Legal DescriptionED1NA REALTY LjAYZATA952 475 2411 a 4943?42 N0,494 ~006 Issued by it~ Ageng ~dina Realty Title, Inc. CO5~/ITMENT $CHEDULI~ A EXHIBIT A PARCEL 1.' (Absuact Property) TI~ part of ~he Northwest Quaint of Section 1, Township 1 ! 6 North. R~nge 23 West, Carver County, Mintgsota, described as follows: Beginning at a POinT in the g~nterline of Edvn Prairie Road az now laid out and tr~velcd, dislant 170 feet Easterly from thg West line of saidlSvction I Rs measured along said c~nterlia°; thence (considering thc W~t ling of Mid $o~tion I *.o be a due North South line), rurmi~ South 9: degrees 32 minutes East a dis~nc~ of 425.3 feet; thence North: 70 degrees 54 minutes E~t a distance of 44;9.6 feet more or les~ ~o the ¢~terline of Lake Street as now lo. id om and travel~d; thence Northwesterly and Westerly along the centrrline of Lake Street az now laid o~t and traveled a di~ance of 437.1 foot to its int~rs~tion with thc cente, rlinc ofF. den Prairie Road as now laid out and travclcd~ thence Westerly along tho cextterlin~ of said Ed~u Prairie Road a digtance of 240.2 fe~t moro or less to the point of beginning, excepting that portion lying within the right of way of Plgasant View Road~ according to the United States Government Survey thereof, Carver County, Minnesota.. PARCEL 2: {Torrens Property) T~=t "B', and an undivided one-third of Tract "D", Registered Land S~vcy No. l g, files of the l~gistra~ of Titles, Carver County, Minnesot~ RECEIVED CHANHASSEN PL~NN!NG DEW' ~ c, ommitm~t i~ invalid unless Og Insuring Proviglong and Se.h~dules A and 1~ ~e attaxhcd, Schedule A