4a. 2004 Playground ProjectsCITYOF CHANHASSEN 77,,)(/Market Boulevard PO Box 147 O5;~lqsasse~l I~Jl,J 55317 Administration P ,',,r ,~ 9522271100 Fax ~i52227 10 Building Inspections PI ',~r~e 952 227 1180 Fax 9522271190 Engineering Phome952227 1160 Fax 952 227.1170 Finance Phor!e 9522271140 F<x: 952227 1110 Park & Recreation Pnore 952 2271120 Fax 952227 1110 Rec:r~'atiom Ocr ter 2310 Coulter Boulevard P!'one: 952227 1400 Fx 952 2271404 Planning & Natural Resources Prlo I~; 9522'27 1130 Fax 952 2271110 Public Works 1591 Par~: Road Phome 952227 1300 F;~x: 952 227 i310 Senior Center Phor/e 952 227 1125 Fax Jsz Web Site ci]ar masse / r31r/us MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: Park and Recreation Commission Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director April 21, 2004 SUB J: Results of Request for Proposals; 2004 Playground Projects The playground selection committee, comprised of Commissioners Spizale, Kelly, Scharfenberg, Murphy, and former Commissioner Manders, met on Tuesday, March 30. Commissioners listened to presentations from representatives of four playground manufacturers and made recommendations concerning their selections to the City Council. On April 12, 2004, the City Council approved the committee's recommendations for Meadow Green Park and Bandimere Community Park. A detailed packet of information concerning this recommendation is attached for your information. At the Monday, April 26 City Council meeting, Council will be asked to approve the plans and specifications and call for bidding of the Lake Ann Playground as recommended by the selection Committee. g:\park\th\rfp results The City of Chanhassen · A growing cornmur~itv with cJean lakes qua!ity sc!qc, oisa charnqiw.,g dc)'¢,,,l!o,,,,,m t~ri'¢mg l;,us nesset~ ,¢,'indir~g t;aiis ard beautifL~l parks A great place !o ive '¢,,ork a ncJ pla;, CITYOF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO 8ox 147 Ohanhassen MN 55317 Adminislralion Phoebe: 952227110(/ Fax 952 2271110 Building Inspections Phone 952227 1180 Fax 952 227 1190 Engineering Pl~one 9522271160 Fax: 9522271170 Finance Phon(x 952227 1140 Fax: 9522271110 Park & Recreation Ph~)ne 952227 1120 Fax 9522?7 1110 Rec:eation Oenter 2310 Ooulte Boulevard Phone: 952 2271400 Fax: 9522271404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952 227 1130 Fax 952 227 11 lO Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone: 952227 1300 Fax: 952 2271310 Senior Center Phoqe: 9522271125 Fax 952 227 !110 WeB Site ¢,ww ei chanhassen mn us MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director DATE: April 2, 2004 SUBJECT: Approve Playground Purchases; Meadow Green Park and Bandimere Community Park The 2004 Capital Improvement Program includes a new playground for Bandimere Community Park and playground replacements for Lake Ann Park and Meadow Green Park. The total budget for the three playgrounds is $215,000. Up to $125,000 of the total has been allocated for the purchase of play equipment. The remaining $90,000 or less will be invested in concrete playground containers and either rubber or wood fiber resilient surfacing. On March 4, 2004, a request for proposals for preparation of site plan concepts was forwarded to five different playground manufacturers' representatives. Four of the five chose to submit proposals. On March 30' 2004, a playground selection committee composed of four current and one former Park and Recreation Commissioner met to review presentations from each of the four respondents. Prior to the interviews, members of the Committee were mailed copies of all the design proposals. Their charge was to select the playground designs that provided the best value to the City. Following the presentations, the committee forwarded the following recommendation: Regarding the purchase of playgrounds under $50,000 The playground for Bandimere Heights Park be purchased from Flanagan Sales and manufactured by Little Tikes Commercial Play Systems. The playground for Meadow Green Park be purchased from Midwest Playscapes and manufactured by Playworld Systems. Regarding the bidding of playgrounds over $50,000 The playground design for Lake Ann Park submitted by Flanagan Sales be utilized as the basis for a future bidding specification soliciting competitive bids for the Lake Ann Park playground. (Note: this item will appear on the 4- 26-04 Council agenda (which is budgeted at $90,000 in this year's CIP). The City el Chanhassen · A qra~'~/,;j (;or!rFjnl(/~', i / ci~gar~ lakes quali~t' schools a ct~arr,~mg do',,%'nto~'~,r~ Iht ~,,c busiriessi~s ',~,'~; Cr/q traiis a,sc be&il fu; parks A grr'a~.,, i)!8(:( [,, i.'~ ,~, ',rk ;ii:,:~ ,',;la;'· Todd Gerhardt, City Manager April 2, 2004 Page 2 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve playground purchases for Meadow Green Park and Bandimere Community Park in the amounts of $35,000 and $22,184, respectively, as quoted on the attached proposals. Action Required Approval of these purchases requires a simple majority vote of those members present. Attachments: · Copies of Capital Improvement Program Sheets · Copy of RFP · Presentation Schedule · Quote Sheets G:\park\th\cc playground award Capital Improvement Program City of Chanhassen, MN 2004 thru 2008 IProjeCt # PK&T-006 eroject Name Playground Replacements: Meadow Green Park Type Improvement Priority n/a Useful Life 25 years Contact Category Paxk Department Park & Trail Improvements Trade-In Value Total Project Cost $71,000 Description Provides for replacement of the existing wood playground structure at the park. Justification the existing playground was installed in 1984 and is nearing the end of its useful life. Prior Expenditures 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Total ~ Equipment 65,000 65,000 Total Total 65,000 65,000 Prior Funding Sources 6!000 [ Certificates of Indebtedness 2004 . 