Correspondence SectionCorrespondence
Pork & Recreotion
Office of Court Services
Justice Center
604 F, ast Fourth Street
Chaska, Minnesota 55318-2102
Phone (952) 361-1460
Fax (952) 301-138t)
April 8, 2004
Chanhassen Parks
Attn: Mr. Todd N,~ffman_
7700 Market Blvd.
Chanhasscn, MN 55317
Dear Todd,
Enclosed, please find the apology letter written by the juveniles who were involved in the
offense of tipping over an outhouse on or about October 13, 2003. Please accept this
apology letter with the sincerity in which I believe it was written.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call me at 952-361-1386.
Gerri Sherman
Probation Officer
April 7, 2004
City of Chanhossen
Dear City of Chanhassen,
We were in the park after hours and on the roof. Then, o man came out from nowhere
and punched me in the face and choked me. We ran to the car and left. This caused
more work fr the policy because they had to take the time to deal with us and caused
more work.
It was illegal for us to be at the par after hours and to be on the roof. This causes
disruption for the people around the park. We had to take the time and go to court
and probation meetings and it cost me money. I am on probation and I have 3 days of
This will not happen again. Please accept my apologies.
April 7, 2004
City of Chanhassen
Letter of Apology
Dear City of Chanhassen,
I was in a park after hours and was sitting on the roof of the pavilion. I believe what I
was doing caused the police extra work that night.
My actions were illegal because ! was in the park after curfew and was on a roof when I
was not supposed to be.
The consequences because of this was 3 days of STS, probation, and required to keep my
school attendance, follow curfew and follow all rules of the probation.
I apologize for my actions and the inconvenience it has caused the City of Chanhassen.
MRPA Professional Membership
Will Morris and Maureen Durand
Legislative Update
March 19, 2004
Maureen Durand, Michelle Snider, and I met with the MRPA Legislative Committee on March 18. The attendees
discussed the platform, future legislative alert items and the Healthier US initiative. Basically, the attendees
agreed that we need to adopt a legislative platform by the fall statewide convention in order to optimize our
influence on legislative matters. Approving the platform at this time would allow legislative partnerships to be
formed as well as time to draft legislation as necessary and line up influential authors. Attendees also discussed
the growing need to line up support in advance within the city government for park officials to be able to respond
in a timely fashion to action items during the legislative session. Where possible, this approval should be obtained
so that you have authority to make statements in support of certain measures that do not directly conflict with
other city government issues.
The Healthier US Initiative has been approved by the executive committee of the MRPA. The Initiative is a federal
attempt to marry public lands and public health in order to fight the growing problem of obesity. The Depts. of
Interior, Health and Human Services, Agriculture, and the Army Corps of Engineers have come together to
partner in this event. The partners intend to address prevention by promoting healthier lifestyles through
recreational activities on public lands and waters. The partners chose Minneapolis/St. Paul for its unique
combination of federal, state, and local public lands to highlight. The MRPA has been asked to coordinate this
effort in the state where a national kickoff event is planned in the summer. More information on how you can help
will be available in the near future.
Second committee deadline is this Friday, March 19. Policy bills must have been heard in the House and Senate
to stay alive.
The 1/4-percent sales tax bill passed the first committee deadlines. This bill would dedicate upwards of $200
Million per year to natural resources. The Governor has been on record supporting this initiative although the
senate and house have two competing ways to finance this. The House would like to ask the People of the State
to add this amount to the already existing sales tax. The Senate would prefer that this amount come out of the
sales tax that is already raised. This bill will likely not be kept to regular deadlines. The bill is currently idle in the
Senate. Note: Will and Maureen have been at House committee hearings regarding this bill on behalf of MRPA.
* Call to Action in the House: MRPA members are urged to call their House and Senate members in support
of the 1/4-percent sales bill. Members should focus on the House Tax Committee. This bill will need all the
support it can demonstrate to pass this committee. Yesterday is not too early to start calling your legislators about
this issue.
- The local initiative grants have been heard; however we need to call both the House Capital Investment and
Senate Bonding Committees to support this initiative. There is $500,000 allocated for natural resources and
scenic, and $2,000,000 for non-metro regional parks.
