8b Directory UpdateCITYOF 690 GO, Ce,ter Drh,e, PO Box I47 Ch~, /;asse,. Min~mota 55317 ?hone 612. Y37.1900 Ge,eral £ax 6I_2.937.5739 £,gi~:eri,g £ax 612.937.9152 h~blic S~fcg, £,zr612.934.2524 lt3b www. ci. ch~,hmse,.,m, us MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: All Departments Norrna, Administration DATE: December 4, 2000 SUB J: New 2001 City Directory It is time to update our city directory. We have had numerous changes, so in an attempt to have it as accurate as possible, will you please take a few minutes to look over your department's list of employees and commissioners, making any corrections necessary. 1 would like to have changes and corrections back to me as soon as possible as we would like to have the directory printed by January 1. Thanks for your help