7 Senior Center Report7 CITYOF Pho,e 612.~Z I~00 General Eax 612.93Z5739 ~tgineering Fax 612.937.9152 h~b/ic 8,~, ~x ~12.~34.252~ MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director FROM: Kara Wickenhauser, Senior Center Coordinator DATE: September 20, 2000 SUB J: Senior Center Report Activities at the Senior Center are increasing as tile fall is upon us. Several trip and class registrations are being taken. Currently 1 aln pulling together all of the Senior Center winter trips and activities information for the winter Chanhassen Connection. I continue to coordinate with Eden Prairie on several trips. We have offered 4 trips together this year and all of them have been successes. I have also remained in contact with Waconia Community Education, Westview Acres and Cbaska Community Education to offer joint trips as well. Tbe next meeting with this group will be on Tuesday, November 7"'. Attached to this memo is the Cbanbassen Senior Center fall newsletter FYI. Listed below are tile averages for each daily activity fbr tile montl~ of August. Approximately 736 visits were recorded for the month of Angust. Daily Activities - Average Attendance Bridge - 40 people Men's Club- 9 men Woodcarving - 12 people Stamping Club - 13 people Golfing Club - 14 people Women's Club - 20 women Book Club - 9 people Bingo - 21 people Card Club - 40 people Footcare Clinic - 3 people Trips - Upcomiug trips include; Red Wing Tour - September 26, 2000, Mystery Tour - October 11,2000 and Mississippi & New Orleans Tour - October 14, 2000 - October 22, 2000. Special Programs - Tile next Saturday Night Special will held at tile Recreation Center on Saturday, October 14th, from 5:30pm -7:30pm. The theme for the evening is German Night. Entertainment will be provided by tile Eden Prairie Fun Tyme Band. Miscellaneous - The Turtle Lake Casino trip scheduled for 10/03/2000 is booked, 47 people attending. The Chanbassen Senior Center Advisory Board is hosting a joint lneeting with the Eden Prairie Senior Center Advisory Board on Wednesday, December 13, 2000. The CHAN-o-laires (senior chorus) resumed practice on Tuesday, September 19, 2000. g:\park\kara\senior ctr update 9.20.2000 nter T rfl¢ LaKe Casiho Zoin us as we travel to St. Croix, Wisconsin for a day at Turtle Lake Casino! The cost is $5 per person and includes a roll of quarters and transportation. Get ready for a day of fun! Tuesday, October 3 8:45 am-5 pm Registration and ~5 payment due on/Honday, ~eptembe~ 25 Mystery Tour .Are you read), for one of our famous m), s~e.ry tours. This one day tour wall ta!~e y. ou to interesting places ana sites. We can't- ~ tellvou anymore, but be, ~.-~.~. ready for a fun-filled day. ~~ Wednesday, October 11 ~[ 8:30 am - 3 p~n ~....~ $33 includes motorcoach transportation and admissions. Registration & payment due Monday, September 25 New Olin Li. M. Get in the holiday spMt as xve tour beautiful New Ulm! We'll start with a tour of the August Shell Brewing Company, visit the C1Mstmas Haus, and auend a Glockenspiel performance. We'll have dinner at Viegel's Kaiserhoff and then enjoy a one-hour tour of New Uhn, including some Christmas lights. Monday, November27 12:45-10:15pm S31 includes transportation and admissions. Dinner is on your own. Registration and payment deadline Nov. 6 It's that time of the year again! The Senior Center will be hosting a special catered dinner and entertainment on a monthly basis. Come to socialize and meet 'new friends! Dinners are reasonable and very tasty! All dinners begin at 6:30 p.m. Preregistration is required. Call 937-1900 ext. 145 for more info or if you need transportation. September' 16 Harvest Potluck German Night & German Band Thanksgiving Night & Cards Holiday Social & Entertainment October 14 November 11 December 9 Enjoy Dan C-oggin's Nunsense Christmas musical, the "Nuncrockers." The nuns you love, Father Virgil, four of Mount St. Helen's most talented students, and all the carols and typical Nunsense humor that's sure to make you laugh! 5old out last year, so reserve your seat today! We'll begin the day with o trip to the Oreat American History Theatre. The play follows the fasmilies of this lost immigrant village in St. Paul. Swedes, Irish, Italians, and Mexicans made their first homes in this shantytown before "gain' up the hill!" and finding their place in America's future. After the play we'll depart for a buffet dinner before heading home. Wednesday, November 15 8:45 am - 3:00 pm $42 includes transportation, admission and buffet dinner. Wed., Dec. 6, 11 am - 3:30 pm $;)5 includes front row seating and lunch. Transportation is on your own. Registration and payment due on Monday, November Registration and payment due on Wednesday. October 25. Mondays .............................................................. Bridge ....................... 1-4 p.m. Mondays (lst & 3rd) ................................... Men's Club ........... 9:00-10:30 a.m. Mondays (2nd & 4th) ............................ Women's Club ........... 9:30-11:00 a.m. Tuesdays (3rd) .............................................. Book Club ........... 9:30-II:00 a.m. \Vednesdays .............................................. \Voodcan,ing ........... 