Preliminary Plat 8-2-04 "~~,!i~(ði-~ C'rn=><lCir" ,.. ,,,7:Jf ¡:: " -::,,".< " , {_,~ I "O?(;.;,... '. ,"" l.a~á." D~I ~I~ Dr ,j!-",,' "",,,, , 5, -..",<." \(,0 , I$! ~ ", ~ , ' '~~~\~~)~\. .~ .h~~U ¡ ~I~'I ~'# :; - ~ "~~~¡.H';V'~· '~#,.,'" <: ,,~,..g,. if ,;@ "."/< ~¡fI,~"'" ::;;':~,! ~ ;!~ .cM:i~;~;;~~/~~':::~"~ ~ '\.".s:.,...., ,-~ ~\~G.";" " -'t. ';'t.'I.C:_t;)_'E ;;:~-~'·"·\:-":-~:~~(5,,;~;(i:7~~ll . ~,"",.:.¡), $ !f 1. .\ .,.. ~'" ~.ie ~ ~ ~; '0¡.';14~j, ~ ~.?:~ ~,/ ~t~,-!~ -0~'J'" ~\ ':j 'ð ~~O~~ "'-..awn!.",,,, t,." 02000 ~"''JTEQ 'I ') II ) :1 :-1 J I -, I -' g 8 ) ¡¡ ~I I ':1 f) ~ I 8 :1 I I .-.J PIa 250800190 \ ~ -- LEGEND "'EE C mEt REMOVAL ~ PIO 250124200 -- ---1. _ _ _ PIO 250124000 PID250123900 _--.L__ --- -- --- --- BLUFf AREA -- DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS ARE SHO~ 11iUS: 5--.1 1- I I ~ -rrS ~ _L_..J L__'_ 66 f-. OJ OJ '" f-. U) SEING 10 FEET IN WIDTH AND ADJOINING RIGHT OF WAY, AND 5 FEET IN WlDTIi AND ¡l,DJOINING lOT UNES AS SHO'MII ON THIS PLAT. o DENOTES IRON MONUMENT FOUND . DENOTES IRON ~ONUMENT SET . , :r:¡ ~ f-. U) oJ '" o 30 60 SCALE IN FEET BEARINGS ARE ASSUMED. - OWNER/DEVELOPER CHARLES R. STlNSON ARCHITECTS 16304 MINNETONKA BL\I1J. DEEPHAVEN, ~N 55391 CONTACT: CHARLES S11NSON 952-473-9503 ENGINEER KAWO ENGINEERING I.LC 1240 E. 3RD AVE. SUITE 103 5HAKOPEE, MN 55379 CONTACT: CURT KALLIO, P.E. 952-445-7354 SURVEYOR PRECISION SURVEYS INC. 3305 GARLAND LANE N PL YMOOT1-l, MN 55447 CONTACT: KIM REAUME 763-475-1314 PID 250122700 ~ --- - LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL NO.1 That part af the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SW J( af SE J() af Sectlan 12, Tawnshlp 116, Range 23, described os follaws, viz: BegInning at the point of Intersection of the north line of Sl Aloys Street and the cost line of SI. Francis Street extended In the Villoçe of Chonhossen, oe:o:ording to the: plot of sold Village: on file end of record in the Office of the Register of Dccds for sold County, thence North 567.62 feet more or less to the south line of Government Lot 4 of sold Section 12. thence cost olong the South nne of said Lot 4, 100 feet: thence south parallel to the cost line of St. Francis Street extcnQed 566.27 feet more or less to the north line ofSt. Aloys Street; thence west along the north line ofSt. Aloys Street 100 feet to the point of beginning. (Carver County. Minn=tc.) TREE PRESERVATION CALCULATIONS Bcseline Canopy Coveroge - 90% (colculoted usll1g existing aerial photography) ~il1lmum Ç( nopy CovcrogC/ required with currC/nt zoning - 55% Lot Imooct Area Calculations: Based on 105 foot dC/pth, regardless of octuol removals. CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED ~ Ar"",(..nft) 105 9450 105 9660 105 9450 NA 0 NA 0 I TOTAL AREA = 28,560 sq. Loi1!!>. 1 2 , . 