Letter 8-5-04Steiner Conslruciion Services, LLC August5,2004 Bob Generous City of Chanhassen 1100 Market Blvd. P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Re: Flower Consulting Service Dear Bob: [ am writing this to explain the business type and operational procedures of a prospective tenant for the CB Court Building Located at 7860 - 7880 Century Blvd. This user would be operating from the furthest north bay of the building. They will be providing a personalized flower consulting services for various businesses and persons, including current users of the Arboretum Business Park. The storage of minimal product on site enables the tenant to create an experience for their clients rather than a task, therefore providing a product that is directly shipped to the destination at its peak of freshness. This type of transaction encompasses 75-80% of there business, with the remaining income coming from direct purchases. It is our belief that this type of user would be an excellent addition to the CB Court building and Arboretum Business Park! If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Thank you! Steine..r C?nstruction '3e'ffrey Berends Construction Manager Services, LLC pc: Chris Helsene - Helsene Partners David Kordonowy - Steiner Development, Inc. ?~,Drr]~ings~Third Party%Helsenellea e