SF2032 (Hottinger)/HF 1774 (Mariani) - This bill would reinstate funding to the After-school enrichment program
which was zeroed out in the last budget cutting cycle. The bill provides for $5 mil for fy2005. The Senate file
was referred to the Finance division and the HF was referred to Education Finance. Neither bill has been
heard in committee yet.
Juvenile justice is an area of importance for MRPA members. However, there hasn't been any specific legislative
introduced at this time.
SF1654 (Solon)/HF2611 (Slawik) - This bill would allow local units of government to ban firearms from public
buildings, medical facilities and parks. The SF was referred to the Crime Prevention Committee. The HF was
referred to Judiciary Policy and Finance. Neither bill has been heard yet.
SF2273 (Wergin)/HF2103 (C. Nelson) - this bill would authorize municipalities to require a dedication of land for
public purposes. This could translate into a limitation on land acquisition for parks because the land would have to
be limited to a dedicated use. The HF passed the Local government committee on 3/15/04. The SF has yet to be
heard in committee.
We'll continue to keep you updated with MRPA's legislative platform throughout the session. Thank you,
7700 Market Boulevard
PO Box 147
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Phone: 952.227.1100
Fax: 952.227.1110
Buildino Inspections
Phone: 952.22Ll180
Fax: 952.227.1190
Phone: 952.227.1160
Fax: 952.227.1170
Phone: 952.227.1140
Fax: 952.227.1110
Park & Recreation
Phone: 952.227.1120
Fax: 952.227.1 t 10
Recreation Center
2310 Coulter Boulevard
Phone: 952.227.1400
Fax: 952.227.1404
Planning &
Natural Resources
Phone: 952.227.1130
Fax: 952.227.1110
Public Works
1591 Park Road
Phone: 952.227.1300
Fax: 952.227.1310
Senior Center
Phone: 952.227.1125
Fax: 952.227.1110
Web Site
March 29, 2004
Ms. Amy O'Shea
7475 Crocus Court
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Dear Amy:
It was with great disappointment to learn of your departure from not only the
Commission but the community! I would like to thank you for your two-year
commitment to the City's Park and Recreation Commission. I appreciated
your passion, desire to make things better, and quick smile. The park and
recreation experience that you brought to the table was invaluable. It was a
pleasure to work with you. I speak for the entire staff when I say that your
presence will be missed.
Amy, I will miss seeing you around town at basketball games and other
events. We all wish you well in the move to your new home. Again, thank
you for serving as a Park and Recreation Commissioner!
Todd Hoffman
Park and Recreation Director
c: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager
The City of Chanhassen · A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a charming downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails, and beautiful parks. A great place ~o live, work, and play.
7700 Market Boulevard
PO Box 147
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Phone: 952.227.1100
Fax: 952.227.1110
Building Inspections
Phone: 952.227.1180
Fax: 952.227.1190
Phone: 952.227.1160
Fax: 952.227.1170
Phone: 952.227.1140
Fax: 952.227.1110
Park & Recreation
Phone: 952.227.1120
Fax: 952.227.1110
Recreation Center
2310 Coulter Boulevard
Phone: 952.227.1400
Fax: 952.227.1404
Planning &
Natural Resources
Phone: 952.227.1130
Fax: 952~227.1110
Public Works
1591 Park Road
Phone: 952.227.1300
Fax: 952.227.1310
Senior Center
Phone: 952.227.1125
Fax: 952.227.1110
Web Site,
March 29, 2004
Ms. Susan Robinson
821 Preakness Lane
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Dear Susan:
Thank you for serving the City of Chanhassen this past year in the role of Park
and Recreation Commissioner. It was a pleasure working with you. I enjoyed
your willingness to contribute, ability to reason, and quick smile! We were all
disappointed by your announcement to resign your position; however, I
understand very well the need to balance all of life's needs and demands.
I wish you well in the future and look forward to seeing you around town.
Again it was a pleasure getting to know you.
