5a 3-on-3 Basketball WinterCITYOF 690 Ci7 G',tcr Drive, PO Box 1.17 Ch,mhmse~l. 3lbi,esota 55317 I%,e 612.9321900 Ge,eral F~c,' 612.937.5739 E~gi,eed,g F~x 612.~3Y. 9152 h~blic 5,~O, ~x 612.934.2524 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUB J: November 21, 2000 Adult 3 on 3 Basketball Winter Season Todd Hoffman, Director of Parks and Recreation Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Superintendent //~ The winter season for 3 on 3 basketball will be played on Mondays from January 15 to March 19 at the Recreation Center, The league will be able to accommodate 16 teams, which should reach its maximum. Registration for the wintcr season has begun and the deadlines are December 6-8. Please find league intbrmation attached to assist you with any questions. Thc Otl' oflCha,hasse,. A ~rowi~¢, co ,,u ,it¥ with dc, m l, zkcs, r/ii,din' sc/ods, a c/~,,w~i,~, dou',totv,, thri,,i,¢ bzd,csses. , id bcmttifl~d wlrks. A er(,,~t o/,~ce to/i,,(,, work. ,z~zd CITYOF CHANHASSEN 690 CiO, Center Drive, PO Box 147 Ct~anhassen, M/nnesota 55317 Phone 612937.1900 General tax 612. 937. 5739 £,gineering tax 612.937.9152 ?ublic Safeqy ]vax 612.934.2524 l~3b www. ci. chanhassen, mn. us November 2, 2000 Dear Adult 3 on 3 Basketball Players: The winds are growing colder and that means it is getting close to basketball season. Games will be played at the Chanhassen Recreation Cehtcr on Monday evenings. There will be room for 16 teams on Mondays. Registrations will be accepted for Monday evening first. Please remember all players must be 18 years or older and team rosters will carry a maximum of 10 players. The league will begin January 15 and conclude in mid March. Priority will be given to Chanhassen residents first. Please refer to the information below to find your league fees and registration deadlines: League Fees All Chanhassen Residents on Team 1-4 Non-residents on Team More than 5 Non-Residents on Team $105.00 $120.00 $135.00 Registration Deadlines All Chanhassen Residents on Team 1-4 Non-residents on Team More than 5 Non-Residents on Team December 6, 2000 December 7, 2000 December 8, 2000 Only complete registrations will be accepted and must include registration fee, conduct fee and signed form and roster. Teams wishing to register early may do so, however, depending on where your team falls into the league fee and registration information, that is when your registration will be officially accepted. If you have any further questions, please call me at 937-1900, extension 126. je~/y ~u~ge~mer ~ Recreation Superintendent JR:ns g:\park\jcrryL3 on 3 B ballLcttc~O0 CHANHASSEN PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 2000/2001 WINTER 3 ON 3 BASKETBALL ROSTER TEAM NAME: MANAGER'S NAME: MANAGER'S ADDRESS: HOME PHONE: ( ) - Street City Zip WORK PHONE: ( ) - ASST. MANAGER'S NAME: ASST. MANAGER'S ADDRESS: Street City Zip HOME PHONE: ( ) - WORK PHONE: ( ) - ***************************** READ BEFORE SIGNING ************************* I hereby agree to play for the above named team in a Chanhassen Park and Recreation 3 on 3 Basketball League during the cun'ent season. I have read the basketball rules and agree to abide by them. By my signature below, I also agree that I shall indemnify and hold harmless the City of Chanhassen, its Parks and Recreation Department, its officers, agents, and employees from and against all claims, damages, losses or expenses, including attorney's fees, which they may suffer or for which they may be held liable, and do thereby for myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, waive, release and forever discharge any and all claims for damages, which I may have or which may hereafter accrue to me, arising out of or connected with my participation in Parks and Recreation Department programs and/or use of public property and equipment for recreational purposes. Teams using ineligible players will: (1) forfeit all games in which ineligible players played, (2) team manager and ineligible player could be suspended for one (1) year from Chanhassen athletics and, (3) the team will be eligible for play-offs, and the team will not be dropped from the league the following year. FILL OUT COMPLETELY Note: Playing nmnager's must also sign on numbered line. PRINT NAME STREET, CITY, ZIP (HOME) HOME PHONE # SIGNATURE STREET, CITY, ZIP (WORK) WORK PHONE # PRINT NAME STREET, CITY, ZIP (HOME) HOME PHONE # SIGNATURE STREET, CITY, ZIP (WORK) WORK PHONE # o PRINT NAME SIGNATURE PRINT NAME o SIGNATURE PRINT NAME o SIGNATURE PRINT NAME SIGNATURE PRINT NAME SIGNATURE PRINT NAME SIGNATURE PRINT NAME SIGNATURE 10. PRINT NAME SIGNATURE G:\park\bbX3 on3 bas kctballwintcrroste~0 STREET, CITY, ZIP (HOME) HOME PHONE # STREET, CITY, ZIP (WORK) WORK PHONE # STREET, CITY, ZIP (HOME) HOME PHONE # STREET, CITY, ZIP (WORK) WORK PHONE # STREET, CITY, ZIP (HOME) HOME PHONE # STREET, CITY, ZIP (WORK) WORK PHONE # STREET, CITY, ZIP (HOME) HOME PHONE # STREET, CITY, ZIP (WORK) WORK PHONE # STREET, CITY, ZIP (HOME) HOME PHONE # STREET, CITY, ZIP (WORK) WORK PHONE # STREET, CITY, ZIP (HOME) HOME PHONE # STREET, CITY, ZIP (WORK) WORK PHONE # STREET, CITY, ZIP (HOME) HOME PHONE # STREET, CITY, ZIP (WORK) WORK PHONE # sTREET, CITY, ZIP (HOME) HOME PHONE # STREET, CITY, ZIP (WORK) WORK PHONE # CHANHASSEN PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 690 CITY CENTER DRIVE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN ADULT FORFEIT/ELIGIBILITY/CONDUCT FORM On this date, ,20 , I have written a personal check for $100.00 payable to the City of Chanhassen, which will be held and not cashed. It will be returned on or about April 1, 2001, provided my team notifies the Park and Recreation Department of known forfeits, does not have fostered or use ineligible player(s) and/or become involved in unsportsman like conduct as defined in writing by the Chanhassen Park and Recreation Department and the MRPA. If my team forfeits a game without notifying the Chanhassen Park and Recreation Depmlment by 2:00 p.m. on game day, we will pay $25.00. This dollar amount must be received by the Park and Recreation office prior to your next league game. If my team is found using or rostefing an ineligible player(s), or if my team is involved in unsportsman like conduct, I understand I will pay a fee of $50.00. This fee must be received by the Park and Recreation office before your next league game. Failure to pay any of the fees will result in the loss of the $I00.00 fee and all games played without paying the fee will not count. Team Manager's Signatm'e Team Name g:\park\bb\cligform.doc