3 Finalize 2002 Strategic PlanChanhassen Strategic Plan 3anuary 2000 Updated 4/2000 STRATEGY i Prov/de leadersh/p to enable the community to meet expectations. Cost-Effective quality Services A. Review the policies and processes that guide our contracting of external services. B. Develop and implement a program to guide our approach to 'Customer Service.' a. Tdentify and train all City personnel who have contact with 'Customers.' b. Review city policies and processes to ensure they are 'Customer Friendly.' c. Explore the development of a customer call-center that can provide specific 'first call' answers to customer inquiries regarding city services. C. Utilize technology to the betterment of our citizens and the services we provide. Action: The new telephone system that wiII be instaIIed in October/November 2001 w/II have receptionists answering the telephone "live"and customers no longer need to listen to the menu and "guess" which department they want. The new phone system will a/so allow staff to transfer ca/Is between city buildings instead of asking the customer to hang up and dial another number. quality Amenities A. Complete the assessment process for the proposed Library. Action: Completed schematic design and design development. We are currentIy in the preparation of construction documents/buiIding estimates phase of the project. Estimated bidding and negotiations are scheduled for January/February, with the bond saIe scheduIed for February of 2002. Total project construction is estimated at 61 weeks, beginning in April of 2002 with compIetion in Flay of 2003. Community Involvement A. Design and field a survey instrument that will enable the city to regularly poll our residents and businesses about their perceptions of transportation issues and the quality of city services. B. Develop an annual report on the State of the City. a. Deliver the report for 1999 within the first 3 months of 2000. b. Deliver the report for 2000 during the first quarter of 2001. C. Develop a recognition program that regularly acknowledges the efforts of our community volunteers. Action: The community survey was completed by Decision Resources in July of 2001 and an executive summary was presented to the Council in September. This information will be used as a part of our Strategic Planning process for 2002 and into the future, With the redesign and update of the City'~ web page, we will investigate implementing a "quick poll"section so that we can regularly ask resident~ their opinions on a variety of topic~ affecting the city. Ffoney was not included in the 2001 budget for a volunteer recognition picnic. the past, the event was poorly attende~ with the exception of senior citizens. would recommend that we send out "certificates of appreciation" signed by the I~ayor and Council to aH vo/unteer~ in the month of Aprii during Volunteer Recognition Picnic. Another possibility is that Council members could at~end one commission meeting during April and per~onal/y thank the commissions/volunteer groups for their service and contributions. STRATEGY Promote a broad range of housing options. Housing Diversity A. Complete the articulation of the city's overall housing strategy by the end of June 2000. B. Complete a quantified assessment of the City's need for Senior Housing, Assisted Living, and Long Term Care Facilities within the context of our desired overall housing mix. Action: Complete work on a Housing I~aintenance Code and licensing of rental properties. The licensing of rentalproperties will require meetings with rental housing owners to take a proactive stand in encouraging crime-free housing. In meeting the city'~ need for senior housing, assisted flying, and long term care facilities, staff is working with Presbyterian Homes to develop an affordable housing and assisted Eying facility. The City Council and EDA have called for a public hearing to discuss the possibility of providing seven years of tax increment financing assistance to make this project affordable. Carver County continues to purchase and rehab single-family and multi-family properties in Chanhassen, through a HUD program, and rent them to/ow/moderate income families. STt~I TEG Y $ Develop a central area for the community. City Center Identity A. Review the plans to develop the major components of the City Center. a. City Center Commons design and possible construction. b. City Center beautification design, construction and ongoing initiatives. c. Relationship and synergy with the proposed Community Library planning. B. Develop a strategy and action plan for the original St. Hubert's Church. Action; In the next six months~ staff will be working with the landscape architect, · to develop schematic designs for the City Center Commons area. Staff has had discussions with St. Hubert's Church representatives regarding the sale of St. Hubert's to Colonial Church and to the city. However~ Colonial Church would only purchase the church if they were a/lowed to expand into the Pony/Pau/y/Przymus area a construct a walkway between the new facility and the existing church. The city council did not endorse this concept. No further action has been taken. Staff will schedule a meeting with Fr. Steve to pursue the city's purchasing of the property for STRATEGY 4 Preserve and mainta/n our natural areas. Natural Areas A. Implement the final phase of the Open Space Referendum. B. Implement the Bluff Creek Watershed Plan. Action: The city council approved a Settlement Agreement with the Fox family in September in the amount of $1,29~000 plus interest. The settlement agreement stipulated that the property would be used for open space purposes rather than an active public park. The city council authorized feasibility studies for two connections and 1 extension of the city's trail system in September. Action; Staff has had discussions with Conrad Fiskness, Chair of the Riley- Purgatory-Bluff Creek Watershed District and he has committed to begin budgeting and implementation the Bluff Creek Watershed P/an for 2002. STRATEGY 5 Encourage and promote commun/ty connections. Roads and Trails A. Continue to work with HnDOT on the timely completion of the Highway 5 expansion. Action: This project is on schedule and should be completed in June of 2002. B. Continue to work with IVlnDOT, Carver & Hennepin Counties and Eden Prairie by proactively representing Chanhassen wishes regarding the proposed improvements to Highway 101 and adjoining trail. Action: Currently working with all agencies regarding the possibility of turning back TH lOl to the City of Chanhassen. Staff is working closely with bfnDOT~ Representative Workman~ TH ~0~ neighborhood~ Carver & /Yennepin Counties, and the City of Eden Prairie to endorse this concept, ffoweveG staff is continuing on a dual track effort in ensuring that if the TH 101 turnback does not occur~ that the city would be in tho position to complete the trail segment, C. Formulate a policy statement regarding sizing and construction standards for local roads constructed within Chanhassen. Action: Standards are included in development contracts~ the comp p/an, and the Detailed Standard Plates and Specifications. These requirements are reviewed on a project-by-project basis. H the city council would like to see a formal review of this process, I would suggest scheduling it for an upcoming work session so that we may discuss specific changes in these policies. D. Review and formulate Chanhassen's long-range mass transit strategy, thereby refining what is reflected in our Comprehensive Plan. Action: Some of the long-range mass transit strategies that staff has accomplished include construction of the access boulevards on the north/south sides of Highway ~' made application for a grant for a parking ramp for the downtown park & ride site; continues to participate in the local transportation groups, (e.g. Southwest Fletro Transit hlnDOT, APWA, t4innesota Transportation A//iance/ and Southwest Coalition) STRATEGY 6 Maintain and foster a sense of safety and security. Safety & Security A. Participate in the development of performance standards that will govern Carver County Sheriff's Department delivery of police services to Chanhassen's neighborhoods and businesses. Action: The Carver County Sheriff and former City t4anager developed a work plan to measure performance of the contract, This was presented to the City Council this past spring. B. Customize the IVlinnesota Crime-Free Multi-Housing program to fit Chanhassen's unique requirements. Action: See Strategy 2 regarding the Housing I4aintenance Code and the Licensing of Rental Properties. C. Pilot the Michigan Model City Program (T3) to maintain safety on local streets. Action: The Project Leadfoot Program was implemented in 2000, with several neighborhoods in the community taking advantage of the program. D. Develop processes to enable the city to maintain ongoing dialogue and regular assessment or our residents' and businesses' perceptions of community safety issues. Action: Staff has implemented a crime alert list serve with businesses and crime watch neighborhoods regardin9 activities in their areas. We continue offer the Safety Camp~ National Night Out and the Neighborhood Watch Program. Staff also provides support and information to victims of crime~ i.e. thet~ burglaries~ robberies~ assa ults~ etc. g:~adminkstrategickstrategic plan 4-O0.doc