MSDS for Commercial PoolMSDS SHEETS FOR COMMERCIAL POOL CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED .JUN CHANHASSEN PLANNING [:)EPT MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET, May be used to comply with OSHA's Hazard Communication Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1200 Standard must be consulted for specific requirements. U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration (Non-M~ncl~tory Form) Form Approved OMB No. 1218-0072 IDENTITY: (As Used on Label and List): Commercial Chlor/Azone & Super Azone Liquid Chlorine - Sodium Hypochlorite Solution SECTION I - Manufacturer's Name: Commercial Pool & Spa Supplies, Inc. Information Telephone: (651)766-6666 1167 East Highway 36 Maplewood, MN 55109 Emergency Telephone: INFOTRAC 800-535-5053 Date Prepared: 1/20/97 SECTION II - Hazardous Ingredients/Identity Information HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS: (Specific Chemical Identity, Common Name(s). C. A. S. Registry #: Chemical Family: Formula: Sodium Hypochlorite Solution TLV LEVEL: PEL LEVEL: Sodium Hydroxide DOT Proper Shipping .Name: DOT Hazard Class: DOT Identification #: DOT Label: 7681-52-9 Base NaOC 1 CAS 7681-52-9 UN 1823 10-13% 0.5 ppm 0.5 ppm CAS 1310-73-2 UN 1823 0.8% Hypochlorite Solution 8 (CORROSIVE MATERIAL) UN1791 CORROSIVE SECTION I[I - Physical/Chemical Characteristics Boiling Point: 760 mm Hg Specific Gravity (1t20=1): 9.2%=1.1, 12.5%=1.2 Freezing Point: -10 F Vapor Pressure (mm Hg.): Var/able-water plus products of decomposition. Melting Point: N/A Vapor Density (Air=l): N/A EvapOration Rate (Butyl Acetate=l): N/A Solubility in Water: Complete. Appearance and Odor: Yellow-green liquid with disagreeable odor. SECTION IV - Fire and Explosion Hazard Data Flash Point (Method Used): N/A Flammable Limits: N/A Extinguishing Media: Flood with water or Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Special Fire Fighting Procedures:Use National Institute of Occupational Safety & Health (NIOSH) certified gas mask with canister for chlorine or use self-contained breathing apparatus. Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards: Material is strong oxidizer; contact with combustibles may intitate or prom ate combustion. Acid and heat accelerate decomposition, Dccompositio~ p~ ~duc~s may include chlorine. Llulcan v .~. Division o~ V~lcan Materials C, am'pany MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 24 Hour Emergency Phone (316) 524-5751 R O. ~ 530390 · 8irmingh~m, AL 35253-Q3g0 11- PRODUCT AND COMPONENT DATA COMPONL:'HT(S) CH'~M)CAL NAME III - PHYSICAL DATA ^P~,~:u~.c~ AND OmOR Clear, colorless liqui~ wir_h pungent, ~O~L;~ POI~ ~'F - 2~"F (65.60C - ~O,0'C) 20' ~: t.l&00 @ iS.5/'JS.6°c; VAPOR DENSJT-Y IN AIR (Air = 1) 1.27 VAPOR PR=SSURE 78 ~ ~ @ 2o'c EVAPORATION RATE (mmyt m:~caca - !) < VOLATILE. 8Y VOLUME 35 SOLUBILITY IN WATER IV - REACTIVITY DATA Stable generatin~ ~ ~rcs c~ ' ~NcoMPATIB~ (Mal~ m. ~os ~,~o~ HAWKi NS CH EMiCAL, INC. 310~ East H~meptn Exposures of I00 p~m for 6 ~rs a day for ~0 day~ ~-,~t~i c~ly slight unrest ~ ~~ ~ ~ e~ ~ of r~i~, ~ pi~ ~p~. ~ ~~ ~ of ~ bl~ ~ sli~y H~{~, ~s r~i~ ~.~ of 33 ~ for 6 ~ ~d~c ~ ~ ~r~ ~. ~r ~ (~i~) ~ c~,~ ~: loss ~ ~e!~ ~ ~v°f ~. ~ ~~ ~, 5~, or 10,~ f~ ~~ ~d Hydro~ ch!orid~ is ~t lis~ on th~ IB~G, hip or CCx{A carcirmgen lists. P~t-~v~ Tcxicit-K.: No a,~x%es ~re idantified r~lativ~ to hydrogen dnl~rida and r~produ~iva .VII-PERSONAL PROTECTION AND CONTROLS VENTILAI'ION A~ r~_~sazy ~o mainrmin air cc~:~ntra~ion below 5 p~m, ac all tim~. SKIN ~ P~qq~G~q O N ~ rmogrm-m or P~ rain m~i~, tx~ts, ~ gtov~s. EYE PROTECTION ~ cl~-~cal goggZe~ ~hich ar~ mp!~roof ar~ f~e shield, ~[ATERIAJ~ SAtiETY DATA SHEET ~ay be used .to comply with O$F{3~' s ~azard Communication Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1200 Standard must be consulted for specific requirements. U.S. Depar+_ment of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration (Non-Mandatory Form) Form Approv~_d OMB No. 1218-0072 IDENTITY: (As Used on Label and List): Chlorine Bromine Reducer Co~m,~l foo£ & Spa, inc. Information Telephone: (612)636-7665 7905 Beech St. N_E. MLinneapolis, MN 55432 (612)636-7665 Date Prepared: b/28/97 'SECTION II - ~azardous Inqredients/Identit¥ Information ~LAZAI{DOUS COM~0NENTS: Specific Chemical Identity, Common Name(s)_ Sodium Thiosulfate, Anhydrous Sodium Thiosulfate, Crystal Sodium Thiosulfate pentahydrate Sodium Ryposulfite; ?hypo" SECTION III - Physical/Chemical Characteristics Boiling Point: 100 degrees C Specific Gravity' (~20=1): Anhydrous: 1.6671 Hydrate: 1.685 w~r Pr~..~,re (mm ~g.): N/A Melting Point: 48 degrees C vapor Density (Air=l): N/A Evaporation Rate (Butyl Acetate=l): N/A Solubility in Water= 42% @~ o degrees C (hydrate) 33%"@ o degrees C .(anhydrous) Appearance and Odor: White.granules with no odor (anhydrous) Clear to white crystals or granules with no odor (hydrate) . SECTION IV - Fire and Ezplosion Ha=etd Data Flash Point (Method Used): N/A Flammable Limits: N/A Extinguishing Media: Special Fire Fighting Procedures: Firefighters should-wear self-contained, NIOSH-approved breathing apparatus to protect against any release of toxic and/or irritating fu~es. Skin ~d eye protection should also be provided. Use water spray ~to keep fJ_ze-exposed containers cool and to knock down fumes.: Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards: If involved in a fire, qox~c and irritating gases and residue may evolve. See Hazardous Decomposition Products, Section V. SECTION V - Reactivity Data StabiliLy: Stabl~XX Unit mb19 Conditions to Avoid: High temperatures (above 100 degrees C) yield sulfur dioxide gas and hazardous residue (details below). Incompatibility (Materials to Avoid): Strong oxidize!s: cause vigorous exothermic reactions_ Acids: release sulfur dioxide and/or hydkogen sulfide gas. I',~atcr-rcactivc materials such as cause strong exothermic reaction with the hydrate. Violent reaction with sodium nitrite when water of crystalization has been driven off hy heating- ~azardous Decomposition or Bypr0ducks: Sulfur dioxide gas: toxic and corrosive_ Sodium sulfide residue: flammable, dangerous ire risk, strong irritant to skin and tissue; incompatible with acids. Hydrogen sulfide gas: toxic. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Ma)' be used to comply with OSHA's Hazard Communication Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1200 Sntandard must be consulted for specific requirements. US Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration (Non-Mandatory Form) Form ApproVed OMB No. 1218-0072 IDENTITY: (As Used on Label and List): LOW FOAM, FOAM[ AWAY SECTION I - Manufacturer's Name ' Commercial Pool & Spa Supplies Inc_ I~formationfEmergency Telephone: (651) 636-7665 · 7:905 Beech St NE Minneapolis, MN 55432 Date Prepared 9/25/98 SECTION I1- Hazardous ln~rvdientsfldentitv Information [IAZARDOUS CO1VIPONENTS: (Specific Chemical Identity, Common Name (s): None SECTION III - Physical/Chemical Characteristics ]~oiling Point: pH 1% Solution: Solubility in Water:. % Moisture: Brookfield Vise (~ 75 F: Specific Gra~dty: Appearance and Odor:. 1Vlisc Physical Data: 212F 6.5 to 8.5 Forms translucent emuliions 62 900cps 1.00 Opaque off-white liquid ~4th a mild polyacrylate odor N/A SECTION IV - Fire and Explosion Hazard Data Flash Point: 212 F ri'CC) Fire Point: N/A Ir rtingui~hing Media: Product will not burn until almost all the water is dm'en off, however, use exfinguistfing media as appropriate for the materials in the surrounding fire. . .S~ccial Fire Fighting Procedures: - Wear a self contained breathing apparatus ~Sth a full face piece operated in pre*~are demand or other positive displacement mode, water spray should be used to keep drums cool if they are involved in a fire · .since he~q! w/Il cn~c~ the product to expand and possibly cause the drums to explode from internal pressure. SECTION V ~ Reactivity Data Chemical Stability; Conditions to Avoid: Incompatibility: Decomposition Products: /tazardous Polymerization: Stable N/A Strong Oxidizers C_ar~n DiowMe, C~r~n Ivt~vo)Sde v~nd :'~dous H3'.4.ro~.~%ong .,j ~,. released during a fire Will not occur TOTAL P.O! NOU-19-i99~ 1~:05 RS ~T APPEAR$ ON LABEL): IPS-5100~ Pool btaintenance Concentrated iS~CTfO~iii - ?HYS~CAUCHEMIC.AL CHAP~ACTER$STK;S VAPOR PRE~U~ Sama ~ ~ter MEL~G PO~: MA~ D~S~: Same as 1.0.5 Uq~d Sama ~ W~er Dark EmOe-;".. non-obrm~d~u',m I 5Eoq'lON Pc' - F_~PLOSION H~_ARD DATA F,~RF- AND FLASH POINT: NA 5X-RNGUtSHING MEDf¢,: S;~ECIAL FiR~5 F1GH~NG PROCEDURES: ,Won~ UNUSUAL FiR~F_~PLOSION HAZARDS: Fi._A3~EtA~ LE tJ~IT: NA L~L: NA UEL: NA NA None sECTIoN V REAC~q~F DATA UNSTABLE: ST~t~:- X~ OOND~lOhr5 TO AVOI0: Temp. above ¢5~C (t~¢~ SH be~ 3_5 pH ~ove 9. ItNCOf~PAT~B~LFr¢ (MATERIALS TO AV~3{O): CausUC~, sU'ong bases MAZA.R~OUS POLY?~ER~ZAT1ON MAY GO'CUP.:: VNqLL NOT OCC'~JR: FS~C-~ON-- -- VI- HE~J_TH HAZ_~D DATA ROUTE{S) OF ENTRY: INHALATION? None. ~? M~d CAR~NOG~t~: ~? ~ ~EDIO~ COND~ONS GENE~LY A~VA~g ~aENCY ~D ~r ~D PROC~U~: F~'-~ON VII - PRECAUTIONS FOR SAFE HANDLING AND'iJSE i_s-i--r__.~-~ TO BE TAKEN IN C_~LSE tC~.TERIAL ~ R~L~ED OR SPIED: W~ d~ ~ ~. PRESTON5 TO S~ TArN IN ~ND~G AND 5TOR~G: 5~re at [cmpca~ b~ ~C (130~F) O~ER PRECA~ONS: Eye Con~- ~ ~ ~. tf i~n p~, co~ a p~n_ SPECS&I_? NA oTHER? NA COMMERCIAL POOL & SPA SUPPLIES, INC. (612)636-7665 7905 BEECH ST. N.E. MINNESPOLIS, MN 55432 **CHEMICAL TRANSPORT'EMERGENCY # (~UO}bdb-bOb3 IN~'UTR3~C SECTION 1 - PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NAME: CHEMICAL FAMILY: DOT SHIPPING NAME: DOT HAZARD CLASS: 'Alkalinity Increaser Sodium ~icarbonate SECTION 2 - HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS HAZARDOUS INGREDIENT: PERCENT: : SECTION 3 - PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS BOILING POINT: SPECIFIC GRAVITY: VAPOR__PRESSN__RE: _. MELTING POINT: VAPOR DENSITY: EVAPORATION HATE: SOLUBILITY' IN WATER~9.6 grams/100 grams of H20 @ 20C/68F APPEARANCE AND 'ODOR:White granular solid with no odor. SECTION 4 - FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATE FLAMMABLE LIMITS: N/A FLASH POINT: N/A EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: None SPECIAL EQUIPMENT AND FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES: Non-flammable. SECTION 5 - REACTIVITY DATA STABILITY: Stable HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: Will not occur. CONDITIONS TO AVOID: At ambient temperatures and atmoshperic pressure tends to evolve C02 slowly and absorb moisture. INCOMPATIBLE MATERIALS: HAZARDOUS DEOMPOSITION OR BYPRODUCTS: SECTION 6 - HEALTH HAZARD DATA & PROTECTION VENTILATION: Use of a NIOSH approved half-face piece mechanical 'PROTECTIVE GLOVES: Yes. EYE PROTECTION: Use chemical safety glasses or goggles. OVEREXPOSURE: , P~ge 2 SECTION 7 - EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES Flush eyes with clean water for'at least 15 minutes and get medical attention immediately. Remove contaminated clothing and wash affected skin areas with mild soap and water. If skin irritation is severe or continues, get medical aLtenLlo~. If ~w~l!uwed, contact physician or poison control center. If victim is conscious, give milk or water to dilute. Never give anything ~by mouth mi victmm is unconscious. Induce vomiting only on advice of a physician. SECTION - SPILL AND LEAK PROCEDURE Spill Procedure: Collect as much concentrate as possible. Wash the site with fresh water~ Product is 'biodegradeab]~ and ~s not a toxic waste. Disposal Procedure: Triple rinse containers and dispose of properly according to local standards. Container Disposal: Offer empty container for recycling, reconditioning or disposal in an approved landfill or in such a manner_~ha~ ~i!l_n~t adversely affect the environment. SECTION 9 - MANUFACTURER'S DISCLAI~R The information and recommendations in this Material Safety Data Sheet are based upon data believed to be correct and does not relate to its use in combination with any other material or process. This Material Safety Data Sheet complies with 0SKA Hazard Communicaiton Standard (29CFR1910.1200). Therefore, since use conditions vary, we assume no liability for failure to follow product use directions and safety precautions. We can give no warranty or guarantee of any kind. It is for the purchaser to decide whether said information is suitable for the purchaser's purposes. Date Prepared: January 31, 1995 ROBARB SUPER BLUE MSDS Page E M E R G E N C Y FOR C~EM~CAL EMERGENCY:' SPILL, LEAK, FIRE, EXPOSURE OR ACCIDENT CALL CHEMTREC - DAY or NIGHT - '(800).424-9300 R O B A R B - . I N C O R P O R A T E O 'M A T E R I A L S A F E T Y D A' T A S ii E E T Product Name: SUPER BLUE FOR POO'LS S E C T I O N I - G E N E R A L I N F O R M A T I O N Manufacturer's 'N'~me: ROBARB. Incorporated Address: 2502 LANTRAC COURT~ DECATUR~ GEORGIA 30035 Telephone: (800) ?45-2059 Trade Name & Synonyms: POOL ~ATER CLARIFIER Chemical Name & Synonyms: SEQUESTERING AGENT Generic Description:' AQUOUS CATIONIC POLYMER Formula: PROPRIETARY COMPLEX CAS#: NONE ASSIGNED D.O.T. Proper Shipping Name: NOT APPLICABLE U.N. or N.A. Identifi-cation #: NOT APPLICABLE D.O.T. Hazard Class: NONE ' Hazardous Materials Identification System Values (HMIS) - Health: 1 FLammability: 0 Reactivity: 0 Personal Protection:A National Fire Protection Association Ratings (NFPA 70~H) - .Health: 1 Flammability: 0 Reactivity: 0 Speci.fic Hazard: NONE S E C T I O N I I - H A Z A R D 0 U S Z N G R. E D [ E N T S Hazardous Component(s) ~ J Chemical & Common Name: J J OSHA I ACGIH I % JPEL/unitst TLV/unitl CAS ALKYLDIMETHYLBENZYL .AMMONIUM 122.czl NOT ESTBI N6T ESTB 8001-5&-5 ~ Ingredients listed in this section have been determined to e hazardous 8~ defined in 29 CFR 1~10.1200. ~'Idl:i;dla d~Le u,i~J~d ~u be h~ lLh hazards are listed if they comprise 1% or more of the composition. Ma erials identified as carcinogens are I. isted if they comprise 0.1% or more of The composition, information on proprietary materials'is ,available as provided in ~ CFR 1 1U. I~,UU S E C T I O N I I [ - P H Y S Z.C Z A L D A T A ~oiLing Po~n~ (F)- 215 DEG F Specific Gravity lwater=i)- 1.gOt Vapor Pressure (mm Hg): lC % Volatile (by V~LumeJ' Vapor Density (air=l): 2_8 Evaporation Rate: 1 Melting Point (F): NOT APPLICABLE (BUTYL ACETATE = l) Solubi Li ~y' in Wa~er,: COMPLETELY M~SC~BLE IN WATER Appearance & Odor: TRANSPARENT BLUE LIQUID WITH VERY M~Lg BLAND ODOR_ , RO8AR8 SUPER 8LUE MSDS Rage' 'S E C T t O N ! V - F I .R E & E X P L 0 $ I O N D.A ~-A Flash Point (F): NONE Method Used: NONE Extinguishing Media: NOT APPLICABLE Special' Fire..F'i~htinq Procedur~ FUME~ ~[ ' ~' ~'- ' ..... ' LEAJ£D~.UNUEN _~I..R~ CON.D~TIO-NS. 'J~'~':~?~- CAN'-BE 'C'ORROSIVE TO SKIN AND -ETES. F~REFIGHTERS SHOULD WEAR A FULLY SELF-CONTAINED BREATHING APPARATUS (SCBA). Unusual F~re,& Explosion Hazards: NONE KNOWN S E C T I O N V" - ~, E A C .T ! V I T Y D A T A Stability - .,Uns't~ble: StabLe:X Conditions to Avoid: NONE KNOWN Incomparability (Ma[erials to Avoid) : STRONG OXIDIZING AGENTS OR ALKALI AGENTS Hazardous Decomposition Products: THERHAL DECOHPOSITION OR COMBUSTION MAY PRODUCE 002, CO, RH3. HCL, OR OXIDES OF NITROGEN'.. Hazardous Polymerization - Will Occur: Will Not Occur: Conditions to Avoi'd: NONE KNOWN S E C T I 0 N V I - H E A L T H H A Z A R D D A T A Acute Health Hazards: NONE KNOWN Chronic Health Hazards: NONE KNOWN Signs ~ Symptoms of Ex-posure: NONE KNOWN Medical .Conditions Generally Aggravated by Exposure: NONE KN0:qN Chemical Listed as Carcinogen or Potential Carcinogen by: National Toxicology Program: Yes: No: X i.A.R.C. Monographs: Yes: No" X O.S.H.A. Yes: No: X Emergency & Firs~ 'A~d Procedures' DEPENDENT ON ROUTE OF ENTRY. Route of Entry - Innalation: FU:'IES CAN B-~ IRRITATI.~:G Eyes: IF H%~E~iAL GETS INTO TMf EVES, ;LUSH THE~ W~TH RU"~ iN FOR AT LEAST 15 mZ. NUTES. GET MEDICAL ATTENT£ON. Skin: PROOUCT CAN CAUSE iRRiTATION IF iN CONCENTRATED FORM. Ingestion:AT NORMAL USE LEVELS. PR00UCT IS NOT TOXIC. IN CONCENTRATED FORM TOXICITY IS DEPENDENT ON AMOUNT CONSUM, ED. r · F RO8AR8 SUPER 8LUE HSOS pag s E c T 'I O N V I I - S P I L L O R L E A K P R 0 C E --D U R E STeps to be Taken in Case Material is Released or Spilled: WEAR IHPERVIOUS 800TS O.R SHOE COVERS. SPILLS OF THIS HATER[AL ARE.VERY SLIPPERY. SPILLED MATERIAL SHOULD BE ABSORBED ONTO AN iNE,RT MATERIAL AND SCOOPED lip THE AREA gHOULD 8E TIIOROU~HLT FLUSM~U NIIH WATER AND SCRUB8ED. TR.AFFIO SHOULD BE DIV.[R,T.[D UNTIL.,-,THE.-AREA IS CLEAN AND DRY. REPOrt S'PILLS OR RELEASES ~S REQUIRED BY FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL REGULATIONS. Waste Disposal -~e~hods: DISPOSE 0~. ,~.. ..aCCORDA.,u~ . =TH .:ED~.,AL~ STATEz AND LOCAL REGULATIONS. S E C T I 0 NV I I I - S P E C I A L P R 0 T E C T I 0 N C 0 N TR 0 L M E A S U R E S RespiratoF~ Pdotec~ioh (Specify Type}: NONE REQUIRED Ventilation - Local Exhaust: SUFFICIENT Mechanical Exhaust: NOT REQUIRED Special Exhaust: NOT RE~U[RED Other Exhaust:NQ, T APPLICABLE Protective Equipment - Protective Gloves: NOT REQUIRED Eye Protection: Other Protective Equipment: IMPERVIOUS GLOVES CHEMICAL GOGGLES or Hygienic PractiCes: WASH PRODUCT FR~M HANDS AND CLOTHES AND SKIN'.- USE GOOD HYGIENE AND HOUSEKEEPING PRACTICES. S E C T I 0 N I X - S P E C I A L P R E C A U T I O N S Precautions to be Taken in Handling and Storage: REQUIRED gHEN USING THIS PRODUCT. NO SPECIAL HANDLING IS Other Precabtions: NONE KNOWN THESE DATA ARE OFFERED IN GOOD FAITH AS TYPICAL VALUES AN0 NOT AS . _ , 2=~SE9 OR ;~PL,Er~, iS ~E~: blADE. SPECIFICATION NO ~ARRANTY EITHER EXF ~'~ _ ' . THE RECOMMENDED INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE .~ND S?.FE MANDL!~6 ?ROCEDURE~ ~FE ~E=iEvEu TO BE GENERALLY APPLICABLE. MUWEvE~, E~CM USER $HOUL[: ~EvIE~ TrESE 2ECOMMENDATiONS tN THE SPECiFiC CONTEXT OF TME I~TENE:E~ USE AND WHETHER THEY ARE APPROPRIATE. PFepa'Fed by' 6. ZENOEJAS 0ale of Last Revision:FEBRUARY ]0, 1993 Oase Written' APRIL 20, 1992 DATE MATER[AL SAFETY DATA SHEET EAGLE--P I C H Ei~ iv: I NEF<~RL8 ISSUED: 11/18/86 DATE REVISED: 6/21/88 REVISION NO.: 3 I. pRODUCT IDENTIFICATION Pia3[lJCq'/tA2~t!:: Cetato~ ~ and ~ c3-a~s Ctitg{ICAL F~IL¥: Amorpho~ silica CAS~: 61790-53~2 ~glGa/'% 100% CHtI~ICAL lqAi~iE:Diatcnacec~ Earth liANLI?~ ttAIiE: Eagle-Pichcr Minerals, inc. PO Box 12130 Reno, NV 89510 VOLI3~I~ 100% CHEMICAl; ~LA: SIO2 TICI'JC~BCdlE: ?02-3ZZ-:33:31 II, PRODUCT !NgRED!PJ~T~ IIt<~LF_,DI~ IDI!:IiTIFICATI~ I CAS I,llMB~ I OSHA PS ~ ACGI8 TLV I 1: Natural Diatc~aceous Earth Cryst[lline Silica (as Quart~ I I I I I i 61?~0-53-2 1~8-xo0-7 I I lllm<j/~ - Total dust (A~tH TLV) - <1% Quartz I 100% I ['TLV - Thre~old Limit Value ] 1 I lOma/m3 (Respirable Quartz) - OSHA PEL I <1% I (% SiO2 ~ 2) [ PEL- Permissible Exposure Limit ] ITypic~ (~fer to NIOSH analytical metho~ t7500 for sa~pllng siilca Ousts.) - I~t. PHYS:CAL DF~T6 BOILING POIh'/: Not appli¢~le .... SPECIFIC GP, A¥1I%' (1{20:1): 2.{3 YAPO~ PP, ESSIIRE: Not. applicable "- MF3.?INGI:OIFr: Not applicable VAPOIZ DEZISITY: NOt applicable EVAP(IIA?I~ ~TE:. Not applicable SOLUBILITY IH I/ATER: <3% APP~ A/ill Ot]O~: Odorles~ ~ff to off-'~hite po.~er IV. FIRE AND F[,LSH POIh'l': Nonfiama~ie ~LE LIMITS: Nonflammable Dffllq<;JII3HING liEI)IA: Nonflam:a~le SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING [~XD~UI~I~: Nonflammable ~ FIP. E AItD EX~LOSI~ BAZAPJ3S: lqonfla~a~le EXPLOSION DATA '4. HEALTH HAZARD~ l~f~-~f Expo~re to quantities of.crT~taillnc olllca In cxceoo of the PEL or TLV Ilet~ ~e 16 a kn~m ca~ of ~ili~is, pr~l~ ~ti~ fatal lu~ Alt~ ~lll~{s Is a ~~ i~ di~, In 1~ the Inte~atl~i ~ f~ R~a~ ~ ~n~r (I~) i~ ~ ~, a ~vt~ of 'SIII~ ad ~ Sill~t~." ~e ~ (r~t) ~tat~ ~at ~e~ is '~fficient evi~n~' th~ c~talline ~iil~ can cau~ ca~r in e~ri~ntal anlmls, and 'limlt~ evi~n~" aat ~aili~ siii~ h~n~. ~ently~ in ~l~nt 7, I~ h~ ~clu~ that crystalline ~iilca 1~ a 'p~le ~cin~n' (a ~t~ ~i~ cau~ cancer). ~e te~ '~f. fici~nt evi~nce', 'limited evi~nce' and "pr~le carctn~n" are ~fined tn the Mon~h and ~ppi~nt. ~gl~-Pi~cr M~n~rals, Inc. 1~ ~ccently In tM p~ of ~valuating tM dia~s earth. Inf~ti~ will ~ ~ aval{~l~ as ~tudt~ are ~leted. A c~y of ~e ~ will ~ ~ avail~le r~est. IIE]31CAL Ca~DITtONS AGG?~AVATE]3 BY I~<POSd]LE: Pre-existing diseases of the upper respiratory tract and lung e~ch as bronchtti. e~nphyse~, an<l asthma. ~.: 3 Page: 2 Celatom i~q ano ~H 9caoe$ V, HEALTH HAZARDS - CONTINUED · AOJTE HEALTH EFFECI'S: Upper respiratory Irritant - may cause cc~lng o~' throat Irritation. CHROfllC HEALI~ EFFECTS: Inhalation of mst in e×cess of the Thre-~hoicl Limit Value (TLV> reccm~enOecl Dy the /~aerican Conference of Govcrmental lno~strial Hygienists (ACGIH) or in excess of the Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) r¢c~noecl Dy OSHA over an extenoeel numoer of years may cause silicosis, a pro~re~siYe sometimes fatal lung disease. Althou~ silicosis is a noncancer~s lung alsease, crystalline silica has been Oetermined Dy IARC to be a ,'probable carcinogen' (a sut~tance ~lch causes cancer). Crysr. at line silica has not peen classifies as a carcinogen by OSHA oc NTP. I~3UTES OF 1~'[i3~Y:. lnl~alation TARGIKT 04~,AHS: Lungs SIGNS AND SYI~OqXICS OF OVEREXPOSUIZE: I{{HALA?I~ - Acute overexposure can cause dryne~ of the nasal passages ant{ congestion of th~ upper respiratory syste~ SKIN - l~ay cause ~ryne~s; not auoort>e~3 by the ~in INGESTI~ - Not intenoecl for ingestion - earthy taste aha texture EYES - i'emporary irrt~ation or inflamation FII;~:ST AID Pi~3CEDUP. ES:' IHitALATI~ - Re~ove to trem sic Si[If{ - Hone nt%%.ssary - if ~ryncs~ occurs, use moisture renc~ing lotions IIiGESTI~ - Short term exposures not consiOereM hamful - clrink water to recJuce bulk ancl orying effects. E'/~ ~ V&~, with ~ncr~o ~uantitie~ of -itrr rnn~dt ~ ~hysician if irt'it~tion persists. VI, REACTIVITY D~T~ STABILITY: Proc~ct is sta~ie IIqCI3flPATIBILiTY: Hyca-ofluoric aci(~ - silica may react violently with Hywof}uoric solo. HAZAP~ DECI3MPOS[T[~ O~ BYPROOUCTS: None Known HA2AP. IXYJS POLYMi~IZATI{3f{: ¥i ! i not occur O381)ITICKRS I{3 AVOID: None Known VII · PRECAUTIONS FOR SAFE HANDLING AND USE STEPS YO ~ YAKEN It{ CASE K~T~IAL I$ _PF~'ASEI] ~ SPILLEI3: Vae, mm clean spillage, wet ~ or va.~h ~ay. Avoid creating Oust. WASTE DISPOSAL N. ETiIOD: Non-~ioaegrada~le, use solid waste disposal c~ to landfill type operations or similar disposal or in slurry to s~a:~. ~t consioer~a a hazaroa~ waste unoer RCP, A (40CFR Part PREr. AUTI~ ~ BE YAIEN Il{ HAN]3LI~ ARB STOP. AGE: Avoicl creating O.