3 Hillside Oaks Subdivision CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Macket Boulewd PO Box 147 Mli 55317 Administration 952.227 1100 952.2271110 Building Inspections Pnoloe 952.227 1180 Fax 952 227 1190 Engineering Pholli: 952.2271160 Fax 952 227 1170 Finance 952.2271140 Fax 952 )271110 Park & Recreation Phone 952.227.1120 Fat 952.2271110 Recreation 2310 BCU!l:va:o PhOlle 952.2271400 952.2271404 Planning & Natural Resources PhOl1e 952 227 1130 952.2271110 Public Works 1591 Palk Roall PhOl18 952.2271300 Fax 952.227.1310 Senior Center 952.227 1125 Fax 9522271110 Web Site W"A''''"V, cl.challha~sell, rll:1, us The City of Chanhassen · A 3 MEMORANDUM TO: Planning Commission FROM: Bob Generous, Senior Planner DATE: September 21, 2004 SUBJ: Hillside Oaks Subdivision SUMMARY Mr. Arild Rossavik has requested that the Planning Commission initiate a Comprehensive Plan Land Use Amendment for the properties in Block 1, Hillside Oaks Addition from Residential-Large Lot to Residential-Low Density. Mr. Rossavik is one of seven property owners, nine properties if you include the two lots east of Powers Boulevard, in this development. He alleges that there is an error in the guiding and zoning of the property that needs to be corrected, especially since the two lots east of Powers Boulevard, which are part of this subdivision, are guided for Residential-Low Density. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS Section 2-46.03, subd. 4 of the Chanhassen City Code states: The Planning Commission shall have the powers and duties allowed under State law, including: (a) To prepare a Comprehensive Plan for the future development of the City that is submitted to the Council for implementation and to recommend amendments of the Plan to the Council from time to time as may be necessary or desirable. Section 20-42 (a) of the Chanhassen City Code states that "proceedings to amend this chapter, including the zoning map shall only be initiated by the council, the planning commission or a petition of the property owner." RECOMMENDA TION Staff is requesting direction from the Planning Commission as to the initiation of the amendment process for the property in Block 1, Hillside Oaks Addition. A TT ACHMENTS 1. Location Map. 2. Letter from Mr. Rossavik to Chanhassen City Planning Commission dated 8/9/04. g:\plan\bg\development review\hillside oaks.doc commulllty with cll1a8 lakes alid 11,"autltul palks A great work Location Map Hillside Oaks ------ LJ (J c OJ -'" ~ - ~ - 001 \\ 006 d I yman RI, Lyman Blvd (C.R. 18) / I / Chanhassen City Planning Commission Uli Sacchet Kurt Papke Bethany Tjornhom Rich Slagle Craig Claybaugh Dam Keefc Stevc Lillchaug August 9, 2004 Ref City Land Use Guidance Hillside Oaks Block I and Feb 4th 2005 As you know, highway 212 is coming just south of Powers & and Lyman Blvd, and in additional a large development AUAR 2005, 1500 New housing units, a middle or high school for 1700 Student is projected, 7000.000 square feet office space is part of this project which borders to Lyman. Construction of both these project have been scheduled to start