1d-1 Woods at Longacres 5th AddCITYOF CHAN SEN Cig Center Drive, PO Box 147 ~anhassen, Minnesota 55317 Phone 612.93Z 1900 ~eneral Fax 612.93Z5739 ~,ineering Fax 612.937.9152 dic Safe{y Fair 612.934.2524 :b www. ci. chanhassen, mn. us MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUB J: PROPOSAL Scott Botcher, City Manager Cynthia Kirchoff, Planner I Dave Hempel, Assistant City Engineer July 21, 1999 Final Plat Approval for The Woods at Longacres 5th Addition Lundgren Bros. Construction is requesting final plat approval for the 5th addition of The Woods at Longacres. This addition includes 6 single-family lots. The proposal completes the development of Northwood Court which runs parallel to Galpin Blvd., north of Longacres Drive. BACKGROUND On November 8, 1993, the City Council gave preliminary PUD apprOval to what was then called the Song development. There were 31 conditions with this' development. The subject property was previously Outlot B of The Woods at Longacres 4th Addition. FINAL PLAT REQUEST This is a request for final plat approval for 6 single-family lots and the completion of Northwood Court. Northwood Court provides access for 8 lots. Two lots were platted as part of The Woods at Longacres 4th Addition. COMPLIANCE TABLE Avg. Avg. Tree Lot Block Sq. ft. Lot Width Lot Depth Preservation 1 1 14,525 96.5' 159' No 2 1 16,492 109' 162' No 3 1 28,352 121.5' 161' No 4 1 37,191 161.7' 176.5' Yes 5 i 21,363 146' 171' No 6 1 15,738 97.6' 164' No £iO, of Chanhassen. A W'owing communi~ with clean {akes, ttuality schools, a charming downtown, thriving businesses, and beautiful parks. A great V{ace to live, work, and May. Scott Botcher The Woods at Longacres 5th Addition July 21, 1999 Page 2 The homes are proposed to maintain 30 foot front and rear yard setbacks. The PUD allows flexible side yard setbacks as long as the developer can demonstrate a minimum 20 foot separation between the homes. Specifically, a minimum of a6 foot side yard must be maintained for garages and 9 feet for living areas. Landscaping The plan indicates that a landscaped center island will be located in the Northwood Court cut-de- sac. The island will be maintained by the homeowner's association. Each lot will be required to have two trees planted in the front yard setback. No other plantings are required. In terms of the overall landscape plan for The Woods development, plantings and a fence have been installed between Galpin Blvd. and Lots 4, 5 and 6 to perform as a buffer in accordance with the PUD requirements. Tree Preservation Existing tree cover is located on the northeast comer of Lot 4. This area will be protected by a tree preservation easement. Drainage Stormwater runoff from the' site will be conveyed via a storm drainage system to an' offsite water quality pond for pretreatment prior to discharging into the wetlands. Staff has received detai/led drainage construction plans and finds them in accordance with the'City's general standards. Drainage calculations were also submitted and reviewed by staff. No additional stormwater~ pOnding improvements are necessary with this submittal'. A drain tile system is proposed behind the curb to address sump pump discharge from homesites not adjacent to stormwater ponds or wetlands. Surface water management fees (SWMP) are not applicable to this development since it wa~ preliminarily platted before the ordinance went into affect. However, the stormwater management plan for this development is in general accordance with the City's Surface Water Management Plan. Grading The site was previously graded under the Woods at Longacres 4th Addition. Very little grading is anticipated. Some berming is provided along Galpin Boulevard, however, due to grades, berming along the entire length of Galpin Boulevard is not feasible. Scott Botcher The Woods at Longacres 5th Addition July 21, 1999 Page 3 In conjunction with the City's trail improvements project, the trail has already been installed along Galpin Boulevard. This project will not impact the existing trail or berm. On Lot 4, Block 1, the house dwelling type is proposed as a rambler. Given the grades on the site, staff believes a lookout or walkout type home can easily be accommodated. Staff recommends the developer review the potential of a walkout or lookout type dwelling on this lot and amend the grading plan accordingly. Utilities Staff has received detailed utility and street construction plans and specifications from the developer. Upon review, staff found there were some minor revisions necessary and sent the plans back accordingly. The plans should be resubmitted by Monday, July 26, 1999. A copy of the construction plans are available in the Engineering Department for review. Sanitary sewer service will be extended from the north (Song property) to service this phase. Water service will be extended to the end of the cul-de-sac from existing Northwood Court. The extension of sanitary sewer