Todd Hoffman
Park and Recreation Director
c: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager
The City o! Chanhassen · A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a charming downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails, and beautiful parks. A great place to live, work, and play.
4120 Lakeridge Rd.
Chanhassen, MN 55331
March 31, 2004
Todd Hoffman Parks and Recreation Director
Market Boulevard
City of Chanhassen, MN 55317
Re: My Views on Paintball - Citizenship of the Community Merit Badge
Dear Mr. Hoffman:
I have been asked to write on my views about a recent concern in my city and local
community as part of my Citizenship of the Community Boy Scout Merit Badge (one of
only two more merit badges I need to achieve the rank of Eagle Scout). I know you've
probably heard a lot of peoples' views on paintball in Chanhassen I know this is
somewhat ora controversial topic. However, this is the topic I feel most attached to and
the most involved with in my community. All I ask is that you read this through and if
you have any response, please contact me (e-mail is preferred at or call me at 401-0253.
Any response you give me I will include in my report and will submit it to my
advancement chair as per the requirements of the merit badge. I appreciate your time and
Sincerely? , /
Paul Makowski
';-tP~ 0 ~ 2.004
Minnesota Landscape Arboretum
Minnesota Landscape
3675 Arboretum Blvd.
Chaska, MN 55318-9613
2004 -
Beautiful Landscapes for a Better Environment Learning Series
Cosponsored by the MN Landscape Arboretum and the City of Chanhassen
Held at the Arboretum's Snyder Building
The City of Chanhassen and the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum are partnering in 2004 to offer
a series of landscaping and gardening classes aimed at homeowners.
Designing for Woodland Sites ........ Saturday, April 24, 2004 ..... 9 am - 1 pm
$30 Chanhassen residents ($35 Arborettma members, $45 nonmembers)
This class is a must for homeowners with wooded areas in their yards. Gain important knowledge about how
to manage and enhance your backyard woodland. Instructor: L. Peter MacDonagh, owner of The Kestrel Design
Group, Inc., is a licensed landscape architect, arborist and horticulturist who specializes in ecological solutions to
land design and planning.
Better Gardening Tips and Techniques ........ Sunday, May 23, 2004 ..... 1 pm - 4 pm
$20 Chanhassen residents ($25 Arboretum members, $35 nonmembers)
The concepts of eco-gardening will improve your garden not only for the short term, but also for the future.
Learn the basic principles of soil amendments, low chemical usage, composting, beneficial insects, mulching,
fertilizers, and using edible plants in your landscaping. Come fred out how you can improve your gardening skills
and your garden's health. Instructor: Shirley Mah Kooyman is a botanist and Adult Education Manager at the
For more information: Please contact the Adult Education Department at (952) 443-1422,
FAX (952) 443-2521, or e-mail
I I Illlllll I I I I I I lllllll llll I I I I Illl Illlllll lllll ~?;;lllllllll Ill I I I I Ill lllllllllll i i lllRegistration
Designing for Woodland Sites (April 24, 2004) $30 Chanhassen residents
$35 Arboretum members
$45 Nonmembers
__Better Gardening Tips (May 23, 2004) $20 Chanhassen residents
$25 Arboretum members
$35 Nonmembers
Arboretum member #
Make check payable to MN Landscape Arboretum, or:
Charge my __ Visa __ MasterCard Signature
card # Expiration
Name on card
. Zip code
Phone (day) e-mail
send to: Classes; MN Landscape Arboretum; 3675 Arboretum Blvd; Chaska, MN 55318
Minncsot z~ Landscape
.... Hiracie
MiracleKids Triathion
Event Ove,,*¢iew
What: A one-of-a-kind, 1st Annual Kids (Ages 7-14) Triathlon Fund Raiser
Benefitinq: Miracles of Mitch Foundation- www.
Where: Lake Ann Park in Chanhassen, Minnesota
Date: 11 AM - 4 PM. Sunday, August 22. 2004
Purpose and Mission: Fulfilling the wishes of Mitchell Chepokas, a miracle kid who is gone but still very much with us in
spirit, the Miracles of Mitch Foundation was formed in order to provide financial support to families dealing with tile worst
possible event: the critical illness of a child. The motto of the MiracleKids Triathlon is Kids Racing for Kids Who Can't. The
event will serve as a foundation fund-raiser while promoting a summer fitness program culrninating with kids participating
in a swim-bike-run, kids-only triathlon.