5 "'-'""" 90 92 90 NA NA LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL NO.2 Thot port of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SW J( of SE J() of SectIon 12. Township 116, Range 23, described as follows, viz: Beginning at 0 point on the north line of 51. Aloys Street 100 fect east of the intersection of said north lIne with the east line of St. FronciB Street extended, in the Villoge of Chanhossen; thence North 568.27 feet more or ICBS to the south line of Government Lot.; of said Section 12: thence east along the South line of sold lot 4, 100 feet; thence south paranel to the eost line of 5t. Francis Street extended 568.92 feet more or less to the north line of St. Aloys Street: thence west along the north line of St. Aloys Strcct 100 feet to the point of beginning, according to the U.S. Government Survey thereof, Carver County, Minnesota. AUG 0 3 2004 "-I CHANHASSEN PLA'NNING OEPT SI1MMAB1 Existing Subdivislol1 Totol Area = 2.61 acres Existing Canopy Coverage = 2.61·90%:: 2.35 acres ?roposed Lot Impact Area = 28,560 sq. ft. = 0.66 ocres Proposed SanItary Sewer Impact Area = 320'°20' = 6400 sq. ft. = 0.15 ocres Proposed Remoinlng Conopy Coveroge = 2.35 - 0.66 - 0.15 = 1.54 acres. = 59% Since. the remoinlng conopycovcroge (59%) Is grecter than the minImum canopy coverage (55%), no reforestation plan Is required ;~rrelf.~çt '~\ AREA Total Site Area = 2.61 acres No right of way area No ouUots HARDCOVER CALCULATIONS LOTS 4 & 5 Lot 4: Areo = 15010 sq. ft. Hardcover = 2382 sq. ft. = 15.9% Lot 5: Area.. 15010 sq. ft. Hardcover <= 2767 sq. ft. = 18.4% SURVEYORS NOTES On November 19, 2003 Lori Haok (Woter Resources Coordinctor for the City of Chonhossen) viewed the drolnoge ditch which meanders through the area. Due to the time of year and growIng season, her opInion was that It would be difficult to assess whether this ditch has wetlond characteristics, which would create more restrictive setback requirements. The wetlands were examIne(! 011 June 28, 2004 by 0 qualified wetland de1íneator. The results were that the site doC1l contoin inconsistent wetlond chorocteristics, but would be classified as an Incidentol wetlond os per MN Rules 8420.0122 Subp. 5 due to the stormwater outlettlng into the area. Also, there ore no wetlonds shown on the National Wetland Inventory mops. BENCHMARK ~H near sw comer lots 2 and 3 T1-IE FRONTlER=922.83 City of Chonhossen eng. dept. VICINITY MAP SCALE AS SHOIItI ZONING INFORMATION RSF - SIngle Fam~y Residential All adjacent lots are zone(! RSF KIM A. REAUME LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR 330S GARLAND LANE N. PLYMDUTH, MN 55447 763-475-1314 763-47S-101S FAX ·15 * ~g<c.:: ':::>:.:~ >'25_::> . '5!.....!;;:c.::;:!: ~;¡!:~~ !,Q=cc.::ª, jEß::i:¡¡SS ~~ðc\:) jE~~~~ ~~~~~ ffi~~ ::!!:1! u..........(/)..... >-í5~æ...... EJD...a:c.::o [5l:::!c~~ : 2P:ii¡S:5 N N ~ ~ d z d w ~ J ~ v "- ~ ~ ~ < o = .~ .. ..=::;;: ~M i/j J1~ " ~ ~~M Ii: '" c: _0 0 <;¡ .: 5~ w -¡: ¿ ¡;;;,.;, ~ ~ ~~~ < ~ ~ U ~¿;~ ~ -¡;; = .,g ¡;:: 'ö ~ ?> " z 0 <:< .. æ " 0 ::: Õ ~ :§ ~ u . ~ u - c:I)= w " '- ;:: " 0':: .~ Ü F' ~ £ w w z ~ ~ ð m ~ z w ~ z ~ 0 0 ~ 0 5 ~ w ~ " v ~ "- < ~ 0 m ~ d Z n ~ N ~ o v 'j :3 0 < ~ 0 ~ ~ / OF / SHE~TS SHEET 1