9:00-11:30 a.m. Wednesdays .......................................................... Bingo .............. 1:00-4:00 p.m Thursdays (lst & 3rd) ...................................... Bowling ........... 9:30-11:00 a.m. Thursdays ...................................................... Card Club .............. 1:00-4:00 pm. Thursdays ........................................ Hand & Foot Club .............. 1:00-4:00 pm. Fridays (lst) ........................................... Stamping Class ........... 12:30-2:30 p.m. Fridays (4th) ........................................ Foot Care Clinic ............. 1:00-4:00 p.m. Come try a new hobby and meet new people too! This class offers a variety of proJects and greeting cards along with a wide selection of rubber stamps. This group welcomes all levels of talent! The cost of the class is dependent on the project. Preregis- tration is required to attend the class. Classes are held on the first Fridays of the month from 12:30-2:30 p.m. For more information, call 937-1900 ext. 145. Defensive Driving Looking for a way to reduce the cost of your car insurance? Complete this 4-hour defensive driving refl'esher class and receive a certificate Io submit to your insurance company. No driving or tests are required. An hour lunch break is set for 11:30 a.m.- 12:30 p.m. Lunch will be "vailable for S2.25 per person. Tuesdny, November 14 9:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m. SI O/person (payable to AARP) Chanhassen Senior Center Upcoming Foot Care Clinic Happy Feet Footcare, Inc., provides quality foot care services. They specialize in care of the elderly and diabetic foot, but do care for ':5)7!i. younger feet as well. ':5: They are able to meet any special needs you may have. They work on corns, calluses, thick or curled toenails, and ingrown nails if they are not well advanced. Happy Feet's service is available for $20 per visit. The fee will be collected at the time of service. To schedule an appointment at the Senior Center, contact Happy Feet at 763-560-5136. All clinics at the Senior Center will be held the 4th Friday of eveU, month from 1:00-4:00 p.m. The next clinics are scheduled for September 22, October 27, November 24 and December 22. Movies Cancelled Until further notice, Friday's free Meals on Wheels & Congregate Dining Congregate Dining and Meals on Wheels continues to operate at the Senior Center. Meals are served Mondays through Fridays at 11:30 a.m. The cost is $2.25 for anyone 60+ and $5.08 for anyone under age 60. Meals on Wheels is a great program for any senior (age 60+) ~vho is unable to travel to the Senior Center for meals. A good example for using this service is if you've been ill and are unable to cook meals at home. If you know of anyone who could use this service, please call 937-I 900 ext. 256 for qualifying details. Volunteers Needed! The Meals on Wheels program is seeking flexible and dependable vohmteers to deliver meals to residents in Chanhassen. If you are interested or need more in formation, call Joyce at 937~ 1900 ext. 256. Flu Shot Clinic Movie and Popcorn days are cancelled. Extended Trips The Senior Center will host Q Flu Shot Clinic on Tuesday, Nov 21 (note date change) from 9-11:30 om. Preregistrotion is required. 8ring your Medicare cord. A Branson Christmas Tom; Nov. 28-Dec. 3, 2000: This 6-day tour is offered by R & J Tours. Highlights include: 5 breakfasts, 3 other meals, 6 shows (Dina, The Braschlers, The Osmonds, Shoji Tabuchi, The Rockettes, Mel& Para Tillis), Branson area tour, Steamboat Arabia Museum, Christmas lights tour, and time for shopping! Register early as seats are limited! The cost is $629/person. Mexican Riviera Cruise, Februa~ 18-25, 2001: This 8-day cruise on the Carnival Elation, one of the largest super-lines in ~ /-~ the business, will highlight Mazatlan, Puerto Vallarta, and Cabo San Lucas; all meals; 6 nights in a large cabin; round trip flights and home pickup; and tour protection plan. This is a new ship with a spa and 3 pools. The cost ranges are: $1434 (inside/lower); $1484 (outside/lower); $1634 (inside/upper); or $1684 (outside/upper). Switzerland Trip, October2-10, 2001: This 9-day tour will include: Lucerne, Lions Monmnent, Chapel Bridge, Jesuit Church, Rhine Falls, Cuckoo Clock demo, nterlaken, Bern, Zurich, Rapperwil, Brienz wood carving center, Four country tour, Swiss Folklore Shore, Ferry ride to Konstanz Germany, and more! $2,000/ person. A travel preview show xvill be held at the Senior Center on Tuesday, October 17, 2000 at 9:30 a.m. For more info about mO, of these trips, call Karo at 937-1900 ext. 145. nominal fee will be charged to those who don't have o Medicare cord. Shots administered by Ridgeview Medical Center. Call 937-1900 ext. 145 to register early! Registration Policy All trip ])a),ments are due on or before the registration deadline. Registration cannot be co~rmed until payment is made. No refimcts are made for cancellation un/ess the trip is cancelled by the Senior Center. If the registrant chooses to cancel after lhe registration deadline, they are re~7)onsible lo find a replacement.