February 4th 2005 Powers Blvd will be turned into the main drag for this construction years to come and when Powers Blvd hooks to new 212 it is reasonable to assume that most traffic mow using 5 west to get to 494 will drive down Powers Blvd and hit 212 new 212 . saving 4 or 5 traffic lights. These developments will forever change traffic intensity on Powers Blvd and Lyman Blvd. I have collected the fè)llowing figures from the City's study. Traffic on Powers Blvd: 7700 Vehicles (2003) Traffic Lyman Blvd Daily 14800 Vehicles (2010) Daily 13000 Vehicles (Peak hours 3100 Vehicles) rhe increased traffic and construction vehicles down on Powers and Lyman fè1f years To come will cause depreciation in property value guided as Agriculture Estate (A2») We are all going to be living in a construction zone for years to come. Only RSF guidance will allow the affected property owners to rezone and optimize their investment while looking for other suitable hosing. (These projections are subject to another planned collector road is being constructed south of Lyman (to take the load of Powers Blvd). If this is not constructed, the traffic increases 12200 vehicles a day, see encl map) I writc to you to correct City Land Use Guidance Hillside Oaks Block I from A2 to RSF. Block 2 has correct Guidance which I feel should have been corrected at least when the City Adopted AUAR 2005. which will brin2: 1500 new hosin2: units and 700 thousand new office space south of Lyman. Also in light of A2 Land use Guidance has been abandoned by the City. Hillside Oaks devclopment consist of2 blocs: 7 lots on the western side of Powers Blvd and two lots on the eastern side of Powers Blvd. The following are the present owners; Lot I Block] Hillside Oaks: George & Jacqueline Bizek Lot 2 Block] Hillside Oaks: Arild Rossavik Lot 3 Block 1 Hillside Oaks: .lame & Carol Lee Lot 4 Block 1 llillside Oaks: Brenda & John Hill Lot 5 Block 1 Hillside Oaks: Craig & Ellie Peterson Lot 6 Block I Hillside Oaks: Minh Cam & Margaret Tram Lot 7 Block] Hillside Oaks: Keith & Mary Buesgens ( different time frame for Rezoning) ( Different time frame for Rezoning) ( No objection) (No response) ( No objection) ( Different time frame for rezoning) Lot] Block 2 Hillside Oaks: Brent & Kathy Miller Lot 2 Block 2 Hillside Oaks: Duane & Julie Skluzucek Directly supports Directly supports Land use for block 1 is A2 Land use for block 2 is RSF In 1980 the land use designation for Hillside Oaks for block 1 and 2 was RSF Why Hillside Block was later changed to A2, and later Block 2 went to RSF again, I do not tìnd any reasonable explanation for. ( I have researched the City's records) Especially in light of the land designation of the properties On Sunset Trail next to Lot 5 and 6 block L (adjoining lot is ovcr 6 acrcs) these are again RSF. In addition to this Hillside Oaks are fragmented in four pieces 1. Lot] and 2 share a common driveway which access Powers Blvd Directly 2. Lot 3, 4, 5 and 7 share a Cull De Sac, Oak Side Circle 3. Lot 6 may have a deeded access to Oak Side Circle but in realty accesses Lyman Blvd 4. Lot I and 2 Block 2 accesses Lyman Blvd -- I ~~ : ¡ ~ ¡; ¡ ¡ , ~ . \ ~ ¡ P ! " I f ~. ~~ ÿ ~ f . ~ , , ~ ... . 