4a Dave Huffman RaceCITYOF CHANHAggB ,77q0 F'O x !17 Administration Fa~ 5117~!~0 Engineering Finance Park & Becrealion Pianning & Natural Resources P,~li~ ~r~ Senior Center MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director FROM: DATE: Jen'y Ruegemer, Recreation Superintendent August 18, 2004 SUB J: Dave Huffman 5K Memorial Race The fifth annual Dave Huffman 5K Race is rapidly approaching. The :'ace committee has been very busy planning every detail. Race information has been distributed with flyers, newspaper ads, and articles on the city's web page, raceberrxjam.com, and KFAN radio. Our goal this year is to have 400- 450 runners. I have had conversations with Mike Wegler, Street Superintendent and Jim Olson, Chanhassen sergeant with the Carver County Sheriff's office. We are going though all the safety details as it :'elates to thc race route, street closures, cone and sign placement, etc. Mike and Jim have been involved with the race and are doing a great job in coordinating their individual assignments. Many of the race components are the same as the first four years. Southwest Metro Transit will provide the transport buses, every participant will receive a long sleeve t-shirt and a goody bag filled with local business coupons and trinkets. This year's race will feature the kid's fun run. Again, the event is free and each participant will receive a medal and a goodie bag. Our goal is to have 75 kids participate. Confirmed local celebrities will include Mike Morris, KFAN radio, Leo Lewis, ex-Minnesota Viking, Ragnar, Minnesota Viking's mascot, and a few Viking's cheerleaders. There is still much to do. Everybody on the race committee has been doing their share of the work, which makes it nice. I look forward to providing another quality community event fo:' the residents of Chanhassen and surrounding communities. g:\park\jcrry\ Huff man racc\updatememo8-04 CHANHASSEN, IVaN September 11, 2004 Sponsored By: Dave Huffman Memorial 5K Run/Walk & Children's Fun Run · Chanhassen, MN USATF CERTIFIED WHEN September 11, 2004 9:00 a.m. WHERE Start at Lake Ann Park and Finish at Americlnn SPONSORS Americlnn, Houlihan's a,ad the City of Chanhassen AWARDS Long Sleeve T-shirts to all paid entrants. Ribbon to Fun Run Participants. Awards to top finishers in ali age groups. Prize drawing for ail finishers. Must be present to 5vin. RACE DIRECTOR Rick Reeker WATER l water stop at half ~vay point ENTRY FEE $15.00 pre-registration (on or bc/bre Sept I, 2004) $18.00 after Sept 1 to race day. Fun Run is Free to Children 10 and under. Make check payable to: Dave Huffinan Memorial Run AGE 13 and under, 14-19 GROUPS: 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59 & 60* Wheelchairs welcome RESTRICTION Dogs, strollers roller blades and bicycles not allowed on race course. PARKING Park at Americlnn at Hwy 5 and 10i South. Free Transportation to Lake Ann Park For Race Information Call ' ® at the Amenclnn 952-934-3888 Race results on interact wx~:raceberrEiam.com and "Minnesota Running & Track" Online Registration Available at www. Active.com MAIL TO: Dave Huffman Memorial Run 570 Pond Promenade, Chanhassen, MN 55317 Iz~st Name First Name Age on Sex Grand Prize Draxving Brand Name Mountain Bike Whirlpool Suite & Houlihan's Gift Certificate for overall men's & xvomen's winner. Houlihan's Gift Certificate for each age group men's & women's ~vinner. Birtl~date Mailing address (include Apt. name and/or c/o) Sept 16 M/F MO/' DA'~TYR City and state Emai[ Zip/postal code I Kl~owing tlmt running a road is a potenfinlly Hazardous activity, I enter and run this race certifying that i am medically able and properly trained. [ also know rJmt, altJ~ougb police protection will be pro,ided, there may be m~l-fic on t]~e course route. I assume the risk of running in traffic. [ a/so assume any at~d ail oilier risks associated with running this event includiI~g bur ix)t limited to ialLs, contact ~dth other participants, the cf/elis of xvt~tt~t-r, including bigb heat and/or lmmidit3; and tI~e condition of the roads. Knowing ti<se facts, and ill cot~sidcration o( your acccplxmce o~ my entry, [ betelw i:k!r tnyseif, my heirs, executors, administrators or anyo~e else who Iiligilt claim on my behalf, covenant not to sue, and waive, release, and disdmrge Amerxchm City of Chal~J~assen, ' ® and Houlihan's, all pa~ng sponsors, and any od~cr organization asst~iated ~th file race, and wffh fl~e l~al gov,'mment, and v~licc, w, hlnteers, and any and a~ sponsors including d~eir agent, empMyees, assigns, or anyone acting for or on fl~cir behalf, from any and all claiuas or liabili~' for death, personal injuo', or properS, dar~ge of any kind of nature arising out of, or in fl~e coume of, my par~cipation in fl~is event. This release extends to all daium of every kind of t~m~re w}m~vcr, fiwescen or unfore- '[he undersigned (urfl~cr gmnm fl~l/ permission of fl~is race and any organiza- tion conducting the race and/or agen~ aufl~orized by fl~em to use any pl~ott~ graphs, videotapes, motion pictures, recordings, or any other record of ~is event f~r :lily pttrD)se. [ bavc rcm] fl~e E)regoing and certi~' my a~ecment by my sig~mture below. Signature (parcnt/~mrdian must sign if applicant is under 18 years o~ age)