9 Park & Trail Maint. ReportCIT¥OF
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Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director
Dale Gregory, Park Superintendent
DATE: June 8, 2004
SUBJECT: Park and Trail Maintenance Report
Summer is in full swing with mowing grass, soft ball and soccer field
maintenance, and the opening of the swimming beach all happening at the same
time. The park maintenance crew has been concentrating mostly on general park
duties such as fertilizing, weed spraying, and setting up and stripping soccer and
ball fields.
All irrigation downtown and in the parks has been checked out and started up. All
docks and piers have also been put into place.
The volleyball courts and archery range have both been reinstalled a Lake Susan.
STS (Sentence to Serve) program from Carver County supplied three days of
service to park maintenance this spring. They were involved in cleaning all the
sand that accumulated from winter ice and snow control in the downtown area.
All seasonal employees are on staff as of June 14 and are taking care of the day to
day maintenance work in all parks and the ball fields.
Site preparation has started for the new playground at Bandimere Park.
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The City of Cbanbassen · A {)rowu~g community wJP clean lakes, quality schools, a charminc] downtown. !hr vin!j businesses v~indmg trai,s, aha ~,eautiful park, A great xlaee to live work and [slay