Presentation and Staging: Mitch's favorite color was Orange. -[-he entire park will be emblazoned in bold orange, with an
unforgettable finish line, huge cheering crowds and OrangeFest - the celebration picnic-party with games, pictures, music
and fun.
Triathlon Coordinators: foundation volunteers ted by triathlon exped and 5-time World Champion, Tony Schiller.
Entrance Requirements: kids who raise pledges of S50 or more will gain entry into the race and receive the MiracleKids
Triathlon Training and Race Guide. This fun and easy to follow body-mind shape-up plan will help kids get fit and ready for
the big day.
All Inclusive Event: Mitch had a big heart for alt kids and would want the MiracleKids Triathion [o reach out to kids
from all backgrounds. For that reason, we have created a Sponsor-a~Kid Scholarship Program to eliminate the
physical and financial barriers that could prevent some kids from padicipating.
Sponsor-a-Kid Scholarships: Donor contributions will make it possible to invite several underprivileged,
physically challenged, and ill children to race (those with special needs will get to race in tandem support with
experienced triathletes so they too can finish). By padnering with organizations serving these groups, we will
invite kids to race. There will be a scholarship contest where kids submit written essays and/or their very own
artwork depicting why they'd like to race in the MiracleKids Triathlon. Chosen kids will receive free entry, the
MiracleKids Tdathlon Training and Race Guide, all the equipment they'll need (including a bike they get to
keep), and even transportation to and from the race. It will be an unforgettable day of Miracles.
Spirit of Play - Not Competition: In the spirit of Mitch, every kid will wear the Numl3er I and all finishers
will "break the tape" to earn their MiracleKids Champions Medal. There will be no official timing or record
'Memo to: City of Chanhassen
From: Tonv Schiller, co-director, 6580 Troendle Circle, Chanhassen, 952-474-3278
Subject: Request tbr City Approval for use of I.ake Arm Park as host site tbr the 1~
Annual, MiracleKids Triathlon on Sunday, August 22, 2004.
This will be the pertbct use of Chanhassen's signature park, as hundreds of kids ages 7-t4
will be positively turned on to the joy of healthy physical activity and being involved in
community service, The Mirac}eKids 'l¥imhkm (swim.. bike, run) is a one-of-a-kind kids-
only event that will [)ring great publicity and awareness to the city of Chanhassen while
facilitating the on-going work of an important hOn.~profit charity, the Miracles of Mirth
Foundation, based in Chanhassen.
What is beint~: ~nested? After 2004, our ,, ision is t(:} have the MiracleKids Triatt'don
grow into a fbature event that the City of Chanhassen will wahl to fully support in a
sponsor/partner city rote. For our first race in 2004, we simply request your l!a_a!:z!~r.&kgkiBg
!~_proval of the Park tbr our race venue so that we can bring the event to tifb.
What c~t3Zpx[52B.B_~L3_~ii.!.!_ ~.S~..j..!l.SL(2!.v_g.d? It depends. We are prepared Io ~go-it-a/one'" with
our large and enthusiastic, take-charge team of volunteers. There will be incredibly
limited road closure {see below and map), thus minimal need for sheriff' and pt, blic safety
involvement. ()['course, we welcome any city employees or council members
vohmteering, and all of your kids arc invited ti) participate in the most fun and healthy
event they'll do this summer.
ri'he Perfect Venue: I believe [,akc Ann l'ark to be among tile finest triathlon venues
mvwhcre, and as a veteran of 200+- triathkms all over the world, that says a lot. 1'ho park
has it all.., ample parking, fantastic facilities, beauty, sandy beech, clear water, and
private lakeshore parkland. I have had extensive discussion with city personnel to
determine the safest course with the least impact on city traffic~
Minimizing hnpact on Park Users: I have swum 3-4 times each week fil)r thc last 17
smnmcrs in Lt~e A~ and have noticed that very t~w people visit the prgk on Sunday
mornings. This is especially truc in the late August '*dog days" of summer. So we
strategically chose Sunday, Aug 22 as a day that wi ti have the [east impact on park users.
