Traffic Review 6-17-04Alliant Engineering, Inc. MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: June 17,2004 Jeff Sandberg, PE Director of Civil Engineering Lifetime Fitness Bob Green, PE, PTOE Lifetime Fitness Traffic Review Chanhassen, MN CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED Lifetime Fitness is proposing to construct a 109,000 square foot fitness center with two office buildings totaling 200,000 square feet of office space in the southwest TH 5 / TH 41 intersection in Chanhassen, MN (Figure 1, Appendix A). A comprehensive traffic study was previously prepared for the project area as part of the proposed Gateway West Development (Gateway West Traffic Study, SRF, 1997). The Gateway West study provided recommendations for roadway improvements based on the traffic anticipated by full- development of the site. The Gateway West study assumed that the Lifetime Fitness property would be developed with 394,000 SF of business park. The purpose of this study is to document the impacts associated with the change in land use from Business Park to the proposed development, and to determine if the recommendations from the Gateway West Study still apply. No new traffic counts were conducted and the assumed roadway geometrics were based on the recommendations from the Gateway West study. The supporting analysis is included in this technical memorandmn and is organized into the following sections: · Gateway West Study · Proposed Development · Comparison to Gateway West · Conclusions Gateway West Traffic Study The Gateway West Traffic study was prepared for the 1.2 million square foot Gateway West project in Chanhassen, MN (Appendix A). The project covered 12 lots bordered by TH 5 on the north and 82nd Street on the south, and bordered by TH 4l on the ;vest and Galpin Boulevard on the east. The project 233 Park Avenue South, Suite 200, Minneapolis Minnesota 55415-1108 Phone 612.758.3080, Fax 612.758.3099 Mr. Jeff Sandberg June 17, 2004 Page 2 of 5 included the proposed Lifetime Fitness site, which is located in the northwest corner of the Gateway West project. The lots were proposed for use mostly as business parks, with the addition of smaller commercial properties. The Lifetime Fitness site xvas assumed to be developed as 394,000 sfof business park. The report included a traffic forecast for 2003 and 2012. These forecasts were based upon traffic counts performed between 1995 and 1997. These counts were adjusted and interpolated to obtain the forecast volumes. Figures 8 and 9 of the GATEWAY WEST STUDY report, illustrating the forecast traffic volumes resulting from the Gateway West Development, are illustrated in Appendix A of this report. The report analyzed the impacts of the development and provided geometric recommendations for the surrounding street system. The following recommendations were made in the study: Construction of dual left turn lanes at all approaches to the TH 5/TH4 l intersection. Signalization of the TH 41/82',d Street intersection. Signalization of the TH 5/Century Boulevard intersection. Upgrading TH 41 to a four-lane roadway Construction of dual left turn lanes at the westbound approach of the TH 5/Century Boulevard Intersection In addition, the following recommendations were made for the Year 2012: Upgrading TH 5 to a six-lane facility east of the intersection with TH 41 Upgrading TH 41 to a four-lane facility south of the TH 5 intersection Construction of dual-left turn lanes at the southbound approach of TH 41 and 82nd Street. A site visit was conducted in June of 2004 to identify which recommended improvements were made. Currently the intersections of TH 41 at 82nd Street and TH 5 at Century Boulevard are signalized intersections. In addition dual left turn lanes were constructed for the northbound and westbound approaches at TH 5 and Century Boulevard. These improvements, in addition to the recommended 2012 improvements, were utilized in analyzing the Lifetime Fitness development. Proposed Development The proposed Lifetime Fitness project consists of the construction