1,; .,. .!~ I~ . (' ~ ~ 1t ;; (-3 ~ " 8 ~ " '" '-.~' \:0 i(: ..J..; .'.,":·uo:;;í1, ~~ . . .~ A ::~: '"'{>I, ~ f .~~. .,~ .". <, " ¡t., ,"-..;",¡ ;.:-!'.' "-::';~:'(;:~ j:' .. ~;;. .;. I,-·~I .I,,: r~~~:. ,,' J , ~'d>: '.,. " '!!'Ii "t.~~··'-~·. ~ !~ ~~ ~; ~ t! R ~,' ~ ::~ ~ f-< tJ ~ .~ M , " '("~ , " '" I~ ,'" I~ :.1 ~; ", >~..., ""',' ,~~..- i.¡,,, .~ , )~~~....., ,'.,'" ;\.¡ '~"'" .~ ,. t" . :II ~\ 1 ---"- , .' .ò!' . :. ~..t 4-'"' I " -it .~ "ii' ~. .~~. "~"". :;;" .. '^' . .,. .,.. ~o\!.,~ ¡¡;¡ :~~ ~:i"t{'~ t_ ~ ~;;. ,:·t'~···, ' ,.\;<~'~. '.~~ ,.~~....:-.. -.,.', ,,'. . ' ~' ... I~ II.,;' -;à ,.~ ..: ....'" ...~~ .~..~ ;. ,. C) I" ~ t· i': 'J " '" ~ " ~ ¡:¡ x: .,~ r,,-, V· 0- f.) (~, ~/ ~ ~~.. IR; Q I~ ~ :! o b . C' t· " ;:: " § " 'J " M '" " (; " $~ '" ~ Vi § " '" b ",0 ~ f-~ r-¡ ~ >: 14 Q. t. 0 'J 10, ~d use G¡)l.da.n~ ~ ~of pic:ture ,: Lake S~san HUls ~d Us_€: GUid~ RSF \,- " I' '>, ~, 'L,. ,...r.,:\.. -"i,l-: ---- In~_E'l'S"'C:~-L__cn_L,"7r!an, d~~~S:J!l~~_t 7':t'aÛ !i~;15:U-"!i5' Oaks CotJNrny HILLS CONSIST OF 9 LOTS Th~-t;"HUlsid;-o;~t 5 & 6 ~-':'~~~l.vate <3.nd $è,;;~~ded, ~,!:.~ USE GUIDANCE, RSF .... lE. (' ~ - .-!'. :J ...'" '\~ .. I... 4 '.";I!!I , ...'- If, it.. 'Þ" :- .'- :'.,', ti r''4 .. 'c ~, . I -I." ,';'!' #I'''' .,. "'~,,~t~ c, . ~.\~~ ·1 LIf~~~,l:IC~:,_F':"R S~~~R E:_f(0UG~!~P!=,"jf1'7, !0~ SERvL_ HI LLSIVE OAJ..'S COST O','TR J250, 000, Q2 1993 lZ.~S UHTJ¿EÐ ~_~~ ~. -::;-, ,- ...-:. - . . .... ~ ~ .~ ..,. -'1:'. '-' . , .H~ ,~.; ~~~~ ,.~. "~. ,w .. , I I '..1 ·.I.~~¡.~7.' i \1', }.:' \î",~,¡" , \. I'! .,,1 Ii ,i , '.~ '~. Ii' ,..:.' I( ,. .:-, .... d",,,-II.\ JY.· j.. 'i:¡ ¡¡f..~; .i~'. :~~/ ", f ',I' .I\'{ ){r,"!f~-'~i' -- .....'" ~ ~~: .,..- - .. - - --- ~ .. l_"Li:~ _ I Altérnativesite location, for "'.. ,Chas:~ Middle/High Scbool. .ir- ff " I' .~"" ì . ~ '" 0... ~~ '1.~;"" ro ~ rn ':1-.... ~: low/Medium Density Residential Medium Density Residential Office _ Office Industrial and/Of Medium Density Residential _ Park/Open Space Pa'" Environmental Features Overtay Internal Roadway Alignment LJ T_H. 21V312 Right-Of-Way ;: Property Boundaries --.. L___. Project boundary Þ Alternative site location for C Chaska Middle/High School ',:_'''-~ '~~.ii":Iæ~~~?I"1!>!,.1ð"':¡~. ~ Stream Figurc 14 - AUAR Dc\'clopmcnt Scenario N A o 250 500 - - 1,000 Feet Chanhassen Alternative Urban Area\\rjde Review City of Chanhasscn, Minnesota (91 Hoisington Koegler Group Inç August, 2003 Kimley lI( m and A~sociatcs Peterson Fnvironmcnta\ Consulting 106 Ci-roup LId ----- '-'(\ '-<\ ~ ->.J <~ ...) r ~'tj {, . \ \....__~.,...â... ¡I.·~«: _ i ¡....----l::·r' --... _~f_~;, Yl... \----1.1.' (/'/01. (\J \ --/1'" r ----1 I , I,-J·\ ~ ".-;7 \ , \ ....... ..... I'"~ §' I I I :1 )-. I ~ð ~ )' /'!:.. ~ ~ ,\ f-----'", '; '" / ", If:',: : /------i¡tl-~'1i.~ g/~/ \,.i 1~-1 ~ \\ I ) \ ~'l' ',I I / ::/ c<~~~.....x >1' --:0:;; \,\ I I \ , i' '1 ,t---.----l:/...) .,.. I c:y ":';..¡ Í":î' " , ',I I \ I ! I I I I ' -., - ~ I ..... c.J ' ,( ... . " "' ",,'~ I J \ ,; , I I , :!. Q I',:s ,7,..J.