6. Recreation Center ReportCITYOF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard p(,I B(:~ 147 {;r,~-~ asse ~,,,lr,J 55317 Administration Pho~ 952 227 1100 Fax 952 227 11!0 Building Inspections Phe88o~cclq9 _~,227 11,q'~,,,u Fax 952 227 !190 Engineering Pheie 952 22; 116,2, Fa, ',52 P7 11'0 Finance P!',"" %~,2, 140 Fa~ 952 227.1110 Park & Recreation Phori,,: 952 2271120 Fax 952 227 1110 R¢c,rpa[ on C',~ntcr 23!0 CoL Iter Boulevard Pheuc 952 227 !400 Fax 952 2271404 Planning & Nalural Resources Ph(~ :i5222;1130 h~x 952227!110 Public Works !591 Park Road Phoq~; 952227 !300 Fax 952 2271310 Senior Cenler pt, 952 227 1125 !t, 952,:~ Web Site ¢, ¢;'¢, 61 ~ i] a r h a s s e FI IT' Ii U 5 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUB J: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director Susan Marek, Recreation Center Manager June 15, 2004 Park Commission Report June 2004 6 Recreation Center Recreation Center summer hours are as follows: Monday-Friday 5:30am-9pm Saturday 8am-6pm Sunday CLOSED The bulk of summer registrations has come in and are complete in our new RECNET internet database. Approximately 10% are being completed as remote on-line registrations. Reservations for September 2004 and beyond will be made on RECNET also. Staffing Fall staff schedules are being prepared. We are at the lowest staffing level ever at the Recreation Center. Programs The annual Dance for Fun recital was May I at the Eden Prairie Performing Arts Center. About 1,200 guests came to see the recital, "Let's Go to the Movies". Thanks to Councilman Brian Lundquist and Recreation Supervisor Corey Hoen for choosing our award winners this year. Programs for the fall season are in planning and we look forward to stronger on- line registration as our customers become familiar with this new option. g:\park\crcmonthlyreports\june2OO4.doc