4a 2000 Tree Lighting CeremonyCITYOF CHANHASSEN 690 City Center Orit,e, PO Box 147 Cl~anhassen, 31itmesota 55317 ?/,o~e 612.937.1900 General ?ax 612. 937. 5739 Engi~eeffng E~x 612. P3Z 9152 h~3fic 8afl'q ~.~' 612934.2524 WOb wu'u,, cl. chm~hassen, tn n. us MEMORANDUM TO: JetTy Ruegemer, Recreation Superintendent FROM: Corey Hoen, Recreation Supervisor<Z~./D~ DATE: November 21, 2000 SUB J: 2000 Tree Lighting Ceremony This year's Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony will be held on Saturday, December 2 at 5 p.m. at City Center Commons. The event will run from approximately 5-6 p.m. with the actual tree lighting taking place at about 5:15. The event is s?onsored by the City of Chanhassen and the Chanhassen Chamber of Commerce. In addition, to the actual lighting ceremony we will also have a visit from Santa Claus, Christmas carolers and refreshments in the Senior Center. Nancy Lipinski and Mara Barnette are assisting in the event as well. This year's event should provide for a fun and festive evening for those who attend. ~.oih ns for Uhcmhasss~:s YKhr~ual .... ..gigh17ihg Sa+ur'dag, Dec. em,bar- Z, 5:00 p.m. (_..i+sj Can+er' (_.ommon~ Don'+ mi~ +hie annual Chanha~en celebr'a+ion! Thi~ ~ear'¥ even+ c0ill be held on December' Z a+ 5 p.m. in Can+er- Common~ (dir-ec+lsj ~ou+h of' (_.hanh,~en Ci+~ Hall). Come and an, jog +he. lic3h+inB of' +he. holidasj +rea, re~-°re~hmcn+~ and of' course a ~pecial vi~i+ -F'rom $~n+~ For more im°orma+ion, call CoreH Hoen a+ q37-iqo0 ex+. 7_15. This event is F-P. KK! ,$ponsor~ed b.y: City of Chanhas~en and Chanha,s,sen Chamber of Commer~ce