along Lots 3 and 4 is fairly deep. Staff recommends the proposed 20-foot wide drainage and utility easement between Lots 3 and'4 on the final plat be expanded to 25 feet to accommodate future maintenance needs. The developer will be required to enter into a development contract/PUD agreement with the City and supply financial security to guarantee installation of the public improvements and conditions of final plat approval. Streets Detailed construction plans and specifications were submitted. Staff has reviewed the street proposal and finds the street plans acceptable. The street will be constructed in accordance with the City's Urban Street section. The plans propose on extending Northwood Court another 150 feet. A landscaped median island is also proposed in the center of the cul-de-sac. A decorative street light will be installed at the end of the cul-de-sac by NSP after the streets are constructed. The proposed street light will match existing street lights throughout the Longacres subdivision. REVIEW CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FROM PUD #93-3 1. Reconfigure Lot 36, Block 4 to increase lot width at setback to 90 feet. · This condition was met in a previous phase. Scott Botcher The Woods at Longacres 5th Addition July 21, 1999 Page 4 o Developer is responsible for demonstrating a minimum 20 foot separation is provided for side yards as each building permit is requested. Interior side yard setbacks of 6 feet for garages and 9 feet for living areas are permitted. Front yard setbacks may be reduced down to 20 feet where the developer can demonstrate that improved tree preservation would result, except along the collector street where 30 foot setbacks are required. Side yard setback of 10 feet is required for all free standing accessory structures. These must comply with all other rear and front yard setbacks. This condition has been modified to read as follows: Developer is responsible for demonstrating a minimum 20 foot separation is provided for side yards as each building permit is requested. Interior side yard setbacks of 6 feet for garages and 9 feet for living areas are permitted. Side yard setback of 10 feet is required for all free standing accessory structures. All.lots must comply with all other rear and front yard setbacks. Each lot must be provided with two trees when they do not contain at least this number of trees 2 ½" or larger in size at the time of development. These trees may be placed in the lot in question or clustered as appropriate based upon an approved landscaping plan. However, none of these trees shall be credited to buffering requirements along Galpin nor placed upon commonly held outlots." Trees to be selected from approved city list of over story trees, minimum 2 ½" diameter at time of installation. Seed and sod required for all disturbed areas. Letter of credit or cash deposit required at time of building permit to guarantee installation. Provide detailed landscaping plans for internal plantings and the Galpin Boulevard landscape berm for city approval. This condition has been modified to read as follows: Unless already on the site, at least two trees must be planted on each lot. Trees to be selected from approved city list of over story trees, minimum 2 ½ diameter at time of installation. Seed and sod is required for all disturbed areas. A letter of credit or cash deposit is required at time of building permit to guarantee installation. Provide copies of subdivision covenants and home owner association documents for review and approval. The covenants should establish acceptable architectural criteria consistent with the PUD. Association documents should clearly establish maintenance and tax responsibility for all commonly held facilities, landscaping and parcels. · This condition is still applicable. Scott Botcher The Woods at Longacres 5th Addition July 21, 1999 Page 5 o o Outlot D to be merged with appropriate parcels in Dolejsi PUD at time of final plat. The condition was met in a previous phase. Provide details of the proposed private recreational facilities. Since city park plans are predicated upon the construction of this facility to accommodate some local needs, financial guarantees ensuring its construction, must be posted. The association park will be built concurrent with street "A" as listed on the preliminary plat. · This condition was met in a previous phase. Provide final clarifications regarding wetland mitigation relative to the basin found on the "A" street alignment. Provide plans illustrating how wetland buffer areas are to have native wetland vegetation established. This installation shall be completed with site work and subject to sufficient financial guarantees. Concurrent with final approval, the applicant shall determine what wetland buffer monumentation is to be employed. This monumentation shall be installed with initial site development and is to be covered by sufficient financial