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8 Park&Trl Maintenance Report
· There is no report for this tem. CITYOF 690 Ci0, ©,ter Drive, PO Box I47 Chanhasse,, Minnesota 55317 Phone 612.93Z General fax 612.937.5739 Engineering tax 612.937.9152 Public Saj~ty ?ax 612.93(2524 Web zz,wuzci, chanhassen, m,.us MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director FROM: Dale Grcgory, Park Superintendent /~c~ DATE: November 27, 2000 SUBJECT: Park and Trail Maintenance Report This past month we have been working on moving all thc park equipment that was in the old park shed to a temporary storage building for this winter. This year we were able to get the City's Christmas tree from Lake Ann in the area where our new shed will be built. Thc tree was installed the middle of November with the lights to be put on November 27. The skate park was officially closed on November 17 with a temporary fence installed along the west side to prevent access to the jumps. Wc have completed our fall trimming to remove possible branches that could cause injury or arc in thc way for snow removal along the park trails. We are still working on the community garden and are planning to have this garden ready for use in the spring. The installation of the water hydrant for this garden is scheduled for November 27. Last report from the pre-construction meeting of November 9,2000, on the park maintenance shed is that construction should start right after Thanksgiving with a possible completion date of March 15,2001. The Gty ofl Chanhasse,. A y, rowin.g community with clean lakes, ouaIit¥ schools, a champing downtown, thrivin¢ businesses, a,d beautiM varks. A great/dace to live. work.