5b Lake Ann Concession EvalCITYOF
690 Ci5' Ce,tcr Dri~ 'c, PO Box 147
C/;a,hasse,, J~/i,,esota 55317
P/?o,e 612. 937. I900
Ge,eral Fax 612937.5739
Es~i,ced,g Fax 6IZ93z gI52
h~b/ic S.~9~ Fax 612.934.2524
Todd Hoffman, Director of Park and Recreation
Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Superintendent ~1~
September 20, 2000
2000 Lake Ann Park Concession/Boat Rental Evaluation
The summer of 2000 started out slow' with the late conclusion of school, the cool
weather, and the unfortunate timing of the two drownings. With July's warm weather.
the revenues increased and maintained a good flow even into August, when revenues
generally decrease. This is the third consecutive 3ear that revenues fi'om the food and
boat rentals have been close to or over $20.000. Prior to the elimination of the gate tee,
revenues were between $9,000 and $12,000/year. Other factors that contributed to the
success of the l.ake Ann operations include:
· Better margins on all food items
· Closely monitoring the stock levels of food
· Welcoming and encouraging large groups to utilize Lake Ann
· Maximizing use of pre-packaged items to improve customer service
· Keepingthe menu simple
General Com~nents:
· Continue to use a smaller number of vendors to simplify the operation
· Replaced the old life-jackets
· Slush puppy machine, which was very popular and had a higher profit margin,
should continue
· Nacho cheese machine is easier to use and clean, and this eliminated long staff
· Look to add a marketing campaign to increase sales and activity
· Add one new 4-person paddleboat and get rid of 4-person Sea Rider
· The "meal deal" (hot dog, chips, and soda for $3.00) was very popular again this
· Maintained a first aid kit
· Have matches on hand for people who need to start their charcoal grills
· Kept menu items simple - quick point of sale
· The concession staff again was outstanding and contributed significantly to the
success of the Lake Ann operation.
Mr. Todd Hoffman
September 20, 2000
Page 2
Total Boat Rentals
Row Boats w/Trolling Motor
Row Boats
$ 743.51
$ 3,994.67
$ 5,029.30
and Boat Rentals:
Concession Hours and Wages
Concession Hours
(This figures reflects hours, not dollars)
Concession Wages
Total Wages
The Watson Company
Midwest Coca Cola
Festival Foods
Total Supplies
Total Wages
Total Supplies
Food Sales
Boat Rentals
Total Revenue
Total Revenue
Total Expenditures
Listed below is the breakdown of expenditures, supplies, and revenues for the 2000 Concession Sales
To: ]erry Ruegemer
From: Airin Mesenbring
Date: August 14, 2000
Subj: Lake Ann Concessions 2000
Another summer is coming to a close! Only two weeks left until the
season ends, and the concession stand shuts down. The summer started off with
a few days of heat and sunshine which translated into lots of sales! However,
two unfortunate drownings during the first two weeks of the beach's official
opening seemed to deter swimmers' desire to come to Lake Ann, leaving sales at
the concession stand slower than in previous years. While we did have some
busy days when the weather was hot, I don't feel sales reached the same levels
as in previous years. However, customers continued to comment on the
exceptional quality of the park and the reasonable prices of concessions and boat
We once again used Watson's as our food/ice cream vendor. While we
were shorted ice cream periodically and were delivered some wrong ice cream
items on several occasions, Mike was always willing to bring the extra or correct
ice cream to us within a day. He also made an "emergency delivery" during our
busy week early in the summer when we went through all the ice cream we had
ordered. Overall, Watson's proved efficient, and I would suggest using them
again next year.
Slush Puppies remained a popular item this summer. We offered cherry,
blue raspberry, grape, and strawberry flavors. Strawberry was a new flavor this
summer (replacing lemon-lime), and sold very well. I believe these four flavors
offered a good variety and should remain on the menu. Also, the slush puppy
machine gave us no problems this year other than that it seems to attract bees
during August. By wiping it down and keeping it very clean, we have been able
to detract some of the insects.
~[ce cream prices were raised this year from $.75 to $:~.00 an item.
Customers seemed to think this new price was fair and offered very few
complaints. While we did have some requests to stock some of the larger ice
cream products (choco tacos, etc.), we would have to raise the price on these
items (charge approximately $:~.50 per item) to achieve a 50% profit margin
(:~00% markup). ]: believe offering some ice cream at $1.00 and others at $1.50
may be confusing to customers and it would be best to continue with selling the
same ice cream we currently offer at $1.00 an item.