~l'hc park will remain open to visitors who want to be includcd in thc lin',. R acc i lies
will begin leaving the park in droves near and before the noon hour.
Thc Course: (see map) After swin'm~ing in Lake Ann. kids wilt mn to the bikes transition
staging area in the t~ir NE parking lot,. then bike ou~ on a coned off right-hand portion
the right hand lane of the main park road. They will exit the park on the W, 78
westbound bike trail and stay on the trail to the turnaround al Prairie Flower where they
will U-turn and return on W. 78t~' pedaling eastbound toward the park in the Westbound
lane until they reach the park and return to the transition zone in thc coned off right-hand
portion of the right hand lane of the park mad. Then kids will run on the bike trail toward
the turnaround near (~rc, en'~ood Shores Park and reitltr"n olt t]le trail to finish near thc boa!
landing. No roadways will be used for thc mn portion,
Road Closure: In a meeting between Sergear~t Jim Olson, Mike Weg[er, Paul Oehme.
,le~' Ruegemer and myseil~ it was deteunined that the best, safest and leas~ impact on
~:ity traffic could be made by closing W.. 'Tgtl~ from the Park entrance to Prairie Elower,
which will aisc) inch[de closing off access to W. 78'h i~om the ~ery mini~nally used
Audubon Rd at }twv 5 and W. 78th, East and Westbound m~'ltic will be able to enter and
exit the park on W.58ct' t}om Powers only. ['~astbound W. /o traffic tgom Galpin Rd.
will be able to access Prairie Flower or return to Galpin, and residents reaching W. 78th
t~om Prairie Flower will be directed west toward Galpin.
I-h-mrs of Road Clost~re: W. 78~'~' wilt close al: race time: 9 AM and reopen I 0()?/~ as soon
as the last kids bicycte through the course al approximately 1 l AM.
Parking and Park Road Usc: Nearly 10()% of the park x~isitors ibc the race should arrive
bc~bre the race st~:s at 9 AM and wilt stay throughout the t~'stivities ending in the carl5
afternoon. Vohm~cers will direct traffic to the lots all the way into the park first.
and fill up the lots nearest the park entrance last. During the race, traffic will be minimal,
but inbound c~s will be directed to parking nearest the park entrance. Vohmteers will
direct outbound park traffic lo drive slowly using the middle coned off portion of the
main park road exiting slowly to Eastbomqd W. '78~i', 'I'his intersect/on wilt be pmrollcd by
public safety otUcers and additional volunteers,
Overflow Par 'kin~ we should have enough stalls within the park but wit I seek approval
for use of the extra lot of[: 78m on tile Eck property.
Volunteers: The MiracleK ids 'l'riathlon has an extensive committee of vari()us team leads
(many whom are experienced volunteers) each responsible lbr a specific aspect of the
event as well as securing their team of volunteers, 'l'l~is is at~ extremely safe course bu!
we expect to have several extra course marshals ail along the ccmrse.
bcfi)rc the race begins Ibc safety and confidence ibc all involved. But we also expect to
have upwards of lC}0 tfigh school swimmers (many of whom have their senior lilC' saving
certificate) lining and fi:tuning the outside wail (deep side)of the sxvim course in order to
keep all kids within the course and safe depth of water.
Park Slang and ~'__~}?.[5!.tj..!2[~...:. Ii'he entire park area. will be brightly colored itl blaze
orange balloons, banners, flags, and signage. There wilt be a great tinish line staging and
awards celebrntio~a with live mttsic, gmncs and distribution of Champions Medals to Alii.
Finishers. Picnic with catered food will be set-up within the Park Pavilion (which can
remain open fi~r concession sales including pedal boats and canoes.
Media: Wc have already secured several local ~['V and Radio stations that are committed
to filming and coveting ~he evem fbr significant broadcast exposure.