of a 109,000 square foot fitness center and two 100,000 square foot of office buildings. The area of the development is approximately 22 acres, with proposed parking for approximately 1,200 vehicles, with additional underground parking available for the office buildings. The proposed site plan is illustrated in Figure C-2. Access to the site will be provided on the east edge of the development. An existing cul-de-sac will be modified for entrance on to the site. The cul-de-sac currently accesses Century Boulevard approximately 550 feet south of TH 5. Century Boulevard is a divided four lane roadway north of the access road, and a two-lane undivided road south of the access. Based upon trip generation rates established in the Gateway West report, the 200,000 square feet of business park is expected to generate approximately 2,870 trips daily, with 325 trips in the AM peak and 300 trips in the PM peak. Trip generation rates for the fitness center were based upon three-weeks of counts collected by Lifetime Fitness at a location in Warrenville, Illinois. This location had similar characteristics to the proposed site, such as size, location, and proximity to major roadways. Based on these counts, the proposed Chanhassen development is expected to generate approximately 6375 daily trips, with 285 trips in the AM peak and 480 trips in the PM peak. Table 1 provides a summary of the trip Alliant Engineering, Inc. ill Table 1 Trip Generation Lifetime Fitness Property - Chanhassen, MN TRIP GENERATION RATES TRIP RATES Daily Trip Ends AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Land Use Description Unit TOTAL IN OUT TOTAL IN OUT TOTAL IN OUT Proposed Business Park 1000 sf 14.37 50% 50% 1.62 85% 15% 1.48 22% 78% Proposed Lifetime Fitness 1000 sf 58.53 50% 50% 2.61 57% 43% 4.41 65% 35% TRIP RATES Size Daily Trip Ends AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Land Use Description (Units) TOTAL IN OUT TOTAL IN OUT TOTAL IN OUT Proposed Business Park 200 2874 1437 1437 324 275 49 296 65 231 Proposed Lifetime Fitness lO9 6374 3187 3187 285 163 122 481 313 168 Subtotal o£ Pro¢osed Development: 9248 4624 4624 609 438 171 777 378 399 I Gateway West | Business Park 394 5659 2830 2629 638 542 96 583 128 455 Subtotal of Gateway Study: 5659 2830 2629 638 542 96 583 128 455 I Change in Trip Generation: 3589 1794 1995 -29 -104 75 194 250 -56 I I Sources: SRF "Traffic Study for Proposed Gateway West Development": May, 1997 Lifetime Fitness Traffic Counts, Warrenville, IL: December, 2001 Mr. Jeff Sandberg June 17, 2004 Page 3 of 5 generation for the proposed site. Appendix B. Data collected for the fitness center trip generation rates are found in Comparison to Gateway West To establish the impact of the Lifetime Fitness site, a comparison of traffic volumes between the Gateway West proposal and Lifetime proposal was explored. The Lifetime development is expected to generate 3,590 more trips per day than the Gateway West proposal, with 195 more trips in the PM peak and 29 fexver trips in the AM peak. The percentage of trips originating and terminating at the site was calculated to further explore the impacts to the TH 5/Century Boulevard intersection. During the AM peak, 100 fewer trips will terminate at the site and 75 additional drips will originate from the site. in the PM peak, a reduction of 55 trips originating from the site can be expected with 250 additional trips terminating at the site. The changes in the number of AM and Pm peak hour trips were utilized to modify the previous forecasts prepared for the Gateway West study. Figures F.03 and F. 12 document the results of the new forecasts. These forecasts assume that the recommended improvements for 2003 and 2012 are implemented, including the construction of Coulter Boulevard. In addition, the roadway network assumes a connection between Water Tower Place and TH 41. Level of Service Analysis The key intersections studied in the Gateway West report were analyzed for impacts caused by the Chanhassen development. With the exception of the intersection