2005 2006 2007 2008 Total 65,000 65,000 Total Total 65,000 65,000 lNOperafional ImpacffOther [ egligible additional operating costs are anticipated. 74 Capital Improvement Program City of Chanhassen, MN 2004 thru 2008 Project # PK&T-001 Project Name Improvements: Bandimere Community Park Type Improvement Priority 2 Improve Existing Service Useful Life 25 years Contact Category Park Department Park & Trail Improvements Trade-In Value Total Project Cost $60,000 Description I Bandimere is a a 30-acre Community Park at 9405 Great Plains Blvd. - TH 101. The following improvements are recommended for 2004 - Play Equipment (Phase $60,000 Account#410-0000-4705 Justification Ilais project involves the implementation of recommendations set forth by the Park & Recreation Commission. It is consistent with the City's efforts to maintain its natural resources and the public's investment in community parks. Expenditures 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Total Equipment 60,000 60,000 Total 60,000 60,000 Funding Sources 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Total ! ! Park Dedication Fund 60,000 60,000 Total 60,000 60,000 ThOperational ImpacffOther } is project will increase annual operating costs by an estimated $500. Operating Budget Impact 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Total Maintenance 500 500 500 500 2,000 Total 500 .500 500 500 2,000 70 March 4, 2004 CITYOF CHANHASSEN 7730Market PO B, CIi :! rJN 55317 Administration F'Ic~! 952 227 1100 Fax 95Z' 2'27 11 lQ Building Inspections Ph:,n 952 227 1!80 F:x i,q? 227 119(3 Engineering Pr,,rm 952 227 1160 Fa'~ 952 227 !1.0 Finance :,,~ ,'~, ~,~ Park & Recrealion P!cre 952 227 1120 F~x 952227 1!19 Ro~.r ~' Ct: 23!0 Oou t.~r ~CL ova d P'~ore 952 22"1400 Fax 952 227 141)4 Planning & Natural Resources ?q(~; 952227 113U Fa,' 95'. 2!71110 Public Works 1~,91 Pa'~ Ruar! P' ul e~ c~57 227 !3()0 Fa 952227 13!0 Senior Center Pn,: n~ 952 22.7 1,25 ~,x 9522'27 1110 Web Site ;[ a ii a s~ i r"l[/[j% Ms. Brenda Wenner Miracle Recreation of Minnesota, Inc. 1442 Brooke Court Hastings, MN 55033-3266 Mr. Mike Korth Midwest Playscapes, Inc. 500 Pine Street, Suite 104 Chaska, MN 55318 Mr. Johnnie Johnson St. Croix Recreation Company, Inc. 225 North Second Street Stillwater, MN 55082 Mr. Bill Johnson Flanagan Sales, Inc. 1567 East County Road E St. Paul, MN 55110 Mr. Dave Owen Earl F. Andersen, Inc. 9701 Penn Avenue South, #100 Bloomington, MN 55431 Re: Request for Proposals for Preparation of Site Plan Concepts for New Playground Structures at Lake Ann Park, Meadow Green Park, and Bandimere Park The City of Chanhassen 2004 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) includes the installation of three (3) new playground structures. Two of these are replacing existing play structures. The third is a new installation to complement the existing play structure at Bandimere Park. Your firm is invited to submit proposed playground designs for the installation of playground structures at each of these locations. The objective of this request for proposals is to select one approved equipment manufacturer. The intent of the City is to select one vendor for all three projects, and that the approved playground design for all three will be publicly bid in a subsequent bid package. This bid package will include the equipment, tax and freight. NOTE: This request is only for the equipment portion of the project. The installation, container, and safety surfacing are not to be included in this proposal. Your proposal must include equipment designs for all three projects. Proposals that do not include all three will not be considered. All playground design proposals will be reviewed by a five member playground selection committee. The City of Chanhassen q qr,:},,,'~mq c,sr~ r'~umh with clean cakes quali[/schools, a charmir-m duwr town ihr v' ng 19usmesses ,¢,,indin8 trails aqd ':,eadl fu pi~rks A 0 c,, pld,, ( ii,,,~: ',,',,,'Or,< au1 [,d'> Clarification to Request for Proposals March 4, 2004 Page 2 DESIGN INTENT AND PROCESS The City is interested in maximizing the experience of the users of the playgrounds and in promoting the development of designs that are efficient in their use of space. DESIRED ELEMENTS Lake Ann Park Playground · Budget - $65,000 for equipment, tax and freight · Maximum area available for play container is 40' x 45'_+ · Use 5" posts · Poured in place resilient safety surfacing will be used · Age group 5-12 The existing playground at Lake Ann Park will be removed and the site cleared by city forces. Children will use the equipment as a place to congregate while parents and siblings are involved in other activities. Elements such as tunnels, climbers, roofs, exciting slides, and an elevated deck-to-deck play circuit are desirable. The structure should be designed to accommodate children ages 5 to 12. Children may spend extended periods of time on the equipment. A design that accommodates this type of use is preferable. The Lake Ann Park design must accommodate a poured-in-place resilient safety surfacing throughout the play container. Meadow Green Park · Budget - $35,000 for equipment, tax and freight · Maximum area available for play container is 65' x 70'_+ · Use5"posts · Wood fiber resilient surfacing will be used · Age group 5-12 The existing playground at Meadow Green Park will be removed and the site cleared by city forces. The inclusion of swings at this site is