Meal deals also continued to be very popular. We charged $3.00 for a
hotdog, chips, and pop "meal deal." This price was $.50 less than buying each
item separately. While ]: believe we would be able to continue selling these deals
at a higher price ($3.25?), the $3.00 price has been fair and easy.
This summer ]: purchased chips at Festival Foods. They were the smaller
"Snack Pack" variety for which we charged $.50 a bag. We moved through a lot
of these chips which seemed very popular to people looking for a small snack.
However, we paid approximately $.27 a bag. This did not allow us to achieve a
100% markup. ! feel that we should look for some other way to purchase these
chips other than at Festival. While Watson's does offer some chips, they are the
Old Dutch brand which are not as well known to customers as the Doritos,
Cheetos, Lays, and Ruffles we currently sell. The chips from Watson's also come
in larger bags for which we would pay $.44 each. Thus we would have to raise
the customer price to $1.00. ! do not think these would sell as well. (]:n addition,
we would have to raise the price on our "meal deals'~. ]:nstead we should
possibly look into purchasing the same chips we currently offer at Sam's Club or
some other store (Target maybe?) which would sell them to us at a lower price
than Festival. A second option would be seeing if Watson's would be willing to
stock Frito Lay products or offer the Old Dutch chips in smaller bags.
"Lollies" also continued to be a big hit. ]:n addition, the Trolli Bright
Crawlers sold very well (:It was not uncommon for us to move through more than
one 24 count box a day). We also offered Skittles (another big seller), Reeses,
Twix, Snickers, and two varieties of MEMs. While the Worms and Skittles sold
better than the chocolate candies, I would suggest keeping all on the menu
except the Peanut M&Ms. We only moved through 2 (48 count) boxes of these
during the entire summer. Possibly we could offer some other sort of candy
instead of the Peanut M&Ms.
This year we switched from packaged condiments to bottled ketchup and
mustard. Customers seemed to use less, and this created less discarded waste.
Because I had to make trips to Festival for buns, picking up condiments when
needed was not a problem.
Coke was once again our pop/water supplier. We increased the price on
pop and water from $1.25 to $1.50 this summer. Although we did hear some
complaints, people continued to buy the beverages at this higher price. Evian
water was a big seller! We also offered Coca-Cola, Diet Coke, Rootbeer, Mello
Yello (which sold better than the Surge we stocked in previous years), Sprite,
Grape, and Orange. I would suggest stocking all but the Minute Maid Grape.
Also, we had many requests for juice and Gator Aid. I think we should consider
checking with Coke to see if they would be able to offer us some kind of juice at
the same price as the pop we currently buy. With the number of requests we
had for juice, I believe we could experiment with selling one kind to see how well
it goes over.
This year we switched from taking a daily inventory to taking inventory
once a week. This made closing much simpler and did not seem to cause any
problems. Inventory was recorded the day before placing the Watson's order
(Tuesday). However, because the Coke order is not placed until Friday, we
usually ended up retaking pop inventory before placing the Coke order. I would
suggest that next year inventory is taken on two separate days (Tuesday for
food and Thursday for pop). This would be easy enough to change and would
cut down on the time needed to count the pop twice a week!
Boats were much used this summer. The new trolling motor has been well
liked and runs great! We did not have any major problems with any of the boats
this year. However, chains did occasionally fall off of paddle boats, and we had
some comments about some of the boats being difficult to steer. ]~f maintenance
could, on a monthly basis, oil the chains and shorten ones that need shortening,
! believe some of these problems could be avoided.
The 4-person white Sea Rider was probably the most difficult for people to
operate. If a new paddle boat purchase is made, I would suggest that it replace
this boat. Also, people seem to like the 4-person variety and Sea Ryder style the
best. This is the type of boat ! would suggest for a future purchase!
Late boats were not much of a problem this year. We displayed a new
sign which alerted customers that all boats need to be returned by 6:00. !
believe this helped cut down on late boats. However, many customers did
complain that we closed too early or opened too late in the day (they wanted to
take boats out in the early morning or after work). Some even made comments
about "What if ! don't bring the boat back before 6?" when told that all boats
needed to be returned by that time. Several others took their time in returning
when we yelled to them with our bull horn that we were closing. Perhaps by
having a clearly stated and enforced fee on late boats, future problems may be
A small selection of bait (wax worms?) would be a great addition to our
inventory! Also, we could use several new life jackets (some of our older ones
are starting to become unusable).