of Century Boulevard and TH 5, all intersections had minimal changes in volume. The level of service of the intersections did not change from what was documented in the Gateway West report. Since the Lifetime Fitness access is off of Century Boulevard, an analysis was performed for the intersection of TH 5 at Century Boulevard based upon the field verified geometries. Level of service improved from LOS D to LOS C during the PM peak. The 2003 AM peak and both peaks of the 2012 analysis will continue to operate at LOS C, thus the Lifetime development will have no impact on the operations of the intersections in the local roadway network. Table 2 summarizes the LOS for the intersections for both the Gateway West development and the Lifetime development. Queuing Analysis A queuing analysis was conducted to determine if the existing turn lane storage is adequate and if queues will block access to sites located on the SW corner of TH 5 and Century Boulevard. Figure Q. 1 illustrates the access points along Century Boulevard. The sites include a bank, a child care center, and retail shops. Access to these sites is provided by a split in the median located 265 feet from the TH 5 / Century Boulevard intersection. The turn lane extends the same distance and terminates at the median split. The Lifetime access is located approximately 500 feet south of TH 5. Table 3 documents the average and maximum queue lengths at this intersection. The analysis indicates the following: · AM peak hour traffic will have no impact on the access point under both the Year 2003 and 2012 conditions. Alliant Engineering, Inc. 8END ST. T}I 5 16a6(758)~ 950(205)~'a r,._79(262) <---418(14'/7) ~-530(425) PROPOSED SITE ,-._ss(~oo) WATER TOWER PL. 1685(750) 488(455~ 495(145)~ ~_~7o(~so) <---495(:500) ~-526(505) I COULTER BLVD. 20(20)~ a4(194)~ 55(445) ~ 787(~a~o) ~ .567(352) ~t eno LEGEND: XX(XX) A.M. Peak hour (PM Peak Hour) SOURCE: Proposed Coteway West Development SRF, May, 1997 Modified to include proposed Lifetime development LIFETIME FITNESS CHANHASSEN, MN TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY DRAWING NAME.Fiqure 4dw9 DATE:~6/~4 ALLIANT ENGINEERING IN C 0 R POR A I ~ D FIGURE F.03 Year 2003 Peak Hour Volumes Proposed Development 82ND ST. TH 5 ~o~(~o)~ 198~ (853)--> 1090(225)~',~ -* +~ <~ PROPOSED SITE ~620(185o) ~"~526(505) ~,.~ 89(29/) ~-- 468(1717) ~55(loo) WATER TOWER PL. as(9o)J 2065(905}~ 488(455)-~ COULTER BLVD. 2222(1229)--> 25(25)~ 84(194)~ ~---6(24) z~--59{128) 179(167)~ %_32(33) 40(485) <-- 907(2145) ~ 415(360) LEGEND: XX(XX) A.M. Peak hour (PM Peak Hour) SOURCE: Proposed Gateway West Development SRF, May, 1997 Modified to include proposed [ ifetirne development. LIFETIME FITNESS CHANHASSEN, MN TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY DRAWING NAME:F'guro 5 dwq DATE:~Q4 ALLIANT ENGINEERING FIGURE F.12 Year 2012 Peak Hour Volumes Proposed Development E~ ~ 0 o ~ 0000~~ ~ -I-RUHk HIG~t¥~¥ 5 LJ;F~I-Z~ SZ'TE V Mr. Jeff Sandberg June 17, 2004 Page 4 of 5 Under both Year 2003 and 2012 PM peak hour conditions, average queue lengths will have no impact on the access point. However, the access point will occasionally become blocked during the PM peak, as the maximum queue length is approximately 345 feet. This condition occurs under both the original Gatexvay West conditions and with the proposed development. Conclusions When compared to the original plan, the Lifetime Fitness development generates approximately 3600 additional trips daily, 194 additional trips in the PM peak, and a decrease in 29 trips in the AM peak. The analysis indicates that the intersections of TH 5 at Century Boulevard, TH 5 at TH 41, TH 5 at Galpin Boulevard, and TH 41 at 82nd Street will continue to operate at an acceptable level after development. Therefore, development of the site has no significant impact on traffic operations in the project area An analysis of future conditions indicates that the intersections xvill continue to operate at an acceptable level of service, if the recommendations of the Gateway West Study are