2 Ice Rink Policy for 2004-05MEMORANDUM
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Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Dir
Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Superintendent
August 18, 2004
2004/2005 Ice Rink Season
The City of Chanhassen's outdoor rinks will be open from approximately
December 18 through February 13, weather permitting. Flooding will begin the first
or second week in December, depending on the weather. The warming houses will
be open Monday through Friday, 4:00 - 9:00 p.m.; Saturday, 10:00 a.m. to
9:00 p.m.; and Sunday, 1:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Portable trailers will be placed at
North Lotus Park and City Center Park. Permanent warming houses are located at
the Chanhassen Recreation Center and the Roundhouse, now that the building has
been renovated.
After our past winter's warm weather and poor skating conditions, our department
reassessed the outdoor rink policies and procedures. As you recall, only locations
with warming houses and hockey/pleasure rinks were maintained. The decision was
made to concentrate on these main rinks because traditionally, they have had the
highest number of users. Through this process, a rink flooding policy that
established guidelines was developed. The policy is as follows:
Ice Skating Policy Concerning Rink Flooding
The following departmental policy concerning rink flooding has been developed to
better guide our department in establishing calendar dates of when it is appropriate
or not appropriate to flood skating rinks.
Opening Skating Date
Flooding Policy
December 20th or before
December 21 st _ January 10th
January 11 a or after
Flood all rinks established for the
calendar year
Flood rinks at Roundhouse Park, City
Center Park, Chanhassen Recreation
Center and North Lotus Lake Park or
(warming house locations only)
Cancel season
The City ct Chanhassen A growllffg Co:lxhulsit!, ::ith C ,,a!] lakes, quality ,%lxx}ls a 91arrr/~rnO ',]o,~'~r~t,c,'~',r/tt]r ~' ci igLx~i[ (SS(S '¢,, q(lUng :rais and I:e]iJ iLi pti r~} it [) a(;e [,o jive &')rk afl(!
Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director
August 18, 2004
Page 2
The Park & Recreation Commission has reviewed the ice rink schedule at length in
the past. Since the decision was made last year to only maintain rinks with warming
houses, staff would recommend that this practice be set permanently in the future
and that only changes would necessitate bringing this item back to the Park &
Recreation Commission.
Staff is recommending that warming house locations be maintained at the
Chanhassen Recreation Center, City Center Park, Roundhouse Park, and North
Lotus Lake Park for the upcoming season. Rinks proposed for these locations
would include:
Chanhassen Recreation Center: Two hockey rinks and one pleasure fink.
City Center Park: One hockey rink and one pleasure rink.
Roundhouse Park: One pleasure rink.
North Lotus Lake Park: One hockey rink and one pleasure rink.
This would total 8 hockey/pleasure rinks for the 2004-05 season.
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