MSDS Memo 2-4-03Date~ February 4,-2063 To: Operation Manager Company; Life Time Fitness, Inc. From: Molly C. Horvath Re: MSDS Enclosed you will find copies of all MSDS's for all chemicals curremly listed under BriSsman-Kennedy, Inc. under YNI. Please place the~e into your MSDS three ring~ binder for safe keeping. As a reminder, OSHA requires that you keep any Material Safety Data Sheet for the chemicals you use for up to 30 years. If you should have any questions please do not hesitate to Contact me at 651.646,7933 or 65l .261.6480. You can also email me at mcgranse~yahoo.com, I'm looking forward to 'assisti~ng you. Sihc/ere_lycq J M~olly ~(Horvath Accou~ Manager Brissman-Kennedy, Inc. Date: Supercedes: MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET I IN CASE OF EMERGENCY CALL CHEMTREC AT 1-800-424-9300 J ~ I PRr3DUCT iDENTIFICATION AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION: · Product Name: GO JO® HAIR & BODY SHAMPOO Company Name 8, Address: GO JO Industries, Inc. One GO JO Plaza, Suite 500 Akron, OH 44311 Emergency Phone: Non-Emergency Phone: ~_=, MSDS Request Phone: (330) 255-6000 x8804 INFORMATION ~0N INGREDIENTS: HAZARDOUS iNGREDIENTS CAS NUMBER - 1-800-424-9300 CHEMTREC OSHA PEL ACGIH TLV % RANGE 15 October 2001 25 Jnnliary 2000 Other inglredi~nt(s) with ~i~cation requirements:. CAS NUMBER List SOdium Lauryl,Sulfate ~47-.~i~ 151-'~-3 CN 1 Ammonium ChlOride-~--*~4 ~.,? ' 'r 12125-0~2-9 PA 1E When us. ed.:a~ardm~i¢ct'ions, ~he product aPplicable to this MSDS is safe and presents no immedi~t~ .e~g~te'~ ~ard ~.HoWever abnorma entW routes, such as gross ingestion, may require imme~.'me~a~;~ ~1o~. -' . potential He~l~h~C-fects~ ~' ' HMIS: .... '"i'!;~-¢~"'_' ~ Flammability 0 Reactivity 0 ~ersonal Protection Eye Contact; - ' '. ~-~.C~luse eye irritation. Skin Contact: :-. ~'" .,..'~£itafion Or reaction expected. Ingestion: ' Ma~'cause upset stoma6h nausea (Abnormal entry route'). Carcinogenicity: Not listed as a oarcinogen by NTP, IARC, OSHA or ACGIH. FIRST AID M E-ASUP. E-~-~. I~yc Skin Contact: Inhalatioh: Ingestion: None Do not rub oycc.: Fkcoh eyc-o thoroughl), .¢.'ith Water for-l~-4-ni-~utoo.- If condition worsens or ifritati0n persists, contact physician. Not applicable. Not applicable, Do not induce vomiting.' Contact a physician or Poison Con~rol Center. J-,-,,-'-~u ,Jnll c-~,.~ c. rJrJO If'b I~IU· ._.-L.:lvj--~.3,g--.q, qfJ~] TJJ(,"lq I-'HL~L; .""/~ GO JO® HAIR & BODY SHAMPOO Page 2 of 2 FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES: NFPA: Health 0 Fire 0 ReactMty 0 Flashpoint °F/°C (PMCC m~thod): Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards: Special Fcre Fighting Procedures: Extinguishing Media: X Water Fog Not der-ermined None known. Nono known. X Alcohol Foam X CO2 X Dry Chemical__Other 6. ACCIDENTAL RF[ FASF rviEASURES: No special requirements. Water clean up and rinse., CAUTION - WILL CAUSE SLIPPERY SURFACES. HANDLING AND STORAGE: Store at normal room temperature away from reach of small children. Keep containers sealed. Use older containers first. Avoid freezing conditions. - EXPOSURE COI~TROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION: Eye Protection: Skin Protection: Respiratory Protection: Ventilation: protective Equipment or Clothing: None requi~-ed under normal conditions. None required under normal conditions. None required under normal conditions. None required under normal conditions. · None required under normal conditions. 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES: Appearance and Odor pH (undiluted): VOC, %: Clear green liquid, pleasant fragrance 6-7 0 10. STABILITy AND REACTIVITY: 11. Stable/Non reactive product. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION: No acute or chronic toxic effects expected when used according to directions. 12. ECOLOGICAL CONSIDERATIONS: 13. No ecological or special considerations when used according to directions. Not considered environmentally harmful from normal dilution, expected usage' and typical drainage to sewers, septic systems and treatment plants. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS: 14. No special considerations when disposed according to local, state and Federal regulations. TRANSPORT INFORMATION: Not classified as a hazardous material. 15. REGULATORY AND OTHER INFORMATION: Complies with current FDA regulations for cosmetic and/or over-the-counter drug products. Notice: The information herein is based on data considered to be accurate as of the date of preparation of this material safety data sheet. Ho~vever, no warranty or representation, expressed or implied, is made'as to .the accuracy or completeness of the foregoing data and safety information. The user assumes all liability for any damage or injury resulting from abnormal use, from any failure to adhere to recommended Document~ 5070-500 JaN-2g-03.~ED 1B:37 NaTIONaL PURITY IN0 FaX NO. 6128720027 ~NIAT'KRIAL SAFETYDATA SHEET - ~adonal Pud~'. LLC.. a34 L~kesid.e. Bvenue. Mi~nc-anolis, .,,MN 55405 For hazard ca- emerg~cv inforgn.adon call:..!~860-255.~3_92a SECTION H PRO DUCT ]DE~,WIFICATIQN - - Product Name:- 905 Eucalypm~ Oil Blcnd Formula Type: Fragrance Shipping Name: 1-2 400 ppm PEL & TLV P. 02 Combu_xtlble Liquid (Conlaias IsopropyI Alcohol), 3 iq 1993, II, vpa~ I 10 C~llo~.) · .KECTION V S~CIIOVl .'vi PHYKIC~L DATA Appem-m'~ccYOdor. C]car Colodes,~ Liquid- Eu~l~t~ Odor Sp~c ~ l.O % Evapo~tion by Vol~: 1~ ~ ~ ~ION ~OR~ON - Solubility in Water: DNpm-s~le pHi 7.4__. 0.2 8oil;-g Point {F°): 212 F* Vapor Pre,mm (mm HO): Vapor Den~it -~aguishing media: XX foam ~ XX C0~ XX d~ ~mi~ ~ ~t~ fog o~ ~not app~blc S~l ~c figh~ng ~d~ W~ pmt~fiVc clo~;ng ~d bma~hing ap~. Un,ual ffrc ~d ~pI~on b~ ~is p~u~ miy be i~it~ by h~ ~, ~ flam~ Vapo~ ~ heaq~ ~an ak and may mv~[ al~g fl~r ~o soume ofi~iH~. ~l~ h~t ~n mcr or mp~rc c~ne~. ~ ~ DATA - PK~Y RO~ OF ~Y: Eye, s~ i~al~ ~ Con~ D~ con~t m i~mte and ~jum ~ ~n Con~: ~longed m~ r~d c~t ~ ~ d~ ~d i~tation. ' ~aN~on: Und~ noml u~ ~n~lom, not a ~g~ ~y be h~lfol if~allo~ ~ na~ ~omifin~ a~;~ p~ M~ ~&~on* gm~y ag~v~ by ~o~: None · Eye Conm~: h~ately flm~h ~ ~t~ for 15 ~um~ while holding cydlds ap~ Obm~ medical rotation if iffim~on develops. Skin Con~ W~h ~ s~ and wat~. Ob~in m~l~l a~on it~mtion d~elop~. Remove ,ont~i~md lnha~fiom R~o~ m ~h ~. Monitorb~L Obmln m~iml a~nfiom ~: ~c~o~% ~ wa~. d0 not induce vo~ ~d g~ i~iat~ m~icd an~d~m Ncvcr give m ~conscio~ P~m ~hi~.to ~nk m ~ W indue vomi~ S~fli~ . Stable. CONDi~ONS TO AVO~: Spa~n, · hcom~dbHty (m~i~t~ m avid): Ad~. o~d~. H~o~ ~t~mdon: ~I not ~. : ': 8ECIION VIII SECTION X .._.,.EC'rlON Steps to bc taktm ill ca~¢ material is rclca.~d or spilled: Vapor~ are flare.rouble. SMAibL $?mrS - Mop ~.~; L.e~.KGE SPn ~,.~LS- £Emlnam all ignition sourcmq. Absm-b wi~b organic absorbc*t. Shovel into container and cover. Notify appropriate statr./local ag~nclea for large spill~ Wast~ dkvpor~al infotlnarion: Dispose of in aceord~e..-~ith all local, ~ county and f~eral regul _arlons. S~.E~Xr, ~OTEC-~O.,~ m'FOR~^~O~ - R~it~ ~oa: ~ould not b~ Dom~ve ~ov~: Advk~ if~c is 0~ pmt~ve SI'ECIAL PRECAIfrlON$ - Hamtllng and StoPag¢: Kc, ep eoutahhet ¢lo~d whrm not in uz~ For industr/al and lnstltutlona! mc only. Y~ep out of reach of ch~I6re-n. M~ only wire water. Kc-~p away t'com . heat, Epari~ or other lgnldcm source, grote in cool at=a_ OTI 'IF_.R PRECAUTIONS: Waah eoatami~atM clothing b~tm'~ r~z~. Empty containcr~ ¢'nn~ni~ explosive vapot~ K~-p away from heat, tlame~, or spark~. TOXICTrY DAT&- Thls-produ~ doe~ not contain ingredicats consld=md to be carcinog=rm'by thc NT1 ~ tlATING - 0 - MBqlMAL 1 ~ S'~IGHT 2 ~ MODERATE 3 ~ SERIOI.~ 4 Health; I Rcacffvlty: 0 Fir*: I Spc~{~l: none I)OCr. LM~NTAIIy INFO~!xTION - Date israed: 1~7f03 Sup~ N~ R~n for ug~- New fo~ ~e ~o~afion con/ained h~Cfn is rm~ed ~out ~n~ ofa,y ~n& Emplo~ should ~e this info~fion only ~ a suppl~mt to Material Safety Data Sheet May be used to comply with OSHA'S Hazard CommUnication Standard 29 CFR 2910.1200. Stafidard must be consulted for specific requirements. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Occupational Safety and Health (Non-Mandatory Form) Form Approved. OMB No. 1218-0072 I ' Identity (As Used on Label and List} Note: Blank spaces are not permitted. If any item is not applicable, or 555 Water $0111DIO De0tlorant~ l~eutral ,iv i,Fvmmtim, i~ av,*ilabl~, tim ~pat~e umsi be lliaiked l.u htdicat.{: dlat. Section I ',- :~ Manufactured For: Triple S Address (number, Street, City, State, and ZIP Code) 2 Executive Park Drive Billet/ca, MA 01862 Emergency Telephone Number (888) 779-1339 Telephone Num6er for information (800) 323'2251 Date Prepared _ 01/01/1999 Date Revised: 12/01/2000 Signature of Preparer (optional) Section II - IIMIS Rating Health I Flammability 2 Reactivity 0 Section III- Hazardous Ingredients/Identity hfformation Hazardous Components (Specific Cherrfical identity: Common Name(s)) %(optional) OSHA PEL ACGIH TLV Other Limits Rcmnd. Isopropanol CAS #67-63-0 400 ppm 400 ppm Petroleum Distillate CAS #64741,65-7 100 ppm 100 ppm Octylphenoxy Polyethoxy Ethanol CAS #9036-19-5 None None Dipropylene Glycol Methyl Ether CAS #20324-32-7 100 ppm 150 ppm Amyl ,Acetate CAS #123-92-2 100ppm lOOppm . Section IV - Physical/Chemical Characteristics- Boiling Point Specific Gravity (H;O = 1) Vapor Pressure (mm Hg.) N/A Melting Point Vapor Density (AIR = .! ) N/A Evaporation Rate 0.99 N/A <1 Solubility in Water: 100% -} Appearance and Odor:. Clear yellow liquid with pleasani fragrance. Section V - Fire and Explosion Hazard Data Flash Point (Method Used) N,D Flammable Limits N/A Extinguishing Media ._Carbon dioxide, ~iT foam, water spray Special Fire Fighting Procedures None Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards None N/A = Not Applicable ' N/D = Not Determined Page I N/E = Not Established Section VI - Re. activity Data lnc0mpatibility (Materials to Avoid): Avoid contact with strong oxidizing agents such as nitric acid. Hazardous Decomposition or Byproducts: None Hazardous Poiymerization Will Not Occur Section VII - Health Hazard Data Rout~(s) of Entry:. Inhalation? Yes' Skin? Yes Ingestion? Yes Health Hazards (Acute and Chronic): Acute - Oral toxicity LD50 (Rats) - 15.2 g/kg. Chronic - Low order of'toxicity; frequent oi- porlonged contact may irritate skin. Carcinogenicity: NTP? No IARC Monographs? No OSHA Regulated? No Signs and Symptoms of Exposure: None knox~n M edi'cal Conditions Generally Aggravated by Exposure: None known Emergency and First Aid Procedures: Eye contact: flush with large amounts of water. May cause corneal damage on prolonged contact. Seek medical attn. Ingestion: Do not ~ive anyihing by mouth to an unconscious person. Seek Medical attn. Inhalation: remove person to fresh air. Seek medical attn. - Section VIII - Precautions for Safe Handling.and Use Steps to be Taken in Case Material is Released or Spilled: Absorb with inert absorbent mater/al. Wash unrecoverable material down the drain with water.: Waste Disposal Method: Incineration or landfill for absorbent material. Dispose in accordance with local, state, and .federa! i-egulations. Precautions to be laken in'Handling and Stor/ng: Do not store near heat or open flame Other precautions: None Section 1X - Control Measures Respiratory Protection (Specify Type): ' None required Ventilation L;ocal Exhaust adequate Sp_eeia[ Mechanical (General) adequate Other Protective Gloves: Rubber or'plastic for p'rolonged contact Eye Protection: Safety goggles for splash protection- Other Protective Clothing or Equipment: Eye wash/shbwer facility nearby N/A N/A Work.q-lygienic Practices: Good housekeeping practices. Avoid skin/eye contact. N/A = Not Appli.cable N/D = Not Determined ' ' Page 2 N/E = Not Established OSHA 174, Sept. 1985 [z~zzzj d~ uo b~. ~Auz Ol/Z~/03 1Z:53 i o£ 18 [ 3M MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 3M Brand Liquid Stainless Steel Cleaner and Polish - 12/0212002 Material Safety Data Sheet Copyright, 2002, 3M Company. All rights reserved Copying and/or downloa~ng of this information for the pUrpose of properly utilizing 3M products is allowed provided that:. (1) the information.is copied in full with no changes unless prio_r written agreement is obtained from 3 M, and (2) neither the copy nor the original is resold or otherwise distributed with the intention of earning a profit thereon. SECTION 1: PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NA/VIE: 3M Brand Liquid Stainle}s Steel Cleaner and Polish MANUFACTURER: 3M DMSION: Commercial Care Division ADDRESS: 3M Center St_ Paul, MN 55144-1000 EMERGENCY PHONE: 1-800-364-3577 or (651) 737-6501 (24 hours) Issue Date: 12/02/200'2 Supcrcedcs Date: 12/04/2001 Docament Group: 06-4351--0 Produci Use: ' ' Specific Use: Stainless Steel Cleaner and Polish SECTION 2 :' INGREDIENTS In~rcdicnt WATER, WHI'~, MINFR ^!, CllI. (PETI~_OL:ELrM) NAPHTHOL SPYRITS SORB ITAN 0LEATE SORBITOL C.A.S. No. ' 7732-18-5 g0~2 47 5 64742-48-9 133843-8 50-704 % by Wt 40- 70 10 30 7- 13 3-7 1-5 SECTION 3: HAzes IDENTIFICATION ' ' 3.1 EMERGENCY OVERVIEW Specific Physical Form: Liqnld Odor~, Color, Grade: Creamy white emulsion, mild citrus fragranc~ General Physkal Form: Liquid Immediate health, physical, and environmental hazards: May be fatal i£[ngested. 3.2 POTENTIAL HEALTH EFFECTS Eyc Contact: Mild Eye !re'ration: c;g.,./,.ymp, .......... :_~..., .... 1_2~.;. -_..: ..... , .... _._._ skin Contact: Mild Skin Irritation: Signs/symptoms may include localized redness, swelling, and itching. inhalation: May cxu~ 'target Organ effects. Page I of 6 [ 3M MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SFI-EET 3M Brand Liquid Stainless Steel Cleaner and Polish 121o2/2002 Single exposure, above recommended guidolines, may cause: Upper RespiratorY Tract Irritati6n: Signs/symptoms may include cough, sneezing, nasal discharge, headache, hoarseness, - and nose and throat pain. Ingestion: Gastroihte-stinal Irritation: Signs/symptoms may include abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea and vomiting. Chem{c-,d (Aspiration) Pneumonitis: Sign.'qsymptoms may include coughing, gasping, choking, burning of the'mouth, difficulty - breathir/g, blui'sh colored skin (cyanosis), and ma3; be fatal. Target iOrgan Effects: Single exposure, 'above recommended guidelines, may cause: Central IGervnu~ .qy~em (_CNg) ['~pre~;sioh; g[gn~./~ympt,~rn~; may inrlu,l~ hoad~ch% H;-czlnog~, (J,rnwt;[no~g, ;nr'nnrd;natlon, nausea, slowed reaction time, slurred speech, giddiness, and unconsciousness. SECTION 4: FIt~T AID MEASURES 4.1 FIRST AID PROCEDURES The following t-u-st aid re6ommendations are based on an assumption that appropriate personal and indus-trial hygiene practices are followed. Eye contact: Flush eyes With large amounts of water. Get medib2tt' attention. Skin Contact: Wash affected area with soap and water. If signs/symptoms develop, get medical attention. Inhalation: Ifsigns/symptoms develop, remove person to fresh air. If signs/symptoms persist, get medical attention. lfSwali'owed: Do not incluce vomiting unless instructed to doso by medical personnel. Give victim two glasses of water. Never give anyth!ng by mouth to an unconscious person. Get medical attention. -) I s CnON 5: 5.1 ~I/VIABLE PROPERTIES' AUtoignition temperature Flash Point Flammable Limits - I.EL Flammable Limits - UEL OSItA Flammability ClaSsification: No Data Available Approximately 208 °F [Text Method: Pensky-Martens Closed Cup] N~ Data Available. No Data Available Cl~gs IIIB- Combustible Liquid 5.2 EXTINGUISIIlNG MEDIA Ordinary combustible material. Use fire extinguishers with class A e. Xtinguishing agents (e.g, water, foam). 5.3 PROTECTION OF FIRE FIGHTEI~$ .~ Special Fire Fighting Procedures: Wear Tull protective clothing, including helmet, self-containeck positive pressure or pressure demand breathing apparatus, bunker coat and pant.s, bands around arms, waist and legs, face mask, and protective covering for exposed areas of the head. ~ Non-flammable: ordinary combustible material. Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards: " I SECTioN a: ACCrDENTAL RELEASE NIEASURES J Page 2 of 6 [ 3M MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 3M Brand Liquid Stainless Steel Cleaner and Polish 12/02/2002 Accidental Release Measures: Observe prec_~utions from other sections. CMl 3M- HELPs line (I-800-364-3577) for more ' '". inf6rmatidn on handling and managing the spill. Evacuate unprotected and untrained personne! from ha~_ard area. The spill' should be .' cleaned, up by qual[fied personnel. Yentijatetheareawtthffeshaii. Con 'ta[n spill. WOrkingffomaroundtheedg?softhespil[ [nwardd cover with bentonite, Vermiculite, or c0mmercially availaNe inorganic absorbent material Mix tn .~ufficient absorbent until it' - appears dry. Collect ms much ofth~ spilled mater~M as possible. Clean up residue. Place in a closed COntainer approved for transPOrtation by appropriate authorifes. Dispose of collected material ms soon as possible. IIn the even t of a release of this material, the user should determine if the release qualifies as reportable according, to [ local, state, and feder~al regulations. - I SECTION 'D HANDLING AND STORAGE Avoid eye contact with vapors, mists, or spray. Avoid prolonged or repeated skin contact. Avoid breathing ofvap0~, m[s.'ts or spray. Do not ~at, drink or smoke when using this product. Wash exPOsed areas thoroughly with soap and water. Keep Out of the reach of children. 7:2. 'STORAGE Store u~der normal warehouse conditions. I SECTION 8: EXPOS~ CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION 8.1 ENGINEERING CONTROLS use in a well-ventilated area. 8.2 PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE) 8.2.1 Eye/Face Protection Avoid eye contact with vapors, mists, or spray. 