~t, repair' or properly cll:~x~z of broken OTHER PP. EfAIIIIORS: Not normal ly necessary VIII. CONTROL MEASURES P. E23PIRATO4ZY PtZOTECYIOH: Bureau of l~ines or NI~ ~r~ re~irat~ f~ p~t<tl~ a~inat pn~i~is pricing r~n~ ~en ~st is pre,ne. If ~e ~:t ~n~ati~ is le~ ~ ten (10) ~artCr ~ half m~ r~irat~ with t~lac~nt ~ filter ~ single ~ ~t-r~lrat~ with val~e. ~eater than ten (10) ti~ an~ 1~ ~< ~e hu~ (~00)ti~ ~ P~ ~ full f~late r~irat~ vi~ ~ia~ie tilter; if ~eater than ~e ~u~ (100) ~ le~ th~ t~ hun~eO (~) ti~ the P~ r~lrat~ vi~ r~la~le filth; If ~eater.~ ~ hun~eO (~) tl~ ~e P~ ~ t~ C, ~i[~ - air r~lratw. ~tlnu~$ fl~ t~ t~itive prate), vl~ full {a~i~, ~, ~ ~imt. V~l~TI~: L~&{ - ~t~i vi~in the r~n~ YLV.. ~f~r to A~IB p~ii~tl~ 'In--trial Ventilation' ~ similar ~i{cati~ f~ the ~i~ of ventilati~ ~IVE G~: Hot n~iiy nece~y - u~ if i~itati~ ~ exce~ive ~yne~-~. ~GI~IC P~I~: Avoid.creating mst, ~intain ~ h~ke~ing practi~e~, and ~Jy proc re~irato~ protection. ROBARB CLEAN-A-WAY HSDS Page 1,.' E M E R G E N C Y FOR CHEMICAL EMERGENCY: SPILL, LEAK, FIRE, EXPOSURE OR ACCIDENT CALL CHEMTREC - DAY or NIGHT - (800) 42/,-9300 -- R OB A R B I N C OR P O R A T E D -'- M A T E R I A L S A F E T Y D A T A S H b b I .- .... .~, , Product Name: CLEAN-A-WAY S E C T I O N I - G E N E R A L I N F O R M A T I O N Manufacturer's Name: ROBARB, Inc. Address: 2502 LANTRAC COURT, DECATUR, GEORGIA 30035 T~[ephone: .(800) 445-2059 Trade Name & Synonyms: MULTI-PURPOSE CLEANER Chemical Name & Synonyms: CLEANER Generic Description: F~rmul-a:PROPRIETARY BLEND D.O.T. Proper Shipping Name: NOT REGULATED U.N. or N.A. Identification #: N/A D.O.T. Hazard Class: NONE CAS#: MIXTURE Packaging Group: N/A Hazardous Materials Identification System Values (HMIS) - Health: 2 Flammability: 0 Reactivity: I Personal Protection:C National Fire Protection Association Ratings (NFPA 704M) - Health: 2 Flammability: 0 Reactivity: 1 Specific Hazard:COMB S E C T I O N I I - H A Z A R D 0 U S I N G R E D I E N T S Hazardous Component(s) ~ J Chemical & Common Name: j % CAS # J OSHA I ACGIH I JPEL/unitsJ TLV/unitJ 2-BUTO×Y ETHANOL PHOSPHONIC ACID 8.2%1 50 PPH 4.1Zl NOT ESTB I I I I I 25 PPM J 111-76-2 NOT ESTBJ 2809~21-4 I ~ 1 I I I I ~ Ingredients Listed in this section have been determined to be hazardous as deri~d ~ ~¢ cfr 1910.1200. Mmtcri~l~ d~terminma tn h¢ h~lth hazards arc listed if they comprise 1% or more nf the composition. Materials identified as carcinogens are listed if they comprise 0.1% or more of the composition. Information on proprietary materials is available as provided in 29 CFR 1910.1200 (i)(I~. S E C T I 0 N i I I - P H Y S I C I A L D A T A Boiling Point (F): 215 DEG F Specific Gravity (water=l): 1.138 Vapor Pressure (mm Hg) : 17 % Volatile (by Volume): NO DATA Vapor Density (air=l): 0.6 Evaporation Rate: 16.0 Melting Poin~ (F)' %2 DE~ F (BUTYL ACETATE = 1) Solubility in Wa~er: COMPLETELY SOLUBLE IN WATER Appearance & Odor: CLEAR LIQUID WI'TH HEAVY DETERGENT ODOR_ ROBARB CLEAN-A-HAY MSDS Page S E C T t O N I V - F I R E & E X P L O S I O N D A T A FLash Point (F): AWAITING TEST RESULTS Method Used: IN PROCESS E×tinguishing Media: FUMES RELEASED UNDER FIRE CONDITIONS CAN RE TOXIC. FIREFiGHTERS SHOULD W~AN ~Ul~! ~LF-CONTA!N~D BREATIIING APPARATU£, Special Fire Fighting Procedures: WEAR PROTECTIVE CLOTHING AND~' FULLY SELF-' CONTAINED DREATIIING APPARATUS. ' Unusual Fire & Explosion Hazards: NONE S E C T I O N V - R E A C T I V I T Y D A T A-, Stability - Unstable: Stable:X Conditions to Avoid: DO NOT MIX WITH STRONG ACIDS OR ALKALIS. Incomparability (Materials to Avoid): ACIDS AND ALKALIS. Hazardous Decomposition Products: HEAT Hazardous Polymerization - Conditions to Avoid: Will Occur: Will Not Occur: X S E CT I ON V I HEALTH H A Z A R,D D A T A Acute Health Hazards: FUMES ARE IRRITATING TO THE LUNGS AND EYES. RESPIRATORY DISTRESS. Chronic Health Hazards: RESPIRATORY SYMPTOMS Signs & Symptoms of Exposure: IRRITATING TO THE EYES. CAN Medical Conditions Generally'Aggravated by Exposure: NO DATA AVAILABLE Chemical Lis~ed as Carcinogen or Potential Carcinogen by: National Toxicology Pmogram: Ycs: No: X I.A.R.C. Monographs: Yes: No: X O.S.H.A. Yes: No: Emergency & First Aid Procedures: USE PROPER FIRST AID METHOD FOR SPECIFIC ROUTE OF ENTRY. CONTACT MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS FOR ASSISTANCE. Route of Entry - inhala~ ~on; FUMES ARE iRRITATING c~ _, , . R~,,OVE V!rT!M T~ FRF~H AIR AND~ A PHYSICIAN IMMEDIATELY. Eyes: PRODUCT IS A SEVERE IRRITANT TO THE EYES. WASH EYES WITH RUNNING WATER FOR AT LEAST 1~ MINUTES AND SEEK MEDICAL HELP. Skin: CONCENTRATED PRODUCT IS IRRITATING. WASH AREA THOROUGHLY. Ingestion:CAN BE TOXIC IF IN SUFFICIENT QUANTITY. GIVE MILK, EGG WHITES OR BAKING SODA IMMEDIATELY. GET MEDICAL ATTENTION. ROBARB CLEAN-A-WAY MSDS Page 3 S E.C T I 0 N V I ! - S P t L L O R L E A K P R O C E D U R E S Steps to be Taken in Case HdLeJ'id[ i~ R~Leased or Spilled: CLEAN UP WITH HOUSEHOLD CLEAN-UP EQUIPMENT AND MAINTAIN IN APPROVED CONTAINERS FOR PROPER DISPOSAL. REPORT SPILLS OR RELEASES AS REQUIRED BY FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL REGULATIONS. Waste Disposal Methods: DISPOSE OF IN ACCORDANCE WITH FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL REGULATIONS. DISPOSE OF THROUGH A FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCALLY APPROVED HAZARDOUS WASTE SITE. S E C T I O N V I I I - S P E C I A L P R O T E C T I O N & CONTROL MEASURES Respiratory Protection (Specify Type): NOT REQUIRED Ventilation - Local Exhaust: ADEQUATE Mechanical Exhaust: N/A Special Exhaust: N/A Other Exhaust:N/A Protective Equipment - Protective Gloves:IMPERVIOUS Eye Protection: CHEMICAL GOGGLES Other Protective Equipment: EMPLOYEES SHOULD WEAR GLOVES, GOGGLES AND LONG-SLEEVES TO AVOID DIRECT CONTACT. Work or Hygienic Practices: USE GOOD HYGIENE PRACTICES AND WASH HANDS THOROUGHLY BOTH BEFORE AND AFTER USING THE RESTROOM. S E C T I O N I X - S P E C I A L PRECAUTIONS Precautions to be Taken in Handling and Storage: NONE NOTED Other Precautions: NONE THESE DATA ARE OFFERED IN GOOD FAITH AS TYPICAL VALUES AND NOT AS A PRODUCT SPECIFICATION. NO WARRANTY, EITHER E×PRFq~FD OR IMPLIED, IS HEREBY MADE. THE RECOMMENDED INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE AND SAFE HANDLING PROCEDUR[S ARE BELIEVED TO BE GENERALLY APPLICABLE. HOWEVER, EACH USER SHOULD REVIEW THESE RECOMMENDATIONS IN THE SPECIFIC CONTEXT OF THE INTENDED USE AND DETERMINE WHETHER THEY ARE APPROPRIATE. Prepared by: G. ZENDEJAS Date of Last Revision: FEBRUARY 10/, 1993 DaZe Written: MAY 12, 1992 (G.Z.) RO]3~, INCORPORATED 35~25 DIVIDEND DRIVE DE~C~4~UR, GEORGIA 30035 Phon~ INQUIRY- (404) 9R1-0717 EMERGENCY- (404) 981-0212 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET | ~HEALTH ~FLAMMABiLIIY ! ~REACTIVITY IDENTITY: (As used on label and list) SAND FILTER.CLEANERt'"":~: . ":-":]."-. SECTION I ": ~FACTURER'S NAME: ' ROBARB,' INCORPORATED ,:" P .NUM ER FOR INFORMATION: DATE PREPARED: 3525-DIVIDEND DRIVE DECATUR, GEORGIA 30035 (404) 98~.-0212 (404) 981-0212 August 22, 1987 ~IAME OF PREF'ARER: Clifford M. Cantre[1 ~ ' ' SECTION II HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS/INFORMATiON }!-..i'": i: ' ~ ' ' HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS I OSHA I AC:GiH ] OTHER I P'EL '. TLV i STEL 2-BUToXY ETHANOL I-_.Am~ 111-76-2 : 50 ~'F'M :z~'~ F'F'~ ', 75 PF'M . ' I .AIR : -AIR .: ... : SKIN SECTION I II -- PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL cHARACTERISTIC~ Boiling Point 215~F Specific Gra-,'Lty (H20=1')'.: Vapor Pressure (mm Hg) .... 17 (WATER) Melting Point ~:,~:'~.~-~. '_-'-.< 32°F Density (Air=l.) .......... 0;6 :(W~TER.) Evaporation.. l~'~t.e (Butyl Acetate=l) '16. Solubility in Water: COMF'LETE Appearance and odL, r: DARK BLUE LIQUID' WITH SPRAY DETERGENT ODOR"'' - Page SECTION-IV- FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA ih Point (Method Used): NONE Flammable Limits N/A LEL 'iai Fire Fighting Procedures: FUMES RELEASED UNDER FIRE' CONDi~:~~'' ' TOXIC (SEE SECTION II). FIREFIGHTERS SHOULD WEAR FULL ompatibility (~a~s to Avoid): O0 NOT MIX WI~H O~i~IZ~W~ ardous Decompositic, n or Byproducts: HEAT ~'~."~::.' ardous eoiy~erizatic, n: WILL NOT OCCUr. SECTION Vi-- HEALTH HAZARD DATA - ' "~':"'. . '~:':;- · ........ IteCs) of Entry: Ingestion? IN CONCENTRATED FORM PRODUCT MAY BE 'r,z: ..' ~lth Hazards (Acu~:e and Chrc, nir~:_. CONCENTRATED PRODUCT: CoRROsI:~i':~: NTP? INGREDIENTS NOT ON LIST. .,-: .. " IAPC Monogr ~-'~ INGREDIENTS NOT ON LIST. '.: ":": .... gns and S~mptoms ,::.f Exposure t0 ,:c, ncentrated product: '' INHALATION- IRRITATION oF.REsPIRATORY SYSTEM WITH POSSIBLE DIFFICULTY IN BREATHING, INGESTION- MAY CAUSE GASTRIC PAIN, DIARRHEA AND'?~O~iT dical Conditions G,~nerally Aggravated by Exposure: UNKNOWN. ~. ~.. Page 2 '--. ' SAND FILTER CLEANER Emergency and First Aid Procedures: (FOR CONTACT WITH CONCENTRATED P~O~)UCT) INGESTION- GIVE MILK, EGG WHITES, MILK OF MAGNeSiA'~ ~]R'B~KING SODA IMMEDIATELY. iF THESE ARE NOT ~iL~LE~ GIVE LARGE QUANTITIES OF WATER. DO NOT G~V~'-~ANY~HING BY 0UTH TO U CONSC ous PERSON. "-Y ATTENTION. ~' '"' ~ .... ADMINISTER ARTIFICIAL RESPIRATION. ~E~ ~R~THING DO NU~ REturN ~b ~uk~MaL Wi~Hilq A FEW i.~i~jUT~5, MEDICAL ATTENTION IMMEDIATELY~ EYE nONTACT= IMMEDIATELY FLUSH EYES IN CLEAR RON'~N'8 ~'' _ WATER FOR LEAST 15 MINUTES LIFTING LIDS PERiODi'cALLY.~.-GET MEDICAL ATTENTION IMMEDIATELY- " SKIN CONTACT- FLUSH SKiN WiTH RUNNING WATER FOR 15"MINUTES. IF ~ ~ IRRITATION OR BURNS ARE PRESENT, GEg': MEDicAL " ATTENTION. ~'~'~' ' ' .... SECTION VII- PRECAUTIONS FOR SAFE HANDLING .-~ Steps to Be Taken in Case Material is Released or spilled: ;-.;.',.::,-,?:'::-.-::,:- .... -'~:,".:.'..~ , , k..-..' :]... - :'.': r~ >.'~:~ ;~ :~: -j -:. SPILLS- FLUSH TO SANITARY SEWER. ".' ::.~ ;:. [~:[r, '. ,, ;:. ::..,>/)i, [i.t.~; Wast(- Disposal Method: DISPOSE OF AN FEDERAL, STATE ANO~ LOCA~Y., APP~VED: HAZARDOUS WASTE SITE. ,.. ," -,'~'~i~[',-"~- ?'- ' - _ .. ' :- .:~',.u.'~ .[...1'.~].. _-[.. ~:.->:.,-j ~ ,-': .- Pre<:~uttic. ns to Be Taken in Handli~g and Storing: KEEP CONTAINER CLOSED WHEN IN USE. DO NOT FREEZE. '' "' ' ' ' Othe~ Precautions: KEEP THIS AND ALL CHEMICALS OUT OF REACH OF.'.C~ILDREN. ' SECTION VIII- Controi Measures ": Ve~tRespirat°ry~ ~ at i c,~: erotection (Speci fy zype): NO~ REQUIRED. . Local Exhaust: SUFFICIENT. ~;'"' Prc, t.~.ztive Gloves: RUBBER OR NEOPRENE. Eye F'r ot ect i on: GOGGLES RECOMMENDED. '" Othc-r Protective Cl,:,thi,~g or Equipment: NOT REQUIRED. ~ ~k~:: ' The i~formation contained herein is b~sed on data available to:~us.'