preferred. This site should be viewed as a traditional neighborhood park setting offering a variety of play elements. The structure should be designed to accommodate children ages 5-12. The Meadow Green site will utilize a concrete fibar with pea gravel surfacing. Bandimere Community Park · Budget - $25,000 for equipment, tax and freight · Maximum area available for play container is 25' x 35'_+ · Poured in place resilient safety surfacing will be used · Age group 2-5 Clarification to Request for Proposals March 4, 2004 Page 3 The existing playground at Bandimere Park is a skytower system manufactured by Playwortd Systems. The new playground should be designed for children ages 2 to 5. A Themed play apparatus is desirable at this location. A concrete border with poured in place resilient safety surfacing will be utilized throughout the container. All designs must comply with all local, state and federal safety and accessibility codes and/or guidelines. All sites will feature a concrete edger system. Individual designers should propose their recommended color pallet based upon the environment, character, and proposed use of each site. Final color selection will be made by the playground committee. FORM OF RESPONSE · Written Response Responses to the RFP shall include complete plans and specifications listing all components. A three dimensional representation of each play structure in an 11 x 17 inch format should also be included. The designs must accommodate the type of safety surfacing referenced for each site. All proposals must include warranty information and a site listing of locations nearby where the same or similar equipment can be inspected. The budget for each site is a representation of your cost to deliver the equipment to our sites. The City will net be purchasing the equipment directly. We will include the approved manufacturer's design and specifications in a future bid package for delivery of all three playgrounds. Complete written responses (eight copies) must be received by 3:30 p.m. on Wednesday, March 17, 2004. · Interview Each consultant will have the opportunity to make a presentation describing their proposal to the playground selection committee. These presentations shall be no longer than 30 minutes in length including a question and answer period. The format of these presentations is at the discretion of each individual presenter. Any support equipment required must be provided by the presenter. There will be a ten minute break between each presentation. Interviews will take place on Tuesday, March 30, 2004 beginning at 7:00 p.m. · Selection Process 1. City Staff will review each written response to ensure conformity with the RFP. 2. Written response will be forwarded to the selection committee. 3. The committee will conduct the interviews. 4. Committee members will tour locations inspecting like equipment. 5. The playground committee will select an approved manufacturer. Clarification to Request for Proposals March 4, 2004 Page 4 All proposals are to be prepared at no cost to the City of Chanhassen. All submitted materials become the property of the City of Chanhassen. Proposed Project Timetable: February 20 March 17 March 30 April 26 2004 RFP mailed to Playground Consultants 2004 written responses due to the City of Chanhassen Consultant Interviews 2004 City Council awards project bid Thank you for your consideration of this request for proposals. I hope you are able to respond. Sincerely, Todd Hoffman Park and Recreation Director ATTACHMENTS: 1. Narrative describing project sites 2. Location maps g:\park\th\playground rfp clarifications revised ltr.doc Park Locations Park z m Bandimem Comm:unity park 0 Mi!e~, I Lake Ann Park Playground Lake Ann Park - Lake Ann Park, located at 7500 Lake Ann Park Drive, is a 100-acre community park located just west of downtown Chanhassen. Lake Ann Park is the City's oldest and most established community park. The new playground will replace an existing redwood play structure located on a hill at the hub of four of seven ball fields and situated adjacent to a park shelter structure. The primary audiences for this structure are the children of adults participating in adult sporting leagues and the siblings of children participating in youth athletic activities. The busiest times for the playground are weekends and weekday evenings. Limited day use by Site Map Meadow Green Park Playground Meadow Green Park - Meadow Green Park, located at 921 Pontiac Lane, is classified as a neighborhood park, but due to the presence of a large ball field area, serves a larger audience than a "typical" neighborhood park. The park is 13 acres in size and contains an existing redwood play structure (to be removed), ball fields, tennis courts, a basketball court, trails and parking for approximately 30 cars. On a typical summer evening, dozens of additional cars are parked "on- street" as people make their way to scheduled ball games. Consistent daytime and weekend use of this park and Park -Wes~ Site Map Bandimere Community Park Playground Bandimere Community Park- Bandimere Community Park, located at 9405 Great Plains Blvd. (Hwy 101), is a 38-acre community park situated south of downtown Chanhassen on Highway 101. Bandimere Park is the City's newest community park, being completed in 1998. The park is home to six ball fields, an existing play structure (to remain), trails and parking for over 250 vehicles. Evening and weekend use of the ball fields is extremely heavy with playground use consistent with the patterns described for Lake Ann Park during these times. The existing playground is also used a great deal during the