4a Dave Huffman 5k RaceCITYOF CHANHASSEN 690 CiO, CF,ret Drit,e, PO Box 147 Cha,ha~se,, ,~ l im~esota 55317 Pho,e 612.937.1900 Ge,eral Fax 612.93Z 5Z~9 E,gi,eeri,g ~.~' 612.9329152 PubSc 5~fi'~ Fax 612.934.2524 ~[~b tt,w~ ci. cha,ha;se,, m;~. us MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUB J: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director JerrYseptemberRUegemer,20, 2000Recreati°n Superintendent ~ Dave Huffman 5K Memorial Race The first annual Dave Hufth~an 5K race was held this past Saturday, September 16. By all accounts, the race was successful for a first year event. The final numbers of registered runners hasn't been totaled yet, but it is believed to be around 250. As you know. the race committee has been working on the race lbr over a year, working on every detail. This persistence paid off with little to no problems occurring. As we gather feedback from volunteers and participants, we will need to tweak a few things with the route and other areas. Overall, many positive comments were heard regarding the route, organization, t-shirts, and the event. The race committee can be very proud of the success of this event. We will be meeting as a committee to follow up on the event this week or early next week. I will give the Park and Recreation Commission more of an update following the meeting G 'pa~k ie~ 5 Huffman5KRaccE;'al 7he Gtr o/'Chanl,assc,. A (zrot~'i,e com,tu,itr wit/,