8.2.2 skin Protection Avoid Prolonged or repeated skin contact_ 8.2.3 Rcsplratory Protection Avoid b~eathing of vapors, mists or spray. 8.2.4 Prevention of Swallowing Do not eat, drink or smoke when using this product. Wash exposed areas thoroughly with soap and water. 8.3' EXPOSURE GUIDELINES Ingrcdlcnt Authority Type Limit NApI-ITHOL SP I-R-ITS 3M TWA 100 ppm NAPHTHOL RPGUTS CMRG TWA 300 ppm .! OIL MIST, MINERAL ACGIH TWA - as mist 5 mg/m3 OIL. MIST, MINERAL ACGI-I-I STEL- as 10 ms/m3 mi~ OIL MIST,/~fl2q-ERAL OSHA TWA - ~s mist 5 ms/m3 WHITE MYNERAL OIL (PETROLEUM) CMKG TWA 5' rog/m3 WHITE MINER. AL OIL (PETROLEUM) CMRG STEL 10 ms/m3 Additional Information Table Z- 1 SOURCE OF EXPOSURE LIMIT DATA: ACGIH: American Conferenc~ of Governmental Industrial Hygienists CMRG: Chemical Manufacturer Recommended Guideline OSHA: Occupational Safety and Health Administration A[bIA: American Imhmtr;al Hyg~c. ne. A ~nr';ation Workplac~ Environmental F_xposure Level (WEEL) Page 3 of 6 [ 3M MA:TERIAL SAFETM DATA SHEET 3M Brand Liquid-Stainless-Steel Cleaner and Polish 12/02/2002 [SECTION 9: PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Spccifi~ Physical Furm: Odoi5 Color, Grade: General Physical Form: Autoignition temperature Flash' Point Flammable Limits - LEL Flare mable Limits - DEL Boiling point Dens_.ity 'ValOr Density Vapor Pressure Spe~!fic Gravity pH Melting point SoluBility In ~rater Solubility in Water Evaporation rate- Volatile Organic Compounds Percimt volatile VOC Less FL20 & Exempt Solvents Viscosity Liquid Creamy white emulsion, mild citrus fragrance Liquid No Data Available Approximately 208 °F [Tert Metho& Pensky-Martens Closed Cup] No Data Available No Data Available Approximately 212 °F No Data Available No Data Available No Dam Available Approximately I [RefStd: WATER=I] Approximately 7 Not Applicable No Data Available No Data Available No Data Available 7-13% 47 - 83 % 7-13% No Data A vailab& SECTION 10: STABH~ITY AND REACTMTY Stability: Stable. Materials and Conditions to Avoid: None known ' Hazard6us Polymerization: Hazardous polymerization will not occur. Hazardous Decomposition or By-Products Substance Condition Carbon monoxide Dunng Co~bushon Carbon dioxide Dtiring Combus~tion [SECTION 11: TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION Please contact the 'address listed on the first page of the MSDS for Toxicological Information on this ~naterial and/or its components. [SECTION 12: ECOLOGICAL INFO~~ON ECOTOXICOLOGICAL INFOR1VIATION CItEMICAL FATE INFORMATION 1 SEcTIoN 13: DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Waste Disposal Method: Incinerate in an industrial or commerciM fhcility in the presence of a combustible material. As a disposal alternative, dispose of waste product in a facility per~nitted to accept chemical waste. Page 4 of 6 I 3M MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 3/~f Brand Liquid Stainless Steel Cleaner and Polish 12/0212002 I · EPA Hazardous YVaste Number (RCRA): Not regulated Since regulations vary~ consult applicable regulations Or author]tics before disposal. I SECaXON 14:T SVORT m Fom TION ID Nfimber UPC ID Number 70-0705-8025-6 00-48011-19927-1 70-0705-8028-0 70.0703-8920-8 00-48011-19958-5 70-071 I-~776-5 70-0711-5777-3 00-48011-19930-1 ' CN- 1006-9944-2 · UPC 00-48011-19930-! 00-4801 I- 19927-1 IPlc~se contact the emergency numbers listed on the first page of thc MSDS for Transportation Information for this material. I SECTION IS:REGULATORY INFORMATION US FEDERAL REGULATIONS 3111312 Hazard Categories: Fire HaZm-d - No Pressure Hazard - No Reacfiviby Hazard - No [mmediate HaTard - Yes D&layed Hazard - Yes ? CHEMICAL INVE~O~S Ail applicable chemical ingredients in this mater/at are listed on the European inventory 9fExisting Chemical Subs 'tances (EINEcs), or are exempt polymers whose monomers are listed on EINECS. The components ofthls product are in compliance with the cl~emical notification requirements of TSCA, I This MSDS has been prepared to meet the U.S. OSHA Hazard Communication Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1200. I SECTION 16: OTHER INFORMATION NFPA Hazard Classification Healtli: I Flammability: I Reactl¢ity: 0 SpeclalHazards: None National Fire Protection A.~gociation (NFPA) hazard ratings are designed for use by emergency response personnel to address the hazards that are presented by short-term, acute exposure to a material under conditions of fire, spill, or similar emergencie& Hazard ratings are primarily based on the inherent "physical and toxic properties of the material but also include the toxic properties of combustion or decomposition produc~ that are known to' be generated in significant quantifies. H1VIIS Hazard Classification l~lealth: I FIammabili~-: I Reactlvi~': 0 Protection: X- geePPF~ section. Hazardous Mater/al Identification System (In'MIS(r)) hazard ratings are designed to inform employees of chemical hazards in the workplace. These ratings are bas(d on the inherent properties of the material under expected conditions bfnormal use and are not intended for use in 6mergency situations. H'MIS(0 ratings are to be used with a fifily implemented ItM(S(r) program_ I-IMIS(r) is a registered,mark of the National Paint and Coatings Association (NPCA). DISCLAIMER: The information in this Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) is believed to be correct a.s of the date issued. 3M MAKES NO W _ARRzAN-IffES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR COURSE OF PERFORMANCE OR. USAGE OF TRADE: User is responsible for determining whether the 3M product is fit for a particular purpose and suitable for user's method of use or application. Given the var/cry of factors that can affect the use and application ofa'3M product, ~ome oi*which are uniquely within the user's knowledge and control, it is essential that the user evaluate thc 3M produc~ to determine whether it is fit for a ~- particula~ purlxose and'sn kable for user's method of use or applicatiom 3M provides information' in electronic form ms a service to its customers. Due to the remote possibility th~ electronic transfer may have resulted in errors, 'omissions or alterations in this knformafion, 3M makes no representations as to ils completeness or accuracy. ~n 'addition, in£onnation obtained from a databz~se may not be ms current a~s the information in the MSDS available directly from 3M. Page 5 of 6 [ 3M MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SITEET 3M(FM) Ail Purpose Cleaner Concentrate 10/14/2002 Material Safety Data Sheet Copyright,.2002, 3M Company. All fights reserved. Copying and/or downloading of this information for the purpose 0fproPerly utilizing 3M products is allowed provided that: (I) the information is copied in full with no changes unless pfior written agreement is obtained from 3M, and (2) neither the copy nor the original is 'resold or othe/wise distributed with the intention of'earning a profit thereon. SECTION 1: PRODUCT ANDCONIPANY 1DENITFICATION I PRODUCT NAME: 3M(TM)'All purpose Cleaner Concentrate MANIJFAC~R: · 3M ' DMSION: Commercial 'Care Division ADDRESS." 3M Center St. Paul, MN 55144-1000 EMERGENCY PHONE: 1-800-364-3577 or (651) 737~6501 (24 hours) Issue Date: 10/14~002 Supercedes Date:. 09/25/2002 Document Group: 18-1514-I ProduCt Use: Specific Use: Cleaner I SECTION 2: INGREDIENTS lngr~dlcnt C.A.S. No. % by wt WATER. 7732-18--5 ' ._ 60~:'- 90 ~i'r~r~sofru~ S^L.r 54-02-8 ~- 5 NgNYI..Pt-rENOL POLYETHYLENE OXIDE 90.1645-9 l~ 5 SODIUM DODECYLgENZENE SUI.FONA'FE 25155-30-0 I - 5 SODIUM OCTYLSULFONATE 5324-84-5 < 1 - SECTION 3: I-IA ZARDS IDENTIFICATION 3.1 EMERGENC~ OVERVIEW Specific Physical Form:. Liquid Odor, Color, Grade: Dark g{een, light pine fragrance General Physical Form: Liquid Immcdlatc health, physical, and cnvironmcntai hazardg: May cause scvcrc eye irritation. 3.2 POTENTIAL FIEALTH EFFECTS Eyre Contact: Severe Eye Irrltal/on: Signs/symptOms may include significant redness, swelling, pa[n, tearing, cloudy appearance of the cornea, and impaired vision. Skin Contact: Moderate Skin Irritation: Signs/symptoms may include localized redness, swelling, itching, and dryness. Page I of 5 1 3M MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 3M(TM) All Purpose Cleaner Concentrate 10/14/2002 Inhalatlon~ Single exposure may cause: ' Upper Respiratory Tract Irt/tat/on: Signs/symptoms may include cough,-sneezing, nasal:d/scharge, headache, hoameness, · and nose and throat pain. Ingestion: Gastrointestinal Irritation.- Signs/symptoms may inclfide abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea and vomiting. SECTION 4: FIRST AID MEASURES 4.1 FIRST AID PROCEDURES The following first aid recommendations are based on an assumption that appropriate personal and industrial hygiene practices are followed_ Eye Contact: Immediately flush eyes with large amounts of water for at lea_st 15 minutes. Get immediate medical attention, Skin Contact: Immediately flush skin with large amounts of water. If sign_s/symptoms develop, get medical attention. Inhalation: If signs/symptoms d~vel~p, remove person to fresh air. Ifsigns/sympto~s'persisl, get medical attention. If Swallowed: Do not induce vomiting uniess instructed ~o do so by medical Personnel. Give victim two glmsses of water. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Get medical attention. SECTION 5: FIRE FIGHTING MEAS~ .I 5.1 FLAM2Vt4BLE PROPERTIES Autoignitlon temperature Flash Point Flammable Limits - LEL Flammable Limits - UEL oSHA Flammability Classification: 5.2 EXTINGUISHING MEDIA Material will not bum.- 5.3 PROTECTION OF FIRE FIGHTERS SpeciaiFire Fighting Procedures: Nonflammable. Not Apt)licable Not Al)t)licab[e Not At)plicable Not AI~plicable Not Applicable UnusUal Fire and Explosion Hazards: Not applicable. IN*otc: See STABILITY AND REACTIVITY (SECYION I0) for hazardous Combustion and thermal desompositi°n-] information. ! I SEC~'ION 6: ACCIDENTAL RELEASE NIEAS~S .accidental Release Measures: Observe precautions fi'om other sections. Call 3M HELPS line (1 800-364-3577) for more information on handling and managing the spill. Evacuate unprotected and untrained personnel from hazard area. The spill should be cleaned iap by quMified personnel. Ventilate the area with fresh Mr. Contain spill, Dilute in a large excess of water. Carefully, and with stirring, -add appropriate dilute acid such as sulfamic acid or vinegar. Confirm neutrality. Cover with absorbent material'. Remember, adding an absorbent material does not remove a toxic, corrosivlty or flammability hazard. Collect as much of the spilled material:as'possible. Clean UP ~-esidue with water. Collect the resulting residne coneaining solution. Place in a metal container approved for use in transportation by appropriate authorities. The container must be lined with polyethylene plastic or contain a plastic drum liner made of polyethylene. Cover, but do not seal for 48 hours. Dispose of collected material as soon ms possible. thc event of a release of this materiaL thc user should determine if thc release qualifies as reportable according to ~ Page 2 of 5 I 3M MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 3M(TM) All Purpose Cleaner Concentrate 10/14/2002 I local state, and federal regulations. sEcTION 7: HANDLING AND STORAGE - 7.1 HANDLING Avoid eye contact with vapors, mist.% or spt-ay. Avoid skin contact. Avoid breathing of vapors, misL~; or spray. Do not eat, th-ink or smoke when using this product. Wash exposed areas th~oroughly with soap and water. Keep out of the reach of children. 7.2 STORAGE Store under normal warehouse conditions. SECTION 8: EX~OS~ CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION' 8.1 E. NGINEERING CONTROLS Use in a well-ventilated area. 8.2 PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT 0aPE)' 8.2.1 Eye/Face Protection Avoid eye contact with vapors, mist.% 0rS;pray. The following eye protection(s) are recommended: Indirdc~ Vented Goggles. 8.2.2 '~kin Protection Avoid skin contact. Select and use gloves and/or protective clothing to prevent skin conta, ct based on the Fesults of an exposure assessment. Consult with your glove and/or protective clothing manufacturer for selection of appropriate compatible materials. Gloves. made from the following mater/al(s) are recommended: Butyl Rubber, Neoprene, Natural Rubber, Polyvinyl Chloride. 8.2.3 Rcspira~tor~- Protection Avoid breathing of vapors, mists or spray. 8.2.4 Prevention of Swallowlng Do not eR, drink or smoke 'when using this product. W~shexposed areas thoroughly with soap and water. 8.3 EXPOSURE GUIDELINES None EsCbllshed SECTION 9: PHYSICAl. AND CTIEMICAL PROPERTIES Specific Physical Form: Odor, Color, Grade: General Physical Form: Au to{gnitlon' temperat ute Flash Point Hammable Limits -LEL Flammable'Limits - UEL , Roiling point Dcns!ty Vapqr Density V~pqr Pressure Specific Gravity pH Melting point Solubility in Water Evapoi-atlon rate Vola{ile Organic Compounds Percent volatile VOl2 Less I=I20 & Exempt Solvents Liquid Dark green, light pine flagrance Liquid Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Apt)l£cable 215 "F No Dam Available > I [RefSM: AIR=I] No Data Available 1.04 [RefStd: WATER=l] 10- 11 Not Applicable < 1 [RefStd: WATER=I]- < 1% [Te~tMe~hod: calculated per CARB title 2] 60 - 90 % < 1% [Tevt Method: calculated per CARB title 2] Page 3 of 5 r 3M MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SlffEET 3M(TM) Ail Purpose Cleaner Concentrate 10/14/2002 V~scosiiy < 100 centipoise [SECTION 10: STABILITY AND REACTMTY ] S~ability: Stable. 1Mrateriais and Conditions to Avoid: None known Hazardous Polymerlzation: Hazardous polymerization will not occur. Substance Carlxm monoxide Carbon dioxide Hazardous Decomposition or By-Products Condition During Combustion During~Combustion [SECTION 11: TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION [SECTION 12: ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION EcoToxICOLOGICAL INFORMATION Not Determindd CHEMICAL FATE INFORMATION Not Determined SECTION 13: DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Waste Disposal lVlethod: Incinerate in an industrial or commercial lhcility in the presence ora combustible material. As a disposal alternative, dispose of waste product in a facility permitted to accept chemical waste.' EPA lIfizardous Vv'astc Number (RCRA): Not regUlated I since regulations vary, consult applicable regulations or authorities before disposal. ' I [ SECTION 14:TRANSPORT INFORMATION ID Number UPC., ID Number UPC.~ 70-0711L56 05-6 00-48011-34747-4 70-0711-560843 00-48011-34750-9 Not regulated per U.S. DOT, IATA or i-MO. Th,~'e tran.~portation cla.twiJ~catlonx are provided as a cu.vtomer service. Ax the shipper YOlf remaln rexponsible fo'r complying with all applicabIe Iaw.v and regulatior~; including proper tran.vpqrtaffon dasxi, fication and packaging. 3M's transportation c[a.rvificarionx are b~;ed on product formulation, packaging, 3Mpoliciex and 3M~.v understanding of applicable , _- o,. a ........ c. _. ........ ~- - tran?portation cla. rsij~cation and not the packaglng, labding, or marMng requfi'ernentv. The origihal 3Mpackage L~ certified fo( U.~. ground xhcmemt only. If you are shipping by air or ocean, the package may not rr~et applicable regulatory requirementv: .__ Page 4 of 5 . [128271] 3M Co S~. Paul 01/29/03 12:53 18 o£ 18 MATERIAL SAFETYDATA SHEET 3M(YM) All Purpose Cleaner Concentrate 10/14/2002 . i ISECTION 15: RiEGULATORY INFORMATION US FEDERAL REGULATIONS 311/312 Hazard Categories: Fire Hazard- N-o Pressure Hazard - No Reactivity Hazard - No Immediate Hazard - Yes Delayed Hazard - No This MSDS has been prepared to meet the U.S. OSF[A Hazard Communication Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1200. I SECTION 16: oTHER INFORMATION N-FPA Ha:,ard Classification Health: 2 Flammability: 0 Reactivity: 0 Special Hazards: None Acid/Base: Alkaline " National Fire P~rotection Ax;ociation (NFPA). hazard ratings are designed for use by emergency response personnel to address the hazar&$ that are presented by short-term, acute exposure to a material under conditions of fire, spill, oe similar emergencies. Hazard ratink~,s are primarily based on the inherent physical and toxic properties of the material but als0 include the toxic properties of combustion or decomposition products that are known to be generated in significant quantities. HMIS 'Hazard Classification ' Health: 2 Flammab~it?': 0 Rea'ctivity: 0 Protection: X-'See?PE section. Hazardous Material Identification Sy~em (HMI$(r)) hazard ratings are desibmed to inform employees of chemical hazards in the workplace. These ratings are based on the inherent properties of the material under expected conditions of normal use and are not intended for use in emergendy situations. Il'MIS(r) ratings am to be used with a fully implemented HMIS(r) program. HMIS(r) is a registered mark of the National Paint and Coatings Association (NPCA). DISCLAIMER: -I]h. e information in this Material Safety Dm Sheet (MSDS) is believed to be correct a~s of the &ate issued. 3M. MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR- IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY 1MPL[ED WARRANTY OF MERCHANT~ OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR COURSE OF PERFORMANCE OR_ USAGE OF TRADE. User is responsible for determining whether the 3M product is fit for a particular purpose and sultable for user's method of use or application. Given the variety of factors that can ',fl~ect the use and appllcation 0fa 3M product, some of which are uniquely within the user's knowledge and conh-ol, it is essential that the user evaluate the 3M product to determine whether it is fit for a particu[,ar purpose and m itable for user's method of use or application. 