¡: :':r \ ' ", '>~ J \ L____ I,' I "f----i~ U L // ,: :'1 - I ,~~.~ r \ J ::: I ,\ '\.. __~ ~-~_.--, I: ¡ \ "",,<.,=~~~~......Ir~_.~-.l.r:-,~~_==_",~=-~,",_ {=~_'_='~ J lu-L._' " f.Z...r I f~ ¿ I I: ¡: () Cl-.p ~-..: h' mn nm'.nn , r··~··~L----rmr~;;'Ci~~--"--¿-TTYf"=-öf-'! Ii,; J i \ I! ) ! : " ,\ () {: l-C \ I C-", ¡I'.·.....· , I \ r¡\) l~-,"" ' ,.:» _ \ I , , , ..,'. I ,-" I " 'J'''' :. I , ,- . >, . oJ...- ' "'':::---. L·"", ,-l 'L '," I. 1~ì"" I '-- -'"",- / t ----- - .. 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" ",'<.t.>- /'" I ,>:..(;:;'~:¡J-,~i.i;I'-!'>" \-~,:;;,,,,_. -"",", I \ // /', , \ __-----n-----------'"' _:'~ \\, _- ~0.... ~ c=::::::J c=::::::J ~ c=::::::J c::::::::J c=::::::J E:J:J c=::::::J - c::::::::J 2 L()W DENSI ry KESIDENTIAL rAttK'UI'I'N SPAU MEOIlJM LJENSITY RI:'SJDEN flAL OFt'JL'L mVlAR.NrauLM [)j-NSI r'l I{ -SJJ)I'NTIAI oFFICI' NDlJSTkIAI'MFDIUM )FN'-;ITY IH''iIl)f:~TIAI PAkK'UPl:N SPACl: OFFUblNDIJSTWIAL FiJTlJH.[ ROADWAY HJlUK -: WALKS - TH.AII,S r,,\1. ARI:AS '" !;: ,!i! FtJTUkE MEUlA", S CHANHASSEN AUAA 2010 - BUILD HWY 212/312 FIGURE 2 - SITE PLAN ~_.,. I<iInIIrtHOrn ~_U and AssocIat8s, Inc. _ ~.II"''''.''''' If. ..-. ~ _'4 :..:=\= -~.._----- -.------- --~-----~- -=-~----~---.-- Medium Density ResidentiaVLow Density Residential Medium Density Residcntial Office Office/Industrial Park/Open Spacc J)ark Jnstitutional TOTAL NET DEVELOPABLE ACRES 120 MAXIMUM INTENSITY OF DEVELOPMENT -_.._._------_._--~---~~-_.- 8 Ju/acn: PROJECT MAGNITUDE DATA ~--:-~--~-- 954 units Ó6 ¡.; du/acrL' w_______.. ____n..__~-~~- ~:~ u ]~ 270,00 sqJµre feet * 450,000 ~ are ket* ______n_ ~___ ___.~______ ---------------~-- 17 0.35 FAR -~-~-----_.,-----_. -_.~..._---..._-~.---- 34 0.30 FAR -~-_.~-----~- 45 Passivl.: Park 35 ----- ~----AthTdic Fidds ~--.c~~ _'____ 36 =~_~-~~=- Middk/lligl;:=~..J.Joo SlUdelY J ì A2 - Agricultural Preservation District c=J T H ;¿121J12 R'gllt-Of-W<!y ,:':.::::, Propeny Awndanes [':,': Pru!8cl boundary Shoreland Management Overlay Zones ß Bluff CreeK Overlay ~ Lake Hazeltine Overlay Bluff Creek Overlay District o Primary lone o SeconcklfY Zone .-./\..'~ Slredl11 Figure J2 - Zoning Map N  o 24~ 490 980 Feet ----. ¡j~ Jl()isinglun Kocgkr Group Ine. Chanhassen Alternative Urban Areawide Review August, 2003 Klink} f·j"nI,md.-\"""'JlC' I'ëtchon !'.n\lnHlI]le¡¡:,\1 {',m\UIIII\¡è 1 . (';¡,- (,( ('lHI1Ì\'I' ':1"1 '\ 1ip'l!"1 It' ('wn/wssen ]005 Alternative Urhan Areawide Rel·Ù'H' Portions of the project area drain to and will utilize ponds constructed within the proposed TH 212/312 right-of-way. Storm water improvements will need to be reviewed with MnDOT to ensure storm water 1acilities are properly sized based on the recently revised roadway alignment (August 2003). NOll'. ¡he N(,I 1/11/.1/ (/IIUn' 111i/.1 lit.<' ,1,,\<,1(1/'/'/1<'1./1 d'l,nÎ'z',1 ( I('ilf¡ 1/;,' 1'¡',I!lII','I)f,'II/\ ¡.jj{l3(¡flJ.IlIhf)(/rf 3 {ulld (//10 Ihll il I'/( o!',lcl'\ 1/1<' 11 IN lllld,l!1 III< ,1,1, 1IIIIIdl IJrd('1 d.1 I\'lfllii'i'¡/ hI I¡f¡) {(¡/!i I/Ihf!dl/ .) ¡ City of Chanhassen Resolution # 2003-70 ordering the preparation of the ALJAR is included as Appendix I. The Order for Review was passed by the Chanhassen City Council on Monday, August 11,2003 consistent with the requirements of Minnesota Rules Section 4410.3610, subpart 3. 