8 Park&Trl Maintenance ReportCITYOF CHANHASSEN 690 C,iF Ce,zr Drive, PO Box 147 C/,a,hasse,, 3li~mesot(~ 55317 Pho,e ~12.937.1900 Ge,eral Fax 612 937.5739 E,gi,eeff,g Fax 612 937. 9152 h~bSc Sari'0, ~x 612 934,2524 MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Hoffinan, Park and Recreation Director FROM: Dale Gregory, Park Superintendent DATE: September 1 g, 2000 SUBJECT: Park and Trail Maintenance Report With the lack of rain and the city water restrictions in place, our soccer and softball fields arc really going down hill. With only two hours of watering allowed at night, there is nowhere near enough time to do a proper.job of watering. We have spent a great deal of time this month measuring and lining soccer and fbotball fields for this fall. This year we will be doing a lot of tree planting in many of the parks. We have been marking areas, looking at trees and have been in contact with thc individual that moves most of our trees. Wc will bc starting this project thc cnd of September. This last month we also completed a trail connector from thc north side of thc pedestrian bridge to the trail along Highway 5. Another project schcdulcd for this fall is to overlay 1.2 miles of trail and to resurface thc two tennis courts at North Lotus Park. 77,~ ('it,. o/' ('h,mha,'en A growi,a commu,ily with dca, lakes, qua/itl, schools, ~ ch~m,i,g dow,towu, t,(,rit,i~ie' b,si,csscs, a,d be,zzaiEd z¥,'ks, d g~v,zt t>/~cc re h'z~e, work, a,d ,[au