initially have one practice football field, two soccer fields, one baseball field, and two softball fields. There will be 140 students attending the school when it opens. They are open to sharing their facilities but, of course, are concerned about maintenance. 4. Paul reviewed the July 5, 2000 meeting With representatives of the City of Chaska. Replacement of the fields at Pioneer Park may not be one for one. Whatever is in the best interest of the City and the best interest of the District will dictate what is replaced. Diana Kasper briefly reviewed the site plan for Pioneer Park. The new middle school will take two fields at most. 5. Kevin Carroll presented an update on the City of Carver soccer field grant proposal. The application will be judged on collaboration so while the significant interest from our Task Force will be helpful and perhaps eventual inclusion in our recommendation to the Board of Education, the City of Carver really needs tangible evidence of collaboration such as approval of $30,000 by the Board towards the project. 6. Paul reviewed our remaining meeting schedule: July 27, Aug. 1 and Aug 8 (if needed) with the intent to bring a recommendation to the Board of Education at its August 17,2000 meeting. Support for the soccer field at Carver may be a part of our recommendation. 7. Discussion of criteria for selection of the parts that would make up our recommendation: Quality vs quantity (straw poll quality - 12, quantity - 4) What has to be repaired before new fields are considered Lake Conference quality vs quantity for community use Maximize use of site Impact of new middle school on CHS site Do things right the first time 8. Jay Pomeroy reviewed the condition and the costs of fields at CHS. 9. Baseball/softball viewpoint - need to upgrade what exists, don't need more fields 10. Options/Ideas 10A Lee Meyer suggested Middle School Soccer bleachers & pressbox CHS Bleachers Upgrade 2 practice fields Sand/peat 1 practice field Carver Soccer Middle School Soccer Stadium sand/peat Scheme A TOTAL $98,000 $94,OO0 $40,000 $130,000 $30,000 $180,000 $338,000 $934,000 10B Paul Schlueter suggested Same as above but Upgrade Soccer Stadium Field (no sand/peat) Credit (no upgrade) CHS practice fiffl~ls Sand/peat 2 fields at CHS <$79,000> <$40,000> $130,000 TOTAL $945,000 10C Rick Clark suggested Put all co-curricular soccer fields at Middle School Put all co-curricular football at CHS 10D Use funds for bleachers and put into fields 10E Rent bleachers TOTAL $3800 Mike Werner will bring back the number of seats this represents 10F Use bleachers from the Cities with portable bleachers 10G Use Scheme A and pick up two more fields by taking $200,000 from cost of sand/peat and end up with three practice fields 10H Invite coaches to next meeting before proceeding with option/idea C 101 Consider more parking spaces Next Meeting: July 27, 2000 at 7PM Look at options with costs. District 112 Fields Task Force Meeting # 6 July 25, 2000 Meeting Notes RECEIVED AUG 0 ? 2000 CITY OF CHANHASSEN Meeting convened by Bill Taylor. Meeting Notes from July 11 discussed. Quality vs Quantity vote was reviewed. Quality does not equal sand peat fields. Quality was defined as irrigated, well maintained, good drainage, firm, and level fields. The concern is that while a sand peat field is closer to any which might be guaranteed to rebound season after season, the cost is a factor. Typically sand peat is used for stadium fields but not for practice fields. Date of tonight's meeting was printed incorrectly as July 27. Diana Kasper reviewed the methods for decision making the group had discussed at the first meeting. Consensus was confirmed with another method (dots or fist to five) if needed. Kathy Skinner gave the City of Chaska expectations regarding seven fields: a) District replaces 3 fields fr0~n Pioneer Park b) District develops 1 field arid parking on Molnau property c) Four of the fields must be soccer d) Additional money for fields and parking at Middle School Campus e) One field at Pulte, others can be somewhere else (don't have to replace a baseball field for a baseball field etc.) Any recommendation from Task Force to the School Board must address District commitment to maintenance. Lee Meyer described each component of possible options (a,b,c, and d) Questions/Concerns/Issues a) Is Field I currently being irrigated? b) Is quonset hut coming down? c) Why not rent bleachers? Extensive discussion about viability of rental bleachers, liability, community expectation in referendum, d) What is parking lot surface? Extensive discussion of Class 5 gravel vs asphalt. e) What is cost of asphalt vs ag lime for track? Estimated at $125,000 to $150,000. f) What about adequate parking spaces when both soccer and baseball games are played? g) How much for 200 spaces vs 100 spaces? It was estimated at $50,000. h) What height will the berm be for the buffer? What type of trees and fence? Neighbors will be involved in the planning of the buffer. i) Additional parking is a primarily a community need. j) Lake Ann, Chanhassen fields were not in good shape but with aeration and proper maintenance, they are now excellent. k) Leave some contingency money because costs are estimated vs identify exactly what is wanted. 