~d;"~ beii to be corre,ct. However we' ;hake no warratlty, expressed or accuracy of thebe data or the results to be obtained from the ~'~":,~the~'Of;' Ve assumes no respo~slbiltty for lt~jury from the use of the produ~ 'd~cribed 5CaxTERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET May be used to comply with OSHA's Hazard Communication Communication Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1200. Standard consulted for specific requirements_ U.S. Deparmaent of Labor OccUpational Safety and Health Administration ,VI'ion-Mandatory Form) Form ApprovedOMB for must be Nc) 1218-0072 IDENTITY: (As Used on Label and List): Palintest DPD No. 1 Rapid Dissolving Tablets SECTION'I - MANUFACTURER'S NAME: Commercial Pool & Spa, Inc. Intormation Telephone: (651)766-6666 1167 Highway 36 East Maplewood, Yl~ 55109 Emergency Telephone: INFOTRAC 1-800-535-5053 Date Prepared: 10-18-99 SECTION lq - HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS IDENTITY INFORMATION HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS: (Specific Chemical Identity, Common Name(s). Diethyl-p-phenylene diamine sulfate <1% CAS 6283-63-2 Boric Acid 43% CAS 10043-35-3 Fillers 56% CAS-N/A SECTION Ill - PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS Boiling Point: N/A Specific Gravity (H20=l): N/A Vapor Pressure (mm Hg.): N/A Melting Point: Unknown Vapor Density (Air=I): N/A Evaporation Rate (Butyl Acetate=l): N/A Solubility in Water: Complete to give a slightly acidic solution. Appearance and Odor: White tablets with no odor. SECTION IV - FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA Flash Point (Method Used): N/A Flammable Limits: N/A Extinguishing Media: Water and all extinguishers may be used. Tablets are non-combustible. Special Fire Fighting Procedures: None. Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards: None SECTION V - REACTIVITY DATA Stability: Stable X Unstable Conditions to Avoid: None Incompatibility (Materials to Avoid): N/A Hazardous Decomposition or Byproducts: N/A Hazardous Polymerization: May Occur Conditions to Avoid: None Will Not Occur X SECTION VI - HEALTH HAZARD DATA Route(s) of Entry: Inhalation? N/A Skin? Wash with plenty of water. Ingestion? Give plenty of water to drink. Seek medical attention. Health Hazards (Acute and Chronic) Non Hazardous Carcinogenicity? NTP? ~ IARC Monographs? O SI:L~ Regulated? Signs and Symptoms of Exposure: Unknown. Medical Conditions Generally Aggravated by Exposure: ~F,m~rgency and First .~d Procedures: SECTION VII - PRECAIYrlONS OF SAFE HANDLING AND USE Steps to Be Taken in Case Material is Released or Spilled: Sweep up and wash with plenty of water. Waste Disposal Method: To be performed in compliance with current regulations. Precautions to Be Taken in Handling and Storing: Store in or/g/nM containers. Keep away from ~hil&~. Other Precautions: SECTION VIII - CONTROL MEASURES Respiratory Protection (Specify Type): Ventilation Local ExhaUst: N/A Mechanical (General): Other: Protective Gloves: N/A Eye Protection: N/A Other Protective Clothing or Equipment: N/A Work/Hygienic Practices: Wash hands after handling. Special: The information and recommendations in this Material Safety Data Sheet are based upon data believed to be correct and does not relate to its use in combination with any other material or process. This Material Safety Data Sheet complies with the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard (29CFR1910.1200). Therefore, since use conditions vary, we assume no liability for failure to follow product use directions and safety precautions. We can give no warranty or ~uarantee of any kind. I~/_ATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET May be used to comply w/th Hazard Communication Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1200 SCandaad must be cousulted for specific requirements. U.S. Dupat [mcat u£Labm Occupational Safety and OSHA's Health Administration (Non-Mandatory Form) Fuim Appluved OIvEB No. 1218-0072 rr~irNT!TY: (3x Ut-a on L,hol ,av.a I. kt): Palintest DPD No. 3 Rapid Tablets SECTION I - ~L4.NUFACTUI~R'S NAME: COMMERC~ POOL & SPA, INC. Information Telephone: (651)766-6666 1167 Highway 36 East B{aplewood, MN 55109 Emergency Telephone: INFOTRAC Date Prepared: 10-1809 1-800-535-5053 SECTION II - HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS/II)ENTITY INFORMATION HAZAJLDOUS COMPONENTS: (Specific Chemical Identity, Common Name(s). Potassium Iodide CAS 768 I-1 I-0 20% TLV-N/A Fillers 80% TLV-N/A SECTION III - PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS Boiling Point: N/A Specific Gravity (H20=I): N/A Vapor Pressure (mm ltg.): N/A Melting Point: Umknown Vapor Density (Air=l): N/A Evaporation Rate (Butyl Acetate=l): N/A Solubility in Water: Complete to give a neutral solution. Appearance and Odor: -White tablets with no odor. SECTION IV - FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA Flash Point (Method Used): N/A Flammable Limits: N/A Extinguishing Media: Water and all extinguishers may be used. Tablets are non-combustible. Special Fire Fighting Procedures: None. ITn.,r~ml l~ir~ '~nd lrvpln~inn ~--la-rard~- 'Nlnn~ SECTION V - REACTIVITY DATA Stability: Stable X Unstable Conditions to Avoid: None Incompatibility (Materials to Avoid): N/A Hazardous Decomposition or Byproducts: N/A Hazardous Polymerization: May Occur: Conditions to Avoid: None Will Not Occur: X SECTION VI_ - HE, Al,TH HAZARD DATA Ro.te(s) of Entry.' Inhalation? N/A ,qkin? Wash with plen~ nfwater Ingestion? Give plenty of water to drink. Seek medical attention. Health Hazards (Acute and Chronic) Non Hazardous Carcinogenicity. ? NTP? IARC Monographs? OSHA Regulated? SECTION hq - HEALTH HAZARD DATA, cont. Signs and Symptoms of Exposure: Unl~own. Medical Conditions Generally Aggravated by Exposure: Emergency, and First Aid Procedures: SECTION VII - PRECAUTIONS OF SAFE Steps to Be Taken in Case Material is Released or Spilled: Sweep up and wash with plenty of water. Waste Disposal Method: To be performed in compliance with current regulations, Precautions to Be Taken in Handling and Storing: Store in original containers. Keep away from children. Other Precautions: SECTION VII- CONTROL MEASURES Respirato.ry Protection (Specify Type): Ventilation Local Exhaust: N/A Mechanical (General): Other: Protective Gloves: Eye Protection: N/A Other Protective Clothing or Equipment: N/A WorlUItygienic Practices: Wash hands after handling. Special: Thc information and recommendations in this MateriM Safety Data Sheet are based upon data believed to be correct and does not relate to its use in combination with any other material or process. This Material Safety Data Sheet complies with the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard (29CFR1910.1200). Therefore, since use and conditions vary, we assume no liability for failure to follow product use directions and safety precautions. We Can give no warranty or guarantee of any kind. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET May be used to comply with OSHA's Hazard Communication Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1200 Standard must be consulted for specific requirements. U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration (Non-Mandatory Form) Form Approved OMB No.1218-0072 £UENT~T~: (As Used on Label and List): Palintest Phenol Red Tablets SECTION I - Manufacturer's Name: Commercial Pool & Spa, Inc. Information Telephone: (612)636-7665 7905 Beech St. N.E. Minneapolis, MN 55432 Emergency Telephone: (612)636-7665 Date Prepared: 4/2/96 SECTION II - Hazardous Inqredients/Identit¥ Information HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS: (Specific Chemical Identity/ Common Name(s). Phenol Red Indicator <1% CAS N/A Fillers 99% CAS-N/A SECTION III - Physical/Chemical Characteristics Boiling Point: N/A Specific Gravity (H20=l): N/A Vapor Pressure (mm Hg.): N/A Melting Point: Unknown Vapor Density (Air=l): N/A Evaporation Rate (Butyl Acetate=l): N/A Solubility in Water: Complete to give a neutral solution. Appearance and Odor: Orange tablets with no odor. SECTION IV - Fire and Explosion Hazard Data Flash Point (Method Used): N/A Flammable Limits: N/A Extinguishing Media: Water and all extinguishers may be used. Tablcts are non-oombustiblo. Special Fire Fighting Procedures: None. Unusuai Fire and Explosion Hazards: None SECTION V -Reactivity Data Stability: Stable X Conditions to Avoid: None Unstable Incompatibility (Materials to Avoid): N/A Hazardous Decomposition or Byproducts: N/A Hazardous Polymerization: May Occur Will Not Occur X Conditions to Avoid: None SECTION VI - Health Hazard Data Route(s) of Entry: Inhalation? N/A Skin? Wash with plenty of water. -Ingestion? Give plenty of water to drink. attention. Seek medical Health HaZards (Acute and Chronic) Non Hazardous Carcinogenicity? OSHA Regulated? NTP? IARC Monographs? Medical Cond{.~{ons Generally Aggravated by Expo=ute: Emergency and First Aid Procedures: SECTION VII - Precautions of Safe Handling and Use Steps to Be Taken in case Material is Released or Spilled: Sweep up and wash with plenty of water. Waste Disposal Method: To be performed in compliance with current regulations. Precautions to Be Taken in Handling and Storing: Store in original .containers. Keep away from children. Other Precautions: SECTION VIII - Control Measures Respiratory Protection (Specify Type): VenLilaLiun Local Exhaust: N/A Mechanical (General): special: Other: Protective Gloves: N/A Eye Protection: N/A Other Protective Clothing or Equipment: N/A Work/Hygienic Practices: Wash hands after handling. The information and recommendations in this Material Safety Data Sheet are.based upon data believed to be correct and d~ not relate to its use in combination with any other material or process. This Material Safety Data Sheet complies with the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard (29CFR1910.1200). Therefore, since use conditions vary, we assume no liability for failure to follow product use directions and safety precautions. We can give no Warranty or guarantee of any kind. .RI ill R-0871 I~ATF~IAL SAFETY DATA SHEET ~LAI~FACTURER: TA~R TECHNOLOGIES, INC 31 LOVETON CIRCLE SPARKS, MD 21152 TELEPHONE: 410-472-4340 PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION CATALOG NO.: R-0.871 PRODUCT NAME: FAS-DPD Titrati~g Reagent (Chlorine) CHEMICAL FAMILY: Inorganic salt solution 2.INGREDIENTS .INGREDIENT Ferrousethylene- diammonium sulfate Sulfuric acid Deionized.water CAS NO. % 63589-59-3 <1 NATURE OF HAZARD Irritant 7664-93-9 <1 Irritant acid 7732-18-5- to 100 None 3.PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL C~ARACTERISTICS STATE: Liquid APPEARANCE: Clear, colorless ODOR: None BOILING PT (F): 212 p~.: 2.1 SPECIFIC GRAVITY: 1 VAPOR PRESSURE (mm ~g): 17 VAPOR DENSITY (AIR=l): .6 PERCENT VOLATILE BY VOLUME: 98 SOLUBILITY IN WATER: Soluble 4..FIRE, EXPLOSION.HAZARD AND REACTIVITY DATA FLASH PT: NA METHOD: NA FLAMMABLE LIMITS: LRL: NA UEL: NA EXTINGUISHING. MEDIA: Dry chemical, carbon dioxide SPECIAL-PROCEDURES: Wear self-conDained (positive pressure if available) breathing apparatus and special protective clothing FtRE/EXPLOSIO~ HAZARDS AND HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: May react violently with water. May react'with metals to produce hydrogen gas. May · ignite combustible materials. May emit toxic fumes of sulfur oxides. NFPA CODE: Health: 1 F1a-mmabitity: 0 Reactivity: 1 Specific: ACID CONDITIONS TO AVOID: Extreme heat, temperatures. Contact with strong alkali, metals. S.HEALTHHAZARD DATA INGREDIENT~ Sulfuric acid TOXICITY: LD50(ort-rat): 2140 mg/kg PEL: 1 mg;m3 STEL: 3 mg/m3 TLV: f mg/m3 ROUTE(S) OF ENTRY: Inhalation Ingestion X Skin X TARGET ORGAN(S): Eyes, skin CARCINOGENICITY: NTP No IARC No OSHA No HEALTH }{A-ZARDS AND SYMPTOMS OF EXPOSURE: EYES: Irritant. Contact may Cause burns. SKIN: Irritant. Contact may cause burns. INGESTION: Irritant. May cause gastrointestinal irritation. INHALATION: NA MEDICAL CONDITIONS AGGRAVATED BY EXPOSURE: Eye and skin conditions Received Ti~e~Jul.20, 2:09PM R-0871 Page 2 ;. PRECA{~fION/%RY PROTECTIVE EQ-UIPMENT: General purpose gloves, safety gla~, 1~ coat ~NG: Avoid .