implemented. The Access on Century Boulevard south of TH 5 will not be blocked by traffic queuing back from the signal, except for occasionally during the PM peak period. No change to this access is recommended at this time. Traffic conditions in the future can be monitored, and if a congestion or safety problem develops, modifications to the access point can be made. Alliant Engineering, Inc. Mr. Jeff Sandberg June 17, 2004 Page 5 of 5 APPENDICES Appendix A - Traffic Study for Proposed Gateway West Development, SRF, May 1997 Appendix B - Traffic Count Summary, Lifetime Fitness Warrenville, Illinois, 2001 Alliant Engineering, Inc. Oun 09 O~ 0~:37p p.2 0 0 b 0 CO o,1 m ~ ~ I, 70~~~~ ~un OS O~ 0~: ~3p Ii CONSUL3'ING GROUP, INC. Transportation · Civil · Structural · Environnwnlal · Planning · Traffic · Landscape Architecture · Parking SRFNo. 0972656 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Kate Aanenson, Planning 1 *~rector City of Chanhassen Ferrol O. Robinson, Principal Jack A. Lord, Senior Tran,':i,ortation Planner May 1, 1997 TRAFFIC STUDY FOR I'[' OPOSED GATEWAY WEST DEVELOPMENT Introduction The Gateway West Development is a 1 ;217,203 square foot (building area) mixed use development proposed for the southeast quadrant ~,f Tnmk Highway (TH) 5.. and Trunk Highway 41 in Chanhassen, Minnesota (see Figure i Project Location). The site, presently zoned A-2, Agricultural Estate, is cultivated and ~2:: two homes adjacent to TH 41 that are exempted from acquisition for the proposed developmer~., and one home along TH 5 that may be acquired. The development, which includes 12 lot;. incorporating industrial, commercial, and residential uses, will require rezoning to PUD, Planned Unit Development. Industrial lots are estimated to be 30 percent office, 35 percent warehousi:,g, and 35 percent light manufacturing uses covering approximately 917,800 square feet of b..,41ding area. About 75,400 square feet of commercial uses will include a bank, convenience store medical' office building, and restaurants. The residential building area is expected to contak approximately 80 units of multi-family dwellings. The development will also include over 3,~ '~0 surface parking spaces. (The estimated number of trips for the site is based on the maximum a-',wable floor-area ratio. The actual number of trips could be less if floor area ratios constructed are i-ms than those used for this analysis.) Trip generation for the development *~as calculated by applying trip generation rates from the Institute of Transportation Engineers (;.rE) 1991 Trip Generation Report, 5t~ Edition (including the 1995 update to the 5~' edition), to the 5;ilding square footage for the appropriate land uses. Traffic generated by the site was then add~ to the background traffic and assigned to the site access locations and adjacent roadways. 7:affic estimates were completed for the year 2003 (one One Carlson Parkway N'~rth, Suite 150, Minneapolis, MN 55447-4443 Telephone (C2) 475-0010 - Fax (612) 475-2429 Equal Opportunity Employer < Kate Aanenson - 3 - April 25, 1997 year after opening) and 2012 (ten years after opening). Finally, capacity analysis for key intersections was completed using the traffic forecasts. This study analyzes the transportation system in the area without TH 212 included in the regional network. It is anticipated that construction of TH 212, which would be an east-west roadway, would reduce the number of trips on TH 5, which also runs east-west. At the same time, traffic on TH 41 and CSAH 19 south of TH 5 is expected to increase as a result of TH 212. Existing Conditions Morning and afternoon peak hour turning movement volumes were counted at the TH 5/TH 41 intersection in December 1996. Similar counts were obtained for the TH 41/82nd Street intersection in February 1995. Turning movements for the TH 5/Galpin Boulevard intersection were counted in April 1997. These counts provided the basis for background traffic projections for the years 2003 and 2012. (The counts at TH 5 and Galpin Boulevard were taken while TH 101 was