guarantees. Wetland buffer dimensions and setbacks are established in the applicant's compliance table dated August 10, 1993. Restoration plans to mitigate wetland damage caused by the sanitary sewer crossing between A and E streets should be provided and incorporated into the development contract. Provide protective conservation easements over all wetlands identified by staff and required wetland buffers. The applicant must demonstrate that wetland mitigation meets 1:1 ratio. At this time we are short 0.10 acres of wetland due to the applicant's failure to identify Wetland I as identified by staff. The applicant is responsible for providing wetland mitigation for impacts stemming from the ultimate improvement of Galpin and trail construction adjacent to the site. The City will assume responsibility for obtaining the necessary permits for this activity. This condition has been met. Tree Preservation/Landscaping: ao Detailed plans with the final plat for landscaping the cul-de-sac islands be developed for approval. A cul-de-sac planting plan stamped Received July 7, 1999 has been submitted. Scott Botcher The Woods at Longacres 5th Addition July 21, 1999 Page 6 bo Detailed plans for the Galpin Blvd. landscaped buffer (and berming where feasible). This feature must be significant enough to buffer direct views of the home sites from the roadway for lots devoid of preserved trees in appropriate locations that is mentioned elsewhere in this report. Alternatively, if the applicant wishes to use this requirement to locate trees in more appropriately designed clusters around the plat, additional trees must be added to meet the numerical standard plus provide vegetation elsewhere in the berm area and commonly held areas. This condition was met in a previous phase. Co Tree plantings to meet minimum size standards in City Code and be selected from the official tree list that is being prepared by the Tree Board. This condition is modified as follows: Tree plantings to meet minimum size standards in City Code and be selected from the landscaping ordinance. d. Landscaping to be covered by satisfactory financial guarantees. · This condition is still applicable. All tree conservation areas to be protected by snow fence or otherwise satisfactorily marked and all erosion control to be in place with both being inspected and approved by the city before undertaking any grading of construction activity on the site. Expand the tree conservation areas as recommended by staff. This condition has been modified to read as follows: All tree conservation areas to be protected by snow fence or otherwise satisfactorily marked and all erosion control to be in place with both being inspected and approved by the city before undertaking any grading or construction activity on the site. The applicant shall work with staff on developing tree conservation areas prior to site grading. Tree removal limits will be established at the time of building permit for each lot. Removal limits will be set at distance of twenty (20) feet around the proposed building pad as shown on the grading and drainage plan, provided that trees may be removed within approved grading limits and for placement of utilities. Staff may allow a revised house pad location if grading and tree removal will be reduced. Scott Botcher The Woods at Longacres 5th Addition July 21, 1999 Page 7 f. Planting of boulevard trees on Street A per city specifications. This condition was met in a previous phase. 9. Park and Trails: Parks ao The private/association park be approved with the addition of an open field with a minimum size of 180 feet by 180 feet with a maximum 4% slope is added to the park layout. This open field is to be in addition to and not in lieu of existing proposed amenities. Furthermore, if the private/association park is ever abandoned, it shall be transferred to the city for public park purposes. Such a provision must be drafted into association documents. This condition was met in a previous phase. b. Full park fees shall be paid at the rate in force upon building permit application. This condition has been deleted--duplication of"Trails" item c. Co If in the future there is a dissolution or any type of breakdown in this neighborhood association, that the city will be deeded this park as a park and not subdivided into lots. This condition is not applicable with this phase. Trails ao It is intended that the Galpin trail be constructed in the street right-of-way except within 200 feet of street intersections. In these areas, a trail easement up to 20' in width is required. Furthermore, that this easement shall be included in the grading plan for the project with a suitable trail bed being prepared. This trail bed may meander within the easement alignment at the discretion of the applicant, but the eventual alignment must be conducive to future trail construction and is subject to approval as a part of the grading plan review. Planting of trees shall be restricted to areas west of the trail bench. · This condition was met in a previous phase. Scott Botcher The Woods at Longacres 5th Addition July 21, 1999 Page 8 10. 