3M proyides information in'electronic form as a service to its customers. Due to the remote possibility that eleclronic transfer may have refi-ulted in e~ors, omissions or alterations in this information, 3M makes no representations as to its completeness or accuracy. In addition,'~nfohnation obtained from a database may not be as current :as the information in the MSDS available directly from 3M. ;M MSDSs are available at w~'w.3M, com Page 5 of 5 1128271] 3M Co St. Paul 01/29/03 12:53 7 o£ 18 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 3M 3M Center St. Paul, Minnesota 55144-1000 1-800-364-3577 or (651) 737-6501 (24 hours Copyright, 2001, Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company. All rights reserved.. Copying and/or downloading of this information for the puz-pose of-properly utilizing 3M products is allowed provided that: 1) the information is copied in full with no changes'unless prior agreement is obtainedfrom 3M, and 2) neither the copy nor the originaI is resold or otherwise distributed with the intention of earning a profit thereon. DIVISION: COMMERCIAL CARE DIVISION TRADE NAME: SHARPSHOOTER brand EXTRA STRENGTH NO RINSE CLEANER ~D NIIMBER/U.P.C.: 61-5000-5727-0 00-48011-13702-0 61-5000-9451-3 00-48011-16861-1 61-5001-0870-1 00-48011-17933-9 70~0705-4950-9 00-48011-19344-6 70-0705-5216-4 00-48011-19349-6 78-8095-4127-5 . - - - CN-1006-4843-1 - - X~r1015-1365-5 - - - iSSUED: February 06, 2001 SUPEP~SEDES: January 21, 1998 DOCUMENT: 11-2032-8 1. INGREDIENT C.A.S. NO. PERCENT WATER ....... ' ...... ' ...................... 2-BUTOXYETHANOL ......................... ETHANOLAMINE ............................ ETHOXYLATED ALCOHOLS .................... ETHOXYLATED SECONDARY ALCOHOLS .... ' ...... POTASSIUM HYDROXIDE ..................... 7732-18=5 > 90 111-76-2 3 7 141-43-5 1 5 68439-45-2 0.5 - 1.5 84133-50-6 0.5 - 1.5 1310-58-3 < IN CASE OF EMERGENCY: THE NUMBERS AT THE TOP OF THIS -PAGE PROVIDE 24 HOUR RESPONSE FROM ANY PHONE FOR ALL EMERGENCIES WITH THIS PRODUCT. This product contains the followin~ toxic chemical or chemicals subject to the rep?rting requirements of Section 313 of Title III of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act of 1986 and 40 CFR Part 372: 2 - BUTOXYETHANOL 2. FHYS/t2AL DA'I'A BOILING POINt: ................. ca. 212 F VAPOR PRE99URE: ................ N/D VAPOR DENSITY: ................. N/D EVAPORATION RATE: .............. cA. 1 Water=l SOLUBILITY IN WATER: ........... complete SPECIFIC GRAVITY: .............. ca. 1 Water=l PERCENT VOLATILE: .............. ca. 95 % bY wt Abbreviations: N/D - Not Determined N/A - Not Applicable CA - Approximately ['128271] 3M Co St. Paul 01/29/03 12:53 8 o£ 18 MSDS: SPLARPSHOOTE~ brand EXTRA STRENGTH NO RINSE CLEANER February 06, 2001 PAGE 2 2. PHYSICAL DATA (continued) pH: ............................ 12.4 - 13.8 VISCOSITY: .... ~ ................ < 100 centipo~se MELTING POINT: ................. N/A APPF-~kR3~NCE AND ODOR: Liquid, clear; essentially colorless; mild solvent odor 3. FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA ~LASH POINT: ................... N/A .FLAMMABLE LIMITS - LEL: ........ N/A .~LAMMABLE LIMITS - UEL: ........ N/A AUT~IGNITION TEMPERATURE: ...... N/D EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: -Water, Carbon dioxide, Dry chemical, Foam SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES: Not.applicable UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS: No unusual fire or ex"plosion hazards are anticipated. Decomposition section for products of combustion. NFPA ~L%ZARD CODES: HEALTH: 2 ' FIRE: 0 REACTIVITY: 0 - UN~ISUD~ REACT. ION HAZAP~:none See Hazardous '4. REACTIVITY DATA STABILITY: Stable ~INCOMPATIBILITY - MATERIALS/CONDITIONS TO AVOID: Not applicable. HAZAR]DOUS Hazardous polymerization will not occur. POLYMERIZATION: HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: Carbon Monoxide and Carbon Dioxide.' Abbreviations: N/D - Not Determined N/A - Not Applicable CA - Approximately [128271] 3M Co St. Paul 01/29/03 12:53 9 of 18 MSDS: SHARPSHOOTER brand EXTRA STRENGTH NO RINSE CLEANER February 06, 2001 PAGE 3 5 .~ ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION SPILL RESPONSE: Refer to other sections of this MSDS for~information regarding physical and health hazards, respiratory protection, ventilation, and personal pro%ective equipment. Ventilate area. Contain spill. Evacuate unprotected personnel from hazard area. Dilute in a large excess of water. Carefully, and with stirring, add appropriate dilute a~d such as ~ul£~u,i~ a~id ok villeins. Col~fi~m ~utrality. Collect spilled material. Clean up residue with water. Place in a polyethylene-lined metal container. Do not seat for 48 hours. RECOMMENDED DISPOSAL: Incinerate in a permitted hazardous waste incinerator in the presence of a combustible material. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA: Not determined. REGUIJkTORY INFORMATION: Volatile Organic Compounds: ca. 6 %. V0C Less H20 & Exempt Solvents: ca.. 6 %. Since re~u!ations vary, consult applicable'regulations or authorities before disposal. In {he event of an uncontrolled release of this material, the user should determine if the release qualifies as a reportable quantity. U.S. EPA Mazardous Waste Number = D002 (Corrosive) TSCA: All components ~sed in the manufacture of this material are in compliance with the US TSCA inventory. U~DA: approved for use in inedible and nonprocessin9 areas (USDA Code C1) EPCRA HAZARD CLASS: FIRE HAZARD: No PRESSURE: No REACTIVITY: No ACOTE: Yes CHRONIC: Yes · 6. SUGGESTED FIRST AID EYE CONTACT: Immediately flush eyes with large amounts of water. Get immediate SKIN ~ONTACT: Flush skin with large amounts of water. If irritation persists, get medical attention. Abbreviations: N/D - Not Determined N/A - Not Applicable~ CA - Approximately MSDS: SHARPSHOOTER brand EXTRA STRENGTH NO RINSE CLEANER February 06, 2001 PAGE 4 6. SUGGESTED ~IRST AID (continued) INHALATION: If signs/symptoms occur, remove person to fresh air. If signs/symptoms continue, call a physician. IF SWALLOWED: If swallowed, call a physician immediately. Only induce vomiting at the instruction o~ ~ physician. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. 7. PRECAUTIONARY INFORMATION EYE PROTECTION: Avoid eye contact. SKIN PROTECTION: Avoid prolonged or repeated skin contact. RECOMMENDED VENTILATION: Use in a well-ventilated area. ventilation. RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: Avoid breathing of vapors. pREVENTION OF ACCIDENTAL INGESTION: Do not ingest. RECOMMENDED STORAGE: K=~ contalnc~ clomcd when n6~ in uuQ. children. FIRE-AND EXPLOSION AVOIDANCE:- Keep container tightly closed. HMIS HAZARD RATINGS: Use with adequate dilution HEALTH: 1 FLAMMABILITY:~ 0 REACTIVITY: 0 PERSONAL PROTECTION: X (See precautfons, section 7.) EXPOSURE LIMITS VALUE UNIT TYPE AUTH SKIN* INGREDIENT WATER .......................... , ..... 2-B~0XYgT~B%NOL ...................... 2-BUTOXYETHANOL .............. - ........ 2-BUTOXYETHANOL ...................... ETHANOLAMINE .................. ~ ...... ' ETHANOLAMINE ....................... :~. NONE NONE ' NONE NONE 25 PPM TWA OSHAV Y OSHA VACATED PEL 50 PPM TWA OSKA Y~ 3 PPM TWA- ACGIH 6 PPM STEL ACGIH ~=~{=e{~n=: N/D - Not Detsrmin~d N/A - Not Applicable CA - Approximately MSDS: SHARPSHOOTER btand EXTRA sTrENGTH NO RINSE CLEANER February 06,~ 2001 PAGE 5- EXPOSURE LIMI'TS (continued)' INGREDIENT VALUE UNIT TYPE AUTH SKIN~ ETHANOLAMINE.., ...................... 3 PPM TWA OSHA ETHA~OLAMINE ...... . ................... 6 PpM STEL OS.HA ETHANOLAMINE ......................... 6 MG/M3. TWA OSHA ETHOXYLATED ALCOHOLS ................. NONE NONE NONE NONE. ETHOXYI~ATED SECONDARY ALCOHOLS ....... NONE NQNE NONE NONE POTASSIUM HYDROXIDE .................. 2 MG/M3 CEIL ACGIH POTASSIUM HYDROXIDE .................. 2 .MG/M3 CEIL OSHA * SKIN NOTATION: Listed substances indicated with 'Y' under SKIN re~er to the potential .contribution to the overall exposure by the Cutaneous route including mucous membrane and eye, either by airborne or,.more Particularly, py direct contact with the substance, vehicles can alter skin absoxption. SOURCE OF EXPOSURE LIMIT DATA: - ACGIH: American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists - OSHA:_ Occupational Safety and Healt~ Administration - OSHAV: Occupational Safety and Health Administration Vacated PEL. Vacated Permissible Exposure Limits (PEL) are enforced as the OSHA PEL in some states. Check with your local regulatory'authority. - NONE: .None Established HEALTH HAZARD DATA EYE cONTACT: Moderate Eye Irritation: signs/symptoms can include redness, swelling, pain, tearing, and hazy vision. SKiN CONTACT: 'Moderate Skin Irritation (after prolonged or repeated contact): ! s~gns/sympt6ms can include redness, swelling, itching, and dryness. ~ May be absorbed through the skin and produce effects similiar to those caused, by inhalation and/or ingestion. WHILE THE FOLLOWING EFFECTS ARE ASSOCIATED WITH ONE OR MORE OF THE INDIVIDUAL INGREDIENTS IN THIS PRODUCT ANDARE REQUIRED TO BE INCLUDED ON THE MSDS BY THE U.S. OSHA HAZARD COMMUNICATION STANDARD, THEY ARE NOT EXPECTED EFFECTS DURING FORESEEABLE USE OF THIS PRODUCT. Lung InflammatiOn: Product contains surfactants which have been shown in animal studies to cause lung inflammation resulting from prolonged skin contact. Signs/symptoms can include coughing and shortness of breath. Abbreviations: N/D ~ Not Determined N/A - Not Applicable CA - Approximately MSDS: SHARPSHOOTER brand EXTRA STRENGTH NO RINSE CLEANER February 06, 2001 .. PAGE 6 8. HEALTH HAZARD DATA., (continued) INHALATION: - 'Single overexposure, above recommended guidelines, may cause: Central Nervous System Depression: signs/s~ptoms can include headache, dizziness, drowsiness, incoordination, slowed reaction time,' slurred speech, giddiness and unconsciousness. Irritation (upper respiratory): signs/symptoms can include soreness of the nose and throat, coughing and sneezing. Ingestion is not a likely route of exposure to this product. Ingestion may cause: Irritation of Gastrointestinal Tissues: signs/symptoms can include pain, vomiting, abdominal tenderness, nausea, blood in vomitus, and blood in feces. Aspiration Pneumonitis: s~gns/symptoms can include coughing, difficulty breathing, wheezing, coughing up blood and pneumonia, which can be fatal. SECTION CHANGE DATES INGREDIENTS SECTION C~L%NGED SINCE January 21, 1998 ISSUE PRECAUTIONARY INFO. SECTION CHANGED SINCE January 21, 1998 ISSUE Abbreviations: N/D - Not Determined N/A - Not Applicable CA - Approximately MSDS: SHAP~PSHOOTER brand EXTRA STRENGTH NO RINSE CLEANER Feb. r~a~y 06, 2001 PAGE 7 The information in this Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) is believed to be correct as of the date issued. 3M MAKES NO WAR3LANTIES, EXPRESSED OR ±~FL4~, INCLUDIJ~, 50Y NOT LIMITED T~,.-~Y II,I~T~D. ~¢~Fd~2d~fY MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR COURSE OF PERFORMANCE OR USAGE OF TRADE. User is responsible for dete!-minin~ whether the 3M product is fit for a particular purpose and suitable for user's method of use or application. ~iven the variety of factors that can affec~ the use and application of a 3M. produut, some of which Uniquely within the user's knowledge and control, it is essential that the user evaluate the 3M product to determine whether it is fit for a . particular pul-pose and suitable for user's method of use or application. 3M provides information in electronic form a~ a service to its customers. Due to. the remote possibility that electroni6' transfer~may have resulted .in errors, omissions or alterations in this information~ 3M makes no representations as to its. completeness or accuracy, In addition, information obtained from a database may not be as current as the information in the MSDS available directly from MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 4/01/01 MANUFACTURED FOR: TRIPLE S Blilerica, MA 01862 1-800-323-2251 EMERGENCYTELEPHONE: 1-888-779-!339 SECTION 1 - PRODUCT NAME: ORANGE PLUS Triple S Product No: 1 ~U~52, I:~U~, I~U~ Product Type: Cleaner/Degreaser SECTION 2 - HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS None HMIS HAZARD RATING O-LEAST'/MiNiMO 1-SLIGHT/LiGER0 ~ HEALTH 1 SALLI D 2- MODERATE / MODERADO .FLAMMABILITY INFLAM^BILIDAD n 3-HIGH/SERIO REACTIVITY 4-EXTREME / REACTIViDAD 0 MUY CRAVE PERSONAL PROTECTION A-glasses / lentes PROTECCION PERSONAL A '~ SECTION 3 - HEALTH HAZARD & FIRSTAID 1. Acute Health Effect Minimal 2. Chronic Health Effects None 3, Carcinogen No 4. Pdmary Entry Routes: a) Skin & Eyes: Repeated contact with the skin may be irritating, Eye contact will result in severe irritation, b) Ingestion: May be harmful, 5. First Aid: a) Skin: Remove contaminated clothing-wash skin with soap and water. If irritation persists get medical attention, b) Eyes: Wash eyes with large volumes of water for at least 15 minutes while lifting the upper and lower eyelids and rotating the eyeball, Get immediate medical attention, c) Ingestion: Give large volumes of water, Do not induce vomiting, Get medical attention. SECTION 4 - PHYSICAL & CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS 1. Physical State Liquid 2. Color Orange 3. Odor Citrus 4. Solubility in water Complete 5. Specific Gravity (H20=1.0) 1.00 6. pH 12.0 7. Freezing Point N/A 8. Flash Point None (will not bum) 9. Vapor Pressure N/A S. ECTION 5 - FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD 1, Flash Point None (Wil! not bum) 2. Extinguishing Media Dry Chemical, Foam, C02, Water Fog 3. gpe..uial Fi~ Fighlil~g Prc~cedures None 4. Unusual Fire & Explosion F-lazard Fire fighters should observe all precautions that apply to any.fi.re Where chemicals are stored. SECTION 6- REACTIVITY DATA ' 1. Stability Stable 2. Conditions to Avoid None known SECTION 7 - SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES 1. If product leaks or spills - Flood area with water-mop up dispose sanitary sewer. 2. Abide by Federal, State, and Local regulations. SECTION 8 - PERSONAL PROTECTION 1, Wear goggles, SECTION 9 - SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS 1. Store containers tightly closed and in an upright position, 2. Do not destroy or deface the label, SECTION 10 - SECTION 313 SUPPLIER NOTIFICATION (SARA) This product contains the following toxic chemicals subject to the reporting requirements of Section 313 of the Emergency Planning and Community Right:To-Know Act of 1986 and of 40 CFR 372: None' SECTION 11 - TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION None SECTION 12- ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION None SECTION 13- DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS 1, See Section 7 above, SECTION 14 - DOTTRANSPORT INFORMATION 1, This product is. Not Regulated, SECTION 15 - OTHER REGULATORY INFORMATION All ingredients appear on the TSCA Inventory List. "SECTION16- OTHER INFORMATION 1, N/A = Not Applicable 2. PMCC = Pensky Martin Closed Oup The health hazards given orl tills. Material Safety Da~a ghu~.l apply [u [his :roduct in its concentrated form (as supplied) and may differ significantly at use dilution. The signs and s. ymPtoms of overexposure apply only to negligenc~ in handling or misuse of the concentrated product and not to the routine exposure of the diluted product under conditions of ordinary use.. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET This MSDS cam flies with OSHA'S Hazard 'Communication Standard 29 CFR 1910.1200 and OSHA Form 174 IDENTITY AND DISTRIBUTOR'S INFORMATION NFPARating: Health-2; Flammability-3; Reactivity-O; SpeciaI-B HMISRating:.Health-2; Flammability-3; Reactivity-O; Personal Protection-B Manufactured For: Triple S DOT Hazard Classification: ORM-D Address: 2 Executive Park Dr. Identity (trade name as used on label): Address: Billerica, MA 01803 SSS Silicone Lubricant II #05220 :hone: 978-667-7900 V1SDS Number: A00325 ' Revision- 9 Emergency Response Number:. 1-800-255-3924 ::)ate Prepared: 08/22/01 Prepared By: ES/KD/RC ',!OTICE: JUDGEMENT BASED ON INDIRECT TEST DATA nformation Calls: 978-667-7900 SECTION 1 - MATERIAL IDENTIFICATION AND INFORMATION Hazardous Components I% or 9rearer; Carcinogens 0.1% or 9reater) !11 LIST (ppm) TLV (ppm) Ref. Source HEXANE 110-54-3 Yes 50 50 d POLY-DIMETHYLSILOXANE 63148-62-9 No N/E N/E d CYCLOHEXANE 110-82-7 Yes 300 300 d ISOBUTANE/PROPANE BLEND 75-28-5 No ' 800 800 d 74-98-6 No 1000 1000 d SECTION 2 - PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS 3oiling Point: N/A Specific Gravity (H20=1): Concentrate Only = 0,695 ,Zapor Pressure: PSIG @ 70°F (Aerosols): Max.60 Vapor Pressure (Non-Aerosols)(mm Hg and Temperature): N/A Vapor Density (Air = 1): ' N/E Evaporation Rate ( = 1): N/E Solubility in Water: Insoluble Nater Reactive: No Appearance and Odor: Clear colorless spray with solvent odor. SECTION 3 - FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA FLAMMABILITY as per USA FLAME PROJECTION TEST t Auto Ignition Temperature Flammability Limits in Air bY % in Volume: aerosols) EXTREMELY FLAMMABLEI N/E % LEL: N/E % UEL: N/E hLA,SH I'~UlPll Al,IL) IVlb-I HUD UbbLJ (riOr~-aet0sols); N/A SPEi21AL FIRE FIGHI lNG PRUtJEDURES: Self-contained breathing apparatus. · IUse water fog to prevent rupturing & exploding containers. Provide shielding for EXTINGUISHER MEDIA: Foam, dw chemical, carbon dioxide, water. ~oersonneL Jnusual Fire &. Explosion Hazards: Do not expose aerosols to temperatures above 130°-F or the container may rupture. SECTION 4 - REACTIVITY HAZARD DATA STABILITY ['X] STABLE [ ] UNSTABLE HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION [ ] WILL [ X] WILL NOT OCCUR ncompat~ilit¥ (Mat. to avoid): Stroh9 oxidizing agents. Cond tons to Avoid: Open flame, welding arcs, heat, sparks. 