closed due to flooding. As a result, traffic volumes on TH 5, especially through-movements, were unusually high and had to be adjusted. The adjustment was made by balancing the counts with counts taken at the TH 5/TH 41 intersection before TH 101 was closed.) Trip Generation An estimate of the number of site-generated vehicle trips was calculated by applying trip generation rates from the ITE Trip Generation Report to the land uses for the proposed development (see Tables 1 and 2). Trips generated by industrial lots were estimated using the building area for each lot applied to trip generation rates for a Business Park. Building square footage for specific commercial land uses were used to determine trips generated for lots 1, 2, 10, and 11. Trips for the residential land use were based on the number of dwelling units estimated for lot 12. An estimated multi-use capture rate of five percent of the total trips was used to account for internal trips, and was subtracted from the total trips. The TH 41/82nd Street and TH 5/North Access intersections were adjusted for pass-by trips amounting to 35 percent of the convenience store, bank, and restaurant peak hour traffic. The site is expected to generate a total of about 31,000 daily trips, with approximately 2,900 and 2,700 trips expected during the a.m. and p.m. peaks, respectively. Trip Distribution The directional distribution of trips for the subject site (Figure 2) was determined based on the regional distribution of population and employment. This distribution is observed for the transportation system in the area without TH 212. Construction of TH 212 would result in a traffic distribution that is different that that used for this study. ~ NLL'T~ZV~ Z z :d :d d d · ) ) ) J~ Kate Aanenson - 7 - Aph125,1997 Traffic Operations Analysis A capacity analysis of the intersections and roadways adjacent to the proposed site was under;taken using historical traffic counts for background traffic, the Gateway West Development Summary for site-generated traffic, and a micro-computer application of the 1994 Highway Capacity Manual to determine the estimated intersection Level of Service (LOS) for the a.m. and p.m. peak hours. Figures 3 through 9 show the intersection peak hour volumes used in the operations analysis. Table 3 shows the results of the level of service analysis for key intersections adjacent to the development. (The north leg of the TH 5/North Access intersection and a frontage road parallel to TH 5 will be built as part of improvements to TH 5 programmed for 1999. Traffic volumes for this intersection were estimated from the Traffic Section of the 1995 Arboretum Boulevard Environmental Assessment completed by the City of Chanhassen.) The analysis was completed for morning and evening peak hours for the existing condition and for the years 2003 and 2012. Three scenarios were considered for the forecast years: Scenario #1 - Existing and Programmed Configuration - Uses existing and progranzmed external roadway and intersection configurations with only the forecast background traffic. Background traffic is estimated to grow at 2.2 percent per year. Programmed improvements include widening TH 5 to four lanes from east of the TH 5/TH 41 intersection to CSAH 17 in 1999. This scenario provides an indication of what the intersection and roadway operations will be without traffic generated by the subject development. Scenario #2 - Without Coulter Boulevard - Analyzes the intersections using recorrnnended external roadway and intersection improvements with the forecast background plus site- generated traffic. The analysis does not include Coulter Boulevard (the east-west roadway cmmecting the development to Galpin Boulevard). Scenario #3 - With Coulter Boulevard - Uses the recommended external roadway and intersection improvements with forecast background plus site-generated traffic. The analysis includes the Coulter Boulevard connection to Galpin Boulevard. Existina Condition The intersection of TH 5 and TH 41 is signalized and currently operates at LOS E during