day and is supported by convenient parking. Existing Play Structure t: I1.1 .......... .... ~ ~ ~ - ~ j ~,~j~ Site Map CITYOF CHANHASSEN 7700 Markd Boulevard PO Box 147 Ohankassen MN 55317 Administration Phone 952 2271100 Fax: 952 2271110 Building Inspections Phone: 952227 1180 Fax: 9522271190 Engineering Phune 952 2271160 Fax 952 227 1170 Finance Fax 9522271110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952227 1120 Fax: 952227 1110 Recreaion Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.2271400 Fax 952227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952227 1130 Fax: 952 227 1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone 952227.1300 hx: 9522271310 Senior Center Pl;ooe 9522271125 Fax: 952 227 1110 Web Site www ci chanhassen rnn us March 22, 2004 Mr. Bill Johnson Flanagan Sales, Inc. 2845 Hamline Avenue North, Suite 108 Roseville, MN 55113 Dear Mr. Jgl~son: /~! Thank you for responding to the City of Chanhassen's RFP for 2004 playground projects. We appreciate your interest in doing business with us. I will be forwarding copies of each set of proposals to our five selection committee members. These individuals are present and past members of the city's Park and Recreation Commission. I am writing today to schedule you for the consultant presentation and interview portion of our selection process. Please arrive at Chanhassen City Hall on Tuesday, March 30, 2004 according to the following schedule. The presentations will take place in our City Council Chambers. Contact me in advance if you will require any special accommodations. 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 8:30 p.m. Little Tikes - Flanagan Sales, Inc. Landscape Structures -Earl F. Anderson, Inc. Park Structures - St. Croix Recreation, Inc. Playworld Systems - Midwest Playscapes, Inc. Again, thank you for your submittal. I look forward to seeing you on the 30th. Sincerely, Todd Hoffman Park and Recreation Director Todd Gerhardt, City Manager Dale Gregory, Park Superintendent Paul Paige, HKGi The City of Chanhassen · A growing community with clean lakes, quality ,schools. a charming 1¢,' n,,,' i , r ving ;J ;n, ssn, ¢iodir g l:al a xl '~,, a~ ifJi [)arks ,~, =ur~ ~t r,la; t t, I ,,,,: ,,~,:)rk sn:~ pla? CITYOF CHANHASSEN Z700 I,?ark t Beui{ varcJ PO Box !,I7 Cn;~rmasser' MN 553t Administraliun Pi!c ~n 952 22 F 11 O0 Pax 952 F2'~ 1!10 Building Inspeclions Phc~ 952 227 1180 Fax~ 952 22:i 190 Engineering P~'ne 952 22F 1160 Y~x 952 2271170 Finance Pn >~:352227 Fax 952227 !110 Park & ~ecreation Ph qe %2 2271120 ~x 952227 2310 Co, ter Paor e: 952227 1400 F~x 952 227 i404 Natural ~esources 9P r27 !!;0 ka:, 952 2d7 !! 10 Public Works Pi )mt~ 9r>2 P27 !3L0 Fax 9P,2 227 ~310 Senior Center P~ ~ Q5~'2~ 1125 6a~ 952 227 1110 Web Sile MEMORANDUM TO: Jack Spizale, Tom Kelly, Anne Murphy, Steve Schaffenberg, and Jim Manders DATE: March 30, 2004 SUB J: Tonight's Playground Presentations Good evening. Thank you for volunteering to act as the selection committee for the city's 2004 playground projects. We are purchasing three playgrounds--the largest for Lake Ann Park, the next largest for Meadow Green Park, and the smallest for Bandimere Community Park. The playground at Bandimere will be the second at the park and is designed for children ages 3-5. We requested a "themed" structure. The other two playgrounds will replace existing playgrounds and are designed for children ages 5-12. Tonight is not a bidding or price competition. It is a design and quality competition. Each consultant was asked to present a design for each playground using the following budget numbers for playground equipment: Lake Ann Playground $ 65,000 Meadow Green Park $ 35,000 Bandimere Community Park $ 25,000 Total $125,000 Your task is to select what you believe is the best proposal based upon design and quality. Consultants were asked to prepare and present their best three designs using the budget allocated for each site. Upon your selection of a manufacturer, the City will put this project out for bid. Most City purchases over $50,000 must be publicly bid. Obviously the selected manufacturer will bid the project; but other manufacturers may also bid the project by submitting a proposal offering an equivalent product. The group has a variety of options regarding the deliberations necessary to make the selection. Depending upon your reaction to the presentations, you may be able to name a selected manufacturer immediately following the presentations. If you feel a discussion of the merits of each is necessary, you can elect to stay after the presentations to talk things over. If committee members wish to tour existing playground locations for all or selected manufacturers, you can table the meeting to a time convenient for a group tour. I would like to have your decision by April 6th. The City of Chanhassen · a ~]ro'¢,ulr. ,:x pq~: r q'? with clean lakes quality scbools, a charming downtoc,.n, thriving businesses ¢..'indhng trails, and beautiful parks A great place to hve ~.vork arid piav PLAYWORLD SYSTEMS When trust matters. '~ORDER TIMBERS'~ 1 - 3' TIMBERS 0 2 T MBERS ~.0 -END CAP PKG // MEADOW CHANHASSEN, MN 2004 ",.