We did not loan out volleyballs this year. Last year we had problems with
people returning the balls on time. We also had two balls last summer which
were never returned. If balls are purchased in the future, I would suggest having
a mandatory $20 deposit being kept (as we did near the end of last summer).
However, while several people asked about volleyballs early in the summer, we
did not have many requests later in the season.
As for large groups, could we have some sort of receipt to give them on
request? This summer we rang the amount into the register and then wrote what
it was for and initialed the receipt when groups requested one. Could we get
some sort of clearer, more professional receipt for them?
Also, when large groups have reserved boats, it may be helpful to have a
form for keeping track of the boats they take out for later billing. ! have included
a suggested sample form!
Having a list of who has the various park areas rented has also been
helpful! Hopefully this will help to cut down on any future confusion with groups
who are not sure who has which area rented!
Finally, on busy days we tend to run out of quarters. Keeping a roll at the
stand (in addition to the $75 starting cash we keep from day to day) would be
helpful. This roll could be traded with a $10 bill when needed, and then the $10
bill could be taken to the bank the next day for a new roll of quarters. This would
be beneficial when we have someone working alone who cannot run to the bank
for change and on Sundays when the bank is not open. Also, having picture
signs in addition to the regular signs we have now may be helpful for our
growing number of non-English speaking customers. While some do have limited
English skills, we often cannot tell what they are saying even when they speak
English. For this reason, having picture signs where the customer can point to
what they want would be helpful!
Overall, things at the concession stand ran smoothly, and we had a great
summer! Lindsey and Sara were both great workers-very willing, competent,
pleasant, and helpful to customers! ! know that Lindsey (and ! think Sara) would
like to come back next summer, and ! feel we'd be lucky to have them! Hopefully
when the stand closes on the 27TM we will have gone through most of our
inventory. The only product ! foresee possibly having too much of is pop. !n
previous years ]: believe we have been given credit for leftover pop by coke, and
hopefully we will again this year if we have leftovers. Sorry that ! will not be here
to shut the stand down! Thanks for all your help this summer, and ! appreciate
being given the opportunity to manage the stand this year!
Group Boat Rental Form
Number of Reserved Boats:
Time: to
Paddleboats Canoes
Row Boats
Time out
Time in
Row Boats
May Sales
Lake Ann Concession Sales
Summer 2000
Food Sales
5/27/2000 Closed-Rain