4azardous Decomposition Products: Carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide. SECTION 5 - HEALTH HAZARD DATA PRIMARY ROUTES OF ENTRY: [ X 1 INHALATION .[ ]INGESTION [X] SKIN ABSORPTION [ ] EYE [ ] NOT HAZARDOUS ACUTE EFFECTS Inhalation: Excessive inbaiation o¢ vapo;s can cause nasal & respiratory irritation, dizziness, weakness, nausea, headache, pass!hie unconsciousness or asphyxiation. Eye Contact: Irritation. ISkin Contact: Irritation due to defattin9 of skin. Ingestion: Possible chemical pneumor~itis if aspirated into lungs. 3HRONIC EFFECTS: (Effects due to excessive exposure to the raw materials of this mixture) Excessive inhalation of hexane may cause nerve-damage. Vledical Conditions Generally A~gravated by Exposure: Ma), a99ravate'existin9 e),e, skin, or upper respirator'/conditions. EMERGENCY FIRST AID PROCEDURES , Eye Contact: Flush with water for 15 minutes. If irritated, seek medical attention. !Skin Contact: Wash with soap and water. If irritated, seek medical attention. !Inhalation: Remove to fresh air. Resuscitate if necessar',/. Get medical attention. Ingestion: DO NOT IN-DUCE VOMITING. Drink two iarge 91asses of water. Get immediate medical attention. SECTION 6 - CONTROL AND PROTECTIVE MEASURES Respiratory Protection (specif~ type): If vapor Concentration exceeds TLVi use respirator approved b)' NIOSH in a positive pressure mode. Protective Gloves: Neoprene IEye Protection: Safet~ 91asses recommended. Ventilation Re(~uirements: Adequate ventilation to keep vapor concentration below TLV. Other Protective Clothin9 & Equipment: None ~l)'gienic Work Practices: Wash with soap and water' before handlin9 food. SECTION 7 - PRECAUTIONS FOR SAFE HANDLING AND USE Steps To Be Taken If Materiai Is Spilled Or Released: Absorb with suitable medium. Incinerate or landfill according to local, state or federal regulations. D(~ ~OT FLUSH TO SEWER. CAUTION: Silicone makes surfaces slippery. WaSte Disposal Methods: Aerosol cans when vented to atmospheric pressure through normal use, pose no disposal hazard. !Precautions To Be Taken In Handlin9 & Storage: Do not puncture or incinerate containers. Do not store at temperatures above 130"F. __ Other Precautions &/or Special Hazards: KEEp OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. Avoid food contamination. Remove i~)nition sources, We believe the statements, technical information and recommendations contained herein are reliable, but they are given without warranty or guarantee Of'any kind. ** Chemical Listed as Carcinogen or Potential Carcinogen. la] NTP lb] IARC Monograph lc] OSHA [d] Not Listed lei Animal Data Only SSS COMMAND AIR AEROSOLS'- AIR FRESHENERS All Fragrances MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET SUPPLIER: Triple S 2 Executive Park Drive Billerica, MA 01862 Effective Date: 04117/00 Revised Date: 06-14-00 Page 1 of 2 '~his Material Safety Data Sheet is being provided to your company for the purpose of providing current health and s2fety information to your management and employees who work with this product. Please read the data provided and then provide it to those people at your company who have the responsibility to insure compliance with both FEDERAL and ST,C, TE Right to Know regulations, and to those employees that request information on this product. heaeral Negulat~ons: Harts 2g and 42 Code of Federal Regulat!ons State of Illinois: Public Act 83-240 Manufactured For: Chemical Family: Aerosol Mixture Formula: N/A Hazard Classification: NFPA Rating System: SECTION I PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION Triple S 2 Executive Park Drive Billerica, MA 01862 (800) 323-2251 Consumer Commodity, ORM-D Fire-3/Health- 1/Reactivity-0 Emergency: 888-779-1339 SECTION 2 HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS This product is a mixture for which no health hazard data exist. The hazard communication standard requires that such mixtures be assumed to present the same health hazard as do the components that constitute at least 1% of the mixture (0.'J% for carcinogens) although OSHA has noted that the hazards of the individual components may be altered by including them in a mixture. Components of this p.roduct that are listed as Hazardous Materials and/or present in quantities as defined in OSHA 29 CFR 1910,1200: Iso propyl alcohol This product contains the following toxic chemicals subject to the reporting requirements of section 313 of the Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act and 40 CFR 372: NONE Ingredients ETHANOL pROPANE BUTANE DIPROPYLENE' GLYCOL DIETHYLENE GLYCOL MONOETHYL ETHER HEXYLENE GLYCOL ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL FR,^,GR,^,NCE (Propiiutury mix[ur~ CAS # TLVIPEL % 64-17-5 1000 PPM 10-20 74-98-6 1000 PPM 20-30 106-97-8 800 PPM 20~30 25265-71-8 NE 10-20 111-90-0 NE 5-10 107-41-5 25 PPM 10-20 67-63-0 400 PPM 10-20 NF-- nnt nntnhli,~hnd SECTION 3 PHYSICAL DATA Boiling Point: 138F Specific Gravity: 0.924 Vapor Pressure: 74 MMHG Percent Volatile: N/A Vapor Density (air=l): >1 . Evaporation Rate: >1(n-butyl acetate=l) Appearance & Odor: Clear liquid, pleasantlY scented Page 2 of 2 SECTION 4 FIRE AND EXPLOSION DATA Flash Point (Method): 70F (TCC) LEL = 1.9 UEL = 9.5 Extinguishing Media: Water, carbon dioxide-; dry chemical or foam, Class A, BC, or ABC Fire extinguishers. Special Fire Fighting Procedures: Self-contained breathing apparatus and protective c'lothin'g'should Be worn in fighting fires. Unusual Fire & Explosion Hazards: N~ne known to Triple S. ,. SECTION 5 HEALTH HAZARD DATA TLV: Not Determined EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE: Eyes: Can slight to mo~lerate irritation. Skin: May cause minimal irritation. Inhalation: Not a significant route of exposure. Ingestion: Not a significant route of exposure and no significant adverse effects expected. EMERGENCY FIRST AID PROCEDURES: Inhalation: Remove to fresh air. Eye contact: Flush eyes with water, get medical attention if irritation persists. Ingestion: Administer lukewarm water(pint) - Do not induce v0_rniting, call a physician. Skin Contact: No treatment is necessary under ordinary circumstances. Medical Conditions Aggravated by Exposure: None Expected. SECTION 6 REACTIVITY DATA Stability: Stable Incompatibility: Strong oxidizing agents Hazardous Decomposition Products: Carbon containing materials when burned will produce carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. Hazardous Polymerization: Will Not Occur SECTION 7 SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES Steps to be taken in case material is released o[ spilled: No special clean-up procedure is necessary. Remove all sources of-flame, sparks and heat. Provide adequate ventdat~on. Waste Disposal Method: Dispose in accordance with all local, state and federal regulations. SECTION 8 sPECIAL PROTECTION Respiratory Protection: Not normally needed under normal circumstances. Ventilation: General room ventilation is normally sufficient.' Protective Gloves: Not required. Eye Protection: Not required. Other Protective Equip. m.e_nt: None required. SECTION 9 SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS OR COMMENTS Precautions to be taken in handling and storing: Avoid exposure to excessive heat and prevent from freezing.' Other Precautions: None Required. REVISION DATE: April 2000 Although the information and-recommendation~ set forth herein (hereinafter "information") are presented in 9ood faith and believed to be correot as of the date hereof Triple S makes no representations as to the completei~ess ur accuracy thereof. Information is provided upon the condition that the persons receiving ~dl~iu will ,~aku tt~ui~ uwn dutu~mir~aliun as to ils suitabili[y ru~ l.l~ui~ pu~pu~u~ t}liu~ to use. In ilo event will Triple S be responsible for damages of any nature whatsoever resulting from use of or ~eliance upon said information. NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR OF ANY OTHER NATURE ARE MADE HEREUNDER WITH RESPECT TO INFORMATION OR THE PRODUCT TO WHICH INFORMATION REFERS. Froa: JohnsonBiv~rsep ot ~ JOIIff$OIII)I~ER3E¥~88-Z MATERIAl SAFffTY DATA SH[[T Producl Code 920~4 Distdbut~ DiverseyLever lnstituti~al JOHNSONDIVERSEY IN6. 363b E. KEMPER RD CI~ClNNATI ~, et-zT-e3' 8i:,J3 pa [~ eS'l ot' Effective: 04/1 5/2002 ~ ~' Emergency (,800)831-9889 u~c,¢ ?-?m2~-~20t4-s M edical(C ollect) (303)592-1024. scc# m-?-70~_s-~m4-2 Chemtrec (800)424-9300 OH 45241-2046 Printed 01/27/2003 on Ing~dien~ Chemical Family,/lOP TREATMENT j % Exposure Limits PETROLEUM DISTILLATES 64742-47-8 >30 NoNE ESTABLISHED EYES: IRRITATION WITH PAIN, SWE NG A RE DFVELOP. SKIN: IRRITATION OR DRYNESS DEVELOP WITH LONG CONTACT. INGESTION: IF SWALLOWED, DIARRHEA, NAUSEA AND f~ Signs < VOMITING MAY OCCUR. INHALATION: IRRITATION OF RESPIRA- an d TO RY TRACT MAY DEVELOP. Symptoms Units of Exposure SAME A,S ACUTE EFFECTS. I Flammability 3 ggravated SENSITIVE SKIN: Reactivity 0 Personal ProtectionA Info NONE NIP IARC OSHA- or Systems )osure: InhalationlXI Skin []. Ingestion[] R, EMOVE TO FRESH AIR AND SEEK MEDICAL ATTENTION. IMMEDIA[ELY FLUSH EYES WItH PLENTY OF WATER'FOR 15 MINUTES. GET MEDICAL ATTENTION. FLUSH SKIN WI-IH PLENTY OF WATER. REMOVE AND LAUNDER CONT. AMINATED CLOTHING BEFORE REUSE. GET MEDICAL ATTENTION FOR IRRITATION OR INJURY. 'NOTE: NEVER GIVE ANYTHING BY MOUTH TO AN UNCONSCIOUS PERSON. Measures/ APPARATUS (SCBA) IN FIRE AREA. Equipment Property Info NONE x{~lnq~-~n fn N QhlE t<hlOWhl WATER~-WAIER SPRAY, CO2', FOAM OR DRY POWDER. Gases NONE Send 1 o: JohnsonDivers~y Froa: John~onDivcr~eg at I~ 92014 IASKI SOLSAN 4×1GAL l~ee5 of eel -- ~X-Fh ys~ r,.aI arid Chemical Prope flies j o~ co*o~ c~'l' In ~-Tna eon Spill and Leak Clean Up Procedures FLUSH SMALL AMOUNTS TO DRAIN. COLLECTAND RETURN LARGE AMOUNTS TO CONTAINER: THIS PRODUCT DOES NOT CONTAIN A REPORTABLE QUANTITY (RQ) UNDER CERCLA. ~nvir°nmentbl Precadticns Ventila. tion Required? NONE Instructions NONE REQUIRED Safe Storage,STORE Al- AMBIEN1 ROOM 1EMPERA [UF~E. AVOID CON I~AT OR Handling ' MOISTURE. and Use Instruction s Incompatible_- M aterials N ONE KN OWN. Protective Gloves NO'[NORMALLY REQUIRED. Eye Protection SAFETY GLASSES. R ospiratory N CT N O RMALL',' R£ O U I AE D. Protection !Other Protective NOT NORMALLY REQUIRED. Clothing/Equipment Characteristics of HazardoUs Chemical Vapor P~-essurt~//( mmHg NA°qVapor Density (Air=I)NIA I pH 8.4 ApPearance 8, Odor COLORLESS (::EAR LIQUID, FLORAL ODOR. Boiling P0in1230 c~ Melting Point CF~ Flammability Limits in Air by Volume: UpperNONE Flash Poin134 q-]Auto Ignition t4-lOxidizing Properties Specific. Gravity .7672 IVolatiJe by Volume N/A % Evaporation Rate(n-Butyl Acetate=l) Peroxide, Pyrophonc, Unstable or Water ReactC;'i~ABLE Reactivit~ and Hazardous Polymerizati~E KNOW~ , Possible Hazardous Reacti0'rf~ONE JWat~r SolubilityNSOL % LowerNOh Conditions to Avoid NONE Ma. tedals NONE KNOWN. to Avoid Hazardous OXIDES OF CARBON, SULFUR. Decompbsition Products. N O DATA AVAILABLE Possible Effects and Environmental FaN'O DATA AVAILABLE ' D egradability Aquatic Toxicity Method of Disposal, Residues and Safe :Hah dling USE UNTIL LESS THAN 1 INCH REMAINS IN CONTAINER, EMPTY CONTAINER, TRIPLE RINSE WITH WATER, ADD TO OPERATION. REMOVE OR DEFACE LABEL BEFORE SELLING CONTAINER OR DISPOSAL. DISPOSE IN A MANNER CONSIS- TENT WITH LOCAL, STATE,' AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS. Disposal of Contaminated Material FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS, N.O.S., (PETROLEUM DISTILLATES), 3, UN1993, PG Ill,ERG NO. 27 hJAERG NO. 128 N ONE PETROLEUM DISTILLATES - CAS #G4742-48-g FRAGRANCE L p RaP RIETARY P R RTK6 Froa: Johnsonl) [oerseg at I~ J01ItlSOND IUERSE¥tO0-2 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA i .~e~.,~ooo~.d Product Name TASKI S IAINS AWAY omp..~O..,,~lo~ Product Code 92031 DistributOr DiverseyLever Instituficnal Manufacturer JOHNSONDIVERSEY.INC. '. 3630 E. KEMPER RD '; CINCINNATI ~ 01-27-03 01:t5 p, ~ 00fi o£ 007 Efi'ecfi~ 04/03/2002 12X250/_ Emergency (800)831-9889 u~# ?_?~2os-~2o~4 Medical(C ollect) (303)592-1024 SCC# 10-7-742~5-92ff31-5 : Chemtrec (800)424,9300 P fin ted 01/27/2003 OH 4524%2046 Chemical Fam~yCARPET STAIN REMOVER ~ ho; ~ ioCpayILN.~ cm~2ofLH~a7z_~ ,':~d0ou s I n 9r e Oi en t' I% Exposure Limits 1-5 TVVA 400 STEL 500 / EYES: ,IRI~']"TATION 'WITH PAIN, SWELLING AID REDNES'~' MAY DEVELOP. SKIN: IRRI I'ATION OR DRYNESS DEVELOP WITH LONG Signs ~ CONTACT. INGESTION:. IF SWALLOWED, DIARRHEA, NAUSEA AND and ~ VOMITING MAY OCCUR. INHALATION:. IRRITATION OF RESPIRA- TORY TRACT MAY DEVELOP. Symptoms Units PPM of .__u ~FXposuro ·~ o SAME AS ACUTE EFFECTS. HMIS!"'Health I Flammability 2 Conditions Aggravated SENSI lIVE SKIN Carcinogen In'fo NONE Reactivity 0 NTp Personal ProtectionB IARC OSHA Target Organs or Systems , Routes of Exposure: Inhalation'FA'] Skin [] IngesUor~] . Inhalation REMOVE TO FRESH AIR AND SEEK MEDICAL ATTENTION. Eyes I~'MEDIAIELY FLUSH EYES.WI IH PLEN IY OF WAIFR FOR'15 MINU II-S. GE] MEDICAL ATTENTION. Skin FLUSH SKIN WI~H PLENTY OF WATER. IF IRRITATION DEVELOPS, GET MEI~ICAL ATFENTION. Ingestion I~O NOT INDUCE VOMITING.~GET MEDICAL A I 1ENTION. NOTE; NEVER GIVE ANYTHING BY MOUTH TO AN UNCONSCIOUS PERSON. I-ire Co~trol WEAR FULL PROTECTIVE GEAR AND POSITIVE PRESSURE BREATHING Measure.s/. APPARATUS ($CRA) IN FIRE AREA. Equipment ~le P-~perty Info NON~ i i::xplosion Info N ONE KNOWN IExtinguishing M~dia WATER, WA1ER SPRAY, CO2, FOAM OR-DR'Z-POWDER. IGases NONE m J°hnsonDiversey 92031 S eclio~ 31:3 IASKI SlAIN$ AWAY 12X25OZ Spill and FLUSH SMALL AMOUNTS TO DRAIN. COLLECT AND RETURN LARGE AMOUNTS TO Leak CONTAINER. Clean Up THIS PRODUCT DOES NOT CONTAIN A REPORTABLE QUANTITY (RQ) UNDER Procedures CERCLA. Environmental Precautions Ventilation Required?. NONE Instructions NOT USUALLY REQUIRED. Safe Storage,S1 ORE A~ AMBIENT ROOM TEMPERATURE. Hah dling and Use ' Instructions Incompatible Materials NONE KNOWN. Protective Gloves IMPERMEABLE Eye Protection CHEMICAL GOGGLES IF CONTACT OR SPLASH HAZ.ARD EXISTS. WASH EYESr. Respiratory NOT NORMALLY REQUIRED. Protection Olher Protective NOT NORMALLY REQUIRED. Cloth incj/E quipm ent Characteristics of Hazard~)'6's Chemical Vapor Pressur~l/A mmHg NAoC~Vapor Density (Air=I)N/A Appearance & Odor CLEAR PALE YELLOW LIQUID, WOODY FLORAL ODOR. Boiling Point185 q~Melting Point q~Flammability'Limits in Air by Volume: UpperNONE I Flash Poin124 ct-] Auto IDqition °F] Oxidizin9 Properties Specific Gravity 1.000 [Volatile by Volume N/A Evaporation Rate(n-Butyl Acetate=l) Peroxide, Pyrophonc, Unstable or Water React~'~ABLE Reactivity and Hazardous Polymeriz~tieR~E Possible Hazardous Reactiorl~ONE JpH N/A JWater 5olubilit:yMISC % Lower N Oh Conditions to Avoid NONE Materials NONE KNOWN. to Avoid Hazardous OXIDES OF CARBON. Decomposition Products NO DATA AVAILABLE Possible Effects and Environmental FateD DATA AVAILABLE Degradability Aquatic 1 oxicity Method0t USE UNTIL LESS THAN lINCH REMAINS IN CONTAINER, EMPTY CONTAINER, Disposal, Residues and Safe H an dling TRIPLE RINSE WITH WATER, ADD TO OPERATION. REMOVE OR DEFACE LABEL BEFORE SELLING CONTAINER OR DISPOSAL. DISP~OSE IN A MANNER CONSIS- TENT WITH LOCAL, STATE, AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS. Disposal of Contaminaled Matedal COMPOUNDS, CLEANING, N.O.I., LIQUID N ONE ISOP ROP YL ALCOHOL - CAS #6763-0 SODIUM CHLORIDE - CAS #7647-14-5 FRAGRANCE - PROPRIETARY WATER - CAS #7732-1 PRRTK6 Froa: JohnsonDiucrscg at ffi J01IH$0HDI~ERSEYq00-2 TAS KI R 50 4XIGU4L 92O10 JOHNSONDIVE RSEY INC. 3630 E. KEMPER RD CINCINNATI DETERGENT SODIUM HYDROXIDE 1310-73-2 ETHOXYLATED LAURYLALCOHOL 6813%39-5 ~01:Z7-03 02/26/2002 7-70128-92010-7 10-7-70128-92o10-4 OH 45241-2046 <5 2MG,~I3 <5 NOT ESTABLISHED oo qoI 01/27/2003 IRRITATING TO SKIN AND EYES. MISTS ARE iRRITATING TO SKIN, EYES AND RESPIRATORY TRACT. SAME.AS ACUTE EFFECTS 1 -0 0 SENSITIVE SKIN NONE NONE x x 'REMOVE TO FRESH AIR AND SEEK MEDICAL ATTENTION. B IMMEDIATELY FLUSH EYES WITH PLENTY oF WATER FOR 15 MINUTESt GET MEDICAL AI-I-ENTI ON. · FLUSH SKIN WITH PLENTY OF WATER. REMOVE AND LAUNDER CONTAMINATED CLOTHING BEFORE REUSE. GET MEDICAL A1-FENTION FOR IRRITATION OR , INJURY. DO NOT.INE~UCE VOMITING. GET MEDICAL A'I-I-ENTION. NOTE: NEVER GIVE ANYTI lINC DY MOUTII TO Arq UNCONSCIOUS PERSON. WEAR FULL PROTECTIVE GEAR AND POSITIVE PRESSURE BREATHING · .AP. PARATUS (SCBA) IN FIRE AREA. NONE NONE KNOWN WATER, WATER SPRAY, CO2, FOAM OR DRY POWDER. NONE "i 92010 V barn de re. al Chemical Properties XVl-~lher In to~mabo~ Title III IASKI R50 4XIGL/4L Spill and Leak Clean Up Procedures FLUSH SMALL AMOUNTS TO DRAIN. COLLECTAND RETURN LARGE AMOUNTS TO CONTAINER. THIS PRODU_CT DOES NOT CONTAIN A REPORTABLE QUANTITY (RQ) UNDER CERCLA. Environmental Precautions Ventilation Required? NONE Instructions NOT USUALLY REQUIRED. Safe Storage,STORE AT AMBIENT ROOM IEMPERATURE. AVOID CON IACl WITH HEAl OR Handling MOISTURE. an.cl Use Instruction s Incompatible Materials ST RON G AC IDS. Protective Gloves Eye Protection IMPERMEABLE: SAFETY GLAsSEs. - Respiratory N Oil' N O RMALLY REQUIRED. - , P rot e cfi on O~her Protective NO'[ NORMALLY REQUIRED. Clothing/Equipment Characteristics of Hazardous Ch emical Vapor PressurbUA mmHg NA°C~Vapor Density (Air=-I)N/A Appearance & Odor GREEN CLEAR LIQUID; WOOD PINE ODOR. Boiling Point212 CF~ Meltin9 Point C~Flammability Limits in Air by Volume: UpperNONE Flash Poinlt4/A cl~ Auto Ignition cFI Oxidizing Properties Specific Gravity 1.023 ~/olatile by Volume N/A Evaporation Rate(n-Butyl Acetate=l) Peroxide, Pyrophoric, Unstable or Water Reactlg~ABLE Rea cti¥ity an d H azardou s Polym erizati~Fe KNO~ Possible Hazardous Reactior~ONE Conditions to Avoid NONE IpH 10.1 !Water SolubilitySOL '% Lower N Materials STRONG ACIDS. to Avoid Hazardous OXIDES ~F CARBON, HYDROGEN, SULFUR. Decomposition Products N O DATA AVAILABLE Possible-Effects and Environmental I-altO3 DATA AVAILABLE Degradability A qua tic'Toxicity Method ct Disposal, Residues and Safe_ H an dling USE UNTIL LESS THAN 1 INCH REMAINS IN CONTAINER, EMPTY CONTAINER, TRIPLE RINSE WITH WATER, ADD TO OPERATION. REMOVE OR DEFACE LABEL BEFORE SELLING CONTAINER OR DISPOSAL. DISPOSE IN A MANNER CONSIS- TENT WITH LOCAL, STATE, AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS. Disposal of Contaminated Material COMPOUNDS, CLEANING, N.OJ., LIQUID NONE WATER - CAS #7732-18-5 LINEAR ALCOHOL ETHOXYLATE - CAS #68131-39-5 l ALKYLOXY P OLYETHYLENF OXYPROP .YLENOXY ETHANOL - CAS #68131~13-3 SODIUM DODE:CYLBEN7. FNF. SU! FONATF: - CAS #751 E;5-30-3 SODIUM HYDROXIDE -CAS t/'1 310 732 PRRTK6 Material Safety Data Sheet May be used to corflply wlth OSHA's H~ard Cbmmun/cation Standard, U.S. Department of Labor Occupadenal Safew and Health Admi ~:~/_, (Non-M~ndatory Fo~) ~ ~r~, '. t . ¢~tt~ ~r sp~ific ~equiremenm. OM~ No. 1218-0072 FL[T,Z Metal Polish and FJberAlass CJeaner ] Note: Blanks~s~not~d. ff~y~isnotapplc~le, orno _FL[TT- OPTfMA ~et~i Polish ~Fiher~lass Cl¢an~r inlormati~av~l~lo., the SPace must be m~d toin¢~mthac Section' I USDA Code M&nufactur6r's N~rne Emergency Telephone Number FLtT'Z ~NTERNATIONAL, LTD. Address (Number, ~ef, Ci~. 