~mtac~ wi~ eyes, skin, and clo~ing. Avoid brea~ing chemical. ~a~h ~r. oughly after h~dling. EM]SRGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES EYE AND SKIN CONTACT: Immediately fluah eyes with water for 15 minutes. Call physician. Wash skin thoroughly with baking.so~a, soap and water. INGESTION: Give large amounts of water or large amounts of water with milk of magnesia. Call physician. DO 'NOT INDUCE VOMITING. IAVHALATION: NA : ~.SPILLAND DISPOSAL PROCEDURES SPILL OR RELEASE: .Neutralize with soda ash. Absorb with vermiculite or other inert materiaI. Containerize for later disposal. DISPOSAL: Inci~erati°n or other method to comply with all local, state, and federal regulations. NA = Not appl.icable ND = Not deter~i~d NE = Not established This Material Safety Data Sheet has been prepared in accordance with 29 CFR ~rt I910.1200 aad-contains information believed to be accurate and complete at · e date of .preparation. However, no warranty is expressed or implied. Advice [ve.n.under "Spill and Disposal...Procedu-res. assumes compliance with federal, ~ate, and local rec~alations regarding the disposal of hazardous waste. DATE PREPARED: July 1999 R-0870 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET MAi~UFACTURER: TAYLOR TECIINOLOGIES, INC 31 LOVETON CIRCLE SPARKS, MD 21152 TELEPHONE: 410-472-4340 ' 1.PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION CATALOG NO.: R-0870 PRODUCT NAME: DPD Powder CHEMICAL FAMILY: Inorganic/organic salt mixture 2.INGREDIENTS INGREDIENT Potassium phosphate Sodium phosphate Ethylenediaminetetra- acetic acid N,N-Diethyl-p-phenylene- diamine oxalate Inorganic salt (trade secret) Organic acid (trade secret) organic acid (trade secret) CAS NO. % 7778-77-0 <65 7558-79-4 <35 60-00-4 <2 62637-92-7 <2 Confidential <5 Confidential <5 Confidential <5 NATURE OF HAZARD Irritant Irritant Irritant Irritant, toxic Irritant alkali Irritant acid Irritant 3.PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS STATE: Solid APPEARANCE: Off-white powder ODOR: None BOILING PT (F): NA pH: NA SPECIFIC GRAVITY: NA VAPOR PRESSURE (mm Hg): NA VAPOR DENSITY (AIR=i): NA PERCENT VOLATILE BY VOLUME: NA SOLUBILITY IN WATER: >95%L 4.FIRE, EXPLOSION HAZARD AND REACTIVITY DATA FLASH PT: NA METHOD: NA FLAMMABLE LIMITS: LEL: NA UEL: NA EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Dry chemical, carbon dioxide, water spray or foam SPECIAL PROCEDURES: Wear self-contained (positive pressure if available) breathing apparatus and full-protective clothing FIRE/EXPLOSION HAZARDS AND HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: May emit toxic fuma~ of ph~ph~ru~ oxida~, ~dium ~idc. ' NFPA CODE: Health: 0 Flammability'~ 0 Reactivity: 0 Specific: NA CONDITIONS TO AVOID: Extreme heat, temperatures. 5.HEALTH HAZARD DATA INGREDIENT: Potassium phosphate TOXICITY: NE PEL: NE STEL: NE TLV: NE INGREDIENT: Sodium phosphate · TOXICITY: LD50(orl-rat): 12900 mg/kg PEL: NE STEL: NE TLV: NE R-0870 Page 2 5.HEALTH HAZARD DATA - continued INGREDIENT: N,N-Diethyl-p-phenylenediamine oxalate TOXICITY: NE PEL: NE TLV: NE STEL: NE ROUTE(S) OF ENTRY: Inhalation X Ingestion X TARGET ORGAN(S): Eyes, skin, respiratory tract CARCINOGENICITY: NTP No IARC No OSHA No HEALTH HAZARDS AND SYMPTOMS OF EXPOSURE: EYES: Irritant SKIN: Irritant INGESTION: ~rritant, toxic. diarrhea, oxalate poisoning. INHALATION: Irritant, toxic. oxalate poisoning. Skin X May cause gastrointestinal irritation, nausea, May cause irritation of respiratory tract and .MEDICAL CONDITIONS AGGRAVATED BY EXPOSURE: Eye, skin, and respiratory conditions 6.PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: General purpose gloves, safety glasses, lab coat, dust mask, adequate ventilation HANDLING: Avoid contact with eyes, skin, and clothing. Avoid breathing chemical. Wash thoroughly after handling. STORAGE: Cool, dry, well-ventilated area. Avoid direct sunlight. 7.EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES EYE AND SKIN CONTACT:' Immediately flush eyes with water for 15 minutes. Call physician. Wash skin-thoroughly with soap and water. INGESTION: Give large amounts of water. Call physician. Induce vomiting under' direction of physician. INHALATION: Remove to fresh air. Call physician. 8.SPILL AND DISPOSAL PROCEDURES SPILL OR RELEASE: Sweep up-. Avoid raising dust. Containerize for later disposal. DISPOSAL: Incineration or other method to comply with all local, state, and federal regulations. 9.TRANSPORTATION DATA (U.~. - SURFACE) PROPER SHIPPING NAME: Not regulated HAZARD CLASS: NA IDENTIFICATION NO.: NA NA = Not applicable ND = Not determined NE = Not established This Material Safety Data Sheet has been prepared in accordance with 29 CFR Part 1910.1200 and contains information believed to be accurate and complete at the date of preparation. However, no warranty is~expressed or implied. Advice Fiven under "Spill and Disposal Procedures" assumes compliance with federal, ;tate, and local regulations regarding the disposal of hazardous waste. DATE PREPARED: March 1993 P R 0 D U C T: K-2005 R-0001 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET MANUFACTURER~- TAYLOR TECHNuLo~±ES, ±NC D1 LOVETON CIKCLE SPARKS, MD 21152 TELEFIIONE: 410-472-4340 1 - PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION CATALOG NO.: R-0001 PRODUCT NAME: DPD Reagent ~1 CHEMICAL FAMILY: Inorganic salt solution 2.INGREDIENTS INGRED£ENT Sodium phosphate Sodium hydroxide Deionized water CAS NO. ~ 777~-77-0 <10 7558-79-4 <10 1310-73-2 <1 7732-18-5 to 100 NATURE OF HAZARD Irritant Irritant Irritant alkali None 3 .PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS STATE: Liquid APPEARANCE: Clear, colorless ODOR: None BOILING PT (F): 212 pH: 10 SPECIFIC GRAVITY: 1.24 VAPOR PRESSURE (mm Hg): 17~ VAPOR DENSITY (AIR=i): .64 PERCENT VOLATILE BY VOLUME: 68 SOLUBILITY IN WATER: Soluble 4.FIRE, EXPLOSION HAZARD AND REACTIVITY DATA FLASH PT: NA METHOD: NA FLAMMABLE LIMITS: LEL: NA UEL: NA EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Dry chemical, carbon dioxide, water spray or foam SPECIAL PROCEDURES: Wear self-contained (positive pressure if available) breathing apparatus and full-protective~.~lothing FIRE/EXPLOSION HAZARDS AND HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: May emit toxic fumes of phosphorus oxides NFPA CODE: Health: 0 Flammability: 0 Reactivity: 0 Specific: NA CONDITIONS TO AVOID: Extreme heat, temperatures. 51HEALTH HAZARD DATA INGREDIENT: Sodium hydroxide TOXICITY: LDS0(orl-rat): 1'40-340 ms/kg PEL: 2 ms/m3 STEL: NE TLV: 2 ms/m3 ROUTE(S) OF ENTRY: Inhalation Ingestion X Skin X TARGET ORGAN(S): Eyes, skin CARCtNOGENICITY: NTP No IARC No OSHA No H~_LTH F~Z~.DS ~.D SYMPTOMS OF EXPOSL~E: EYES: Irritant SKIN: Irritant INGESTION: Irritant. May cause gastrointestinal irritation, nausea, and diarrhea. INITALATION: NA MEDICAL CONDITIONS AGGRAVATED BY EXPosUP~E: Eye and skin conditions R-O001 Page 2 6.PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: General purpose gloves, safety glasses, lab coat HANDLING: Avoid contact with eyes, skin, and clothing.. Avoid breathing chemical. Wash thoroughly after handling. STORA~GE: Cool, dry area. Avoid direct sunlight. 7.EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES EYE AND SKIN CONTACT: Immediately flush eyes with water for 15 minutes. Call physician. Wash skin thoroughly with soap and water. INGESTION: Give large ~amounts of water. Call physician. DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING. I~TION: NA 3.SPILL AND DISPOSAL PROCEDURES SPILL OR RELEASE: Absorb with ~ermiculite or other inert material. Containerize for later disposal. DISPOSAL: Incineration or other me~hod to comply with all local, state, and federal regUlations. ).TRANSPORTATION DATA (U.S. - SURFACE) PROPER' SHIPPING NAME: Not regulated HAZARD CLASS: NA IDENTIFICATION NO.: NA NA = Not applicable ND = Not determined NE = Not established This Material Safety Data Sheet has been prepared in accordance with 29 CFR ~rt 1910.1200 and contains infoz-mation believed to be accurate and complete at ~e date of preParation. However, no warranty is expressed or implied. Advice ..yen under "Spill and Disposal Procedures" assumes compliance with federal, !ate, and local regulations regarding the disposal of hazardous waste. DATE PREPARED: February. 1992 R-0002 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET MANUFACTURER: TAYLOR TECHNOLOGIES, INC 31 LOVETON CIRCLE SPARKS, MD 21152 TELEPHONE: 410-472-4340 ±.PRODUCT IDENTiEiUAT±ON CATALOG NO.: R-0002 PRODUCT NAME:' DPD Reagent #2 CHEMICAL FAMILY: Acidic organic amine solution 2.INGREDIENTS INGREDIENT N,N-Diethyl-p-phenylene- diamine sulfate Organic acid (trade secret) Deionized water CAS NO. ~ ~ 6283-63-2 <1 Confidential <10 7732-18-5 to 100 NATURE OF HAZARD Irritant, toxic Irritant acid None 3.PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS STATE: Liquid APPEARANCE: Clear, colorless ODOR: None BOILING PT (F): 212 pH: 1.3 SPECIFIC GRAVITY: 1.01 VAPOR PRESSURE (mm Hg): 17 VAPOR DENSITY (AIR=l): .65 PERCENT VOLATILE BY VOLUME: 99 SOLUBILITY IN WATER: Soluble 4.FIRE, EXPLOSION HAZARD AND REACTIVITY DATA FLASH PT: NA METHOD: NA FLAMMABLE LIMITS: LEL: NA UEL: NA EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: NA SPECIAL PROCEDURES-: Wear self-contained (positive pressure if available) breathing apparatus and special protective clothing FIRE/EXPLOSION HAZARDS AND HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: May emit toxic fumes of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, phosphine, phosphorus oxides, sulfur oxides. Contact with metals may produce hydrogen gas. NFPA CODE: Health: 1 Flammability: 0 Reactivity: 0 Specific: NA CONDITIONS TO AVOID: Extreme heat, temperatures. Contact with metals, oxidizers, strong caustic. 5.HEA/~TH HAZARD DATA INGREDIENT: Organic acid TOXICITY: LD50(orl-rat): 2400 mg/kg PEL: NE STEL: NE LDS0(skn-rbt): >7940 mg/kg TLV: NE INGREDIENT: N,N-Diethyl-p-phenylenediamine sulfate ~=~(unr-rat): 450 mg/kg TOXICITY: ~uou PEL: NE TLV: NE STEL: NE R-0002 Page 2 5.HEALTH HAZARD DATA - continued ROUTE(S) OF ENTRY: Inhalation Ingestion X Skin X TARGET ORGAN(S): Eyes, skin, gastrointestinal tract CARCINOGENICITY: NTP No IARC No OSHA No HEALTH HAZARDS AND SYMPTOMS OF EXPOSURE: EYES: Irritant SKIN: Irritant. Contact may cause dermatitis. INGESTION: Irritant, toxic. May cause gastrointestinal irritation, nausea, cramps, diarrhea. INHALATION: NA MEDICAL CONDITIONS AGGRAVATED BY EXPOSURE: Eye and skin conditions 6.PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: General purpose gloves, safety glasses, lab coat HANDLING: Avoid contact with eyes, skin, and clothing. Avoid breathing chemical. Wash thoroughly after handling. STORAGE: Cool, dry area. Avoid direct sunlight. 