1) Put a lockable fence between fields H and I m) Call the fields "multipurpose" or "soccer-football" fields. Mike Werner reviewed the Referendum items and estimates at that time: a) Bleachers at Middle School Campus b) Upgrade Soccer Complex c) Lights d) Bleachers at CHS e/Develon 5 soccer fields $100,000 182,000 (now no cost) 125,000 350,000 After considerable discussion, the recommendation for the Board of Education with necessary District commitment to maintenance and the involvement of the Park Ridge representatives for design input on the barrier (berm, trees, and fence) will be sent to Task Force member with a meeting August 8th to review recommendation but not to revisit the issues. See attached pages for recommendation detail. The breakdown of the recommendation is as follows. It is Option D with the addition of $10,000 for a fence between fields H and I as a part of the project to widen football field I from 160 to 210 feet, add retaining wall, $50,000 for an additional 100 parking spaces for Soccer fields under scheme A, $10,000 for irrigation to upgrade baseball field (field B), and $20,000 to upgrade football field O. This is a total of $915,000. Additional amounts of $13,000 for High School field improvements and $7,000 were added to the recommendation to bring the total up to the $935,000 project budget. The recommendation was confirmed with a "fist to five vote" which was virtually unanimous. Of twenty people voting, one person was opposed who wanted to have blacktopped parking lots and there was one"abstention due to an excessive number of eligible voters from one group. Note: Final Meeting to review School Board Recommendation is Tuesday August 8th at 7:00pm. Meeting will be held in the 3rd floor Board Room at the District Education Center (note new meeting location) A 0 LI. LLI High School Campus Middle School Campus District 112 Fields Task Force Recommendation for Field Expansion and Improvements July 25, 2000 HIGH SCHOOL FIELD IMPROVEMENTS I Upgrade 1 Soccer and 1 practice football field (South of pathway) Upgrade 1 Soccer field (North of pathway) Level selected areas, provide aggressive turf development 2 Provide 900 seat Visitor bleachers at Football field $73,000 $94,000 NEW ELEMENTARY SCHOOL FIELD IMPROVEMENTS Irrigation for 2 soccer fields (330 x 225) $24,000 CITY OF CARVER SOCCER FIELD Proposed School District contribution for new soccer field in Carver MIDDLE SCHOOL FIELD IMPROVEMENTS 1 Upgrade existing Soccer Complex Earthwork; Drainage, relocate lighting, add retaining wall Upgrade 1soccer field (Field H) to 330 x 225, Convert football field into new soccer field (field I) 330 x 210 Extend fencing, provide fence between fields 2 Provide New 600 seat bleachers at Soccer field Complex 3 Develop 3 New Soccer Fields Field M (360 x 225), Field K (330 x 225), Field P (360 x 225, East,'West), Irrigation, 200 parking spaces, Earth berm/trees/wood fence between soccer fields and housing 4 Other improvements Upgrade Baseball field (field B) level selected areas, turf development, irrigation Upgrade Football field (field O), level selected areas, turf development, Field Equipment (goals for 7 new soccer fields) TOTAL $30,000 $181,000 $98,000 $388,000 $20,000 $20,000 $7,0OO $935,000 Other additional items beyond the Field Improvements construction budget of $935,000 Upgrade Football field (field O) into 360 x 240 soccer field Provide new Soccer Field J (360 x 225) $60,000 $220,000 AJA INC KKE Architects 0006-I 097-0 I/FIELDCOSTS4 o o o Il ,' Gregory M. Blaufuss 7116 Utica Lane Chanhassm, MN 55317 August 14, 2000 Todd Hoffman Park and Recreation Director City of Chanhassen 690 City Center Drive, PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Todd: This letter confirms our conversation in April regarding the City of Clmnhassen's request for a contribution from the Chan/Chaska Soccer Club (CCSC) for the playground at Bandimere Park. The CCSC board discussed the matter at our March meeting As a club, are very grateful for the great soccer complex at Bandimere Park. However, as we are a non-prophit organization and have not solicited corporate donations or attempted any club fundmising, we simply don't have any money. A voltmtcer has come fons'ard in the last 5 months who is making short and long range plans for CCSC fundraising. Once the planning is complete we will desig~mte a specific fundraising event with the CCSC contribution to the Bandimere Park playground in mind. If you have an)' questions please don't hesitate to contact mc at thc listings below. Email - poolO828~uswest, net Telephone - (612)470-0828 Mail- 7116 Utica Lane Chat~hassen, MN 55317 Z // ~ <U U Z ~ OZu u u < ~o ZW 0 u Z © ? ~u..z