11. 12. bo The applicant shall dedicate lands to accommodate trail construction along the southern boundary of the Johnson/Dolej si/Turner preliminary plat as depicted on Attachment #4. The applicant shall map and construct a trail paralleling this wetland. This construction is to be completed per city specifications and at the time of adjoining street construction. Final alignment of this trail shall be staked by the developer and approved by the Park and Recreation Director and City Engineer. In recognition for the dedication of this trail corridor, and the construction of said trail, it is recommended that the applicant receive full trail fee credit at the time of building permit application for both the Song property and Johnson/Dolejsi/Turner applications. [Note: This condition will require amendments to the conditions of approval associated with the preliminary plat for the Johnson/Dolejsi/Turner properties.] Fees associated with the amendment of the PUD for the Johnson/Dolejsi/Tumer property are to be waived. This trail shall include a connection to the street plan as indicated between Lots 16 & 17, Block 2, or a similar suitable location in the near vicinity. This condition was met in a previous phase.. c. Full park and trail fees shall be paid per city ordinance. This condition is still applicable. Demonstrate that each lot can accommodate at least a 60' x 40' home site, 12' x 12' deck and 30' rear yard without intruding into any wetland buffer on the final plat. · This condition is still applicable. The final plat shall be amended to include revised street right-of-ways on Streets B, D and G to a 60-foot wide right-of-way with Streets H and I to be 50 feet wide with the standard street section. The applicant was granted a 25' front yard setback. Staff also agreed to allow for the construction of retaining walls in the ROW of streets H and I to save trees so long as they are maintained by the Association. This condition is not applicable in this phase. Appropriate drainage and utility easements shall be conveyed with the final plat for all utilities located outside the public right-of-ways including drainage basins. The minimum width should be 20 feet. The plans should also be revised to include an Scott Botcher The Woods at Longacres 5th Addition July 21, 1999 Page 9 improved surface over the east edge of Outlot F to provide the City access to the sediment basin and Lake Harrison for maintenance vehicles. Access may be covered with sod over a compacted subgrade acceptable to City staff. This condition is being met. However, the developer shall increase the easement between Lots 3 and 4 to 25 feet in width. 13. The applicant shall receive and comply with all pertinent agency permits, i.e. Watershed District, Health Department, MPCA, Carver County Highway Department, DNR, Army Corps of Engineers. This condition is still applicable. 14. Storm sewer calculations for a 1 O-year storm event along with pond storage calculations for storage of a 100-year storm event, 24-hour intensity, should be submitted to the City Engineer for review and approval prior to final platting. This condition has been met. 15. At a minimum, deceleration lanes shall be constructed on southbound Galpin Boulevard when Street A and/or Street E is constructed. The applicant's engineer, Carver County Highway Department, and staff shall review warrants for a bypass lane on northbound Galpin Boulevard at the intersection of A Street. This condition was met in a previous phase. 16. Fire hydrants shall be placed approximately 300 feet apart throughout the subdivision in accordance with the Fire Marshal's recommendation. This condition has been met. 17. All disturbed areas shall be immediately restored with seed and disc-mulched or provided with a wood-fiber blanket within two weeks after site grading or before Nov. 15 each construction season. Areas where street and/or utility construction will occur throughout the year are excepted as is construction on individual home sites when building permits have been issued and erosion control is in place. The City may grant an extension to the restoration date if weather conditions permit. All disturbed areas shall be restored in accordance with the City's Best Management Practices Handbook. · This condition is still applicable. Scott Botcher The Woods at Longacres 5th Addition July 21, 1999 Page 10 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. The developer shall construct all utility and street improvements in accordance with the City's latest edition of Standard Specifications and Detail Plates and prepare final construction plans and specifications for City staff review and formal City Council approval in conjunction with final platting. If the developer installs