9a Discuss New Park Rules SignCITYOF 690 CiO, G',ter D~ive. 1)O Box 145 C/]~mhasse,, Mi,,esot~ 55317 l)/lo,e 612. 93.7.1900 Ge,era! ?ky 612.937.5739 £;~gi>~eeri,g L~.x' 612. 9,37. 9152 ]~,b/ic S,(,o, ?;1.¥ 612934.2524 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: Park and Recreation Commission .~,/,/ Todd Hoffman, Director of Parks and Recreation DATE: November 2 I, 2000 SUB J: Initiate Discussion of New Park Rules Sign The City's current park rules sign was developed approximately 8 years ago. Rule changes and communication from the Carver County Sherift*s Office call into question the usefulness of the current sign. The rules for pet owners have been modified to allow pet walking on trails within parks. The deputies would like to see a more visible sign prepared which lists all applicable ordinances. I will bring one of our existing signs to next week's meeting. I would like to see the Commissioners develop a "common sense" list of appropriate rules prior to launching off into a "Chapter 74, Subtitle 3B, Paragraph 4" type discussion. g?,park\th\park signs-e.doc The Cit}, o[Cha~_~h_asse,. A vwwi,~ commto~itl, with c/ca, lakes, at,alit1, v~'/~oolv ~z ch~m;i,~ do,,,,/ ...... ,l,,q,.;,,./,, .' ~ ' '" ~ '