~. _. PLAYMAKERS NOTES t) This p~ay system design will meat the ABA Accessib,lity Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities effective November 17, 2000, as 3UBttShe(] Dj the Architectural and Transportation ear'Tiers Con'31iance Board when ¢~sLalled over acc, essrble surfacers§ based on the following cmena a } An acces~b~e ro*Jte must be pro, ced to me D~aj area b ) Of the L0 e~va[ed p~ay ac~wt~es 5 musl ~e a,Dng an acces~ble rc~te 5) The stn,:,cture s~ze fo,- this umt is 55' X 34' X 17' 5 to 12 years of age 7) SuPenqse children as they play 9)This des~n configura[ion ~s [ne property of this firm and and Playwodd Systemse I/041144.MID ~-MAR-04 ",~ SITE PLAN LOGAN CORRALL GREEN PARK MIDWEST PLAYSCAPES INC 500 Pine Street Suite 104 Chaska, MN 55318 DEEP RUNG ARCH CL MBER GLIDE SLIDE PIPE WALL (decklevel) STOREFRONT (ground) SONIC SLIDE CONFIG. #2 HOPSCOTCH 6'ARCH r~ BRIDGE ACCESSIBLE STEPPED PLATFORM 18" STAIRS SOLAR ~CLIMBER AND HOLDS SLIDING POLE 18"STATIONARY BUrl'ON ACCESS GATE ~LILY PODS RUMBLE SEAT SLIDE ROCKBLOCKS 84" LADDER ~ ROCKBLOCKS '1 J~ 90" WALL ~ J, /z~ (84" to 60") ~ ROCKBLOCKS ,~,~ J~ ~ ~ ~ 90" WALL ~'! (~' to 6o') ~r L_ ROCKBLOCKS  KINKED WALL ~. ROCKBLOCKS ~ END WALL WOBBLE WHEELS 10'HORIZ, LOOPLADDER W/ACCESS LADDERS 2004 PLAYMAKERS NOTES: t) This play system design will meet the ADA Accessibility Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities, effective November 17, 2000, as published by the Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board, when installed over accessible surfacing, based on the following criteria: a.) An accessible route must be provided to the play area, b) Of the 10 elevated play activities, 5 must be along an accessible route. c,) ~7 elevated p~ay acUvit~es are accessible by transfer station d.) ~3 activibes of 3 types of ground level play must be provided, as required by I.AW. document '36 CFR Part 1191", Table 15 6 2 2 e.) f0 activities of 5 types of ground level ptay are provided f ) At least one of each type of ground level play activity must along an accessible ~oute. 2) This site plan should be checked against the actual site area pdor to the purchase or installation of equipment. 3) Kick plates must be installed between 12' deck increments 4) The unit of measure located in the center of the platform indicates the height above the protective sur[acing level The protective surfadng for this design must accommodate a fall height of at least 8 Ft. 5) The structure size for this unit is 55' X 34' X 1T requiring protective sudacing for an overall use zone of NIA . The approximate sur[aca area is N/A SqFt. ,asrequiredbyASTM F148?-01guidelines 6) This structure is designed to accommodate 103 children from 5 to 12 years of age. 7) Supervise children as they play 8) To ensure that accurate measurements are obtained from this drawing, print copies on 11 x 17 paper at full scate 9) This design configuration is the property of this firm and Playwodd Systems~ and may not be reproduced or used in any manner without the expressed written consent of this firm dPlaywodd __ Systemse. 0 ROJECT NO ! REV I DATE , 1144.MID ' 9-MAR-04 Sf~CTURE SIZE: SCALE 55' x 34' x 17' NOT TO SCALE LOGA~P~cW~'RP'AL L~/ PLAYWORLD r ( SYSTEMS. When trust matters. MEADOW GREEN PARK CHANHASSEN, MN MIDWEST PLAYSCAPES, INC. 500 Pine Street, Suite 104 Chaska, MN 55318 OPLAYWORLD SYSTEMS Bill of Materials for Meadow Green Park PLAYMAKER Drawing Number: 041144 Group/ Ref. No. Part Number Description Qty Posts 1 ZZPM0008 5" O.D. X 108" STEEL POST W/RIVETED CAP 4 2 ZZPM0026 5" O.D. X 132" STEEL POST W/RIVETED CAP 8 3 ZZPM0036 5" O.D. X 144" STEEL POST W/RIVETED CAP 5 4 ZZPM0046 5" O.D. X 156" STEEL POST W/RIVETED CAP 1 GroundZer0 Posts 5 ZZPMO008GZ 5in O.D. x 108in STEEL POST (GROUND ZERO) 1 6 ZZPM0036GZ 5in O.D. X 144in STEEL POST (GROUND ZERO) 1 SkyTower Posts 7 ZZPM0079 5" O.D, X 205" STEEL POST W/O CAP 6 Decks & Kick Plates 8 ZZPM0616 SQUARE VINYL DECK ASSEMBLY 2 9 ZZPM0618 1/2 HEX VINYL DECK ASSEMBLY 3 10 ZZPM2530 12" DECK TO DECK KICK PLATE 2 Slides 11 ZZPM2696 GLIDE SLIDE (72" DECK) 1 12 ZZPM2737 RUMBLE SEAT (60" DECK) 1 13 ZZPM2806 24" STEP-UP BRACKET 1 14 ZZPM3748 SONIC SLIDE PLATFORM WITH BARRIER 1 15 ZZPM8080 SLIDING POLE (60in DECK) 1 16 ZZUN3746 8' SONIC SLIDE WITHOUT BARRIER 1 Activity Panels 17 ZZPM4646 STOREFRONT PANEL 1 18 ZZUN4300 STEERING WHEEL (PIPE WALL MOUNT) 1 Barriers 19 ZZPM4090 CENTERLINE PIPE WALL BARRIER 1 20 ZZPM4190 SMALL HAND HOLD 2 21 ZZPM4288 ACCESS GATE 3 Climbers 22 ZZPM7430 DEEP RUNG ARCH CLIMBER (72" DECK) 1 23 ZZPM7659 SOLAR CLIMBER (60" & 54" DECK) 1 Tuesday, March 09, 2004 Page 1 Playworld Systems * 1000 Buffalo Road * Lewisburg, PA 17837 * 1.800.233.8404 * www.playworldsystems.com PLAYMAKER Drawing Number: 041144 Bill of Materials for Meadow Green Park Group/ Ref. No. Part Number Description Qty 24 ZZPM8270 HOPSCOTCH CLIMBER (60" DECK) 1 Ground ZerO Climbers 25 ZZUN0176 ROCKBLOCKS Z SUPPORT (60in WALL) 1 26 ZZUN0177 ROCKBLOCKS Z SUPPORT (84in WALL) 1 27 ZZUN0178 ROCKBLOCKS END SUPPORT (60in WALL) 1 28 ZZUN8349 ROCKBLOCKS LADDER (84in WALL) 1 29 ZZUN8357 ROCKBLOCKS KINKED WALL (84in) 1 30 ZZUN8358 ROCKBLOCKS 90 DEGREE WALL (84in to 60in) 2 31 ZZUN8360 ROCKBLOCKS END WALL (60in) 1 Overhead Events 32 ZZPM5790 10' HORIZONTAL LOOP LADDER 1 33 ZZPM5950 OVERHEAD EVENT ACCESS LADDER (12" DECK) 2 GroundZer0 Overhead Events 34 ZZPM6858 WOBBLE WHEELS 1 GroundZer0 Balance 35 ZZPM6606 LILY PODS 1 36 ZZPM6906 FLIP FLOP 1 37 ZZUN7090 BOUNCE BUTTON 1 38 ZZUN7140 STATIONARY BUTTON (12") 2 39 ZZUN7146 STATIONARY BUTTON (18") 1 Bridges 40 ZZPM6590 6' ARCH BRIDGE 1 Roofs & Arches 41 ZZPM9730 HEX ROOF W/NO DORMERS 1 Stairs and Ladders 42 ZZPM9156 VINYL COATED STAIRS (18" DECK) 1 43 ZZPM9177 36" ACCESSIBLE TIERED PLATFORM (DECK TO DECK) 1 Additional Tool & Maintenance Kits 44 ZZPMGUID GENERAL GUIDELINES FOR PLAYMAKERS 1 45 ZZUN9910 SURFACING WARNING LABEL KIT 1 46 ZZUN9930 PIPE SYSTEM MAINTENANCE KIT W/AEROSOL 1 47 ZZUN9990 TOOL AND ADDITIONAL PARTS KIT W/AEROSOL 1 Tuesday, March 09, 2004 Page 2 Playworld Systems * 1000 Buffalo Road * Lewisburg, PA 17837 * 1.800.233.8404 * www.playworldsystems.com IDWEST PLA¥$¢APE$, INC. Call: (952) 361-3504 Fax: (952) 361-3549 emaih playscapes @ earthlink.net 500 N Pine Street Suite 104 Chaska MN 55318-1964 REFERENCES City of Chaska Meadow Park Friendship Park Tom Redman 952-448-2851 City of Carver Community Park Lions Park Paul Schultz 952-282-7608 City of Chanhassen Bandimere Park Pheasant Hill Park Park Director - Todd Hoffman 952-227-1129 City of Eden Prairie Round Lake Park (2 areas) Doug Ernst - Park Supervisor 952-949-8536 AREA SCHOOLS St Johns Lutheran Chaska St Huberts Chanhassen Oak Pointe Eden Prairie Chapel Hill Chanhasssen Page 1 of 2 OPLAYWORLD SYSTEMS General Specifications tq::Playworld Systems, Inc. Thursda), February 19. 