7.EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES EYE AND SKIN CONTACT: Immediately flush eyes with water for 15 minutes. Call Dhysician. Wash skin thoroughly with ~n~p ~d wateri INGESTION: Give large amounts of water or large amounts of water with milk of magnesia. Call physician. DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING. INHALATION: NA 8.SPILL AND DISPOSAL PROCEDURES SPILL OR RELEASE: Neutralize with soda ash. Absorb with vermiculite or other inert material. Containerize for later disposal. DISPOSAL: Incineration or other method to comply with all local, state, and federal regulations. NA = Not applicable ND = Not determined NE = Not established This Material Safety Data Sheet has been prepared in accordance with 29 CFR Part 1910.1200 and contains information believed to be accurate and complete at the date of preparation. However, no warranty is expressed or implied. Advice given under "Spill and Disposal Procedures" assumes compliance with federal, state, and local regulations regarding the disposal of hazardous waste. DATE ~PREPARED: July I99'5~ MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET. R-O003 ~ANUFACTURERi- TAYLOR TECHNOLOGIES, INC 51 LOVETON CIRCLE ..... PRODUCT NAME: DPD Reagent CHEMICAL FAMILY: Inorganic salt solution £.iNGREDIENTS ·INGREDIENT Potassium iodide Sodium carbonate Deionized wmter' CAS NO. % NATURE OF HAZARD 76°I._, -1 1-0 <fO Irritant 497-~ 9-8 <1 Irritant alkali 7_~-1,..°-S to 100 None,_ 3.PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS ' ....... · _S__T.A_T_~.:_._~iquid. ..... A~P. EARANCE: Clear,__.c. olorless ODOR: None BOILING PT {F): £1~ pH: 10.S SPECIFI~--G~'~i:[-~" 1 ,-~ .... ' ............... VAPOR PRESSURE (mm Hg): 17 VAPOR DENSITY (AIR=I) :' PERCENT VOLATILE BY VOLUME: .°0_, SOLUBILITY iN ~ATER: ._,°oluble 4.FIRE, EXPLOSION HAZARD AND REACTIVITY DATA FLASH PT: NA METHOD: NA FLAMMABLE LIMITS: LEL: NA UEL: NA 'EXTINGUISHING MEDIA:'NA SPECIAL PROCEDURES: Wear self-contained (positive pressure if .available) breathing apparatus and futl/prote~i~--'~in~ ..................................... FIRE/EXPLOSION HAZARDS AND HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: May em&t toxic fumes of iodine. CONDITION°., TO AVOID: Extreme heat, temperatures. Contact with oxidizers, acids. 5.HEALTH HAZARD DATA INGREDIENT: Potassium iodide ......... -f-~'icITY: ~56~rl-mus):- '1868 rog/kg PEL: NE TLV: NE STEL: NE ROtITF¢S/ OF ENTRY: Inhala~tion Ingestion X Skin ...... I~..~!_.ORGAN(S):..Eyes, skin CARCINOGENI~ITY: NT~' No IARC No O~'~'-D~ ................... HEALTH HAZARDS AND SYMPTOMS OF EXPOSURE: EYES: Irritant SKIN: Irritant. Contact may cause dermatitis. INGESTION: Irritant. May cause gastrointestinal irritation, INHALATION: NA MEDICAL CUNDII IONS AGGRAVATED BY E×PO.z.u~. ~= and rkin condi NEW PAGE G .PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: .... General puPp~se-g-1~vesC-sa.~e`t¥.~1ass~es`,--.~.1a.~.-~at------------------------------------- "-~-:~.~- ~F'i'~-T"~-~-o{-~-. ~ntact Wi'l~h eyes, skin,, and clothing . Avoid breathing chemical. ~Jash thoroughly after handling. ', .STORAGE: Cool dry area Avoid direct sunlight ?.EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES :f~..%C_._~~_~B.. ~NTA.~T:. ~ ~.'~ ~r'~' ~"~ ~ flLiCd' e~e~' with water For 15 minutes. .. Call physician. Wash skin thoroughly with ~oap ~nd water. INGESTION: 6ire la~ge amounts of water. Call physician. Induce vomiting under direction of physician. INHAL^TION: NA 8.SPILL AND DISPOSAL PROCEDURES ' Containerize~fo~ later disposal. DZSPOSAE:i,~ln~ineration or other met~od.:~o.%omply ~ith ail local, state, an, ..... ~ed'e~'al'' ~'e~ulations. ' 9.TRANSPORTATION DATA (U.S. - SURFACE) ...... ~]]~]TF~°~ER:]SHi~PIN~' NAME: Not regular'ed .... -- ....................... 'HAZARD'CLASS: NA iDENTIFICATION NO.: NA ND'= Not determined NE.= Not established This Material Safety Da~a Sheet has been prepared in accordance with ~ CF1 Part 1910.1200 and contains information believed to be accurate and complete a' given under "Spill and Disposal Procedures" as'sumes compliance with federal, state, and local regul'ations regarding the disposal of hazardous waste. DATE PREPARED: F'ebrua-~-I~92 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET MANUFACTURER: TAYLOR TECHNOLOGIES, INC 31 LOVETON CIRCLE SPARKS, MD 21152. 'I'~L~FHONS: 410~472-4340 1.PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION CATALOG NO.: R-0004 PRODUCT NAME: pH Indicator Solution (Phenol Red) CHEMICAL FAMILY: Sulfonphthalein dye solution 2.INGREDIENTS INCREDIENT Phenolsulfonphthalein (phenol red) Sodium hydroxide Deionized water CAS NO % 143-74-8 <1 1310-73-2 <1 7732-18-5 to 100 NATT~E OF HAZARD Irritant Irritant alkali None 3.PHYSICAl/CHEMICAL CHA/qACTERISTICS STATE: Liquid APPEARANCE: Clear, red-orange ODOR: Sulfidic BOILING PT (F): 212 pH: 7.6 SPECIFIC GRAVITY: 1 VAPOR PRESSURE (mm Hg): 17 VAPOR DENSITY (AIR=l): .6 PERCENT VOLATILE BY VOLUME: 98 SOLUBILITY IN WATER: Soluble R-0004 4.FIRE, EXPLOSION HAZARD AND REACTIVITY DATA FLASH PT: NA METHOD: NA FIiAMMABLE ,LIMITS: LEL: NA UEL:'NA EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: NA SPECIAL PROCEDURES: Wear self-contained (positive pressure if available) breathing apparatus and full-protective clothing FIRE/EXPLOSION HAZARDS AND HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: May emit toxic fumes of carbon oxides, sulfur oxides. NFPA CODE: Health: 0 Flammability: 0 Reactivity: 0 Specific: NA CONDITIONS TO AVOID: Extreme heat, temperatures. 5.HEALTH HAZARD DATA INGREDIENT: Sodium hydroxide TOXICITY: LD50(orl-rat): 140-340 mg/kg PEL: 2 mg/m3 STEL: NE TLr: 2 mg/m3 ROUTE(S) OF ENTRY: Inhalation ingestion X Skin X TARGET ORGAN(S): Eyes, skin CARCINOGENICITY: NTP No IARC No OSHA No HEALTH HAZARDS AND SYMPTOMS OF EXPOSURE: EYES: Irritant SKIN: Irritant. Contact may cause staining. INGESTION: Irritant. May cause gastrointestinal irritation. INHALATION: NA MEDICAL CONDITIONS AGGRAVATED BY EXPOSURE: Eye and skin conditions R-0005 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET MANUFACTURER: TAYLOR TECHNOLOGIES, INC 31'LOVETON CIRCLE SPARKS, MD 21152 TELEPHONE: 410-472-4340 1.PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION CATALOG NO.: R-0005 PRODUCT NAME: Acid Demand Reagent (ADR) CHEMICAL FAMILY: Inorganic acid solution 2.INGREDIENTS INgREDIeNT Sulfuric acid Deionized water CAS NO. ~ 7664:-93-9 <1 7732-18-5 to 100 NATURE OF HAZARD Irritant auld None 3.PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS STATE: Liquid APPEARANCE: Clear, colorless ODOR: None BOILING PT (F): 212 pH: 1~3 SPECIFIC GRAVITY: 1 VAPOR PRESSURE (mm Hg): 17 VAPOR DENSITY (AIR=I): .6 PERCENT VOLATILE BY VOLUME: 100 SOLUBILITY IN WATER: Soluble 4.FIRE, EXPLOSION HAZARD AND REACTIVITY DATA FLASH PT: NA METHOD: NA FLAMMABLE LIMITS: LEL: NA UEL: NA EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Dry chemical, carbon dioxide SPECIAL PROCEDURES: Wear self-contained (positive pressure if available) breathing apparatus and special protective clothing ~ FIRE/EXPLOSION HAZARDS AND HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: May react violently with water. May react with metals to produce hydrogen gas. May ignite combustible materials. May emit toxic fumes of sulfur oxides. NFPA CODE: Health: 1 Flammability: 0 Reactivity: 1 Specific: CORR CONDITIONS TO AVOID: Extreme heat, temperatures. Contact with strong alkali, metals. 5.HEALTH HAZARD DATA INGREDIENT: Sulfuric acid TOXICITY: LD50(orl-rat): 2140 mg/kg PEL: 1 mg/m3 STEL: 3 mg/m3 TLV: 1 mg/m3 ROUTE(S) OF ENTRY: Inhalation Ingestion X Skin X TARGET ORGAN(S):'Eyes, skin CARCINOGENICI'~Y: NT~ No IARC No OSHA No HEALTH HAZARDS AND SYMPTOMS OF EXPOSURE: EYES: Irritant. Contact may cause burns. SKIN: Irritant. Contact may cause burns. INGESTION: Irritant. May cause gastrointestinal irritation. INHALATION: NA MEDICAL CONDITIONS AGGRAVATED BY EXPOSURE: Eye and skin conditions R-0005 Page 2 6.PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: General purpose gloves, safety qlasses, lab coat HANDLING: Avoid contact with eyes, skin, and clothing. Avoid breathing chemical, wa~ ~oroug~ly a~ter hand±lng. STORAGE: Cool, dry area. Avoid direct sunlight. 7.EMERGENCY AN/) FIRST AID PROCEDURES EYE AND SKIN CONTACT: Immediately flush eyes with water for 15 minutes. Call physician. Wash skin thoroughly with baking soda, soap and water. INGESTION: Give large amounts of water or large amounts of water with milk of magnesia. Call physician. DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING. INHALATION: NA 8.SPILL AND DISPOSAL PROCEDURES SPILL OR RELEASE: Neutralize with soda ash. Absorb with vermiculite or other inert material. Containerize for later disposal. DISPOSAL: Incineration or other method to comply with all local, state, and federal regulations. 9.TRANSPORTATION DATA (U.S. - SURFACE) PROPER SHIPPING NAME: Not regulated HAZARD CLASS: NA IDENTIFICATION NO.: NA NA = Not applicable ND = Not determined NE = Not established This'Material Safety Data Sheet has been prePared in-accordance with 29. CFR 'art 1910.1200 and contains info~-mation believed to be accurate and complete at .he date of preparation. However, no warranty is expressed or implied. Advice 'iven under "Spill and Disposal ProCedures'' assumes compliance with federal, tare, and local regulations regarding the disposal of hazardous waste. DATE PREPARED: August 1993 R-0006 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET MANUFACTURER: TAYLOR TECHNOLOGIES, INC 31 LOVETON CIRCLE SPARIfS, MD 21152 T~LEP~ON~. 410-472-4340 1.PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION CATALOG NO.: R-UUU6 PRODUCT NAME: Base Demand Reagent (BDR) CHEMICAL FAMILY: Inorganic alkali solution 2.INGREDIENTS INGI~EDIENT Sodium carbonate Deionized water CAS NO. 497-19-8 <1 7732-18-5 to 100 NATURE OF HAZARD Irritant alkali None 3.PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS STATE: Liquid APPEARANCE: Clear, colorless ODOR: None BOILING PT (F): 212 pH: 11.2 SPECIFIC GRAVITY: 1 VAPOR PRESSURE (mm Hg): 17 VAPOR DENSITY (AIR=l): .6 PERCENT VOLATILE BY VOLUME: 99 SOLUBILITY IN WATER: Soluble 4.FIRE, EXPLOSION HAZARD AND REACTIVITY DATA FLASH PT: NA -METHOD: NA FLAMMABLE. LIMITS: LEL: NA UEL: NA EXTINGUISHING MEDIA~ NA SPECIAL PROCEDURES: Wear self-contained (positive pressure if available) breathing apparatus and full-protective clothing FIRE/EXPLOSION HAZARDS AND HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: May react violently with strong acids, fluorine, aluminum and lithium metals, and phosphorus pentoxide. May emit toxic fumes of sodium oxide and carbon dioxide. NFPA CODE: Health: 1 Flammability: 0 Reactivity: 0 Specific: NA CONDITIONS TO AVOID: Extreme heat, temperatures. Contact with strong acids, fluorine, metals, phosphorus pentoxide. 5.HEALTH HAZARD DATA INGREDIENT: Sodium carbonate TOXICITY: LD50(o~l-rat): 4090 mg/kg PEL: NE STEL: NE TLV: NE ROUTE(S) OF ENTRY: Inhalation Ingestion X Skin X TARGET ORGAN(S): Eyes, skin CARCINOGENICITY:, NTP No IARC No OSHA No HEALTH HAZARDS AND SYMPTOMS OF EXPOSURE: EYES: Irritant SKIN: Irritant INGESTION: Irritant. May cause gastrointestinal irritation. INHALATION: NA MEDICAL CONDITIONS AGGRAVATED BY EXPOSURE: Eye and skin conditions R-0006 Page 2 6.PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: General purpose gloves, Sa~fety glasses, lab coat HANDLING: Avoid contact with eyes, skin, and clothing. Avoid breathing chemical. Wash thoroughly after handling. STORAGE: Cool, dry area. Avoid direct sunlight. 7.~R~NCY AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES EYE AND SKIN CONTACT: Immediately flush eyes with water for 15 minutes. Call physician. Wash skin thoroughly with soap and Water. INGESTION: Give large amounts of water. Call physician. DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING. ~ INHALATION: NA 8.SPILL AND DISPOSAL PROCEDURES SPILL OR RELEASE: Neutralize with dilute acid. Absorb with vermiculite or other inert material. Containerize for later disposal. DISPOSAL: Incineration or other method to comply with all local, state, and federal regulations. 