'Stale. ~d ~P ~e) j Telephone Numb~ far Info~ation 5~ME AS ABOVE ~am Pre~r~ Signu~um 321 Mohr Avenue Waterford, ~I 53185 Section 11 -- Hazardous Ingredients/Identity Information Other Limits HaZard.oue Components (Speci~n Chemical ldenUty: Gammon Name(s)) OSHA PEL ACGIH TLV Recommended % Oleic Distillates 2676~/Z6/l N/A 8.596 Petroleum ¢ ~hit¢ Spirit Dist~J.~tes....6#3~2/gg/7 :500 Saponification /~ggnts - _ .. ' Polvdiethanglamid 677~5/13/t N/A 3.0% Ammonia Solution 23% in Water [3~6/2[/6 ~0 -;~% 1313/7t4/7 N/A 25.0% Solid Polishin~ Powder De-mineralized Water 7732/1g/~ N/A_ Section 111 -- Physical/Chemical Characteristics Boiling Point Specific G~avity (H;,O = 1) · 95-100°C . 1.12 'Capon- Pm"SUre-(mm Hg.) ...... !i Melting Point" ' : N/A ...................................... .N/A Vapo~ Density '(A?I = 1) Evnporeflon Ra~e · ' ,. N/A' (Butyl Acetate - 1)': : Very Slow Solubility In W~er No Appearance and Odor Blue Paste/Ammonia Odor PH (Concentrate)_/~.proxima~e 9.5 Section Iv -- Fire' and E~ploslon Hn=~rd Data Ftasl3 Potnt (Method Used) I mmm~hie Umim [LEL IUEL Non-flammable. , .F_xtJngulsfllng Media N/^ Special ~ire Fighting Procedures N/A' N/A Smbllity .Unstable [ ~o Incompatibility (Materi~/$ tO Avoid} t0/~vaid ,qouts(s~ ol Entry:. Inhatali~,~A Skin? N/^ Ht~mJlh H~---ards (Acut~ and Chtonk:} N/A Caxcinogenicity: NTP7 N/A OSHA Regulated? N/A sigr~ and 3yrnptom~ of Exposure Prolonged contact with eves and mucous membranes may cause MediCal Conclttlon~ Generat/~, Aggravated by Exposure sliAht irritations. · 5¢¢ above Emergency and R~t Aid P,~c~Juras In case of contact with eyes and/or mucous membranes, .flush with water ....... =Lte,,Lmn. The emuisiol several minutes. In order to avofd eventual; slight irritation, ~'*;~ medical .... " Section VII -- Precauflor~s for Safe Handling and Use. non-poisonot Steps to Be Taken in Ca~e Materia/ is Releasa~ or SI~II~I %ripe up ~vith towel or broom. W~ DJspc~aJ Method . No special precaution necessary Pr~ ~ Be T~en in H~d~ng ~d Stad~ No special p. recaution necessary NOne SectJort viii -- Control Measures Re~r~t~ Pra~c~m (S~/~ ryp~) None . Local Exhaus~ M~-fflanical None Not n~c~ca'ry Other Protective Clothing or ~quipment None None IOther IEy~ Proration In case oi norrnaJ handling, not necessar ,' (Contact with eyes should be avoided. Work/Hygianic Pra~iFes INorie 6lYZU4b9 ~bIATERI~LL SiLFETY DATA SHEETx Page MEDICJLL EMERGENCY ONLY, 24 HOUR SERVICE: 1-800-328~0026 Medical Calls from Outside of the USA: 612 292 4064. (USA) EC.OLABPROFESSION~_L PRODUCTS DIVISION OF ECOLAB INC. Ecolab Center, ST. PAUL, biN 55102 For Product Information, Call:-1-800-247-5362 Date of Issue: February 10, 1999 /' 1.0 iDENTIFICATION / 1.1 Product Name: 1.2 Product Type:. 1.3 Hazard Rating' ~UI~ k'lbL b6U Industrial Degreaser Health - 2 'Fire - 0 Reactivity ++ SA/RA 313 Toxic Chemicals, If Present, Are Preceded by "#" ++ 2.0 HAzARDous COMPONENTS 2.1 DEA Dodecylbenzenesulfonate 26545-53-9 2.2 #' Diethanolamine (DEA) 111-42-2 2.3. D-Limonene 59'89-27-5 2.4 Dipro~ylene Glycol Butyl Ether'29911-28-2 2 5 DEA Ethylenediaminetetraacetate (mglm3) % PEL TWA 40 No No <15 No 2 14 No No 14 , No No <5 No No PEL ~ OSHA 8 Hour Average in Air. TWA = ACGIH 8 Hour Average in Air 3.0 PHYSICAL DATA / 3.1 Appearance: Clear amber liquid; citrus odor. 3.2 Solubility in Water: Mixes with water in all proportions. 3.3 pg' l0 9 3.4 Initial Boiling Point: 212 deg F Specific Grgvity: 1.00 ,4.0 FIRE AND EXPLOSION DATA / 4.1 Special Fire Hazards: Combustible liquid. 4.2 Fire Fighting Methods: Use fog, foam, fine water spray, dry chemical or CO2. ~ 4.3 Flash Point~ Over 200 deg F. 5.0 REACTIVITY DATA / 5.1 Stability: Stable under normal conditions of handling. 5.2 Conditions to Avoid: Do not mix with any~hing but'water. 5.3 Store in a cool place away from heat, sparks or open flame'. 6.0 SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURE.~__/ USE PROPER PROTECTTVR. RQr~TP~rRNT 6.1 Cleanup: Eliminate all sources of.ignition immediately. Dike or dam large spills. Pump to containers or soak up on inert absorbent. Flush residue to saqitary sewer. 6.2 Waste Disposal: ConSult state/local authorities for limits-on chemical waste disposal. Product: ..QUIK FILL 560 ECOLA~ PROFESSIONAL PRODUCTS PIEDIC3LL EMERGENCY ONLY, 24 HOUR SERVICE: Page 2 of 2 917260 1-800-328-0026 7.0 HFJLLTH HAZARD DATA / CAUTION 7.1 Effects of Overexposure to Concentrate: Skin: Caus=~ i~itatton. Eyes: Causes eye irritation. If Swallowed: May ca'use stomach distress, nausea or vomit'ing- 7.2 Mote: Not li~t=d ~ d ua~u±nogen by OSha%, IA/{C, or NTP. .8.0 FIRST AID/ 8.1 Eyes: Flush .at once with cool running water. Remove contact ]~nses. Holding eyelids apart, continu~ £1ushing for 15 minutes. 8.2-Skin: Flush skin with cool water; then wash thoroughly with soap and water. .Wash contaminated clothing well before reuse. 8.3-If Swallowed: Rinse mouth; then drink I or 2 large glasses of water. DO NOT induce vomiting. Never give anything by mouth to an Unconscious person. IF IRRITATION OR DISCOMFORT PERSISTS, CALL A PHYSICIAN. 9.0 PROTECTIVE MEASURES / 9.1 CONCENTRATE: When handling the concentrated product, wear rubber gloves and eye protection such as splashproof glasses. 9.2 USE.SOLUTIONS prepared according to label instructions are not considered hazardous according to criteria of 29 CFR 1910.1200. 10.0 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION/PRECAUTIONS / 10.1 Not DOT Regulated under 110 gal'. i0.2.Purpose of 02/10/99 issue: Editorial update. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN The above information is believed to be correct with respect to the formula used to manufacture the product. As data, standards and r~gulations change, and conditions of use and handling are beyond our control; NO-WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IS MADE. AS TO THE COMPLETENESS OR CONTINUING ACCURACY OF THIS INFORMATION. .~,~j · _,et,. · ~ o,J~r,t~s - r~vate ~aue~ ~nemmam Inc. 001 2nS Street S.E., Minneapolis MN 55414 For emergency and h~ard info. call 1-800-255-39~-4 . p_~RODUCT LDENTIFICATION - Froduct Name: Lime-Go DOT Proper Shipping Name: For (4xlg) cs - Phosphor/c acid, solution, 8, UN 1805, III, Ltd Qty For (12xlq0 cs - Compound, cleaning, liquid, Consumer Commodity, ORM-D Formula Type: Blended A~id Liquid ~,ZARDOUS INGREDIENTS - 3ne C.A.S. No. phosphoric Acid 7664-38-2 ~ Exposure Limit · -~ 25-30 Airborne I mg/m3 PEL, 1 mg/m3 TLV, 3 mg/m3 STEL PHYSICAL DATA Appearance/Odor: green liquid/slight odor Specific Gravity: 1.19 % Evaporation by Volume: 61 Solubility in Water:. complete pH. approx. 1.5 Boiling Point (F°): greater than 212 o F Evaporation Rate (butyl acetate=l): NA Vapor Pressure (mm HG): 5.7@ 68°F · Vapor Densily (air=l): > 1 ' FIRE AND EXPLOSION INFORMATION - Flashpoint (F~) (Method used): non-c~mbustible Extinguishing media' foam CO2 dry chemical water fog other X not applicable Special fire fighting procedures: Product can }eact with metals to rele~e flammable hydrogen Waler ~pray may be effective in abrorbing gas. Unusual fire and explosion hazard: Containers in vicinity of fire should be cooled to prevent overheating and decomposition of contained product with release of toxic phosphorus oxide fumes. I{EALTH HAZARD DATA - Primary Routes of Entry: Eyes, skin and ingestion. Signs and symptoms - Eyre Contact: Severe acid bums. Skin Contact: Sene.re acid bums. Inhalation: Mist can cause damage to nasal and respiratory passages. Ingestion: Severe internal irritation and damage. May be fatal Medical conditi'ons generally aggravated by exposure:. None 'known. FIRST .4ID_ PROCEDURES - Eye Contact: Immediately flush with large quantities of running water for a minimum of 15 minutes while holding the eyelids apart. Do not attempt to neutralize with chemical agents. Obtain medlcal attention as soon as possible. Continue the flushing for an additional 15 minutes if the physician is opt immediately available. Oils and ointments should not be used. Skin Contact: Immediately flush all affected areas with large amounts of water for at least 15 minutes. Remove all contaminated clothing and shoes ~vhile under a safety shower wiping away excess material from the skin. Do not attempt to neutralize with chemical agents. Obtain medical advice immediately if irritation develeps. Discard contaminated clothing and shoes, Inhalation: Remove from contaminated a-tmusphere. Ifbrea~ing has ceased, clear the victim,s airway and start mouth-to-mouth artificial ~qviration. Obtain medical aid. )stion: Do not induce vomiting. Immediately give large quantities of water. If vomiting does occur, give fluids again. Do not induce ,'~iting or give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Call a physician or the nearest Poison Control Center immediately. REACTIVITY DATA - - Stability: stable Incompatiblity (materials to avoid): ; Reactive materials (e.g. mild steel and aluminum). Alkaline materials react vigorously (lime, caustic soda) Hazardous decomposition products: At flame temp/:rature, will emit toxic phosph6rous oxide fumes. Hazardous polymerization: will not occur SPILL OR LEAKPROCEDURES - Steps to be tak~ in'case material is released or spilled: Small spills can be handled routinely, ffmists or vapors are generated, use adequate yentiiation and wear a respirator to prevent inhalation. Wear suitable protective clothing and eye protection to ~revent skin and eye contact. Use the following procedures- Contain spi!Is to prevent discba~ge to the environment. Neutralize cautiously with a base such as soda ash and discard per RCRA regulations. Phosphoric Acid is a IIAZAJLDOUS SUBSTANCE with a reportable quantity of 5,000 lbs. If 5,000 lbs or more are spilled or discharged to the environment, it must be reported tn the National Respon~ C~nt~r. Waste disposal information: Because of its corrosive characteristic, unneutralized product, when discarded, is a HAZARDOUS WASTE as defined in 40 CFR 261.22 (RCRA regulations), and disposal procedures are controlled by RCRA SPE C__L3_L_PR OTECTION INFO.R MATION - Respiratory Profection: If use conditions generate mist or vapor, wear NIOSH approved respirator. Ventilation: Mechanical Protective gloves: -Impervious'gioves (neoprene, nitrile) Eye Protection: Chemical goggles or splash glasses. Other protective measures: Impervious footwear if there is exposure potential. Water soume that can be used for first aid eye and skin wash. $]'ECIA I, P.R F C a ! ;TION9 Handling and Storage: Keep container closed when not in use. Do not breathe mists or vapors. For industrial and in~i~_,tiona! ,~e on!y. M.;x orJy ::'iCh water. Keep out of reach of children. Wash contaminated clothing before reuse. Thoroughly rinse and offer empty container for recycling, reconditioning or disposal in an approved landfill or dispose of in a manner that will not adversely affect the environmenL. .TOXICITY DATA - '?roduct doe} not contain ingredients considered to be carcinogenic by NTP, IARC or OSHA. H~ZARD RATING - 0 = MINIMAL 1 = SLIGHT 2 = MODERATE 3 = SERIOUS 4 = SEVERE Health: 2 Reactivity: 0 Fire: 0 Special: 0 RE GULATORY..LNFORMATION - S~ECFION XIII DOCUMENTARY INFORMATION - Date issued: 2/18/97 Supercedes: 7/24/95 Reason for upd,~t_e.: update The information contained herein is furnished without warranty of any kind. Employers should use this information only as a supplement to'other information gathered by them and must make independent determinations of suitability and completeness of information frbm all sources to assure pre use ofth~se materials and the safety and health of employees. Material Safety Data Sheet Rre~ar~ ~ Ac=:~cance ~,Ah 29 C~R 1910.1200 Prepared by CR~shton on 6~'2000. Ingrodlent ~ame 1) Water 7732L18-5 2) Silica Abrasive 14808-60-7 3) Nonionic Surfactant 4) Anionic Surractant 5) Perfume Oil 9016-45-9 27176-87-0 119-36-8 Avoid t~th~j v.a~o~ or spray ~ Keep out of lhe reach of cta~ren. Not for use or storage in c~' around the home. ROUTE~ OF ~ Skin FEAST AJO MEASURES Skin irri~nt_ May carrie rect~ess, (tying, and cracking. Eye irrilan[ Can be abrasive to ~he ~. N/A ' ~ affecled area with vuat~r. Seek mec~cal atlen~i~n if i~ persists. NVA Section 8- personal Protection ~n~rr~ Pmt~ 6~ f~). [ ,, v~miletio~ Methods for cleaning Up Spil Me~ho~ of ~l~por. al Absorb with an inert material and put the sidled material in an w~te i,~,be u"~si~.~sed of in acx:o~datce with federal, state and'bcaJ approrx~te ~te ~b~lx'~al environmer~alcont~l reguta~3t~. SARA313 SARA 313 t)x~: chemical noliflcat~n and re~ repo~ng: NO pn3ducts ~ found. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET This MSD$ compiles wit~ OSMA'$ N~zard Communication $1andard 29 CF~ 1910.t200 and OSHA Form t74 IDENTITY AND DISTRIBUTOR'S INFORMATION NFPARating: Health-I; FlammaJSilily-4; Reactivily~ SpedaI-O IHMISRatln~I: Health-I; Rammabilily-4~ ReactJvily-0; Personal ProtectJon-9 Manufactured FoE TRIPLE S 'L~O! Hazard Classification: ORM-D Address: 2 Executive Park Dr. Id~ntity (trade name as used on label): Address: Billerica, MA 01862 SSS CHEWING GUM REMOVER Phone: 978--667-7900 MSDS Number: 183 Revision-3 Emergency ResPonse Number:. 1-800-255-3924 Date Prepared: 08/28/96 Prepared By: ES ~IOTICE: JUDGEMENT BASED ON INDIRECT TEST DATA [nforrna§on Calls: 978-667-7900 SECTION '! - MATERIAL IDENTIFICATION AND INFORMATION c. COMPONEJ~TS'CHEMICAL NAMES AND COMMON NAMES CAS Number SARA OSHA PEL ACGIH CarcinOgen Hazan:lous Cbmponents 1% or greater;, Carcino~lens 0.1% or greater) III LIST (ppm) TLV (ppm) Ref. Source ISOBUTANE / PROPANE BLEND 75-28-5 NO 800 800 d 74~98-6 No 1000 1000 ' d · SECTION 2 - PHYSICAUCHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS . Boiling Point: N/A ~Specific Gravity (H20~1): Conccntrate Only= 0.5379 · Vapor Pressure: PSIG ~ 70°F (Aerosols): 70 ~Vapor Pressure (Non-Aerosols)(mm Hg and Tempera~re): NIA _VaporDensit~ (Air= 1): N/IE ~EvaporationRate ( =1): N/E ~.olubility in Water:. Slight ~Nater Reactive: No ~.ppearar~ce and Odor;. Clear, ododes~ spray. SECTION 3 ~ FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA =LAMMABILITY as per USA FLAME PROJECTION TEST I Auto Ignition Temperature jFlammability Limits in Air by % in Volume: ~.aerosols) EXTREMELY FLAMMABLEI N/E r,/o LEI- 2.0 % UEL' 10.0 FLASH POINT AND METHOD USED (..~o..--ae.,'oso!s): N/A JEX~NGUISHER MED_U~: Foam, dry, chemiCal, carbon die,de, water. .S. PECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES: Self-contained breathing apparatus./ ........ ' Unusual Fire & Explosion Hazards: Do not expose aerosols to temperatures above 130'F orthe Container ma)' rupture. SECTION 4 - REACTIVITY HAZARD DATA S._TABILITY IX] STABLE [ I UNSTABLE ~HAZARDOUSPOLYMERIZATION [ I"WILL [X]WILLNOT OCCUR r~compatibitity (Mat. to avoidl: StronCJ oxidizing agents. IConditions to Avoid: Open flame, welding arcs, heat. -lazardous Decomposition Products: .CO, CO~- SECTION 5 - HEALTH HAZARD DATA PRIMARY ROUTES OF ENTRY: IX]INHALATION [ ]INGESTION [ ] SKIN ABSORPTION [ ]EYE [ ]NOTHA7_ARDOUS ACUTE EFFECTS: inhalation: E. xc~_.ssi~/e inhalation of vapors can be harmful and may cause headache, di;~zJness, asphy)da, anesthetic effects and possible unconsc~ousness.Vapom ars heavier than air and displace ox~en required for breathing. Eye Contac~ Ma)' cause bums and frostbite. ~Skin Conl~ct:. Ma), cause bums and frostbite. In, es§on: Unlikely route of exposur~ ;HRONIC EFFECTS: Unknown. ' · edical Conditions Generally Aggravated by Exposure: Ma]/aggravate exJstin~ e~e, skin, or upper respiraton./conditions. EMERGENCY FIRST AiD PROCEDURES . E~e Contact: Flush with water for 15 minutes. If irritated, seek medical attention. Skin Contact: Wash with soap and water. If irritated, seek medical attention. If'l'rostbitten, warm skin slowly. Inhalation: Remove to fresh air. Resuscitate if necessary. Get medical attention. Give ex-f~en. SECTION 6 - CONTROL AND PRO'rE(~TIVE MEASuR'Es Respiratory Protection (speci~ t~/pel: If vapor concentration exceeds TI_V, use respirator approved by NIOSH to be used in a positive pressure mode. :)rotective Gloves: Rubber ~loves recommended.. ~Eye P.r. otection: Safety ~lasse~ recommended. ~/ent~atlon Requirements: Adequate ventilation to keep vapor concentration below TLV. 3ther ProtectiVe Clothin~ & Equipment: None Hy~ienio Work Practices: Wash with soap and water before haediing food. Remove contaminated clothing. SECTION 7 - PRECAUTIONS FOR SAFE HANDLING AND USE Steps To Be Taken If Material Is Spilled Or Released: Ventilate area to disperse vapors. DO NOT FLUSH TO SEWER. Remove i~)nition sources. Waste Dispo.s~l.Methods: A~c..u~OI .c~s when vented to atmospheric pressure thmu.