..............Park Set-_[:~: Volunteers will set-up staging tbr tt~c race beg:innina Saturday momip, g.,
Packct pick-up ~d course viewing will take place on Saturdab allemoon. No road or
parking lot closures will be occur on Saturday.
Tear-Down and Clean-Upi Volunteer ~cat'ns wilt take care o~' all clean-up beginning (m
the course as soon as kids finish racing and in the beech and picnic area upm~ completion~
Wamin~ Neighbors: We will distributing leaflets to invite area neighbors [o bike or walk
down to watch or x(-~hm~¢~.~..,-- so as ~o reduce already smaJl risk ' ' ' detours,
~ From the City of Chanhassen: Any of the lb] k)w~ng suppo~ and/or supply items the
city has access to would be appreciated; either on a "no-charge" or ~;rental" basis.
S uppl ies:
,, Barricades
,, Cones
Direction signs
Tents (for rain)
Irash receptacles
PA System
Communication- Radio/cell walkie-talkie
Stage or plattbrm
Truck to move equipment
· Temporary fencing
Public Sat(~tv Officers
tzmergency Medical Techs
IA~k Guards
2003, Regular Hrs. $ Overtime $ TOTAL $
DALE 0 0 $
__ i DEAN 7 $ 191.38 0 $ 191.38
JIM 6.5 $ 171.86 0 $ 171.86
!CHARLIE I $ 22.72 0 $ 22.72
I BRAD 9 $ 192.06 8, $ i92.06
iJERRY 28 $ 564.44 0 $256.08 $ 820.52
ROB 30 $ 604.80 0 $ 604.80
TOTAL 81.5 $ 1,747.26 8 $256.08 $ 2,003.34
DALE 0 15 $706.05 $ 706.(~5
DEAN 48.5 $ 1,355.09 21 $880.11 $ 2,235.20
JIM 44 $ 1,188.88 8.5 $344.51 $ 1,533.39
t CHARLIE 68 $ 1,578.96 21 $731.43 $ 2,310.39
BRAD 151.5 $ 3,304.22 18 $588.96 $ 3,893.18
JERRY 84 $ 1,782.48 25.5 $811.67 $ 2,594.15
ROB 78 $ 1,655.16 26 $827.54 $ 2,482.70
TOTAL 474 $ 10,864.79 135 $4,890.27 $ 15,755.06
-' TOTAL REGULAR HOURS: 555.5 $ 12,612.05
/Fuel Used: 533
I iCost Per Gallon: I $ 1.17
- TOTAL FUEL USAGE & COST: $ 623.61__
Open Closed DAYS OPEN C O S._~T/DA.~.Y
1/1/2004 2/19i2004 50 $ 367.64
Neighborhood rinks not flooded this year.
,,P:\PW-~sers\DaleG\lceRinks\Rink Maint Cost.xls
Page 1
2002 Regular Hrs. $ Overtime I $ TOTAL $
DALE 0.0 8.5 $382.50 $ 382.50
DEAN 14.0 $ 373.94 7.5 $300.48 $ 674.42
JIM 12.0 $ 310.32 12.0 465.48 $ 775.80
CHARLIE 8.0 $ 177.68 8.0 $266.52 $ 444.20
BRAD 8.0 $ 161.68 8.0 $242.44 $ 404.12
JERRY 34.0 $ 648.72 8.0 $228.96 $ 877.68
ROB 16.0 $ 305.28 8.0 $228.96 $ 534.24
TOTAL 92.0 $ 1,977.62 60.0 $2,115.34 $ 4,092.96
IDALE 20.5 $ 629.35 2.5 $115.13 $ 744.48
DEAN 37.5 $ 1,025.25 20.0 $820.20 $ 1,845.45
I JIM 42.5 $ 1,123.70 7.0 $277.62 $ 1,401.32
CHARLIE 52.0 $ 1,181.44 47.5 $1,618.80 $ 2,800.24
BRAD 154.5 $ 3,297.03 41.5 $1,328.42 $ 4,625.45
JERRY 107.5 $ 2,231.70 39.0 $1,214.46 $ 3,446.16
ROB 113.0 $ 2,345.88 36.0 $1,121.04 $ 3,466.92
TOTAL 527.5 $ 11,834.35 193.5 $6,495.67 $ 18,330.02
TOTAL REGULAR HOURS: 619.5 $ 13,811.97
TOTAL OVERTIME HOURS: 253.5 $8,611.01
Fuel Used: 873
Cost Per Gallon: $ 1.13
TOTAL COST FOR RINK MAINTENANCE 2002-2003: $ 23,409.47
1/12/2003 3/12/2003 _.60 $ 390.16
Neighborhood rinks not flooded this year.