9.TRANSPORTATION DATA (U.S. - SURFACE) PROPER SHIPPING NAME: Not regulated HAZARD CLASS: NA IDENTIFICATION NO.: NA NA = Not applicable ND = Not determined NE = Not established This Material Safety Data Sheet has been prepared in accordance with 29 CFR Part 1910.1200 and contains information believed to be accurate and complete at the date of preparation. However, no warranty is expressed or implied. Advice given under "Spill and Disposal Procedures" assumes compliance with federal, state, and local regulations regarding the disposal of hazardous waste. DATE PREPARED: August 1993 MATERIAl SAEETY D~TA. SHEET MANUFACTURER: TAYLOR T.E.C__Ht.~.O_.~_O_G_I..E.S_~__.I_..N..C' ........ · :.'"-,.,'m~;}~.; ' ' - ]I LOVETON. CIRCLE .:v... ...... ............... ,:.. ...... i:?::'ii...F.:;.:..::,~'i';;. .'; .... -: :,.,:'? :;. ~ :..: . : . ..., .,. SPARK, ~ .MD ',.,.. 81.,~ S2: ~,: :~,~:,~:',:.:~. · :-~.:~:.::~,~-~.~-' ~,..:'~.~::~.:~: :~.t~;~,..;:,.~ .......... ~.;.;,:.:-,-~.:.,~.~.:..:~ ~**'-:':.,:. .....: . . ..... ;..:..: .'::" :., · T ELEP)~ONE J ?!~'~ ~ ............ ' :'*'" ':'* .................. ~ ............ '*:":*':*"*"'"*:':'" ';"'~ .......... :*':' ':*:*:~' '*'*'*:':"~*'": ........ " .......... :"' '""' "":'~' ~'' ':4"~4 .'~ '~i'f :"w:*,:~.,?;:',f:E,'i.;'::~ ~;:; ::;t~i::~'*~::'~.:-::.~,",: *.'?~:~:~5:~,:':*· :'~P~;*~:i~'.'* i; ~*i :~ :~?* 47~ . 0 .... ...~ .:.-: .............................. ......... ......... : ................ - ................. , .:.,.: .... .PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION CATALOG NO.: R-OOO7 PRODUCT NAME :. Thiosulfmt. e'::N/l O. :..'. :. . :.!?.'::~i::.~x.'~..;,,i~;i' :i: . ~.: :.: : :. .... . ~ ..~-::; "j :CHEM I CAL FAM I L y.?' I norga~i'~'~-.i:~'~.l'; ~: ~:-~o i u ~ i ~'i:~.i!i'.i'i:;~i!~ii!;'i.~'!i!!i:!ili~!?? :'~!' :{/:.! !'i!!.:'!.~:!:~/?i./':' .- :::' :: :i: :i:i ~:;!' 6 "?.~! .' - . ' ."~:.~' "~." '...' ::. >" '-?:~;:;i:~:?::-.i:::?;'~i:: ~i::i;.::.;?:,' :,~!~?:'.:i~:-:!:i:i~;!??,?~?-:i'!i'i!!i? :'~': ::'i';~:-fi~ii.:i~.'~t":i'! i;.?:':," ' ::? : . ~, :~ ,/N~REDZENTS . INGREDIENT CAS NO. ~ NATURE OF HAZARD Sodium thio~ulf~te 777~-98-7 (S . Irritant .... ' Sodium carbonate ..... ::.::.:'-. 5/49Z-19~8~?~%~ ~: ::~::~:i.::"~.;::~i~:~:~:: -' :. Irritant alkali ~ ........... 3 .PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS STATE: Liquid APPEARANCE: Clear, colorless ODOR: None BOILING PT (F): ~12 pH: 9.6 SPECIFIC GRAVITY: 1 · VAPOR PRESSURE 4.FIREz EXPLOSION HAZARD AND REACTIVITY DATA ' FLASH PT: NA METHOD: NA FLAMMABLE LIMITS: LEL: NA UEL: NA FIRE/EXPLOSION HAZARDS AND HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: ~ay eait toxic fumes of sulfur oxides, hydrogen sulfide. NFPA CODE: Health: 1 Flammability: 0 Remctiv~_~: 0 Sp~_~j_~._~ ' CONDITIONS TO'AVOID: Extneme heat..;.'..-,;..::tem~'~atUfi'~;::: Conta~t..::.w~th acids,', S.HEALTH H,AZARD DATA INGREDIENT: Sodium thiosulfate ROUTE(S) OF ENTRY: Inhalation__ Ingestion X Skin X TARGET ORGAN(S): Eyes, skin CARCINOG. E__N.!_glI¥: NiP No iARC No . __O~S~.6.I~o ....... :', ...........:::~,~:::~ .,-.'::.~,~¢:~:>': :~b~ .: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 21': i::'i:!::~i~i.;:.:.:;iii~ i.~ i;:.:: :, ' EYES: Irritant ; :'.":;:"!.' :-:"-'-':':":'--'?; .;.}i:~;'!:;¢:~:.: .::' :~ '~!?:;i i!;~:';¢~!;;;~;;::~ ;:;.:; , ~ :*: ;,, :. INGESTION: Irritant. May cause gastrointestinal irritation. INHALATION: NA MEDICAL CONDITIONS AGGRAVATED BY EXPOSURE: Eye and skin conditions Page 2 G.PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENI: General purpose gloves, safety glasse~, lab. coat HANDLING: Avoid contact with eyes, skin~ and clothino. Awnid breathing chemical. Wash thoroughly affter handling. STORAGE: Cool~ ~ry area. Avoid direct sunlight. ~ ' i:-.."-! ?' .... ~; .... >w .i,~r-~ ~i ~::?'/ !' -. ~..?-'. - .. , i~.' i,..~'~iilL~,X~;!-~..~ . . . ~' .... . EMERGENCY . EYE'AND SKIN CONTACT,~:-,"Iml~ed~it'~l~'i-flush. eye~;:~ith CalI physician. ~Jash skin thoroughly'with ~oap and water. INGESTION: Give large amounts of water. Call physician. Induce vomiting g~_.~.£~S~.'.~_n~f._P~.~ician' _ ...................... INHALATION: NA' . ,.- ..... ;4: .;.:.~._.iiii.~:.di.i.,~.:.:,.....i.i,;i~':i::,i:L. ii.i~:..~:i.; ;.:/'-.. :,-,.~ .... :- ;i.;~ _, .:' . ./ ....... :'-%:~::.:~':-, :; :.':':. ::~.:.:': ;::'..~ ...6~.!. :;:;>i~i~'s~ ;~:~:!;" :~'::..~:.::~ 5. ' ':~":' J: --"':..~ ;.:~. ' SPILL OR RELEASE: Neutralize with dilute acid. Absorb with vermiculite or other inert material'. Containerize for later disposal. DISPOSAL: Incineration or other method to comp. l~_ with all local~ statq.~__~O~ · . . .~! ~' "-~ - .": 72.'./.'. .?';- '.;'.;.~i;:..'.. ~2i:!;~:i~:(?i.i;¢i.!~}::i~.:~!i':~.i~.i.;'i:?~;i~';;X!;:?!q:?i!!~' 'i :. i. ii~;;.'.'.!:i,;.;~'~. 4!*':; R A N S P O R T A ~ iQ N' D A T'A :!'?'{ ~ '~ S"i'!".:* ';:; iii;::'~'~ R'~'~**~:'~'*i: } ".!i.i~ ~i!~:i. :ii;!;.;"I' ':i~:i!:!;:;:~;..i ?:;: ".-:'. i~:; ::'ii~iii:: ii:;! i:; !~;?:,';'' }:iil;;-"~i' PROPER SHIPPING NAME: Not regulated HAZARD CLASS: NA IDENTIFICATION NO.: NA ND = Not der ermined NE = Not established .This Material Safety Data Sheetl. bas'.bee. O¢:prepared i.in .~C¢o..rdance~with 89 CFR Pa~t ! 91 0'1Po0'r'and. containS':'~"~'~Orii~.~'i~!~.i.b'~i?'~"i~ved:i:!'~oi'b~'- ~¢~ur~'a't"~ and'~0mPlete at t he dar e of pcepar~ { 0'n; '~"'H~w~';'~r~:~:;x.'~:~:?~'~"~:~:~'~'~:' i~ 'e:xp~'e~?'~imP ~_~" ',~_dvi ce. given under "Spill and Disposal Procedures" assumes compliance with federal, state, and local regulations regardino the dispoq~l of hazardou~ waste. R-0008 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET MANUFACTURER: TAYLOR TECHNOLOGIES, INC 31 LOVETON CIRCLE SPARKS, MD 21152 TELEPHONE: 410-472-4340 1.PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION CATALOG NO.: R-0008 PRODUCT NAME: TOtal Alkali'nity Indicator~ CHEMICAL FAMILY: Organic dye solution 2.INGREDIENTS INGREDIENT 3,3',5,5'-Tetrabromo-m- cresolsulfonphthalein (bromcresol green) 2-[[4-(Dimethylamino)- phenyl]azo]benzoic acid (methyl red) Sodium carbonate Sodium hydroxide Deionized water CAS NO. % 76-60-8 <1 493-52-7 <1 497-19-8 <1 1310-73-2 <1 7732-18-5 to 100 NATURE OF HAZARD Irritant Irritant Irritant alkali Irritant alkali None 3.PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS STATE: 'Liquid APPEARANCE: Dark green ODOR: None BOILING PT (F): 212 pH: 8.5 SPECIFIC GRAVITY: 1 VAPOR PRESSURE (mm Hg): 17 VAPOR DENSITY (AIR=i): .6 PERCENT VO!~_TILE BY VOLUME: 99 SOLUBILITY IN WATER: Soluble 4.FIRE, EXPLOSION HAZARD AND REACTIVITY DATA FLASH PT: NA METHOD: NA FLAMMABLE LIMITS: LEL: NA UEL: NA ~ EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Dry chemical, carbon dioxide, water spray or foam SPECIAL PROCEDURES: Wear self-contained (positive pressure if available) breathing apparatus and full-protective clothing FIRE/EXPLOSION HAZARDS AND HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: May emit toxic fumes of carbon oxides. NFPA CODE: Health: 0 Flammability: 0 Reactivity: 0 Specific: NA CONDITIONS TO AVOID: Extreme heat,~temperatures. 5.HEALTH HAZARD DATA INGREDIENT: NA TOXICITY: ~ PEL: NA STEL: NE TLV: NA ROUTE(S) OF ENTRY: Inna±ation Ingestion X skin x TARGET ORGAN(S): Eyes, skin CARCINOGENICITY: NTP No IARC No OSHA No HF-ALTH HAZARDS AND SYMPTOMS OF EXPOSURE: EYES: Irritant SKIN: I~ritant. Contact may INGESTION: Irritant. May cause gastrointestinal irritation. INHALATION: NA MEDICAL CONDITIONS AGGRAVATED BY EXPOSURE: Eye and skin conditions R-0008 Page 2 6.PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: General purpose gloves, safety glasses, lab coat HANDLING: Avoid contact with eyes, skin, and clothing. Avoid breathing chamical. Wash th~r~]]gh]y ~ft~r h~nd]im~. STORAGE: Cool, dry area. Avoid direct sunlight. 7.EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES EYE AND SKIN CONTACT: Immediately flush eyes with water for 15 minutes. Call physician. Wash skin thoroughly with soap and water.' INGESTION: Give large amounts of water. Call physician. InduCe vomiting under direction of physician. INHALATION: NA 8.SPILL AND DISPOSAL PROCEDURES SPILL OR RELEASE: Absorb with vermiculite or other inert material. Containerize for later disposal. DISPOSAL: Incineration or other method to comply with all'local, state, and federal regulations. 9.TRANSPORTATION DATA (U.S. - SURFACE) PROPER SHIPPING NAME: Not regulated HAZARD CLASS: NA IDENTIFICATION NO.: NA NA = Not applicable ND = Not determined NE = Not established This Material Safety Data Sheet has been prepared in accordance with 29 CFR Part 1910.1200 and contains information believed to be accurate and complete at the date of preparation. However, no warranty is expressed or implied. Advice given under "Spill and Disposal Procedures" assumes compliance with federal, state, and local regulations regarding the disposal of hazardous waste. DATE PREPARED: February 1992 ' "~ i " MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 1.PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION CATALOG NO.: R-O009 2.INGREDIENTS · INGREDIENT CAS NO. % Sulfuric acid 7664-93-9 NATURE OF HAZARD Irritant acid STATE: Liquid APPEARANCE: Clear, colorless ODOR: None BOILING PT (F); 8~8' pH: 1.3 SPECIFIC GRAVITY: 1 VAPOR PRESSURE (mm Hg]: 1T VAPOR DENSITY (AIR=;): .6 . PERCENT VOLATILE BY VOLUME:;:.IOO~:.i,'::i!!i;SO~UBILI:~Y::.'.:IN HATER~: FLASH PT: NA METHOD: NA ' FLAMMABLE LIMITS: LEL: NA UEL: NA EXTINGUISHING HEDIA: Dry chemic~l~ carbon dioxide SPECIAL PROCEDURES~:W~a~.::~lf~cn~iai~d';{Po~i~ivei. Press~e;'.if available) violently Nith Hater. May react uith metals to produce hydrogen gas. ignite combustible materials. May emit toxic fume~ of ~ulFur oxides. NFPA CODE: Health: 1 Flanm~i~jly:., 0 ___~j~_6~_ivi_t_y4_j Specific: C_ORE. .CONDITIONS TO AVOID: E×t~me':he,.A~;$':ii:"i'tei~,at~i~8~. ; Cont,aC~ .uit, h,~tr,ong _q.HEALTH HAZARD DATA INGREDIENT; Sulfuric. acid TOX I C. IZF_~: LOS_O_t_o~_l_~_m_t_): ROUTE(S) OF ENTRY: Inhalation' Ingestion X Skin X TARGET ORGAN(S): Eyes, skin -HEALTH HAZARDS AND $¥MFIUM$ DF'EXPOSURE: ;' . .::':::".~ '-' INGESTION: . IP~itant . May cau~e gastrointestinal irritation. INHALATION: NA .' MEDICAL CONDITIONS AGGRAVATED BY EXPOSURE: E~_a.D~ Paae ~ G'.~RE~AUTIONARY ~E~$~RES ..... PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: General purpose gloves, safety-glasses, lab coat .HANDLING: Avoid contact with eye~, ~kin, 'and clothing. Avoid breathing chemical. ~ash thoroughly after handling. STORAGE: Cool, dry area. Avoid direct sunlight. ?.E~I~RGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES,~,.~':::~..?:;i~i~ii~ii.~!..::.-]~::?i~:,i:~,~iii: ,~' ':-:~:'' ~!:." i.' . INGESTION: Give large amount~ of water or large amounts o¢ w~ter with mii'~ o~ magnesia. Call physician. UU NOT INDUCE VOMITING. INHALATION: NA ' ....... · .:- , . : ::.: .~ : '-!::':'~i..:~ .:': :' .~ .? ~;~;' '. · : · 8.SPILL AND DISPOSAE pRoCEDuRES ::.".:.':~?}~'::.:..}~.::.~}-:'~?::'...;.'~?~:: :~"~ :. ';.% : ': ..'"J- ':~ ~: · :". '' . SPILL OR REEEAS'E:· NeUtr~li'ze':'~::i~'~:~?'~:~?~[~f~:~:?~}~"~o~ ::wJ~h?V~micuiite or ........ other inert material. Containerize for later disposal. DISPOSAL: ~ncJneration or other method to comply with all local, ~tate, ~nd t e de r.a_~_~_gu I at ~ons ............... HAZARD CLASS: NA IDENTIFICATION NO.: NA ~ND:'= 'Not' determined NE = Not established This Material Safety Data Sheet has been pr_epared Mn accordanc_e with 29 CFR_ ..... Pa~t 1910.1800 and contains:.informa~i,on:.:bei'i'eve~i..~t~.:.-be,accurate and complete at state, and ~ocal eegulations regarding the disposal of hazardous ~aste, 18 I~RIAL ~AFETY DATA SHEET R-O010 1A N U F_A_.C_ T.U n r R .!___..T. ~ !_L 0 R _, T. 6_c. !.~rj o. L O_~.!. g ~ L_~_N._r: ................ 31 LOVETON CIRCLE :':- '~' FELEPHONE: 301-'472-4340 ' :'! I .PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION CATALOG NO.: R-O010 ........ F~6'6UcT-i~AME: Calcium Buffer CNEMICAL FAMILY: Inorganic alkali solution INGREDIENT CAS NO. % NATURE OF HAZARD Sodium_.~droxide 13102~2~ (S Irrita~__~l~ali _.. Deionized water 77~8-1B-S .to 100.~ None · 2.PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS' , STATE: Liquid APPEARANCE: Clear, colorless ODOR: None BOILING PT (F): 2~0 pH: 13.1 SPECIFIC GRAVITY: 1.~ VAPOR PRESSURE {mm HO): l? VAPOR DENSITY (AIR=l): .6 PERCENT VOLATILE BY VOLUME: 98: SOLUBILITY'IN WATER: Soluble FLASH PT: NA METHOD:' NA ' ' FLAMMABLE LIMITS: LEL: NA UEL: NA EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Dr~ chemical, carbon dioxid~,_._W.B$.er SPECIAL PROCEDURES: Wear self-contained'~(P.osittve., pressure if available) breathing apparatus and.sp~cial,'~rotec~:.'~Ve"ci°~hiog F I RE/~? ~~__~H~.Z 6.E~_~.~.~.~Z~Q~ __QE C__O_M~ O$~I'~P~.._ER~D~CT~.;_ Ma y__~ e act w i t h metals to produce hydrogen gas. May emit toxic o~ irritating fumes. NFPA CODE: Health: 8 F.lammabilit¥: 0 Reactivity: 0 Specific: ALK CONDI~._TO_~_!D: Extreme he~!~__~gER~rature~ ....... acids, metals, aldehydes; organ.id hai~'gens':;']i:ii.;iTi.i':.~: ;.:,.:; __s_% y]_ .(~. _n. g - INGREDIENT: Sodium hydroxide TOXICITY: LDSO{orl-rat): 140-340 .... EEL:___ STEL: NE .... E_O~ T__E.~...~_).__Q F_F, ~_~Jt]tl:_.i. ob ~ L~.t.i.6 n i ' ~,,: TARGET ORGAN(S): Eyes, skin in g/k g ,[LV _: CARCINOGENICITY: NTP No IAPC No OSHA No HEALI H HAZA_R_P.S__A_ND_.__S_YM.P.~_O_LMS OF E~;..P_OSUR.E~_.' ___ EYES: Irritant. Contact m~y ~e,,~s~ b,,rn~ :'~..:::.i.. SKIN: Irritant. Contact may CaUse burn~.i~il :-~?!-?!:'.i'-.i : : .,' INHALATION: NA MEDICAL CONDITIONS AGGRAVATED BY EXPOSURE: Eye and skin conditions G.PRECAUFIONA~I tlE^$URE$ PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: General purpose gloves, safety glasses, lab coat HANDLING: Avoid contact with eyes, skin, and clothing. Avoid breathing chemical. Wash thoroughly after handling. STORAGE: Cool, dry ar'ea. Avoid direct sunlight. 7.EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES EYE AND SKIN CONTACT: Immediately, flush eyes with water for 1S minutes. Call physician. Wash skin thorough!y'~th ~oap and water. . VOMITING. INHALATION: NA 8.SPILL AND DISPOSAL PROCEDURES SPILL OR RELEASE: Neutralize'with dilu'te acid. Absorb ~ith vermiculite or other inert material. ~ Container~ze fo~!i!iil'az~r di~p9~_l_~___2 ....................... DISPOSAL: Incineration or other method to comply with all local, state, and federal regulations. 9.TRANSPORTATION DATA (U.S. - SURFACE) HAZARD CLASS i "NA: -: i}." :- ~'i?~!::'~.:~.i.~:..,-...',i~:?'? ?.-~:i" IDENTIFICATION NO.: NA NA = Not applicable ND = Not determined NE = Not established This Material Safety Data S.heet has been prepared in accordance with 29 CFR Part 1910,1800 and contains information believed to be__accurate a_n.d_._c_g~,_p_~.e__te._a$... the date of prepa~-ation. However, nO..iwarr~i~ty .is,'.~expressed ol- implied. Advice given under"DSpil! and ispos~t.iProE~'d~'re'si'~i;~!;as'~u:~s ..... comp!lance with federal, _._sta~.e_[ and local regula~ion~'-r~q~r~d~[~he!~:~'~PO~'~::'O?:'baz.ar~us waste_. ....... DATE PREPARED: March 1990 R-0011L MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET MANUFACTURER: TAYLOR TECHNOLOGIES, INC 31 LOVETON CIRCLE SPA/P~S, MD 21152 TELEPHONE: 410-472-4340 1.PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION CATALOG NO.: R-0011L PRODUCT NAME: Calcium Indicator Liquid CHEMICAL FAMILY: Alcoholic organic dye and amine solution 2.INGREDIENTS INGREDIENT Triethanolamine Isopropyl alcohOl CAS NO. % NATURE OF HAZARD 102-71-6 >70 Irritant vapor 67-63-0 <25 Flammable ~38-8~-,I ~1 Irritant 3.PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS STATE: Liquid APPEARANCE: Dark purple ODOR: Ammonical BOILING PT (F): 500~600 pH: 10.3 SPECIFIC GRAVITY: .1.02 VAPOR PRESSURE (mm Hg): ND VAPOR DENSITY (AIR=i): 2 PERCENT VOLATILE BY VOLUME: 99 SOLUBILITY IN WATER: Soluble 4.FIRE, EXPLOSION HAZARD AND REACTIVITY DATA FLASH PT: 64 F METHOD: Closed cup FLAMMABLE LIMITS: LEL: 2% UEL: 12% EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Dry chemical, carbon dioxide, water spray, or alcohol foam SPECIAL PROCEDURES: Wear self-contained (positive pressure if available) breathing apparatus and full-protective clothing. Cool exposed containers with water spray. Knock down vapors with water spraY. FIRE/EXPLOSION HAZARDS AND HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: Vapors flammable. May be ignited by heat, spark's, or flames. May emit toxic fumes of nitrogen oxides and carbon monoxide. NFPA CODE: Health: 1 Flammability: 2 Reactivity: 1 Specific: NA CONDITIONS TO AVOID: Extreme heat, temperatures. Contact with strong acids, strong oxidizers. 5.HEALTH HAZARD DATA INGREDIENT: Triethanolamine TOXICITY: LD50(orl-rat): 8680 mg/kg PEL: NE STEL: NE TLV: NE INGREDIENT: Isopropyl alcohol TOXICITY: LD50(orl-rat): 5840 mg/kg PEL: 980 mg/m3 STEL: 1225 mg/m3 TLV: 980 mg/m3 R-0011L Pa~e 2 5.HEALTH HAZARD DATA - continued ROUTE(S) OF ENTRY:'Inhalation X Ingestion X Skin X 'TARGET ORGAN(S): Eyes, skin, respiratory'tract CARCINOGENICITY: NTP No IARC No OSHA No H~AL'I'~ HAZA/KDS AINU SYM~TUMS U~' ~XFUSU~: EYES: Irritant SKIN: irritant. Contact may cause dermatitis, ~ta~g. INGESTION: Irritant. May cause severe sastrointestinal disturbance. INHALATION: Irritant. May cause narcosis. MEDICAL CONDITIONS AGGRAVATED BY EXPOSURE: Eye, skin, and respiratory conditions 6.PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES PP~TR~TVR ~QT~!PMMN~t g~n~r~l p~rpn~ gl~v~, ~af~ty g]as~s, lab coat HANDLING: Avoid Contact with eyes, skin, and clothing. Avoid breathing chemical. Wash thoroughly after handling. STORAGE: Cool, dry, well-ventilated area. Avoid direct sunlight. 7.EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES ~ EYE AND SKIN CONTACT: Immediately flush eyes with water for 15 minutes. Call physician. Wash skin thoroughly with soap and water. INGESTION: Give large amounts of water. Call physician. DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING. INHALATION: Remove to fresh air. Call physician. 8.SPILL AND DISPOSAL PROCEDURES SPILL OR RELEASE: Absorb with vermiculite or other inert material. Containerize for later disposal. .DISPOSAL: Incineration or other method to comply with all local, state, and f~d~dl ~uldLlonS. 9.TRANSPORTATION DATA (U.S. - SURFACE)~ PROPER SHIPPING NAME: Isopropanol HAZARD CLASS: Flammable liquid IDENTIFICATION NO.: UN1219 NA = NOt applicable ND = Not determined ' NE = Not established This Material Safety Data Sheet has been prepared in accordance with 29 CFR Part 1910.1200 and contaios information believed to be accurate and complete at the date of~preparation. However, no warranty is expressed or implied. Advice given under "Spill and Disposal Procedures" assumes compliance with federal, state, and local regulations regarding the disposal of hazardous waste. DATE PREPARED: February 1992 -C-12 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET MANU~'ACTURER: TAYLOR TECHNOLOGIES, 31 LOVETON CIRCLE ..... :7.':::: .:!:'. ~'j;.. ; : ~:.i.;::.' ..... .! · ' ..... 1.PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION CATALOG NO.: R-0012 2.INGREDIENTS · INGREDIENT CAS NO. % =NATURE OF HAZARD Ethylenediaminetetra- G781-gE-G (S Irritant acetic acid .... Deionized water 77G8-18-S J.PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS to 100 None STATE: Liquid .' APPEARANCE:.'. Clear;: C0:lorleS~..:::... :ODOR: None PERCENT VOLATILE BY VOLUME: 99 SOLUBILITY' IN HATER: Soluble 4,FIRE~ EXPLOSION HAZARD AND REACTIVITY'DATA SPECIAL PROCEDURES: Heap self-contained (positive pressure if available) breathing apparatus and full-protective clothing FIRE/EXPLOSION HAZARDS AND ~.J~P~.P~__~.O_~.~O~LON..P~_O.~U_~D: ~ ~t toxic fumes of nitP.ogen .oxides.,. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .... ...." . ...: . . . : · NFPA CODE: Hea i th i"':: 0 :. :.:: ::::::?'F i a~'iTi~'~:L-~::~.'~??-::Re:~::~:~'i 9 i ~'y'~: ° ~:~::;~..~?~: Spe~ f~c :" NA' CONDIT:ONS TO AvOiD:~ E~":'b~ h~'~::'~?:'~~~]'~:'::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::' :" ~.HEALTH HAZARD DATA I N G R_ E D I E N_T_:._ E_t_b y_!_e~__e d i a m_iJa.e_t_e_t_r_a_a c~_t ~ i_d -T 0 X I C I T Y: L D_q 0 ( o r ! -~ r a t ) :.!~ ~ 00 Q. m g/.k g'i :': ::i::ii:!:iiiii!;:i~': :; '- ':ijii?i'/: ::i! ~ :.' ?: ,!.i: :i...: 'i PEL.: N~ ' .' ::':::::: - : :: ·=·= ======:====:==?=======-:::.:.i::::'!ii:.i;:.::i.:)¥L:V':?ii~::NE ':!..::::i:.:::: :!:i:- S T E L ' NE __ "/ ' : '= '::.' := :::::::: : 7 ::::::: Lc" =i::i::;: ::: :,::' ::':: i!:::::i'::i?:!:' :::,:" :::: -: .'i:' ',:.:: ~'~;:' i:? :: ROUTE(S) OF ENTRY: Inhalation~ Ing*qtton X Skin TARGET 0 ~_~ _A N_ [._S.)_.: ..E~. e_s~__~s ki~_ CARCINOGENICITY: NTP.No .. IARC No ':~'!:"~!:::."os~A 'No ' ': . H~ALTH HAZARDS AND:SYMPTOMS: EYES: I~i~ .......................... iht SKIN: Irritant INGESTION: Irritant. May cause INHALATION: NA MEDICAL COND IT I ONS..AGGRAVATED gastrointestinal irritat ion. BY: EXPOSURE::E~e;.and. skin':Conditions " :" : ::. :' :' '"::i:.:': ::. :': i?:i!:,::..:i:,:.!~:,::!:~!~:'i/ii~::::;:~ :.: ':'~:::::::.:: "": :':',; -' ": ;' 6.Pl.:it. AU1 IONAR'f I1EA.~,Ui;,E.S PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: General pur. po~e glove~, s~fety gi~s~e~ l~b coat HANDLINg: Avoid contact ~ith eye~, ~in, and cio'thing. Avoid br-e~thing chemical. Wash thoroughly afte~ handling. STORAGE; Coo], dPy apea, Avoid direct sunl~t. . ................ 7.EMER~ENCT AND FIRST AID PROCED~': .' '..~,,', : ,: ..... ~_Z~_~ ~.~. ~p~LL...~mmediat ~.~y_~.i~?~y~s ~.!h... wat.~r, fop Call physician, Wash skin thopoughl.y ~ith soap and INGESTZON: Give lapse amount~ of uatep, Call physic1~n, Induce vomiting undep d i F ~ i~.! 9 ~_._9 ~_Rh ~.~ ~..Ej.~.~: .......................................... : ...................... INHALATION: NA · 8,SPILL AND DISPOSAL pROCEDURES . ':'?" .":- ':"}.J:~-': ."?'.': SPILL OR RELEASE: Ab~opb ~th vepmiculite op othep inept matepial, Containerize fop latep disposal, DISPOSAL: lncinepa'tion op otllep method to com~_~_~.t~__e_~.~__ lg.~a!~ 9.TRANS?O~TATION RATA (U S. SURFACE) PROPER SHIPPING NAME: Not regulated HAZARD CLASS: NA -_ ........~.~I_F~CATION NO.: NA NA = Not aQBlicable ND = Not determined NE = Not established Part 1910.1800 and contains :infbrmAtion bel'ieved'/~d be accurate and complete at given under "Spill and Disposal Procedures" assumes compliance uith federal, state, and local regulations regarding the disposal of hazardous waste. DATE PREPARED: March 1990