5/28/2000 Closed-Rain
5/29/2000 $ 49.79
May Totals $ 49.79
June Sales
6/3/2000 $ 19.87
6/4/2000 Closed-Rain
6/5/2000 $ 21.74
6/6/2000 $ 22.91
6/7/2000 $ 33.66
6/8/2000 $ 435.92
6/9/2000 $ 575.00
6/10/2000 $ 287.02
6/11/2000 $ 312.50
6/12/2000 $ 40.38
6/13/2000 $ 25.59
6/14/2000 $ 34.98
6/15/2000 $ 13.62
6/16/2000 $ 12.21
6/17/2000 $ 28.41
6/18/2000 $ 43.43
6/19/2000 $ 260.61
6/20/2000 $ 83.10
6/21/2000 $ 27.23
6/22/2000 $ 448.23
6/23/2000 $ 138.22
6/242000 $ 52.82
6/25/2000 $ 29.58
6/26/2000 $ 27.23
6/27/2000 $ 18.31
6/28/2000 $ 56.06
6/29/2000 $ 215.50
6/30/2000 $ 322.92
June Totals
July Sales
$ 3,587.05
$ 357.30
$ 114.56
$ 19.72
$ 1,268.31
Boat Rental
(101-3635) Sales Tax
$ 97.24 $ 10.22
$ 97.24 $ 10.22
$ 8.41 $ 1.97
$ 12.16 $ 2.35
$ 2O.57 $ 3.02
$ $ 2.34
$ 69.19 $ 32.83
$ 76.69 $ 45.31
$ 77.60 $ 25.39
$ 181.39 $ 34.36
$ 25.36 $ 4.26
$ 3.76 $ 1.90
$ S 2.27
$0 $ o.88
$ $ 0.79
$ 50.71 $ 5.13
$ 17.84 $ 3.98
$ 34.75 $ 19.19
$ 11.27 $ 6.13
$ $ 1.77
$ 60.10 $ 33.03
$ 34.75 $ 11.23
$ 15.97 $ 4.46
$ - $ 1.92
$ $ 1.77
$ - $ 1.19
$ 7.51 $ 4.13
$ 42.26 $ 16.74
$ 28.17 $ 22.81
$ 778.46 $ 291.15
$ 107.99 $ 30.21
$ 88.27 $ 13.17
$ 18.78 $ 2.50
$ 245.07 $ 98.37
7/1 O/2000
July Totals
August Sales
$ 86.62
$ 326.8O
$ 35.4O
$ 393.46
$ 303.77
$ 306.10
$ 279.01
$ 276.06
$ 355.25
$ 441.31
$ 462.58
$ 349.82
$ 209.15
$ 69.01
$ 56.8O
$ 8O.99
$ 151.88
$ 349.77
$ 168.54
$ 234.04
$ 283.47
$ 384.O4
$ 152.58
$ 189.20
$ 429.46
$ 284.60
$ 8,419.60
8/1/2000 $ 229.39
8/2/2000 $ 227.14
8/3/2000 $ 138.59
8/4/2000 $ 191.00
8/5/2000 $ 14.38
8/6/2000 $ 147.65
8/7/2000 $ 161.27
8/8/2000 $ 131.92
8/9/2000 $ 216.43
8/10/2000 $ 348.45
8/11/2000 $ 317.61
8/12/2000 $ 129.34
8/13/2000 $ 310.94
8/14/2000 $ 66.43
8/15/2000 $ 146.48
8/16/2000 $ 35.45
8/17/2000 $ 11.03
8/18/2000 $ 140.14
8/19/2000 $ 59.86
8/20/2000 $ 20.89
$ 26.29 $ 7.34
$ 30.99 $ 23.25
$ 6.57 $ 2.73
$ 60.09 $ 29.49
$ 63.85 $ 23.89
$ 61.03 $ 23.87
$ 61.03 $ 22.11
$ 51.64 $ 21.30
$ 81.69 $ 28.40
$ 46.01 $ 31.68
$ 115.49 $ 37.58
$ 66.67 $ 27.07
$ 27.23 $ 15.37
$ 13.15 $ 5.34
$ 3.76 $ 3.93
$ 83.57 $ 10.69
$ 131.46 $ 18.41
$ 139.91 $ 31.82
$ 36.62 $ 13.34
$ 29.11 $ 17.10
$ 5.63 $ 18.80
$ 43.19 $ 27.77
$ 50.66 $ 11.26
$ 86.38 $ 17.92
$ 167.14 $ 38.77
$ 49.77 $ 21.73
$ 675.21
$ 61.97 $ 18.94
$ 37.56 $ 17.20
$ 11.27 $ 9.74
$ 52.58 $ 15.84
$ 32.86 $ 3.07
$ 61.97 $ 13.63
$ 41.31 $ 13.17
$ 94.95 $ 11.63
$ 25.35 $ 15.72
$ 27.23 $ 24.42
$ 14.08 $ 21.56
$ 11.27 $ 9.14
$ 132.57 $ 25.64
$ 10.33 $ 4.99
$ 50.70 $ 12.82
$ $ 2.30
$ 4.69 $ 1.03
$ 191.02 $ 10.09
$ 43.19 $ 6.70
$ 47.89 $ 4.47
8/21/2000 $ 4.69
8/22/2000 $ 6.81
8/23/2000 $ 153.32
8/24/2000 $ 101.41
8/25/2000 $ 100.00
8/26/2000 $ 133.92
8/27/2000 $ 53.58
$ $ 0.31
$ $ 0.44
$ 47.89 $ 13.08
$ 11.27 $ 7.32
$ 16.90 $ 7.60
$ 43.19 $ 11.51
$ 47.89 $ 6.59
August Totals $ 3,598.12
$1,119.93 $ 288.95
Total Sales $ 15,654.56
$ 3,994.67 $ 1,265.53