~h~normal use, pose no disposal Prec-,3utions To Be Taken In HandtincJ & Storage: Do not puncture or Incinerate coutair~ers. Do ~ot sto~e at temperatures above 1 ;;)that Precautions &Jot Special Hazards:KEEP OUT OF RE_ACH OF CHILDREN. Avoid food contamination. Avoid brealhing vaporS.Avoid cont~:;t with skin or We believe E~e 5ta~ementso technical information and recommendation3 containcd hercin are reliable, but they are given vvffhout warranty or guarantee- et ~ny kznd, ** Chemical Usted as Carcinogen or Potential Carcino,'Jen. Iai NTP Ih] IAPC Monograph Ici OSHA Id] Not Listed Iai Animal Data THIS MSDS IS CURRENT AS OF JANUARY 10, 2000. The DATE PREPARED section is the ndginal date assembled and remains current until a change is necessary. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET This MSD$ complies with OSHA'$ Hazard Communication Slandard 29 CFR 1910.1200 and OSHA Form 174 IDEN J i~ ¥ AND ~TRJBLrrOR'S I~IFOP. JVIA'rIoN M~md Fo~ Tdple S DOT H~d ~~: ORM~ ~: 978~-~ ' M~S ~: 173 Re,sion-5 iMaGEry R~PONSE NUMB~ ~~4 . ~ate pr~: 07/18/97 ~ B~ DUCH . ~O~: J~T ~ED ON IN~CT~ST DATA nfo~on Cal~: (978) '~OPR~OL . ' ' ~7~ No ~0 400 d I~UT~E I P~P~E B~ND ...... 7~2~5 ~ ~ 8~ d V~ Priam: PS~ ~ 70'~ (Ae~ls~ Ma~S0 ~ Pm~um~A~s~s~mm Hg and Tem~J~ Vap~De~ (Air=l~ N~ Ev~nR~ (. =1): N~ .. SEC~ 3- Fl~ ~ ~'L~SI~ ~ DATA ~lb~ ~ per U~ ~E PR~EC~ON TEST I" A~to I~~ T~m~m ~ma~l~ U~s in ~r by %'in'V~ume: / SEC~ 4 - ~V~ ~ DATA SEC~ 5- H~ ~ DAT~ ...... ~c~ ~ - cONSOL ~O P~IEgl ivb M~E5' ~[ Pr~e Cb~ & Eq~pm~ ~ !~ienk work Pr.~: Wash ~ ~p a~ ~r ~0m Kandligg ~. ~move ~n~mi~[c~)~ SEC~ 7 - P~C~O~ ~ S~ ~DUNG ~D U~ We belieye ~e Matements, technical informaticm ~ mc~da~s c~tai~ ~ ~ ~iaMe, b~ ~oy am g~n ~ ~n~ ~ gu~nt~ ~ ~y ~. *' ~emi~l ~d as ~n~en ~ Po~nflal C~en. Iai N~ ~] ~C ~mph [ti OS~ Id] N~ ~t~ [el ~im~ D~ Only ~S MSD5 IS C~E~ ~ OFJ~U~Y 10, ~. ~ DA~ PR~ ~ ~ ~ o~ date ~mbl~ a~ m~ ~u~ unb~ a ~e ~ ~. Material Safety Data Sheet TMs Mam4al Safety Data Sheet Is pr~par~ ha ae~-~-dan ce witlz 29 CFR 191lL12~ Protective Cio tiring Hazardous Material Informatibn System (u.s~) 2 o 0 National Fire Protection Associationi sss Blue Bowl Cleaner !:m 'r,~^ :.~ ~l ~l f~  Check for and remove any conlact lenses. In case of contact, immeoiatety flush eyes with i:~,~nty of water for at least 15 minutes. Cold water may be used. Get meal:cai atter~a(~ i~ely. · Skin contact In case of contact, immediately flush skin with plenty of water ~or at least 15 minutes while removing contaminated clothing and shoes. Wash clotYa'ng before reuse. Thoroughly dean shoes before reuse. Get medical attention immediately. Inhalation Ingestion If inhaled, remove 1D fresh air. If not breathing, give arl~dal respiration, ff breathir~ is cliffict~ give oxygen. Get rne(~ attention. Do NOT induce vc~nifir~ br~ess directed ID do so by medical ~. No'~r ~ive ~mYh~ Dy re°Oh ~ an ~ pemon_ Have consciotm person drink egg whiles, gelatin .solUtion, or if these are not available c~ink large quartzes of water. Seek immeria~ medical att~r~on. Nm CAS # 9; by Weight TLV/PEL LC~LI~ 1 ) Water 7732-18-5 0-1D0 No{ a'~atlaO, e. Not av'a~qlaie~ 2) Hydrochtodc Add 7647-8i-8 9 STF_L: 5 Not~ ' 3) Nonionic Surfac~nt 9016-~5-9l 0-5 No~ avai~:~e. Not a~e. 4) Perfu'ne Oil 119-36-8 0-5 Not avala~ Wot ava~le. 5) Acry~c Emut~ N/A 0-5 Not a~. Not av-agable. 6) ~ Surfactant 61788-90-7 0-5 Not av-a~a~e. ORAL (LD50): Acute: 4610 mo/kg [Rat]. 7) Nonionic Sudactant 66455-15-0 0-5 Not avaaabte. NOt avallabi~ 8) Amphoteric Surfactant 68298-20-4 0-5 Not available. ~ Nc~ m~at-~e_ 9) .[:~. ' N/A 0-5 NO~ avatab~. Nm~ 10) Quaten"~ary Amrnonitrn Chloride 68424-95-3 0.05 , Not avagabl~ Not a~. SSS' Blue Bowl Cleaner ' Page Number:. 2 ReasanL. State and Lk:luid. <1.5 Not available. 95 IOdor T~ ]Co~r No[ ava~abl~ Milky BIue point 214°F in/lial 1.04 (water = 1) >1 (Air = 1) 25mm Fig @ 68°F <1 rate ,iu~y No addilional rema-~ Easily soluble,in cold waler. Tlz~ product i~: May be combusfible a~ high temperature. Fire degradation products Not ava'lab~ Fl~sb po~ats NOt availal~e. Flamm~ble ~hnits Not availabJe. [~re ex~nguisl~ug N/A F~. mabiti~ No specific inf~malion is available in ~x ~t~e reg~r~j ~ flammability of this pr~du.~ in p~.~-er~ of ~rado~m ': mateda~s. .. RJ~I~ of ~plzi~. Not applicable Will not occur. ]l)ec~mposition ]Products Pr~lucts of degradation Poss~ly hazardo~ short term decjradalion products are not likely. However, Icr~j term ~ticn producls may arise. :R~cflvity Strong alk~is, most me~als, Ueach. tes ~r~tr~. Absorbed lhmugh skin. Eye contac~ Inhalaflor~ Ingeslior~ Not ava~ble. ll-e.~¢i~ to ~nlma]s Act~e oral t~xicit7 (LDS0): 4610 rog/kg [Rat], (Nnnk-~l~ S{rrr;~J'ant) Repeated or prolcrx:jed contact wilh spray mist may produce chronic eye irdlalion and severe s~in isTitation. RepeaL-:,d or pm~3ged exposure ID spray mist may produce respiratory Imct irdtation leading ~ fi~:~ent attacks of bronchial infec~an. If' SSS Slue Sowl C!eaner ................ - P~o m.~,,,.nb~. 3_ [ cut~ ¢ff~-ts eahumaus Corrosive to skJn and eyes on-COntact. Liquid or spray ·mist may produce tissue damage partict~riy on muCOus] produce severe irritation of respiratory tract, .characterized by coughing, choking, cF shortness of breath. Severe] I Corrosive maledats should be stored in a separate safety stocage cabinet or room. Keep ot~t of the reach of childmrt No for use Or stcrage in or arotz~ lhe home. P~mcamioas DO NOT ingest. Do not breathe gas, fumes, vapor or spray. If ingested, seek mectcal advice imme(~tety and .show IN '. sm~ ~,m ~ ~ Chem~:~ an~-so~sh Large spill and lea~ Absorb wilh an inert mateda~ and put the sl:illed matedal in an ac~'o~Ot~ m disposal. Pr~tecth~ clerking ia Splash goggles.. Full surf_ Boots. Gloves. Suggested protedive dolhing might not be suffident; consult a specialist case of [a~-i~ spill BEFORE hand~lng lhis ~ DO1' DOT CLASS 8: Corn)sire r,:luid.(DOES NOT APPLY TO QUART CONTAINERS) Shipping' name: ~ liquids n.o.s: UNN~c UN1760 PG: Not available. (DOES NOT APPLY TO QUART CONTAINERS) ! Federal and 'State SARA 311/"312 MSDS distnt)ution - chemical inventory; hazard idenlilicalion: Hydrochloric Acid Validated by CR~hton on 5/17/2001. (888) 779-1339 I '1 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Page 1 oJ T/LSKi 'ULTRA SPRAY Revised Replaces '2/25 .-..' .... '. . .Printed. !. CHEMI~ PRODUCT AND:~ COMPANY IDENTIFICATION -;~-. ~': '. '-~. Product 'Name: TASKI ULTRA SPRAY Product Discriptor: FLOOR FINISH' ~4iw U FAC'ITFRER: DIVERSEY LEVER INC. 3240 BENCHMARK DRIVE LADSON, SC 29456-3861 EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS: CUSTOMER SERVICE: (800) 827-542'7 MEDICAL (COLLECT): (303)'592-1024 CHEMTREC: (800) 424 -9300 II. HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS Component Name CAS Number %' Exposure Limits Units D-LIMONENE 5989-27-5 1 - 5% None Established .III. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION POSSIBLE ROGUES OF ENTRY: ingestion, Skin and Inhalation. SIGNS A/VD sYMPTOMS. OF. OVEREXPOSURE ACUTE: EYES: Irritation with pain, swelling and redness may d~velop. SKIl Irritation or dryness develop with long contact. INGESTION: If swallowed, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting may occur. INILALATION: Irritation of respiratory tract may develop. CHRONIC: Same as Acute-Effects. .MEDICAL CONDITIONS GENERALLY AGGRAVATED BY EXPOSURE: Sensitive skin IV. FIRST AID MEASURES EYES: Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for 15 minutes. Get medical attention. SKIN: FlUsh skin with plenty of water. If irritation develops, get medical attention. INGESTION: Do not induce vomiting. Get medical attention. NOTE: ~ Never giv anything by mouth to an unconscious person. · INHALATION: Remove to fresh air and seek medical attention. V. FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES FLASH POINT (degrees. F):N/A FLAME EXTENS$ON: N/A FLAMMABLE LIMITS IN AIR BY VOLUME: LEL: NoNE UEL: NONE UNUSUAL FIRE OR EXPLOSIVE HAZARDS: None known. EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Water, water spray, C02, foam or dry powder. FIRE FIGHTING INSTRUCTIONS: Wear full protective gear and positive pressure 'breathing apparatus (SCBA) in fire area. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: None required. TASKI ULT~ SPRAY MSDS ID: <92021 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA- SHEET Page 2 of Revised 2/2'5 Replaces 2/25 VI. ACC¥~ENTAL RELEASE MEAEURES IF MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED: Flush small amounts, to drain. Collect and return large amounts to containe.~ This product does mot c~otmin a r~portablc quantity (RQ) u~d=z CERCL~. VII. HANDLING AND STORAGE HANDLING AND STORAGE PRECAUTIONS: Store at ambient room temperature. Avoid contact with heat or moisture. VIII. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION EYE/FACE PROTECTION: Chemical 9oggles if contact or splash hazard exists. wash in use PROTECTIVE GLOVES: Not usually required. RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: Not normally required. OTHER.PROTECTIVE CLOTHING/EQUIPMENT: Not normally required. ENGiNEERiNG CONTROLS: MECHANICAL VENTILATION: None required~ LOCAL'VENTILATION: Not usually required. IX. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES .APPE .A~CE AND ODOR: Off-white liquid, citrus odor. '~OILING POINT (DEG F): 212F FREEZING POINT: N/A .... SPECIFIC GRAVITY/BULK DENSITY: 1.0228 pH: 9.0 VOLATILE BY VOLUME: N/A SOLUBILITY IN WATER: Soluble VAPOR PRESSURE(mmHg): N/A at N/A VAPOR DENSITY: N/A pH 1% SOLUTION: N/A WEIGHT % SOLIDS: ND X. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY CHEMICAL STABILITY: ProduCt stable. INCOMPATIBILITY WITH OTHER MATERIALS: None known. NAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: Oxides of carbon, sulfur. HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: None known. XI. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION No data available. XII. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION ECOTOXICI'±'Y '±'EST DATA: No data available. ENVIRQ~E~AL FATE; Nu data available. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Page . .3 o~ TASKI ULTRA SPRAY Revised "2/25, Replaces--2/25, Printe~%~4/i~, XTTT. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS ' :~"~ RCRA.REGULATED: Not Regulated. WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD: UsC u~til with water, add to operation. Remove or deface label before selling contai~ or dispgsal. Dispgse im a manner consistent with local, state, and federa-1 regulations.. XIV. TRANSPORT-INFORMATION D.O.To CLASS: COMPOUNDS, CLEANING, N.O.~I., LIQUID. XV. REGULATORY INFORMATION TSCA.:'.All ingredients in this product are on TSCA inventory.. CERCLA/EPCRA: Section 313 Toxic Chemicals: None LISTED CARCINOGEN: None NTP: No IARC: No OSHA: No PIMIS RATINGS: HEALTH: l FIRE: 0 REACTIVITY: 0 PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: A NFPA RATING: HEALTH: 1 FIRE~ 0 REACTIVITY:0 SPECIAL: STATE RIGHT-TO-~NOW INFORMATION: .D-LIMONENE - CAS #5989-27-5 ~CRYL!C COPOLYMER - PROPRIETARY ?POLYETHYLENE WAX - PROPRIETARY ALCOHOL ETHOXYLATE - 68131-39~5 .WATER~- CAS #7732-18-5 CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65: None of the ingredients are on the California proposition 65 list. XVI. OTHER INFORMATION Disclaimer: The,information contained in this material safety data sheet is baSed'on the knoWledge of th~s specific product and current national legisla- tion. It applic~ to tha pzoduct ~ ~ld, u~ dilutio~ m~y b~ l~ss hazardous It may not 'be valid for this material if used in combination with any other materials or in a process. It is the user's responsibility to evaluate the' handling, and"use.. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET This MSDS complies with OSHA'S Hazard Communication Standard 29 CFR 1910.1200 and OSHA Form 174 IDENTITY AND DISTRIBUTOR'S INFORMATION ~lFPARatin~: Health-I; Fiammabitity-1; React~vibj~O; Spec~l-0- HMISRating: Health-I; .Flammability-I; Readdvit~-O; PersonaI Pmtection-B ~anufactured ~o~. TripJe S DOT Hazard Classification.' ORM-Q ~,ddress: 2 Executive Park Dr. dentity (trade name aK used on label): Address: Billerica, MA 01862 SSS Stainless Steel Cleaner Phone: 978-667-7900 M~DS Numher: 142 R~vi~inn- 10 EMERGENCY RESPONSE-NUMBER: 1-800-Z55-3924' Date Prepared: 08/28/96 Prepared By:. LF NOTICE: JUDGEMENT BASED ON INDIRECT TESTDATA information Calls: 978-667-7900 SECTION 1 - MATERIAL IDENTIFICATION AND INFORMATION 2OMPONENTS-CHEMICAL NAMES AND COMMON NAMES CAS Number SARA OSHA PEL ACGIH Carcinogen 'Hazardous Components 1% or ~reater; Carcino?ns 0:1% or greater) itl LIST (ppm) TLV (ppm) Ret. Source" ---- ISOBUTAN E-I-PROPANE-BLEND .............. 75-28~5 --No 800 .... 800 ..... d--' 74-98-6 No [ 1000 1000 d PETROLEUM SOLVENT 64742-54-7 No 5rog/m3 5rog/m3 d PETROLEUM DISTILLATE 8052-41-3 No 100 100 ' d SECTION 2 - PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL CHARACTEPJSTICS BuiliJ~f~ Point: N/A ~Specific Gravit7 (H20=I): Concentrale Only = 0.908 Vapor Pressure: PSIG ~ 70eF (Aerosols): Max. 60 Mapor Pressure (Non,AerosoJs)(mm Hg and Temperature): VaporDensit~ (Air=ll: N/E Evaporation. Rate-( =1): N,rE' ~olubilit~ in Water:. Soluble Water Reactive: No ~opearance and Odor:. White foam with light lemon fragrance. SECTION 3 - FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA ' FLAMMABILITY as per USA FLAME PROJECTION TEST j Auto Ignition Temperature Flammability Limits in Air bv % in Volume: (aerosols~). NON-FLAMMABLEI N/E % LEI' N/~ % ~EI' FLASH POINT AND METHOD USED (non-aerosols): N/A ~IEXTINGUISHER MEDIA: Foam, dry chemical, cart)On dioxide, water¢ ..... SPECIAl. FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES: Self-contained breathing aDparatusl SECTION 4 - REACTI~TY HAZARD DATA sTABILiTY fX1 STABEE [ ] UNSTABLE ~HAZARDOUSPOLYMERIZATION [ I WiLL [ X]WILLNOT OCCUR IncompatJ'bilit~ (Mat. to avoid): Stron~ oxidants. ~Conditions 1o Avoid: Open flame, welding arcs, heal Hazardous DecOmposition Produc~: CO, CO2. SECTION 5 - HEALTH HAZARD DATA PRIM_&RY ROUTES OF ENTRy: [ X ] INHALATION [ ] !NGF~_ST!ON [ ,,~ ] _SKIN AB~QRFTIQN [ 1 EYE I 1HQT ~,CUTE EFFECTS: Inhalation.* Excessive inhalation of v~pom can be harmful and may cause headache, diz:dness, asph?da, anesthetic effec~ and possible unconsciousness. E~e Contact: Mild i,'T~ta~on. ~Skin Con, ct: Ma]/a~rav=--ta existin~ skin conditions. Ir~estion: Possible chemical pneurnonitis If aspirated into lungs. Nausea. ;HRONIC EFFECTS: (Effects due to excessive exposure to the raw materials of this mix'lure) May cause headaches, db:zfness and nausea. ~ledical Conditions Generally, A~lravated bit Exposure: Ma,/a~gravafe existin~ eye, skin; or upper respirato~ conditions. EMERGENCY FIRST AiD PROCEDURES E~/e Contact: Flush with water for 15 minutes. If irritated; seek medical attention. Skin Con~-,ct: Wash wffh soap and water. If irritated, seek medical attention. Inhalatio~ Remove to fresh air. Resuscitate if necessary. Get medical attention. In~]estion; DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING. Drink two la~e ~lasses of water. Get imr~ediate medical attention. SECTION 6 - CONTROL AND 'PROTECTIVEM EASURES ~espirate~ Protection (specif~ t~/pe): If vapor concentration exceeds TLV, use respirator approved by NIOSH in a positive pre,sara mode. Protective GIo~s: Latex if skin easily irritated. ~E~/e Protection: Safet~ ,(]lasses recommended. Venf,'iation Requir~.m..ents: Adequate ventilation to keep va~3or concentration belo~ TLV_ Other Protec-I~,eCIothim3~ & EcJgipme,,~' None ~ygienic Work Practices: Wash with soap and water before handling food. Remove contaminated cJothin~]. SECTION 7 - PRECAUTIONS FOR SAFE HANDLING AND USE Steps To Be Taken If Material Is Spilled Or Released: Absorb witEsuitable medium. Incinerate or landfill according t~ local, stale or Federal regulations. DO NOT FLUSH TO SEWE~ iYaste Disposal Me~s: Aerosol Cans when vented to at~mo;pheric pressure through normal use, pose no disposal hazard. PrecautiOns To'~e T-a~,en In Ha~ndli~j~ & St~r~e: Do not puncture 'or incinerate c. nntainers. Do no:t store at temperatures above 130°F. 3ther Precautions-&JOr ~F~cia-I'Hazards: KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. Avoid-food contarnination. Avoid braathin~ vapors. "(~hernlcaJ'Usiect as Carcinogen ar Potential Carcinogen. Iai NTP [bi b~RC Monograph [c] OSHA {dj Not Listed Iai Animal Data Only THIS MSDS IS CURRENTAS OF JANUARY 10, 2000. The DATE PREPARED section is the original date assembled and remains current until a change is necessary. t MATERIAL SAFETY 3M DATA SHEET 3M Center St. Paul. Minnesota 55144-I000 1-800-364-3577 or (6bi) 737-6~UI (Z4 hOurs Copyright, 1998, Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company. All FiuI,r~ re~er~d. Copying and/or downloading off ~his information For the purpose of properly utilizing 3M products is allowed provided that: 1) the information is copied in Full with no changes unless prior agreement is obtained From 3M, and 2) neither the copy nor the original is resold or otheFwi'se distributed with the intention of earning a profit thereon. DIVISION: 'COMMERCIAL CARE DIVISION TRADE NAME: 3M Brand Liquid Stainless Steel Cleaner and Polish ID NUMBER/U.P.C.: 70-0705-4393-2 - - 70-0705-8025-6 00-48011-19927-1 70-0705-8028-0 00-48011-19930-1 70-0705-8920-8 00-48011-19958-5 CN-1006-9945-9 - -' - ISSUED: February 27, 1998' SUPERSEDES: March 03, 1997 DOCUMENT: 06-4351-0 1. INGREDIENT C.A.S. NO. PERCENT WATER ................................... WHITE MINERAL OIL (PETROLEUM) ........... NAPHTHOL SPIRITS ........................ SORBITAN OLEATE..' ....................... SORBITOL ................................ D-LIMONENE ........ , ...................... 7732-18-5 40 70 8042-47-5 10 30 64742-48-9 10 30 1338-43-8 1 - 5 50-70-4 1 5 5989-27-5 0.1 - 1.0 IN CASE OF EMERGENCY: THE NUMBERS AT THE TOP OF THIS PAGE PROVIDE 24 HOUR RESPONSE FROM ANY PHONE FOR ALL EMERGENCIES WITH THIS pRoDUCT. 2, PHYSICAL DATA BOILING pOINT: .... ' ............. ca. VAPOR PRESSURE: ................ N/D VAPOR DENSITY: ................. N/D EVAPORATION RATE: .............. 'N/D SULUB"ILIIY IN WAIbR: ........... N/D SPECIFIC GRAVITY:.: ............ ca. PERCENT VOLATILE: .............. ca. pH: ............................ ca. VISCOSITY: ..................... N/D MELTING POINT: ................. N/A 212 F 1 WateF=l 70 % ! 't Abbrev iat i OhS: N/D - NOt Determi ned N/A - Not App I i cab I e CA - Appr0x i mately MSDS; 3M Brand _Liquid Stainless Steel Cleaner and Polish February 27, 1998 PAGE 2 2. PHYSICAL DATA (continued) APPEARANCE AND ODOR: L~qu~d, milky white emulsion; mild citrus fragrance 3. FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA FLASH POINT: ................... ca. 208 F PMCC FLAMMABLE LIMITS - LEL: ........ N/D FLAMMABLE LIMITS - UEL: ........ N/D AUTOIGNITION TEMPERATURE: ...... N/D EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Water, Carbon dioxide, Fo~m SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES: Wear full protective clothing, including helmet, se!f-contained, posit!ve pressure or pressure demand breathing, apparatus, bunker coat and pants, bands around arms, waist and legs, face mask. and protective covering for exposed areas of the head. UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS: No unusual fire or explosion hazards are antici'pated. Decomposition section for products of'combustion. See Hazardous NFPA HAZARD CODES: HEALTH: I FIRE: 1 REACTIVITY: 0 UNUSUAL REACTION HAZARD: none 4. REACTIVITY DATA STABILITY: Stable INCOMPATIBILITY - MATERIALS/CONDITIONS TO AVOID: None known. HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: Hazardous pQlymerization will not occur, HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: Carbon Monoxide and Carbon Dioxide. Abbreviations: N/D - Not Determined N/A - Not Applicable CA - Approximately MSDS: 3M Brand Liquid Stainless Steel Cleaner and Polish February 27, 1998 PAGE 3 5. ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION SPILE RESPONSE: Observe precautions From other sections, Contain spill. Cover with absorbent material. Collect spilled material. Clean up residue. Place in a closed container. RECOMMENDED DISPOSAL' Small quantities (less than 5 gal,(19 L)) may be discharged to a wastbwater treatment system. Incinerate large quantities in an industrial OF commercial incinerator. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA: Not determined. REGULATORY INFORMATION: Volatile Organic Compounds: ca, 10 %. VOC Less H20 & Exempt Solvents: N/D. Since regulations vary, consult applicable regulations or authorities before disposal. U.S. EPA Hazardous Waste Number = None (Not U.S. EPA Hazardous). TSCA- All components used in the manufacture of this material are in compliance with the US TSCA inventory. EPCP~A HAZARD CLASS: FIRE HAZARD: No PRESSURE: No REACTIVITY: No ACUTE: Yes CHRONIC: Yes 6. SUGGESTED FIRST AID EYE CONTACT: Immediately Flush eyes with large amounts of water, Get immediate medical attention. SKIN CONTACT: No need For Firs[ aid is anticipated. INHALATION: I¢ signs/symptoms occur, remove person to Fresh air. signs/symptoms continue, call a phys!cian. F SWALLOWED: IF swallowed, call a physician immediately. Only induce vomiting at the instFuction of a physician. NeVer qive anythinq by mouth to an unconscious person.- /~UUI"LN~--''uvia~iOns: N/D - NOE DeLeFmi~ed N/'A - NoL Appiicabie CA - ~pp, .......... u^,,,,6%ely MSDS- 3M Brand Liquid Stainless Steel Cleaner and Polish February 27, 1998 PAGE 4 7. PRECAUT I ONARY I NFORMAT t ON EYE PROTECTION: Avoid eye contac~ with vapor, spray, nr mist. SKIN PROTECTION: NoT applicable. Gloves hOC normally required. RECOMMENDED VENTILATION~ No~ applicmble. RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: Avoid breathing of vapors, mists or spray. PREVENTION OF ACCIDENTAL INGESTION: Do not ingest. '_- RECOMMENDED sTORAGE: Keep container closed whe'n not in use. Keep out of the reach of children. FIRE AND EXPLOSION AVOIDANCE: Not applicable. EXPOSURE LIMITS INGREDIENT VALUE UNIT TYPE AUTH SKIN* WATER .................................. NONE NONE NONE NONE WHITE MINERAL OIL (PETROLEUM) ........ 5 MG/M3 TWA CMRG WHITE MINERAL OIL (PETROLEUM) ........ 10 MG/M3 STEL CMRG NAPHTHOL SPIRITS..' ................... 100 PPM TWA 3M NAPHTHOL SPIRITS ..................... 300 PPM TWA CMRG SORBITAN OLEATE ....................... NONE NONE' NONE NONE SORBITOL ............................. NONE NONE NONE NONE D-LIMONENE ........................... 30 PPM- TWA AIHA * SKIN NOTATION: Listed substances indicated with 'Y' under SKIN refer to the potential cohtribution to the overall exposure by the cutaneous route including mucous membrane and eye, either by airborne or, more pa~icularly, by direct contact with the substance. Vehicles can alter skin absorption. SOURCE OF EXPOSURE LIMIT DATA:- 3M: 3M Reco~meoded Exposure Ouidolines CMRG: Chemical Manufacturer Recommended Exposure Guidelines NONE: None E3t~bli31'i~d - AIHA: American Industrial Hygiene Assoc. Workplace Environmental Exposure Level Guideline MSDS' 3M Brand Liquid Stainless Steel Cleaner and Fo lish February 27, ]998 PAGE 5 8. HEALTH HAZARD DATA EYE CONTACT: Mild Eye Irritation: signs/symptoms can include redness, swelling, pain, and tearin9. SKIN CONTACT: No adverse health effects are expected from skin contact. INHALATION: No adverse health effects are expected from inhalation exposure. IF SWALLOWED: Ingestion may cause: Aspiration Pneumonitis: signs/symptoms can include coughing, difficulty breathing, wheezing, coughing up blood and pneumonia, which can be Fatal. OTHER HEALTH HAZARD INFORIVIATION: HMIS: HEALTH: 0 FLAMMABILITY: 0 REACTIVITY- 0 PERSONAL PROTECTION: A 3M Brand Stainless Steel Cleaner & Polish contains no components listed as .carcinogens bY IARC, NTP or OSHA. SECTION CHANGE DATES INGREDIENTS SECTION CHANGED SINCE March 03, 1997 SSUE Abbreviations' N/D - Not Determined N/A - Not Applicable CA - Approximately MSDS: 3M Brand Liquid Stainless Steel Cleaner and Polish February 27, 1998 PAGE 6 The information in this Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) is believed to IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IBPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR COURSE OF HENPUNMANCE OR USAGE OF TRADE. User is responsible for determining whether the 3M product is Fit For a particular purpose and suitable for user's method of use or application. Given :he variety of Factors that can affect the use and application of a 3M product, some of which are uniquely within the user's knowledge and control, it is essential that the user evaluate .the 3M product to determine whether it is fit for a particular purpose and suitable for user's method of use or application. 3M provides information in electronic form as a service to its customers. Due to the remote possibility that electronic transfer may have resulted in errors, omissions or alterations in this information, 3M makes no representations as to its completeness or accuracy. In addition, information obtained from a database may not be as current as the information in the MSDS available directly From 3M. TASKI WIWAX ~SDS ID: 92019 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Page 1 of Revised 5/18/( Replaces 1/12/( Printed 9/26/( I. CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product_Name: TASKI WIWAX Product Discriptor: Cleaner/Maintainer MANUFACTURER: DIVERSEY LEVER INC. 3240 BENCHMARK DRIVE LADSON, SC 29456-3861 EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS: CUSTOMER SERVICE: (800)827-5427 MEDICAL (COLLECT): (303)592-1024 CHEMTREC: (800)424-9300 II. HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS Component Name CAS Number % Exposure Limits ALCOHOL ETHOXYLATE 68131-3925 5% NOT ESTABLISHED ~ ili. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Units POSSIBLE ROUTES OF ENTRY:. Ingestion, Skin and Inhalation. SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF OVEREXPOSURE: ACUTE: No irritation to Skin with. normal use, may irritate eyes. Inhalation of mist may cause upper respiratory irritation. Ingestion may cause gastric distress with nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. ~ CHRONIC: None known. MEDICAL CONDITIONS GENERALLY AGGRAVATED BY EXPOSURE: Sensitive skin IV. FIRST AID MEASURES EYES: SKIN: INGESTION: Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for 15 minutes. Get medical attention. Flush skin with plenty of water. If irritation develops, get medical attention. Do not induce vomiting. Get medical attention. NOTE: Never giv~ anything by mouth to an unconscious person. INHALATION: Remove to~ fresh air and seek medical attention. . V. FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES' ~'LASM POINT (degree~ F):W/A FLAME EXTENSION: N/A FLAMMABLE LIMITS IN AIR BY VOLUME: LEL: N/A UEL: N/A UNUSUAL FIRE OR EXPLOSIVE HAZARDS: None known. EXTINGUISHING MEDIA:. Use media_suitable for surrounding materials. FIRE FIGHTING INSTRUCTIONS: Wear full protective qear and positive pressure breathing apparatus (SCBA) in fire area. SP~iAL iNSTRUCTIONS: wear a selt contained breathing'apparatus with ~ul! protective equipment. TASKI WIWAX i~SDS ID': 92019 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Page 2 of Revised 5/18/0 Replaces 1/12/0 Printed 9/26/'0 VI. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES IF MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED: Flush small amounts to drain. Collect an, ~tu~,[ ld£9~ dll[UUlitS to con~alner. This product does not contain a reportable quantity (RQ) under CERCLA. VII. HANDLING AND STORAGE HANDLING AND STORAGE PRECAUTIONS: Store in original container in a cool, dry' place away from incompatible pro'ducts. VIII. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION EYE/FACE PROTECTION: Safety 91asses. PROTECTIVE GLOVES: Impermeable RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: Not normally required. OTHER PROTECTIVE CLOTHING/EQUiPMENT: Not normally required. ENGINEERING CONTROLS: MECHANICAL VENTILATION: Normal room ventilation should be sufficient to control airborne levels. tX. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES tPPEARANCE AND ODOR: Milky white translucent liquid ammoniacal. .'~OILING POINT (D~G F): 212 FREEZING POINT: N/A SPECIFIC GRAVITY/BULK DENSITY: 1.015 pH: 8.6-9.0 pH 1% SOLUTION: N/A VOLATILE BY VOLUME: N/A WEIGHT % SOLIDS[ ND SOLUBILITY IN WATER: Soluble VAPOR PRESSURE(mmHg): N/A at N/A VAPOR DENSITY: N/A X. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY CHEMICAL STABILITY: Product stable. INCOMPATIBILITY WITH OTHER MATERIALS: Strong acids, strong oxidizers. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: Oxides of carbon. HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: None known. XI. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION TOXICOLOGICAL INFO~,[ATION: No ddLd dvdildble. TOXICITY TEST DATA: NO data available. XtI. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION ECOTOXICITY TEST.DATA: No data available. ENVIRONMENTAL FATE: No data available. TASKI WIWAX ~MSDS ID: 92019 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Page 3 of Revised 5/18/C Replaces 1/12/C Printed 9/26/C XIII. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS RCRA REGULATED: Not Regulated. WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD: Use until less than 1 inch remains, in container, empty container, triple rinse'with water, add.to operation. Remove or deface label before selling container or dlspu~l. Dispose in a manner consistent with local, state, and federal regulations. XIV. ~i~FORilTM iN~'O~ATiON D.O.T. CLASS: COMPOUNDS, CLEANING, LIQUID. XV. REGULATORY INFORMATION TscA: All ingredients in this product are on TSCA inventory. CERCLA/EPCRA: Section 313 TOxic Chemicals: None LISTED CARCINOGEN: None NTP: No IARC: No OSHA: No HMIS RATINGS: HEALTH: 1 FIRE: 0 REACTIVITY: 0 PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: B NFPA RATING: HEALTH: 1 FIRE: 0 REACTIVITY:0 SPECIAL: STATE RIGHT-TO-KNOW INFORMATION: '~ALCOHOL ETHOXYLATE - CAS #68131-39-5 _.~ACRYLIC POLYMER EMULSION - PROPRIETARY EMULSIFIED POLYETHYLENE - PROPRIETARY ROSIN ESTER RESIN SoLuTioN - CAS #65997-10-6 WATER - CAS #7732-18-5 CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65: None of the ingredients are on the California proposition 65 list. XVI. OTHER INFORMATION DISCLAIMER: The information contained ~in this material safety data sheet, is .based on the knowledge of this specific product and current national legisla- tion. It applies to the product as sold, use dilutions may be less hazardous. It may not'be valid for this mate[ial 'if used in combination with any other materials or in a process. It is the user's responsibility to evaluate the handling, and Use. TASKI TR101 ~DS ID: 92017 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Page 1 of 3 Revised 2/25/00 Replaces 2/25/00 Printed 4/10/00 ±~ (fMEMI~fAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION prod]]c~t Name: TA~qKT TRl~l Product Discript0r: CARPET DETERGENT MANUFACTURER: DIVERSEY LEVER INC. 3240 BENCHMARK DRIVE LADSON, SC 29456-3861 EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS: CUSTOMER SERVICE: (800)827-5427 MEDICAL (COLLECT): (303-)592-1024 CHEMTREC: ,(800)424-9300 II. HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS NONE Component Name CAS Number % Exposure Limits Units III. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION POSSIBLE ROUTES OF ENTRY: Ingestion, Skin and Inhalation. SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF OVEREXPOSURE: ACUTE: EYES: Irritation with painr swelling and redness may develop. SKIN: Irritation or dryness develop with long contact. INGESTION: If swallowed, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting may occur. INHALATION: · Irritation of respiratory tract may develop. ~ N . ~HRO IC: Same as Acute Effects MEDICAL CONDITIONS.GENERALLY AGGRAVATED BY EXPOSURE: Sensitive skin tv. FIRST AID MEASURES EYES: Immediately flush eyes with Plenty of water for 15 minutes. Get medical attention. SKIN: Flush skin with plenty of water. If irritation develops, get medical attention. INGESTION: Do not. induce vomiting. Get medical attention. NOTE: Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. INHALATION: Remove to fresh air and seek medical attention. V. FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES ~LAMMABLE LIMITS IN AIR BY VOLUME: LEL: NONE UEL: NONE UNUSUAL FIRE OR EXPLOSIVE HAZARDS: None known.~ EXTINGUISIIING MEDIA: Water, water spray, CO2, foam or dry powder. FIRE FIGHTING INSTRUCTIONS: Wear full protective gear and positive pressure breathing apparatus (SCBA) in fire area. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: None'required. TASKI TR10I ' '~S ID: 92017 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Page 2 of '3 Revised 2/25/00 Replaces 2/25/00 Printed 4/10/00 ? VI . ' ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES IF MATERIAL IS ~ELEASED OR SPILLED: Flush smalI amounts to drain. Collect and return large amounts to c0nta]ner. This product does not contain a reportable quantity {RQ) under CEHCLA. VII. HANDLING AND STORAGE HANDLING AND STORAGE PRECAUTIONS: Store at ambient room temperature. VIII. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION EYE/FACE PROTECTION: Safety glasses. PROTECTIVE GLOVES: Not usually required. RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: Not normally required. OTHER PROTECTIVE CLOTHING/EQUIPMENT: Not normally required. ENGINEERING CONTROLS: MmCI-~ICAL V~'I'ILATIUN: Non~ required. LOCAL VENTILATION: Not usually required. IX. PHYSICAL AND-CHEMICAL PROPERTIES APPEARANCE AND ODOR: YelloWish clear liquid floral odor. n~ILING POINT' (DEG F): 1.031 FREEZING POINT: N/A ,~CIFIC GRAVITY/BULK DENSITY: 1.031 pH: 6.0-7.3 VOLATILE BY VOLUME: N/A SOLUBILITY IN WATER: Soluble VAPOR PRESSURE(mmHg): N/A at N/A VAPOR DENSITY: N/A pH 1% SOLUTION: N/A WEIGHT %.SOLIDS: 12.5 X. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY' CHEMICAL STABILITY: Product stable. INCOMPATIBILITY WITH OTHER MATERIALS: None known. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: Oxides of carbon, sulfur. HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: None known. XI. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION No data available. TOXICITY TEST DATA: XlI. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION ECOTOXICITY TEST DATA: No data available. ENVIRONMENTAL FATE: No data.available. TASKI IRt01 MSDS ID: 92017 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Page 3 of 3 Revised 2/25/00 Replaces 2/25/00 Printed 4/10/00 XlII. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS RCRA REGULATED: Not Regulated. WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD: Use until less than 1' inch remains in container, empty container, triple rinse with water, add to operation. Remove or deface label before selling container or disposal. Dispose in a manner consistent with localr ~f~ and-f~d~ral regulations. XIV. TRANSPORT INFORMATION D.O.T. CLASS: COMPOUNDS, CLEANING, N.O.I., LIQUID. XV. REGULATORY INFORMATION TSCA: Ail ingredients in this product are on TSCA inventory. CERCLA/EPCRA: Section 313 Toxic Chemicals: None LISTED CARCINOGEN: None NIP: No IARC: No, OSHA: No PI~IS RATINGS: HEALTH: 1 FIRE: 0 REACTIVITY: 0 PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: A NFPA RATING: HEALTH: 1 FIRE: 0 REACTIVITY:0 SPECIAL: STATE RIGHT-TO-KNOW INFORMATION: PRESERVATIVE - CAS #2634-33-5 "~GRA/qCE - PROPRIETARY jDIUM LAURYL SULFATE - CAS #151-21-3 ANIONIC SURFACTANT - CAS #25882-44-4 WATER~- CAS #7732-18-5 CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65: None of the ingredients are on the California proposition 65 list. XVI. OTHER INFOFhMATION Disclaimer: The information contained in this material safety data sheet is based' on the knowledge of this specific product and current national legisla- tion. It applies to the product as Sold, use dilutions may be less hazardous. It may not be valid for this material if used in combination with any other materials or in a process. It is the user's responsibility to evaluate the handl[.ng, and use. TASKI PROFI '~SDS ID: 92009 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Page 1 of Revised 1/12/0 Replaces 5/18/0 P~inted 2/13/0 I. -CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product Name: TASKI PROFI Product Discriptor: DETERGENT DEGREASER MAN[IFACTUgER: DIVERSEY LEVER INC. 3240 BENCHMARK DRIVE LADSON, SC 29456-3861 EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS: CUSTOMER SERVICE: (800)827-5427 MEDICAL (COLLECT): (303)592-1024 CHEMTREC: (800)424-9300 II. HAZARDOUS C'OMPONENTS Component Name CAS Number % TRIDECYL ALCOHOL ETHOXYLATE 69011-36-5 5 Exposure Limits Units Not Established III. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION POSSIBLE ROUTES OF ENTRY: Ingestion, Skin and Inhalati°n. SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF OVEREXPOSURE: AC~T~ Irritating to skin and eyes. Mists are irritating to skin, eyes and respiratory tract. CHRONIC: Same as Acute Effects. '~DICAL CONDITIONS GENERALLY AGGRAVATED BY EXPOSURE: Sensitive skin IV. FIRST AID MEASURES EYES: I~,~mediately flush eyes with plenty of water for 15 minutes. Get medical attention. SKIN: Flush skin with plenty of water. Remove and launder contaminated clothing before reuse. Get medical attention for irritation or injury. INGESTION: Do not induce vomiting. Get medical attention. NOTE: Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. INHALATION: Remove to fresh air and seek medical attention. V. FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES FLASH POINT (degrees F):N/A FLAME EXTENSION: N/A FLAMMABLE LIMITS IN AIR BY VOLUME: LEL: NONE UEL: NONE UNUSUAL FIRE OR_EXPLOS'IVE HAZARDS: None known. EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Water, water spray, C02, foam or dry powder. FIRE FIGHTING INSTRUCTIONS: Wear full protective gear and positive pressure breathing apparatus (SCBA) in fire area. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: None required. VI. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES MATERIAL IS RELEASED~OR SPILLED: Flush smallam ...... .... ts ~ dra~n.' ~l!e~+ and ~turn large amounts to container. '£'his product does not contain a reportable quantity (RQ) under CERCLA. TASKI PROFI <~SDS ID: 92009 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Page 2 of Revised 1/12/0 Replaces 5/18/0 Printed 2/13/0 vii. HANDLING AND STORAGE HANDLING AND STO~GE PRECAUTIONS: Store at ambient room temperature. Avoid contact with heat. or moisture. VIII. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION EYE/FACE PROTECTION: Safety glasses. PROTECTIVE GLOVES: Impermeable RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: Not normally required. OTHER PROTECTIVE CLOTHING/EQUIPMENT: Not normally required. ENGINEERING CONTROLS: MECHANICAL VENTILATION: None required. LOCAL VENTILATION: Not usually required. IX. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES APPEARANCE AND ODOR: Milky white liquid surfactant. BOILING POINT (DEG F): 212F FREEZING POINT: N/A SPECIFIC GRAVITY/BULK DENSITY: 1.03 pH: 8.6-9.0 pH 1% SOLUTION: N/A VOLATILE BY VOLUME: N/A WEIGHT % SOLIDS: ND SOLUBILITY IN WATER: Soluble '~APOR PRESSURE(mmHg): N/A at N/A VAPOR DENSITY: N/A ? X. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY CHEMICAL STABILImy' Product stable INCOMPATIBILITY WITH OTHER MATERIALS: None known. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: Oxides of carbon. HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: None known. Xi. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION: No data available. TOXICITY TEST DATA: No data available. XIt. ECOLOG'ICAL INFORMATION ECOTOXICITY TEST DATA: NO data available. ENVIRONMENTAL FATE: No data available. XIII. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS RCRA REGULATED: Not Regulated. WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD: Use until less than 1 inch remains in container, empty container, triple'rinse with water, add to operation. Remove or deface label before selling container or disposal. Dispose in a manner consistent with bcal, state, and federal regulations. TASKI PROFI MSDS ID: 92009 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Page Revised Replaces Printed 3 of 1/12/0 5/18/0, 2/13/01 XIV. TRANSPORT INFORMATION D.O.T. CLASS: COMPOUNDS, CLEANING, LIQUID. XV. REGULATORY INFORMATION TSCA: All ingredients in this product are on TSCA inventory. CERCLA/EPCRA: Section 313 Toxic Chemicals: None LISTED CARCINOGEN: None ~ NTP: No IARC: No OSHA: No HMIS RATINGS: HEALTH: 1 FIRE: 0 REACTIVITY: 0 PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: A NFPA RATING: HEALTH: 1 FIRE: 0 REACTIVITY:0 SPECIAL: STATE RIGHT-TO-KNow~ INFORMATION: WATER - CAS #7732-18-5 LINEAR ALCOHOL ETHOXYLATE - CAS #68439-49-6 SODIUM TRIPOLYPHOSPHATE - CAS #7758-29-4 TRIDECYL ALCOHOL ETHOXYLATE - 59011-36-5 ALKYLOXY (POLYETHYLENEOXYPROPYLENEOXYETHANOL) - CAS #111905-45-5 CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65: None of the ingredients are on the California p{oposition 65 list. ' .. XVI. OTHER INFORMATION Disclaimer: The information contained in this material safety data sheet is based on the knowledge of this specific product and c~]rrent national legisla- tion. It applies to the product as sold, use dilutions may be less hazardouS. It may not be valid for this material if used in combination with any other materials or in a process. It is the user's responsibility to evaluate the handling, and use. TASKI I MPERMO ~SDS ID: MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Page Revised Replaces Printed 1 of 1/12/0 5/18/0 2/23/0 I. CHEMICAL PRODUCT .~D COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product Name: TASKi iMPERMO Product Dlscriptor: STONE FLOOR IMPREGNATOR MANUFACTURER: DIVERSEY LEVER INC. 3240 BENCHMARK DRIVE LADSON., SC 29~56-3861 EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS: CUSTOMER SERVICE: (800)827-5427 MEDICAL (COLLECT): (303)592-1024 ClIEMTREC: (800)424-9300 II.. HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS Component Name 'NONE CAS Number % Exposure Limits Units II!. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION POSSIBLE ROUTES OF ENTRY: None known. SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF OVEREXPOSURE:~ ACUTE: None known. CHRONIC: Same as Acute Effects. MEDICAL CONDITIONS GENERALLY AGGRAVATED BY EXPOSURE: None known. IV. FIRST AID MEASURES EYES: Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for 15 minutes. Get medical attention. SKIN: Flush skin with plenty of water. If irritation develops, get medical attentiOn. INGESTION: Do not induce vomiting. Get medical attention. NOTE: Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. INHALATION: Remove to fresh air and seek medical attention. V. FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES FLASH POINT (~egrees F):N/A ~ FLAME EXTENSION: N/A FLAMMABLE LIMITS IN AIR BY VOLUME: LEL: NONE UEL: NONE UNUSUAL FIRE OR EXPLOSIVE HA~ARDS:.None known. EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: 'Water, water spray, CO2, foam or dry powder. FIRE FIGHTING INSTRUCTIONS: Wear full protective gear and positive pressure breathing apparatus (SCBA) in fire area. SPECIAL INSTRUCTI©N$: Nono roquir~d. VI. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES IF MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED: Flush small amounts to drain. Collect and return large amouhts to container. This product does not contain a reportable quantity (RQ) under CERCLA. TASKI IMPERMO ~'~SDS ID: 92051 ~V~ATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Page Revised Replaces Printed 2 of 1/12/0 5/18/0 2/23/0 VII. HANDLING AND STORAGE HANDLING AND STORAGE PRECAUTIONS: Store at ambient room temperature. VI!!. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION EyE/FACE PROTECTION: Not normally required. PROTECTIVE GLOVES: Not normally required. RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: Not normally required. OTHER PROTECTIVE CLOTHING/EQUIPMENT: Not normally required. ENGINEERING CONTROLS: MECHANICAL VENTILATION: None required. LOCAL VENTILATION: Not usually required. IX. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES APPEARANCE .AND ODOR: Colorless clear liquid, mild odor. BOILING POINT (DEG F): 212F FREEZING POINT: N/A' SPECIFI-C GRAVITY/BULK DENSITY: 1.000 pH: 3.5-5.0 _VOLATILE BY VOLUME: N/A SOLUBILITY IN WATER: Soluble VAPOR PRESSURE(mmHg): N/A at N/A VAPOR DENSITY: N/A pH 1% SOLUTION: N/A WEIGHT % SOLIDS: ND X. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY CHEMICAL STABILITY: Product stable. I~COMPATIBILITY WITH OTHER MATERIALS: None 'known. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: Oxides of carbon. HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: None known. XI. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION: No data available. TOXICITY' TEST DATA: No data available. XtI. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION ECOTOXICITY TEST DATA: No data available. ENVIRONMENTAL FATE: No data available. XIII. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS RCRA REGULATED: Not Regulated. container, triple rinse with water, add to operation. Remove or deface label before selling container or disposal. Dispose in a manner consistent with local, state, and federal regulations. TASKI IMPERMO ~'~SDS ID: 92051 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Page Revised Replaces Printed 3 of 1/12/01 5/!8/0~ 2/23/0[ XIV. TRANSPORT INFORMATION D.O.T. CLASS: cOMPOUNDS, CLEANING, LIQUID, XV. REGULATORY INFORMATION TSCA: All ingredients in this product are on TSCA inventory. CERCLA/EPCRA: Section 313 Toxic Chemicals: None LISTED CARCINOGEN: None NTP: No IARC: .No OSHA: No HNIS RATINGS: HEALTH: 0 FIRE: 0 REACTIVITY: 0 -PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: NFPA RATING: HEALTH: 0 FIRE: 0 REACTIVITY:0 SPECIAL: STATE.RIGHT-TO-KNOW INFORMATION: WATER - CAS #7732-18-5 FLUORINATED COPOLYMER - PROPRIETARY CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION ~65: None of the ingredients are on the California proposition 65 list. XVI. OTHER INFORMATION Disclaimer: The information contained in this material safety data sheet is based on the knowledge of this specific product and current national legisla- !ion. It applies [o the product as sold, use dilutions may be less hazardous. "it may not be valid for this material if used in dombination with any other materials or in a process. It is the user's responsibility to evaluate the h~nd!ing, and use., MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Th;~ MSO..q c.~mofle:~ with OSHA"~ Hazard Cummunlcadon S~and'~ro 29 CFR 1~10,12r10 and OSHA Form 1'74 IDEJ/TITY Ai'~D MANUF'ACTURER'~ INI~ORNIA-rlON NFPARatln~: Ha31[h-1; Flee.mabel,-l: Manufac!urar's Name: AMREP, INC. Address: 990 Indus~al PeA< Drive Maderca, GA 30082 dMI3 Rstln~: Health-l: FlammaDdi!~/-l: RaBctivi~-0; PemonaIPrciectlon-B eT Ha~rd. Cla~sific~tlon: OR.D entity (tr3de ~me a~ u~cd on ~bel)~ - MI~ GREEN ALL PURPOSE C~NER NOTICE~ JUD~EME~ BASED ON INDiRECT T[STDATA ~Rle Prnnamd: 0S/17/95 Preoared By= DL ntcrmaGon C:alla: (770)~22-2071 5MERGENC¥ RESPON:~E NUMBER: 1(800)25.5-3924 SECTION 1 - MATERIAL IDENTIFICATION AND iNFORMATION COMPONENTS. CHEMICAL NAMES AND COMMON NAMES CAS Numbo¢ I Ill LIS"r I fppm) ] ~.V (Dpm) JRaL Source Haza~Jou= Oomponenm 1% or~re.~leq Cardz',o0en$ 0.1% or 9r~=l~r) j SARA j O~$APEL ACGIH j Cardr~gen MONOCYCUC TERPENE ' 598~27-5 ~' NO ] 'N/E ~ N~. ' f d ' NONYLPH~OL~HO~BLEND 9D~5-9 [ NO I N~ ~ N/E ~ ' d ISOB~ANE/PROP~EB~D 7~2~5 i No ~ a00 j 800 .j 74-98-6 ~ NO I 1000' 1 1000 I d SECTION 2 - ~HYeICAUCHeMICAL ~ollln~ Poln~ ~A ~peclfl~ Gmvl~ ~H2¢I): Concentmrn Only= 0.960 V~por Pros.ufa: PSIG ~ 70'F {~r~al8~: ~ ~a~or pressure (Non-A~=ol=){mm H~ 8nd TemPerature): NIA ..-' ~ap~r~tlen Rate { Bu~ = 1}: Slower SECT]ON 3 - FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA =L.AMMABILITY es per USA FLAME PROJECTION TEST 'J' Auto IgnJl~on Temperature JFlammabJlJ('y Limits in Ab' by % Itl Volume: 'aerosols) NON-FLAMMABLE J NIL ~ I FL? NIE % UEL: N/E ti. ASH POINT .aND METHOD U~ED (non.-,aoroso~a): NIA JE.X'TINGUISHE~ MLmDIA: Foam. dry c:~¢mic:3.l, carbon d{oxidc, woler; SPECIAL FiRE FIOHTING PROCEDURES: Seli'-.conlainad bmalNr~, apparalue.I Unusual ~re & E~xpioelon Hazard~ [30 n~l expose aemeols lo temperatures above 130'F or tho c=3n~lnar may rupture. SECTION 4- REACTIVITY HAZARD DATA  AZAJ~DOUS POLYMERCZ~TION [ ] WiLL [ XiWILLNOT OCCUR ondhlona to Avoid: Ogee flame, wetdin~ STABILITY [ X] ,SI'ABLE [ ] UNSTABLE tncompadbtlll~ (,,Mai. lo ~vold): Strong Haz.ardoua Decom¢Ositlon Produc/li: Carboa moooxlde, carbo~ dJa~de. SECTION 5- HEALTH HAZARD DATA PPJhLA, RYROUTESQFENTRY: [ X]INHAL~TiON [ ]INGEST[ON [ XISKINAB$ORPTION [ IEYE [ ]NOT~.~d~DOUS &CUTE EFFECTS' - Inhalation: Exce:~Jve Inhalation ~ vapo~ C=n be harmful end may cause hea~che. ~.in~--.~s, ~nyx~, anesthetic ctrec~ ~nd pos~ib~ unc:~doumr~sa. CHRONIC EFFECTS: Headache, ~t~_.Jnesa, naueea, possible UnC.~'~ciou",nes~ i! va. p~r ~en~tion ez~eds. TLV. Medl~l ConditiOns Gene~lly Agg~atad b7 ~po~ura: May aggravale a=Jsting eye, skth, EMERGENCY FIRST AID PROCEDURES ~ye Con.ct: Flu;h with water for 15 ~u{~. IJ ~. ~ek me~al abel.ration: R~ve ~ fmah ~r. Ro~=d~lo If ~m~. Gel m~l a~n~ nge~lon; DO NOT INDUCE VOM~NG. D~ ~o le~e gla~ ~ ~aler. Get [mmcd~te m~l SEC~ON 6 - CONTROL AND PROTEC~E M~sURES Protective Gloves: D;~j:~'.t..eble latex ~1o~o~ ~u~gas[e~. tEye Pmiodlon: Safety, [das,~e: recommended, Ventilation ~equlrementl: Ado~ual~ venUta~n t0 keep va[o- concanb'eUnn below TLV. :3tiler proleCllye trothing & Equipment: Nor~ dyglenl¢ Work PracUcee: We.~J3 wiU1 ADap a~3 water bal'~'e handling ~ood. Re,move c~n:arrdnated ¢lolhlng. SECTION 7 - PRECAUTioNs FOR SAFE HANDLING AND USE ~tepe TO Be Taken If Mat~l'laI ts ~pIlied Or ReloaDed: Ftu~h t~ s~ ~ water. Other P~ution~ ~or S~cial H~a~m: ~ O~ OF R~CH oF CHILDREN. Avoid [o~ ~n~ne~on. Avg~ ~ea~l~ va~. We Del/eve ~e ~stements, lechnlcal ~3formaJi~l an<l m~mmendaD'o~ ~nt~ned ho~ln am ~iiable, b~l lhey e~ g~n wliho~ ~nty o~ guarantee of any "Chemi~ L~T~ am C8~nogen ~ Patsn~ C~gon_ {mi N~ ~J IARC Mono~ph JCl OS~ Id} Not ~ted tel ~im~l Dsm O~ THI~ MSDS IS CURRE~ AS OF JANUARY 10, 2000. ~e DATE PREPARED se~ion is t~e oHg[~l date assembled an~ m~J~ ~n[' until a ~nge ~ neccsse~. ~ Is ~a~ed in[emaJ~ atAMREP by ~ese date codes and ~emfore must remain as ~e odginn~ date, TECHNICAL DATA SHEET Pre,duct Name: MLsty Green All Purpose Cleaher: Item Number:' 169 l)ocript~on; Thi,l high to~rni,s all purpo3e elrrmcr/dcgrea.jcr i-~ formulated v.,ith:~n erg:talc extract which is 100% biodegradable. This product exhibits ~. s~-ong natural citrus fragrance that deodorizes effectively, even under the worstcondldons, as it cleans. DUe to this product~ high foam level, it is able to cling to vertical surfaces allowing sufficient dwell time to remove dirt, smudges, grease, and Fingerprints. "f'h[s product docs not contain any chlorinated so[vents or petroleum dist/lIates. use this produc£ to clean sm-facc.s such as dbms, wall:;, ceramic, aud pla. sfic tiles, floors, bathroom fixtures and moi-e. ..: , Hcalti~.Ha:z.ard Data: Contents under pressure. Product considered non-toxic; however, avoid contamination of food. If product ix ~,,,rallowcd, drink Iarge amour~Cs of water. DO NOT [.nduce vomiting. Contact a physician immediately. Avoid prolonged contact with skin or'repc.atcd brca'thing ofspra7 vapors. Do not spray into eyes. KEEP OUTOFREACH OF CHILDREN HM1S FLAMMABLE RATING' 1 Meets or exceeds current CalLfmnia V.O.C. requirements. Spill Or Leakage Procedures: vented.to au'nospheric pressure through normal use po. sc. no disposal '?zs~. Product Specillcndons: Wt./20oz. can USDA Category: Classification': General Appearance: Color: Odor: Vapor Pressure Al 70°F: $ pray Pattern: Flammability: NFPA Code 30Be Flush product to sewer with water. Aerosol cm-.~ when I9 Ounces CF' ,,i, erosol General Purpose Cleaner White .F. oafriy gpmy Colorless Citrus 10.0-10.5 50 psig Wide Oval Not flam_,nabl~ as per CPS(': Flame Projection T~t Level I 8/92 M~nuiadumd 993 Indus{rial FaA Drive, Marieffa. GA 30062 94-5 East Pleas]n[ Run Road' Lancaster, TX 75'146