2004 Material All materials shall have a demonstrated record of durability in the playground or similar outdoor setting. All metals shall be painted, galvanized, or otherwise treated to prevent rust. Black steel is not acceptable. Hardware All required hardware for assembly of the structure shall be included. All fasteners shall be18-8 grade stainless steel. (300 series) Capped lock nuts which cover bolts ends shall be included. Tamper-resistant hardware is utilized on principle clamping mechanisms. Special tools shall be provided for assembly and maintenance. Clamp connection disassembly and slippage is eliminated by using drive rivets. Physical locking devices are used on all exposed and accessible connection points, such as lock nuts. A nylon thread-locking patch is applied to certain hardware. Liquid thread-lock is also used to hinder fastener removal. Die Cast Clamps Clamps shall be die cast of high strength 380 aluminum alloy. Tenzalloy (40-E, 315.0) is not acceptable as a load bearing clamp material. Ultimate tensile strength shall be 47 ksi. Die casting operation shall be quality sampled every hour. Clamps shall be provided as hinged assemblies to facilitate structure assembly. Unique S-lap design eliminates all string entanglement points at connection. Single bolt fastening system with built-in threads to eliminate T nuts and simplify installation. Clamps are to be permanently fastened to the support post with a drive rivet to eliminate disassembly and slippage. Double banded design provides the highest clamping pressure around the entire clamp. Finished with a shot blast and a baked on polyester powder coating. ASTM Specifications: B-85. (See Powder Coat Finish) Rotationally Molded Plastic Parts Shall be rotationally molded from color-compounded, first quality, linear Iow density, polyethylene. Dry-blended or molded-in resins are not acceptable. Color-compounded polyethylene are 23 times stronger than dry blended resins providing better bonded strength with greater surface contact. Compounded color provides superior colorfastness, UV resistance, and impact resistance with solid color molecules. Polyethylene shall be ultraviolet (UV) stabilized to UV-8 and have anti-static additives. Cross-sectional design shall be .25 in. (6 mm) nominal thickness, double wall construction. ASTM Specifications: D-1238 (Melt Index), D-1505 (Material Density), D-638 (Tensile Strength), D-648 (Heat Distortion Temperature) D-790 (Flexural Modulus), D-1693 (Environmental Stress Crack Resistance), D-2565 (Ultraviolet). Meets UL94HB Horizontal Burn Test. Shall meet Arm Test for impact strength (@ minus 40°C) (.25 in. thickness). Shall meet color change criteria (QUV 500 hours per SAE 1960-89). Tubing Steel Tubing Tubing shall be cold rolled, electric resistance welded tubing. Tubing shall be triple coated for maximum exterior protection: a hot-dipped FIo-Coat® uniform zinc galvanized coating, a chromate conversion coating and a clear polymer coating. Tubing shall have a corrosion resistant, zinc-rich paint interior coating. ASTM Specifications: A-315, A-500, A-513, E-8. Aluminum Tubing (Support Post and Sleeve) Shall be extruded 6061-T6 extruded seamless aluminum alloy tubing. ASTM Specifications: A-315, A-500, A-513, B-221, QQ-A-200/8, E-8. Aluminum Tubing (Arch) Shall be an all welded assembly fabricated of 6063-T4 extruded seamless aluminum alloy tubing. Superdur_a_bl .e__pgJyester Powder Coat Finish Powder coating is electrostatically applied at a thickness of 2 to 5 mils (.002 - .005). Powder coating produces a highly decorative finish having a hard, smooth surface, which is resistant to abrasion, corrosion, and mechanical damage. All galvanized tubing has a factory-applied clear acrylic polymer coating. All components shall be free of excess weld and weld spalls. After fabrication all weld joints are to thoroughly cleaned using a chipping hammer and wire brush to remove all weld slag from weld joint. Prior to finishing, components shall be cleaned with a three-stage alkaline bath and a ECLPS 2400 sealer for adhesion and rust inhibitor during the preparation process. Components are thoroughly dried before being coated with Superdurable TGIC polyester powder and are cured at temperatures between 375° and 400° F. Epoxy or hybrid paints are not acceptable. Finish quality conforms to ASTM Specifications: B-117 (Salt Spray Resistance Test), D-2794 (Impact Resistance Test), D-1734 (Mandrel Flexibility Test), D-2247 (Humidity Resistance Test), D-822 (Weatherability Test), D-3363 (Pencil Hardness Test), D-3359-B (Crosshatch Adhesion Test), and D-2454 (Overbake Resistance Test) D-522 (Conical Mandrel), D-523 (Gloss - 60°). Standard durability of polyester powder coatings typically retain 80% of their original gloss after 1 year, and 50% of their original gloss after 18 months of Florida outdoor exposure. Superdurable polyester powder coatings typically retain 90% of their original gloss after 