P:\pw_users\DaleG\lceRinks\Rink Maint Cost.xls
Page 1
2001 Regular Hrs. $ Overtime Hrs. $ TOTAL $
DALE 9 $ 270.00 6 $270.00 $ 540.00
DEAN 25 $ 667.75 11 $440.77 $ 1,108.52
JIM 4 $ 103.44 8 310.32 $ 413.76
CHARLIE 6 $ 133.29 19.5 $649.74 $ 783.03
BRAD 21 $ 424.41 14 $424.48 $ 848.89
JERRY 30 $ 572.40 15 $429.30 $ 1,001.70
ROB 14 $ 267.12 21.5 $615.33 $ 882.45
TOTAL 109 $ 2,438.41 95 $3,139.94 $ 5,578.35
DALE 17 $ 510.00 2 $90.00 $ 600.00
DEAN 27 $ 721.17 20.5 $821.44 $ 1,542.61
JIM 20 $ 517.20 16.5 $640.04 $ 1,157.24
CHARLIE 55 $ 1,221.55 29.5 $982.94 $ 2,204.49
BRAD 92.5 - $ 1,869.43 15.5 $469.96 $ 2,339.39
JERRY 41 $ 782.28 28 $802.20 $ 1,584.48
ROB 31 $ 591.48 25 $715.50 $ 1,306.98
'TOTAL I 283.5 I$ 6,213.11I 137 $4,522.08 $ 10,735.19
TOTAL REGULAR HOURS:t 392.5 $ 8,651.52
!TOTAL OVERTIME HOURS: 232 $7,662.02
_ Fuel Used: 468
Cost Per Gallon: $ 1.07
-- TOTAL COST FOR RINK MAINTENANCE ~001-2002: $ 16,814.30
12/29/01 1/8/02 26 $ 646.70
1/18/02 1/25/02
1/30/02 2/7/02
___ 2/12/02 2/13/02
Neighborhood rinks not flooded this year.
P:\pw_users\DaleG\lceRinks\Rink Maint C~st.xls
2000 Regular Hrs. $ Overtime Hrs. $ TOTAL $
DALE 25 $ 705.0023 $972.90 $ 1,677.90
DEAN 31 $ 777.7934 $1,260.94 $ 2,038.73
JIM 43 $ 1,048.3423.5 859.40 $ 1,907.74
CHARLIE 57.5 $ 1,202.33 29.5 $925.42 $ 2,127.75
BRAD 55.5 $ 1,049.51 34.5 $978.77 $ 2,028.28
JERRY 44 $ 759.0030.5 $789.34 $ 1,548.34
ROB 23 $ 396.7531 $802.28 $ 1,199.03
TOTAL 279 $ 5,938.72 205.5 $6,589.05 $ 12,527.77
DALE 61 $ 1,776.93 15.5 $524.40 $ 2,301.33
DEAN 92 $ 2,384.64 38 $758.16 $ 3,142.80
JIM 72 $ 1,810.08 13 $810.77 $ 2,620.85
CHARLIE 42 $ 906.36 40 $695.96 $ 1,602.32
BRAD 211 $ 4,131.38 30 $381.81 $ 4,513.19
JERRY 141 $ 2,525.31 39.5 $859.84 $ 3,385.15
ROB 113 $ 2,023.83 37 $738.93 $ 2,762.76
PAT M. 9 $341.37 $ 341.37
DEAN S. 9 $274.~6 $ 274.86
CHARLIES. 3 $110.25 $ 110.25
DUANE G.I 6 ~$225.12 $ 225.12
TOTALI 732 $ 15,558.53 240 $5,721.47 $ 21,280.00
TOTAL REGULAR HOURS & $: 1011 $ 21,497.25
TOTAL OVERTIME HOURS& $: 445.5 $12,310.52
Gallons of Fuel Used: 1,051