trunk sewer and water improvements which is considered anything over an 8-inch pipe diameter, a credit will be applied towards the Upper Bluff Creek sanitary sewer and watermain trunk improvements which will be levied against the parcel. This credit amount will be determined as the cost difference between the standard lateral pipe size (8-inch diameter) and the proposed trunk improvement. This condition has been met. As a condition of final plat approval, the applicant will be required to enter into a development contract with the City and provide the necessary financial security to guarantee compliance with the conditions of approval of final platting. · This condition has been modified as follows: The applicant will be required to enter into a development contract/PUD agreement with the city and provide the necessary financial security to guarantee compliance with the conditions of approval of final platting. No lots shall take driveway access from Galpin Boulevard (County Road 117). The Song homestead shall gain access via a direct connection to "B" Street. This condition is not applicable with this phase. Street names submitted with the final plat are subject to staff approval. This condition has been met. The site grades adjacent to Galpin Boulevard shall be revised to be compatible with the future upgrade of Galpin Boulevard and future trail construction. In addition, no berming or drainage facilities will be allowed to encroach upon the Galpin Boulevard right-of- way. · This condition has been met. Scott Botcher The Woods at Longacres 5th Addition July 21, 1999 Page 11 23. Wetland basin G shall be relocated and mitigated to be contained within the development to avoid its being impacted by street and trail construction. · This condition is not applicable with this phase. 24. A private driveway easement should be conveyed for access to Lot 9, Block 1 between Lots 4 and 5, Block 1 offofB Street. This condition is no longer applicable. Lot 9, Block 1 has already subdivided and access is no longer needed from Northwood Court a.k.a. "B" Street. 25. The street grades shall be adjusted to conform to City ordinance which is between 0.50% and 7% except on H and E streets. A street shall be constructed to a 9 ton design. · This condition has been met. 26. The final plat shall be contingent upon the applicant demonstrating that a street will be extended to serve the parcel which lies northwesterly of this site. The street extension may be through either H Street or another Street location within the Johnson/Dolejsi/Turner property immediately to the west. · This condition is not applicable with this phase. 27. The proposed landscape median area at the intersection of Galpin Boulevard and A and E streets, and the proposed cul-de-sac islands, are to be allowed subject to incorporation of modifications requested by staff and to meet State Aid requirements. This condition is not applicable with this phase. 28. Enter into a PUD contract with the City. · This condition is being deleted because it is a duplication of condition #19. 29. Street F to be constructed up to the south property line. It shall be provided with a temporary turnaround and a signed barricade indicating "This street to be extended in the future." Notice of the extension is to be placed in the chain-of-title of all lots in the vicinity. · This condition is not applicable with this phase. Scott Botcher The Woods at Longacres 5th Addition July 21, 1999 Page 12 30. The common private drive serving Lots 33, 34, and 35, Block 4 shall be paved to a width of 20 feet, be constructed to a 7 ton design and be equipped with a turnaround acceptable to the Fire Marshal. This condition is not applicable with this phase. 31. Decorative street lighting be installed along the collector Street A. · This condition is not applicable with this phase. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the City Council adopt the following motion: "The City Council approves the final plat for The Woods at Longacres 5th Addition (#93-3 PUD) for 6 lots as shown on the plans stamped Received July 8, 1999, and subject to the following conditions: The Developer is responsible for demonstrating a minimum 20 foot separation is provided for side yards as each building permit is requested. Interior side yard setbacks of 6 feet for garages and 9 feet for living areas are permitted. Side yard setback of 10 feet is required for all free standing accessory structures. All lots must comply with all other rear and front yard setbacks. Unless already on the site, at least two trees must be planted on each lot. Trees to be selected from approved city list of over story trees, minimum 2 ½ diameter at time of installation. Seed and sod is required for all disturbed areas. A letter of credit or cash deposit is required at time of building permit to guarantee installation. o Provide copies of subdivision covenants and home owner aSSociation documents:for review and approval. The covenants should establish acceptable architectural criteria consistent with the PUD. Association documents should clearly establish maintenance and tax responsibility for all commonly held facilities, landscaping and parcels. 