1 year, and 50% of their original gloss after five years of Florida outdoor exposure. Expect superdurable colors to retain 80% of their gloss after 2 years of outdoor exposure. These coatings are also shaded with high grade, light stable pigments and will shift less than 2dE in color after 2 years. PlayArmour~ Finish PlayArmour® application shall be from 80 to 100 mils on all coated parts except chain. Chain application shall be from 60 to 100 mils. Adhesion spring test shall be - 11 lbs. minimum. Tensile strength shall be no less than 2500 psi, elongating no less than 290%. Tear strength shall be no less than 420 lbs./inch. Hardness shall be Shore A, of no less than 85 durometer, +/-2 durometer. Prior to coating, components shall be thoroughly cleaned in a hot pressure washer, and phosphatized This http:,, psibbs/Productlntb/Spec/genspec2.asp 2/19,'2004 Page 2 of 2 allows surfaces to fully accept primer. Components are primed with a clear acrylic thermosetting solution. Before dipping, parts shall be preheated to minimum 350° F, to fully activate primer to accept PlayArmour~P coating. Components are dipped in a ultraviolet (UV) stabilized, liquid PlayArmour~), then salt bath cured. Salt bath cures provide better resistance to fading and cracking creating a longer life expectancy. Salt bath cures also eliminate sharp point hazards by softening the drip marks created by immersion into the vinyl solution. Salt bath curing process produces a higher quality product by providing better heat transfer over the entire part which assures a uniform temperature and even cure. The PlayArmoun~) coated parts shall have a textured finish for enhanced traction. Installation Instructions Explicit installation instructions shall be provided which will include a detailed top view and footing drawings plus written instructions to assure proper installation of the equipment. Maintenance guidelines and inspection checklists shall also be provided. The provided installation instructions and maintenance instructions shall be "project" specific containing component information that are part of the playground design. A "generic" package of installation instruction and maintenance instructions are not acceptable. Cast Almag Clamps Shall be cast of high strength Almag 35 (535.0-F) aluminum alloy. Tenzalloy (40-E, 315.0) is not acceptable as a load bearing clamp material. Ultimate tensile strength shall be 40 ksi. Yield strength shall be 21 ksi. Finished with a 420 m~cro finish and a baked on polyester powder coating. (See Powder Coat Finish) Clamps shall be provided as hinged assemblies to facilitate structure assembly. Clamps are to be permanently fastened to the support post with a drive rivet to eliminate disassembly and slippage. ASTM Specifications: B-26. Federal Specifications: QQ-A-601. Because a hinged clamp design provides the easiest and most flexible installation, clamps which incorporate a slip-through design or clamping devices that use a "bolt through" design are not acceptable. The use of two (2) piece steel half clamps are not acceptable due to poor weatherability and inherent rust problem. RockBlocks RockBIocks shall have a realistic stone texture and finish. RockBIocks shall provide molded through holes for mounting hand grips having a surrounding wall thickness of .25". RockBIocks Structure shall be rotationally molded from first quality GranitteTM polyethylene and be manufactured from color-compounded resins having solid color molecules for UV and impact resistant. Dry blended or molded-in resins are not acceptable. Color-compounded GranitteTM polyethylene is 23 times stronger than dry blended resins providing better bonding strength with greater surface contact. GranitteTM polyethylene shall be UV stabilized to UV-8 and also have anti-static additives. RockBIocks shall have a cross-sectional design with a minimum wall thickness of .25" and a double wall construction. Flat sheet plastic construction is not acceptable. RockBIocks shall meet the following ASTM Specifications: D-1238 (Melt Index), D-1505 (Material Density), D-638 (Tensile Strength), D-648 (Heat Distortion Temperature), D-790 (Flexural Modulus), D-1693 (Environmental Stress Crack Resistance), and D-2565 (Ultraviolet) http://psibbs/l)roductlntb/Spec/genspec2.asp 2/19,2004 29' 2-5 tl~-~~ FACES PANEL CL~eER ~~R, ~ ~, CHA~I N CLIM~R ~ BELOW DECK PLAY AREA PAkELS RUNG -ANIMAL CRAWl- TUNNEL :MENTS CLIMBER -SEAT PAI~F=L / ~ANEU / '..~-~, L~',~AC~ ,ANE~. -ARCH PANr~s ..... _~ Nx-- -- ----/ ........ ACCESSIBLE SIDEWALK BY OWNER -WlN~ANELS FLANAGAN  e D~Wlt~ ·: BN~:leJEI~ P.N~K ~¥L~: LT~ ~ ~ ~ ~:~~ SALES, INC. PRmE~: 1567 EAST COUNTY ROAD ~omm~r~l~l ~1~ $~t~ms ~ ~ P~ ST. PAUL, M~' ~110 ~ ~TA ~ ~ - 800 - BANDIMERE COMMUNITY PARK FLANAGAN SALES / LITTLE TIKES COMMERCIAL commercial Monday, March 15, 2004 Qty Pa~ Number 3 10000113 1 2OOOO693 1 20000694 1 20000698 1 20000699 1 20000700 1 20000701 2 20000707 8 20000707 1 20000709 1 20000709 10 20001380 2 20001380 1 20001381 1 20001389 3 20001389 1 20001495 3 20001653 2 20002341 1 20002351 1 20002970 2 20006905 1 20008434 1 20011476 1 20012243 1 20012601 20020007 t 20024578 Part Description KB DK/DK PLATE 203MM/8" BRN DECK HEX KB DECK HALF HEX KB SLIDE WAVE KB 1220 MM/48" KB CLIMBER CURLY 1625 MM/64" KB CLIMBER LOOP 1625 MM/64" KB PANEL LADDER 610/MM24" W/SAFETY LOOP KB PANEL CASTLE WlNDOWLOWER WRM.GRANITE KB PANEL CASTLE BA'I-I'LE.(FREE STAND) GRNT KB PANEL ANIMAL CRAWL-THRU PAT.