Cost Per Gallon: $ 0.89
TOTAL COST FOR RINK MAINTENANCE 2000-2001: $ 34,743.16
12/15/00 03/06/01 82 $ 423.70
All Rinks flooded & included
pw:~pw_users\DaJeG\Rink Maint Cost.xls
1999 Re~lular Hrs. $ Overtime Hrs. $ TOTAL $
DALE 0 $ 16 $637.44 $ 637.44
DEAN 34 $ 803.08 24 $850.32 $ 1,653.40
JIM 4 $ 91.88 24 827.04 $ 918.92
CHARLIE 17 $ 333.20 25 $735.00 $ 1,068.20
BRAD 40 $ 697.20 25 $653.75 $ 1,350.95
JERRY 601 $ 906.60 16 $362.72 $ 1,269.32
F~OB 60 $ 906.60 16 $362.72 $ 1,269.32
TOTAL 215 $ 3,738.56 146 $4,428.99 $ 8,167.55
DALE 61 $ 1,686.65 15.5 $642.94 $ 2,329.59
DEAN 58 $ 1,426.80 38 $1,402.20 $ 2,829.00
JIM 40 $ 956.00 13 $466.05 $ 1,422.05
CHARLIE 77 $ 1,578.50 40 $1,230.00 $ 2,808.50
BRAD 176 $ 3,231.36 - 30 $826.20 $ 4,057.56
JERRY 128.5 $ 2,109.97 39.5 $972.89 $ 3,082.86
ROB 108.5 $ 1,781.57 37 $911.31 $ 2,692.88
TOTAL 649 $ 12,770.85 213 $6,451.59 $ 19,222.44
TOTAL REGULAR HOURS & $: 864 $ 16,509.41
TOTAL OVERTIME HOURS& $: 359 $ 10,880.58
Gallons of Fuel Used: 1093
Cost Per Gallon: $ 0.48
TOTAL $ FOR RINK MAINTENANCE 1999-2000: $ 27,914.63
12/23/00 02/20/00 60 $ 465.24
All Rinks flooded & included
P:\pw_users\DaleG\Rink Maint Cost.~s
1998 Re~lular Hrs. $ Overtime Hrs. $ TOTAL $
DALE 26 $ 690.56 18 $717.12 $ 1,407.68
DEAN 57.5 $ 1,358.15 20 $708.60 $ 2,066.75
JIM 21 $ 482.37 $ 482.37
CHARLIE 61 $ 1,195.60 27 $794.07 $ 1,989.67
BRAD 101 $ 1,760.43 12 $313.68 $ 2,074.11
JERRY 123 $ 1,858.53 35 $793.45 $ 2,651.98
ROB 147 $ 2,221.17 16.5 $374.05 $ 2,595.22
PAT 4 $137.82 $ 137.82
bEAN 3 $58.82 $ 58.82
TOTAL 536.5 $ 9,566.81 135.5 $3,897.61 $ 13,464.42
DALE 12.5 $ 332.00 0 $0.00 $ 332.00
DEAN 19 $ 448.78 8 $283.44 $ 732.22
JIM 9 $ 206.73 16 $551.36 $ 758.09
CHARLIE 7 $ 137.20 10 $294.10 $ 431.30
BRAD 26 $ 375.18 18 $470.52 $ 845.70
JERRY 24.5 $ 370.20 12 $272.04 $ 642.24
ROB 29 $ 438.19 20.5 $464.74 $ 902.93
PAT 3 $103.37 $ 103.37
TOTAL 127 $ 2,308.28 87.5 $2,439.57 $ 4,747.85
TOTAL $ FOR 1998-99 RINK MAINTENANCE: $ 18,212.27
P:\pw_users\Da]eG\lceRinks\Rink Maint Labor Cost.xls