4. Tree Preservation/Landscaping: go Tree plantings to meet minimum size standards in City Code and be selected from the official tree list. Scott Botcher The Woods at Longacres 5th Addition July 21, 1999 Page 13 b. Landscaping to be covered by satisfactory financial guarantees. All tree conservation areas to be protected by snow fence or otherwise satisfactorily marked and all erosion control to be in place with both being inspected and approved by the city before undertaking any grading or construction activity on the site. The applicant shall work with staff on developing tree conservation areas prior to site grading. Tree removal limits will be established at the time of building permit for each lot. Removal limits will be set at distance of twenty (20) feet around the proposed building pad as shown on the grading and drainage plan, provided that trees may be removed within approved grading limits and for placement of utilities. Staffmay allow a revised house pad location if grading and tree removal will be reduced. 5. Full park and trail fees shall be paid per city ordinance. Demonstrate that each lot can accommodate at least a 60' x 40' home site, 12' x 12' deck- and 30' rear yard without intruding into any wetland buffer on the final plat. The applicant shall receive and comply with all pertinent.agency permits,~ i.e. Watershed District, Health Department, MPCA, Carver County Highway Department, DNR, Army Corps of Engineers. All disturbed areas shall be immediately restored with seed and disc-mulched or provided with a wood-fiber blanket within two weeks after site grading or before Nov. 15 each construction season. Areas where street and/or utility construction will occur throughout the year are excepted as is construction on individual home sites when building permits have been issued and erosion control is in place. The City may grant an extension to the restoration date if weather conditions permit. All disturbed areas shall be restored in accordance with the City's Best Management Practices Handbook. As a condition of final plat approval, the developer will be required to enter into a development contract/PUD agreement with the City and provide the necessary financial security to guarantee compliance with the conditions of approval of final platting. 10. No lots shall take driveway access from Galpin Blvd. (CR 117). 11. No berming or drainage facilities will be allowed to encroach upon the Galpin Boulevard right-of-way. Scott Botcher The Woods at Longacres 5th Addition July 21, 1999 Page 14 12. The developer and/or contractor shall report to the City Engineer the location of any drain tiles found during construction. The City Engineer will determine whether or not to abandon or redirect the tile to the storm sewer system. 13. A 10 foot clear zone must be maintained around fire hydrant's so as to avoid injury to fire fighters, i.e. NSP transformers, street lights, cable television and telephone boxes and landscape plantings 14. The landscaped median island shall be maintained by the homeowners association through the means of the declaration of covenants. Should the median not be well maintained or becomes a public safety hazard, the city reserves the right to remove the landscaping and/or entire median and assess the cost of the street repairs to the properties in the plat. The city shall not be liable for damage to the landscaping or irrigation system as a result of snow plowing operations. 15. The applicant shall meet wetland fill and wetland mitigation conditions as stated in Corps of Engineers, Section 404 permit 94-02389-SW-GAE. Mitigation work shall be implemented prior to or concurrent with wetland fill activity in future phases of the project. 16. Parking shall be prohibited on the cul-de-sac. 17. Provide copies of subdivision covenants and home owner association documents for review and approval. The covenants should establish acceptable architectural criteria consistent with the PUD. Association documents should clearly establish maintenance and tax responsibility for all commonly held facilities, landscaping and parcels. 18. If in the future there is a dissolution or any type of breakdown in this neighborhood association, that the city will be deeded this park as a park and not subdivided into lots. 19. The developer shall work with staff review the potential of a lookout or walkout type dwelling on Lot 4, Block 1 and amend the final grading plan accordingly. 20. The developer shall dedicate on the final plat a 25 -foot wide drainage and utility easement centered on the common lot line of Lots 3 and 4." ATTACHMENT 1. Final plat dated July 8, 1999. 2. Tree preservation. .;:!'i: I I ~ I I I I I