# D-381,056 PANEL SEAT KB KB 176" GALV POST WITH PLASTIC CAP KB 8' GALV POST WITH PLASTIC CAP KB 148" GALV POST WITH PLASTIC CAP DECK SQUARE KB DECK TRIANGLE KB LADDER RUNG 1625 MMW/SAFETY LOOP KB PANEL CASTLE WINDOWW/BATI'. WRM.GRAN. KB PANEL CASTLE ARCH (FREE STAND)WRM.GRAN. PANEL (FACES/2-5) KB POST MT. RAIL 10-BAR SAFETY KB W/O MT. TAB KB 186"/4725MM GALVPOST W/PLASTIC CAP CHAIN NET KB 64"/1625 W/SAFETY LOOPS DECK BALCONY W/STEERING WHEEL MOUNT F/KB SLIDE SPIRAL KB 1625/64 (2002) TRANSFER STAT. 1016 W/SAFETY RAILS F/KB KB PANEL ARCH "SIGNLANGUAGE" PTMT ASSY PANEL MT.PLAS.STEER.WHL. RED Totals: Data Sheet Li~/e Tikes Commercial Play Systems One Iron Mountain Drive Farming~n, MO63640 (800) 325-8828 Weight Volume 48.00 0.66 320.76 25.17 165.26 14.64 121.94 43.03 119.65 40.70 123.50 52.99 85.75 7.89 114.23 22.19 254.05 65.86 93.00 49.07 59.63 15.09 770.00 38.00 84.00 4.20 64.00 3.20 115.50 9.86 177.38 21.76 82.00 7.14 242.95 45.52 48.73 14.15 29.82 7.14 44.75 6.04 162.00 8.00 116.76 13.73 103.75 25.04 379.99 189.75 354.00 41.30 42.00 2.25 2.50 0.08 4,325.901,bs 774.44Cu. Ft. Currency values are in U.S. Dollars File Name: (':I??KES!I)~I'GSII~INDIMERE ('OMMUNITY Page 1 of I F I a n a g a n S a I e s , I n c MEMO Date: March 15, 2004 To: Mr. Todd Hoffman City of Chanhasscn From: Bill Johnson RE: References Dear Todd, As you are aware, we are always updating our equipment. We would like you to see old as well as new systems to see the difference. We have hundreds of sites around the cities. Below are the two closest; Chaska Jonathan Association - Clover Ridge Mr. Marsh Halberg - 952-835-7000 CiD' of Eden Prairie Franlo Park Mr. Doug Ernst - 952-949-8536 I will follow up with addresses to each of these parks. Thank you! Bill Johnson 1567 East County Road "E" · St. Paul · MN ° 55110 Phone: 651.633.0123 · 1.800.328.3557 ° Fax: 651.633.1515 · E-mail: wecanhelp@flanagansales.com · Web: flanagansales.com WARRANTY Little Tikes Commercial Play Systems (LTCPS) warrants that if any components of the products fail due to defect in workmanship or materials, within one year from date of delivery, LTCPS will repair or replace, free of charge, all parts found defective. In addition, the following limited warranties apply from date of delivery for the following LTCPS products and components: Limited Lifetime warranty on all Kid Builders Aluminum posts, clamps, and stainless steel hardware against structural failure due to corrosion or deterioration from exposure to weather caused by defects in material and workmanship. Limited 15 Year Warranty of Kid BuildersTM and Play BuildersTM main structures against structural failure due to corrosion or deterioration from exposure to weather caused by defects in materials and workmanship. This warranty includes only the posts, vinyl clad decks, rails, loops and rungs that comprise the main structure. Limited 10 Year Warranty on all Kid BuildersTM, Play BuildersTM, Wood Builders®, and Independent Event polyethylene slides, enclosures, and plastic components against structural failure caused by defects in materials and workmanship. Limited 3 Year Warranty on all PlayCenter polyethylene slides, enclosures, main-structure, decks and plastic components against structural failure caused by defects in materials and workmanship. Limited 3 Year Warranty on Wood Builders® main structures against structural failure due to deterioration from exposure to weather caused by defects in materials and workmanship. This warranty includes only the posts, decks, and footing boards that comprise the main structure. Limited 3 Year Warranty on Kid TilesTM product against structural failure due to defects in materials and workmanship. Limited 3 Year Warranty on all Kid RidersTM products against structural failure due to defects in materials and workmanship. The above mentioned warranties do not include any cosmetic issues, e.g., scratches, dents, marring, fading of paint and discoloration wood due to weathering, and are valid only if the products are installed in conformity with the layout plan and/or installation instructions furnished by LTCPS; have been maintained and inspected in accordance with LTCPS's instructions; have not been subjected to misuse, negligence or accident; have not been subjected to addition or substitution of parts; and have not been modified, altered or repaired by persons other than LTCPS or LTCPS's designees. Labor and damage resulting from vandalism, abnormal use, incorrect installation, or lack of maintenance are not covered by this warranty. Except as specifically stated herein, all warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to any implied warranty of MERCHANTIBILITY or fitness for a particular purpose are hereby EXCLUDED. This warranty excludes any liability other than expressly stated including but not limited to any incidental or consequential damages. For information on warranty claim procedures, call 1-800-325-8828 or write to Little Tikes Commercial Play Systems, P.O. Box 897, One Iron Mountain Drive, Farmington, Missoud 63640. LOSS OR DAMAGE IN TRANSIT A signed bill of lading is our receipt from a carrier that our shipment to you was complete and in good condition. Before you sign, please check this bill of lading carefully when the shipment reaches you to make sure there are no damages or shortages. Once the shipment leaves our plant, we are no longer responsible for any damage, loss or shortage. 29' 2-5 1003 SQ. FEET ADA POURED ~1 PLACE RESt. ENT RUBBER SURFACING -BY OWNER- LOOP CLIMBER CURLY CLIMBER / (~"~ / BELOW DECK PLAY AREA -ANIMAL CRAWL TUNNEL -SEAT PANEL -SIGN LANGUAQE PANEL TRANSFER BALCONY J STA13ON DECK W/ WHEEL "' -- CASTLE PANELS -BATTLEMENTS -WINDOW PANELS -ARCH PANELS SflGLE Wl3E WAVE SLIDE ACCESSIBLE SIDEWALK BY OWNER 40' e D~WI~ ·: ~ p~ ~: LT~ ~ ~ PEOJE~T: commercial play systems ~ ~ P~