the a.m. peak and LOS D during the p.m. peak. The TH 41/82na Street intersection is presently unsignalized and operates at LOS A during both peak periods. The TH 5/Galpin Boulevard intersection operates at LOS F during the a.m. peak and LOS D during the p.m. peak. Year2003 Scenario #1 - The analysis shows that the TH 5/TH 41 intersection will operate at LOS F during both peak periods. The TH 41/82na Street intersection will also operate at LOS F during both peak periods as an unsignalized intersection. The TH 5/North Access intersection operates at LOS F in Kate Aanenson - 8 - April 25, 1997 the morning and LOS D in the afternoon. The intersection of TH 5 and Galpin Boulevard will operate at LOS C during the a.m. peak and LOS B during the p.m. peak. t (The level of service of the TH 5/Galpin Boulevard intersection changes between the existing and 2003 forecast conditions as a result of widening TH 5 from two to four lanes. Operations at the TH 5FFH 41 and TH 5/North Access intersections do not change because the roadway is currently four lanes at those locations.) TABLE 3 CHANHASSEN GATEWAY WEST TRAFFIC STUDY PEAK HOUR INTERSECTION LEVEL OF SERVICE Intersection TH5and TH 41 and I TH5and TH5and TH 41 82"d St.[ North Access Galpin Blvd. Existing E / D A / A N,A. F / D Year 2003 Scenarios - I. Existing/Programmed Configuration Background Traffic Only, w/o Gateway Development F / F F / F F / D C / B 2. Gateway Development: With Recommended Improvements and Without Coulter Blvd. D / D C / C C / D C / C 3. Gateway Development: With Recommended Improvements and With Coulter Blvd. D / D C / C D / D D / C Year 2012 Scenarios - 1. Existing/Programmed Configuration Background Traffic Only, w/o Gateway Development . F / F F / F F / D F / B 2. Gateway Development: With Recommended Improvements and Without Coulter Blvd. D / D B / B C / D C / C 3. Gateway Development: With Recommended Improvements and With Coulter Blvd. D / D B / B C / D D / C - X / X A.M. PEAK PERIOD / P.M. PEAK PERIOD Scenario #2 - Analysis indicates that the TH 5/TH 41 intersection will operate at LOS D during the a.m. and p.m. peaks if dual left turns are added at all approaches. The TH 41/82nd Street intersection will operate at LOS C during both peak periods as a signalized intersection. The TH 5/North Access intersection will operate at LOS C during the a.m. and LOS D during the p.m. peak with a Kate Aanenson - 9 - April 25, 1997 signal and dual left turns in the westbound direction. The intersection at TH 5 and Galpin Boulevard will operate at LOS C during the a.m. and p.m. peak periods. Scenario #3 - Operations at the TH 5/TH 41 and TH 41/82"0 Street intersections will be the same as described in Scenario #2 above. The TH 5/North Access intersection will operate at LOS D during both peaks but the westbound dual left mm lanes which would have been necessary without Coulter Boulevard are not required for this scenario. The intersection of TH 5 and Galpin Boulevard will operate at LOS D during the a.m. peak and LOS C during the p.m. peak with no additional improvements. Year 2012 Scenario #1 - Under existing and programmed conditions, all of the key intersections will exhibit LOS F conditions during both peak periods With the exception of the TH 5/Galpin Boulevard intersection which will operate at LOS B during the afternoon peak. Scenario #2 - The TH 5/TH 41 intersection will operate at LOS D during both peak periods if TH 5 is Widened to six lanes. The intersection of TH 41 and 87d Street will operate at LOS B during the morning and afternoon peak periods if TH 41 is widened to four lanes and a dual left turn is added in the southbound direction. The TH 5/North Access intersection Will operate at LOS C for the morning peak and LOS D during the afternoon peak xvith if the six lane improvement is made to TH 5. The intersection of TH 5 and Galpin Boulevard will operate at LOS C during both peak periods, assuming that TH 5 is upgraded to a six-lane roadway. Scenario #3 - All of the intersections will operate as described in Scenario #2 above, with