2000 Lake Ann Concession Vendor Expenses
Expense Code - 101-1540-4130
The Watson Company
Date Pd Invoice Amt
5/30/2000 $ 510.96
6/12/2000 $ 119.05
6/15/2000 $ 172.77
6/20/2000 $ 616.11
6/20/2000 $ 99.00
6/29/2000 $ 878.73
6/30/2000 $ 133.37
7/13/2000 $ 328.63
7/21/2000 $ 141.72
7/24/2000 S 565.84
7/28/2000 $ 150.24
8/11/2000 $ 518.70
8/15/2000 $ 11.93
8/24/2000 $ 288.93
9/1/2000 Credit
Total $ 4,535.98
Midwest Coca Cola
5/30/2000 $ 184.52
6/15/2000 $ 385.27
6/27/2000 $ 990.72
7/21/2000 $ 726.07
8/11/2000 $ 201.93
9/5/2000 Credit $ 357.84
Total $ 2,130.67
Festival Foods
5/27/2000 $ 20.58
6/8/2000 $ 10.40
6/9/2000 $ 19.86
6/9/2000 $ 52.11
6/9/2000 $ 48.26
6/10/2000 $ 49.24
6/11/2000 $ 6.81
6/20/2000 $ 22.79
6/23/2000 $ 20.80
6/24/2000 $ 6.88
6/30/2000 $ 21.99
7/1 O/2OO0
$ 6.98
$ 61.76
$ 4.95
$ 31.45
$ 14.16
$ 31.45
$ 25.75
$ 13.22
$ 21.99
$ 27.99
$ 15.10
$ 15.34
$ 62.63
$ 2.82
$ 5.64
$ 6.58
$ 24.13
$ 32.59
$ 30.71
$ 23.85
$ 1.88
$ 1.88
$ 0.94
$ 743.51
Total Vendor
$ 7,410.16
2000 Lake Ann Concession Hours/Wages
Borgerson Lindsey
Sara Carlson
Mesenbring, Airin
Pay Period Hourly Wage Hours
6-12-00/6-25-00 $ 7.75 42 $
6-26-00/7-23-00 $ 7.75 110.5 $
7-23-00/8-27-00 $ 7.75 171 $
Total 323.5 $
6-10-00/6-17-00 $ 7.75 12.5 $
6-19-00/7-2-00 $ 7.75 47 $
7-3-00/7-16-00 $ 7.75 59 $
7-18-00/7-30-00 $ 7.75 40.5 $
7-31-00/8-23-00 $ 7.75 69.5 $
Total 228.5 $
5-15-00/5-28-00 $ 9.00 84.75 $
6-12-00/6-25-00 $ 9.00 79.5 $
6-26-00/7-2-00 $ 9.00 44 $
7-3-00/7-23-00 $ 9.00 117.5 $
Total 325.75
$ 2,931.75
Total Hours 877.75
Total Wages $ 7,209.77
Date Paddleboat Canoe Rowboat Rowboat/Motor
May 27
May 28
May 29 12 2
May 30 1
May 31
May Totals 12 0 I 2
June 01
June 02
June 03 2 1
June 04
June 05 1 i
June 06 3 2
June 07
June 08 7 7 3
June 09 15 1
June 10 13 3
June 11 15 9 2 2
June 12 3 1
June 13 1
June 14
June 15
June 16
June 17 5 2 1 1
June 18 1
June 19 5 1 1
June 20 1 1
June 21
June 22 12 2
June 23 4 2 1
June 24 2
June 25 1
June 26
June 27 1
June 28 1
June 29 5 1 1
June 30 2 3 1
June Totals 90 32 18 9
July 01 12 3 1 2
July 02 14 1 2 1
July 03 4 1
July 04 26 16 3 1
July 05 6 2 1
July 06 6 1
July 07 2 4 1
July 08 8 1
July 09 9
July 10 10 1
July 11 6 i
July 12 4 3 1 1
July 13 16 2 1
July 14 6 1 1
July 15 19 5 1 1
July 16 9 1 2
July 17 4 2 3
July 18
July 19 1 1
July 20 2
July 21 13 1 3
July 22 10 5 3 2
July 23 12 4 1 2
July 24 6 1 2
July 25 3 1
July 26 1
July 27 6 2
July 28 12 4 2
July 29 17 4 2 1
July 30 22 6 3
July 31 8 3
July Totals 264 69 32 16
August 01 6 2
August 02 8 1
August 03 2
August 04 8 2 1 2
August 05 4 1
August 06 6 5 2 i
August 07 6 2 1
August 08 3 3 1
August 09 4 3
August 10 4 2
August 11 3 1
August 12 3 1
August 13 11 6 2
August 14 1 2
August 15 4 1
August 16 1
August 17
August 18 5
August 19 10
August 20 5 1
August 21
August 22 2
August 23 4
August 24 3 1
August 25 2 3
August 26 4 1
August 27 6 8
August Totals 113 37 15 6
TOTALS 479 138 66 33