Plat 7-29-04Hos caused the some to be surveyed end plotted as LIFE TIME FITNESS end does hereby donate end dedteete to the publlc for public use forever the place end easements for drolnoge and utility purposes only es shown on the plot. Signed: LIFE TIME FITNEES, Eec J. Buss, Secretory STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF The foregolng instrument was acknowledged before me on this ___day of TIME FITNESS, INS,, a MTnnesoto corporoBon on behalf of the corporotlon. 200__ by Eric J. Buss, Secretary of LIFE Oennis B. O[mstead, Land Surveyor Minnesote Ucense No. 18425 STATE Of MINNESOTA COUN~ OF HENNEPIN ., 200__ by Dennis B. Olmsteod. a Mayor ~ Clerk By COUNt( AUDITOR hereby certify there ore no delTnquent taxes for oil years prior to _____ for land described on this pier and transfer entered, Doted Con/er County Auditor COUNI~' TREASURER hereby certify that taxes payable for the year 200__ for the land described on this plot os LiFE TIME FITNESS hove been paid and no delinquent taxes are due and transfer entered on tMs ___ day of 200__. By D. F. Oahlke Carver County Treasurer COUN~ RECORDER By LIFE TIME FITNESS FOUND CAPPED ID 17006 0,9 EAST N89'29'28"W 998.52 THE NORTH LINE OF THE EAST HALF OF THE NORTHWEST GUARTER OF SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 116. RANGE 23 IS ASSUMED TO HAVE A BEARING OF NSg°23'O4'W 5_ · Denotes monument found 1/2 inch iron pipe unless otherwise sho~n 0 Denotes 1/2 inch x 18 ~nch iron monument set marked by dcense no, 18425 unless otherwise shown Property corners labeled with the letter 8 prefix No, 10-06 Scale in feet 0 100 200 300 ONE INCH EQUALS ONE HUNDRED FEET \ RECEIVED JUL 2 9 2004 CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT ALLIANT ENGINEERING SHEET I OF I SHEET~