the exception of the TH 5/Galpin Boulevard intersection which will operate at LOS D during the a.m. peak period. Recommendations In order for the key intersections to operate at acceptable levels of service in 2003, one year after opening of the Gateway West Development, the following additional improvements are necessary: · Construct dual left mm lanes at all approaches to the TH 5/TH 41 intersection. · Signalize the TH 41/82"d Street intersection. · Signalize the TH 5/North Access intersection. · Upgrade TH 41 to a four-lane roadway. · Construct dual left-mm lanes at the westbound approach of the TH 5/North Access intersection (if Coulter Boulevard is not built). Kate Aanenson - 10 - April 25, 1997 Acceptable levels of service at the key intersections in 2012, ten years after opening, will be dependent upon: · Upgrade of TH 5 to a six-lane facility east of the intersection with TH 41. · Upgrade of TH 41 to a four-lane facility south of the TH 5 intersection. · Construct dual-left turn lanes at the southbound approach of TH 41 and 82nd Street. The construction of the TH 5/North Access intersection is critical to the operations of TH 5 and TH 41, considering the amount of traffic that will be generated by the Gateway Development. Construction of this intersection is especially important if Coulter Boulevard is not built. 43 (40) 34 (20) 13 (24) 169 (60) ..... J~ 601 (404) ~ 53(153) ,~ 247 (201) 38 (66) 4 (31) ~ 178 (260) -"~----- 288 (428) ,~ 50 (310) GALPIN BLVD. TH 41 169 (16) 816 (637) 36 (9) 0 co XX u_ Z co Z m LU m rr- L~ U~ 26 (5) 564 (786) 6 (6) LIJ 50 (45) , ~ 40 (25) ~ ~5 (25)., f 200 (70) , 700 (470) 60 (180) 280 (230) 45 (75) 5 (35) · ,. 205 (305) --~------ 335 (500) t' 60 (360) GALPIN BLVD. TH 41 200 (20) 970 (760) 4s (lo) ,,- II II XX XX 30 (S) 670 (935) O~ LLICr >-C C > 6o (55) 5o (3o) 30 (20) 240 (85),. 850 (570) 75 (215) 340 (280) 55 (90) 5 (40) ~, ,. 250 (370) ~ 410 (605) ~ 70(440) GALPIN BLVD. TH 41 245 (25) 1180 (920) 50 ¢5) II II XX ×× 40 (5) -~------ 815 (1140) lO (lO) 0 X ~ XX v ~ ~ m 280 (230) ~ / ~ 45 (75) ~ 95 (95) ~ r GALPIN BLVD. 50(45) ~ ~ '~ 4o (25) 205 (135) ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~I 260 (695) ~ I ~ 3o (30) 220 (595)~ : 170 (180)T 45 (120) 30 (30) ~ 80 (220) 85 (90) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ 205 (305) m T 135 (75) j~L. ,,o,,oo, j+. ,,,~o,,,o,,,,,o, jL~ 635(965) , ~ 135 (560) ~' + 10 (10) 375(190)60(180) ' ~ r 2050(1160)--TH41 80 790 (530) ~ 1435 (930) 70 (65) ~ 55 (30) ~ 210 (135) ',~, '~7o ¢80) J~ 30 (30) ~- 85(9o) . ,, ~r 340 (280) 55 (9O) 95 (11 O) GALPIN BLVD. iF- 260 (695) 30 (30) 220 (595) CS) ~ 4` ,, 250 (370) 45 (120) + 80 (220} ~ J 41S (205) 940 (630) 75 (215) L 485 (805) 145 (640) J4` lO5 (70) ~ 845 (1715) 2425 (1355) J TH 41 595 (190) . 1735 (1115) 95 (50)' 145 (75) 760 (1180) lO(lO) W~ 0 ~ S0 (45) ~ 40 (25) ~ 205 (135) j, 470 (480) 30 (30) 85 (90) 375 (190) ~ 790 (530) ~ 60 (180) -. 355 (430) 45 (75) 5 (35) 330 (340) 175 (120) II II XX ~X GALPIN BLVD. 150 (395) 30 (30) 220 (595) 205 (305) 410 (700) 135 (560) ~ ' lO5 (70) ~ 715 (1450) 15 (40) 80 (220) vvv 2050 (1160) --~ TH 41 535 (185) . 1435 (930) 80 (45) 135 (75) 635 (965) o¢o) 70 (65) .,J~ 55 (30) ~ 210 (135) "I~' 470 (180) 30 (30) 85 (90) ' 415 (205) . 940 (630) 75 (215) L 415 (480) 55 (90) 5 (50) (sst) 150(395) 30 (30) ..~ 220 (595} O 400 (420) 175 (120) ?...0 ~ (2) b") 250 (370) 485 (805) 145 (640) 2425(1355 II II ×X XX GALPIN BLVD. 15 (40) ,, ~ 80 (220) . ~ 105 (70) 845 (1715) TH 41 595 (190) _ 1735 (1115) 95 (50) 145 (75) 760 (1180) lo O ~ XX i 88 (59) ~ ,r ~ ~ GALPIN BLVD. ~ (694) ~ 222 (595) 44 (11 9) ' ~ 81(218) ~ 74 (198) 106 (71) ~ 71 (47) ' ~ 74 (198) ~ 111 (297) " 1~ (118)88 (59) ~+ ~ "F 265(177)~ TH41 265(1~)30(79) f ~ 7 (20) ~ XX ---- "- "- 74 (198) -~-' l' ~ ~ t 177 (118) GALPIN BLVD. . , (B i. i.) ZZl.. .~..~. 177 (118) ~ ~' ~' m o~ ~ 148 (395) ~ m ~ ~ f =2(595) O ~5 (40) + ,[ ~ 81(218) JL J JL 106(71) ~ 74 (198) + 106 ~1) ~ 71 (47) ,, f 74 (198) ~ 111 (297) 1~(118)' ~ '[ F 265(177)-- TH41265 (177) 88 (59) ~ 30 (79), ~ j f ~ 7 (20) ill