1b Bids Wellhouse 8 Proj 97-4AMEMORANDUM CITYOF ;90 CiO, Center Drive, PO Box 147 Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 Phone 612.937. I900 General Fax 612.937.5739 Engineering Fax 612. 937. 9152 Public Safe~y Fax 612.934.2524 Web www. ci. cbanhassen, m,.us TO: FROM: DATE: SUB J: Todd Gerhardt, Acting City Manager Anita L. Benson, City Engineer ~ 0~, January 19, 1999 Approve Plans and Specifications and Authorize Advertising for Bids for Well House No. 8 - Project No. 97-4A The City Council authorized Bonestroo & Associates to prepare the project plans and specifications for Well Pump House No. 8 on August 24, 1998. The well house is to be located on the east side of Trunk Highway 41 south of Lake Lucy Road and adjacent to the Highover Addition residential neighborhood. The exterior design of the building will be very similar to the existing Well House No. 7, which includes a brick exterior, gabled roof and "fake" windows. This well house will be approximately 150 square feet smaller than Well House No. 7 since no permanent auxiliary drive engine is planned for this facility. The building consists of two rooms, a control and pump room and a chemical feed room. All of the chemical equipment and injection points will be contained exclusively in the chemical room, isolated from the expensive electronic controls in the adjacent room. Since this facility is not proposed to have an on-site auxiliary engine drive as a backup power source (as is the case with Well No. 7), components will be installed for connecting this facility extemally to a mobile generator which could be purchased or rented in the future as needed. The SCADA/telemetry system for Well House No. 8 will be provided for under a separate professional services contract. This specialized work is estimated to cost $20,000. However, the actual amount will be determined based on proposals from qualified providers. Based on these final plans, a revised project cost estimate including the in-progress drilling contract, well house, land acquisition and telemetry is estimated to total $700,000 wtfich is within the project funding for this project. Upon approval of these plans and specifications, the proposed project schedule would allow an award of bid at the regular City Council meeting on March 8, 1999 with a contract completion date of November 15, 1999. It is recommended that the City Council approve the plans and specifications for Well Pump House No. 8 dated December 30, 1998, prepared by Bonestroo & Associates, and authorize advertisement for bids for Project No. 97-4A. Attachments: 1. 2. Memo from Bonestroo & Associates. Plan Sheets 1, 3 and 4 of 11. c: Charles Folch, Director of PuNic Works 'Operations Dave Hempel, Assistant City Engineer Jerry Boucher, Utility Superintendent Phil Gravel, Bonestroo & Associates g :XengXpublicX,9 7 4 aMpprove p&s.do¢ ,e City af Chanhassen. A grew/ag cammuniq w/th dean [akes, qudiq schooh, a charming downtown, thriving businesses, and beautiful parks. A great place to live, .work, and p Bonestroo Rosene Anderlik & Associates Engineers & Architects January 18, 1999 City of Chanhassen Public Works Building 1591 Park Road Chanhassen, MN 55317 Atto: Ms. Anita Benson Pump Facility No. 8 BRA File No. 393-98-807 Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderllg and Associates, Inc. is an Affirmative Action/Equal Oppom~iCv Employer Principals: Otto G. gonestroo, P.E. · Joseph. C. Anderlik. P.E. · Marvin L. Sorvala, RE_. Richard E. Turner, RE, · Glenn R. Cook, RE, · Rober~G, $ehunicht, RE.., Jerry A. Bourdo~ RE.- Robert ~ Rosene, RE. and Susan M. Eberltn. CRA., Senior Consultants A~ociate Principal~: Howard A. Sanford, RE,. Keith ~. Gordon RE, · Robert R, pfeff~r~:RE. Richard W. Foster, RE, · David O. Loskota, ERr ' Robert C, Rus~k; ~.I.A, · MarkA. Hanna. RE. · Micbae T. Rautmann, RE. - Ted K,FieJd, R~ · Kenneth R An~rson, RE. - Mark R. Rolls, Sidney R Williamson, RE., L.S. · Robert E Kotsmith · Agnes M. Ring, Mlchae R Reu, RE,,~ Allan Rick Schmidt, RE, Offices; St. Paul, Rochester, ~illmar and St. Cloud. MN · Milwaukee, ~l ~obsite: Www,bonestroo.com CITY L~ JAN 1 51999 'Dear Ms. Benson: Bonestroo & Associates delivered one (1) revised set of the plans and specifications for theChanha~en .Pump Facility No. 8 projec! on Friday, January 15, 1999. This set of plans has been modified to ref~ct the actual pump capacity of the well and City review comments dated January 8, 1999. The proposed schedule for this project is as follows: January 15, 1999 January 25, 1999 February 26, 1999 March 8, 1999 June 1, 1999 September 15, 1999 November 15, 1999 ENG~ERING DEPT. . Plans to City Authorization to Advertise Receive Bids A~vard Project Begin Construction Complete Landscaping Complete Project The current cost estimate for this project has been modifiedto reflect the smaller process piping insije the building and reduced electrical service requirements. The well pumpwill be addedto the wellproj~t as a change order to maintain responsibility for the well pump with the driller. The- current estimate for project without the well pump is $250,000. We recommend the City authorize the advertisement of this project. Please call me at 651-604-484~f you have any question about this project.~- Yours very truly, BONESTROO, ROSENE, ANDERLIX & ASSOCIATES, INC. Daryl K'irschenman, P.E. Attachments cc: Charles Folch - City of Chanhassen Phil Gravel - Bonestroo 2335 West Highway 36 · St. Paul~ MN 55113 · 651-636-4600 · Fax: 651-636-1~_~1