1i Sign Plan MN Mini StorageiA..,
7iq Center Drive, PO Box 147
:nhassen, Minnesota 55317
Phone 612.937.1900
eneral Fax 612.93Z5739'
ineering Fax 612.937.9152
!lc Safe~v Fax 612.934.2524
5 -www. ci. chanhassen, mn. us
Scott Botcher, City Manager
Bob Generous, Senior Planner
August 9, 1999
Sign Plan Review - Minnesota Mini-Storage
The applicant, Superior Storage, is requesting approval for the proposed signage
at Minnesota Mini-Storage located at 7800 Park Drive, Lot 1, Block 2, Rome Park
Addition. Attached is the original sign plan reviewed by the Planning Commission.
The Planning Commission has not reviewed the revised signage.
The proposed signs comply with city standards for signage in the Industrial Office
Park District. Staff is recommending approval of the proposed signage subject to
the conditions of the .staff report..
The Chanhassen City Council held a hearing on July 12, 1999 for Site Plan
approval for a 44,692 square feet, two story, temperature controlled, storage
building and a 40 foot setback variance from the Highway Corridor District building
setback to permit the construction of the new building at the established 30 foot
setback. As a condition of approval for MinneSota Mini-Storage, the Council
required that "the developer shall bring back to City Council for review and
approval a sign plan as a condition of the setback variance approval."
The applicant is proposing an eight foot high monument sign in the northeast
comer of the site, The monument will have a rock face block base and an EFIS
accent band similar to the building. The monument sign is shown on the site plan
within the site triangle and must be relocated. The sign will be internally
illuminated with a 50 square foot sign display area with yellow letters and an
opaque blue background. The monument is trimmed in a burgundy cabinet to
match the building. Ordinance permits up to 64 square feet of sign display area.
A 118.25 square feet wall sign areas is located in the central band under the
arched roof on the north elevation of the building. Signage is individually
;i~y of Cha,.nhassen. A growing communiff with clean lakes, quali~ schooh, a charming downtown, thriving bUSinesses,.and beaut&l parks. A ~reat place to live, work, and pla~,
Minnesota Mini-Storage Sign Plan
August 9, 1999
Page 2
dimensioned, yellow, neon channel letters as required bycode. The building face areaont!fi
north elevation is 2,980 square feet. City code would permit up to seven percentof the wall~
on this elevati~on in signage which equals 208.6 square feet.
Staff recommends that the City adopt the following motions:
"The City Council approves the sign plan for Minnesota Mini-Storage subject to the foll°Wi~. ~
1. The monument sign must .be relocated outside the site triangle.
2. The applicant shall pay $50.00 for each sign prior to issuance of the sign permit.
3. The applicant shall provide the attachment de,~ails for the wall sign for city review and.
approval prior to issuance of the sign permit.
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