7. PROJECT MAGNITUDE DATA. The ,11/11/1/,,/11"<' [ulu!1 u/ Ih,' /,(/1'(//11,'["1'\ (,:11",1 /¡l1 .1//fi/d,1 ¡" /ill· ,'ilL It II/d;"!' dc\el(l!J!IICilf I, (,lIil/'IIi (,Xc'(}'1 ¡f1U1 ill/OrJIIU!lOII OilI/IUIIII!"cflll'illg·· . oillc!' iil,llIs/rid!. ' ,,11<1 "ugncullllrul ' The following data represents the anticipated types and intensity/density of residential, oftice, office/industrial, and institutional development throughout the AUAR area based on the development scenario described in question 6. TABLE 7.1 PROJECT MAGNITUDE DATA LAND USE DESIGNATION Medium Density Residential/Low Density Residential Medium Density Residential Office Office/lnd ustrial Park/Open Space Park Institutional ----- TOTAL NET DEVELOPABLE ACRES 120 MAXIMUM INTENSITY OF DEVELOPMENT 8 du/acre PROJECT MAGNITUDE DATA ~--~:::==~----- ( 954 un its , \..,- -.--.----< ~----~ 66 8 du/acre 680 un its 17 34 ~-- 45 -------- 35 36 / 270,00 squµre feet * \ 450,000 ~quare fect* '-------- 0.35 FAR 0.30 FAR Passive Park Athletic Fields Middle/High 1,700 Students * rounded to nearest 5,000 square feet Developable land inventory is that land area that is unconstrained by steep slopes as defined by the City of Chanhassen GIS Steep Slope dataset (slopes greater than ] 8%), National Wetland Inventory, Petcrson Environmental delineated wetlands, floodplain (100 year and floodway), the right-of-way for proposed Highway 212 and the collector roadway concept alignment for the AUAR (for purposes of estimating project magnitude data, the collector roadway ROW is assumed at a 60' width consistent with Chanhassen's residential collector standards), Key assumptions made to arrive at a net land area for development include thc following: · Park and Open Spaee (P/OS) areas were determined based on the City's adopted Comprehensive Land Use Plan Page /7 ~~~ ~f:ff '-1~48) J ¡ \. ;:~~~m¡ 24{72jJ '\ t r 192(324 - l....-..-.. 12(60 ~ ~;;; ~ oofi ~~ 2003 BACKGROUND TRAFFIC -108(72) ....-240(408) 72(106)_ , 72(132)~ ~ «; :? I I I I I ~11~ ,"" if I .,__~96007 .--.,. y ",~ ~...,,/~, \) ,./J "-' '\- .-.--"" I \ ~ (j'+' r' :~~-'-''':''T;~~~'','' ~46007 "- "- "- "- "- "- . ~---'--"'"?'%~ ~ .\. r ~-,_.L CHANHASSEN AUAR 2003 EXISTING CONDITIONS FIGURE 6 . 2003 BACKGROUND TRAFFIC "- "- "- "- "- ~ ~¡~ 0-7 _..~ " '" it IN \J; --.. ~1~j ~()()OQ) , ...... . I ~,#" \ ¡¿ \ I £ NORTH ~ ..., '-:;9(9B) t -e4(223) 243(139)J 312(163)_ ~ XX(XX) xxx X .:I(eJ=-~11 AM(PM) Peak Hour Tra~fic Volumes Average Doily Traffic Volumes lI""1-n Kimley-Hom IIII....J_U and Associates, Inc. (þ ~ GUY-*- AND ASSOCMiJES. ~ ~.bd"O.: :»~-::I~(~::'IW ~lE: bC1ttØ 2(m 1HS DOCUWEHT. l'OQ£TH[R WJ1'H 1HE CONCØ'TS ÞHJ DESIGNS PRESI:HTtD HEREfr(. ÞS ÞH IHSTR\JWENT or SER'W::E. IS IÞfJЫ)[[) 0Hl Y fOR 1M: SPECW1C PURPOSE AND CUEHT FOR WHICH " WAS PAEPMEÐ. Rf;\JS(. OF AND IWf'ROtIOt lII£lJN«;E ON THIS DOC\JtIIÐ( wmo.rr WRfT1ÐI þtmtORsv;noN H40 ADWTA.11QM BY klWLEY-HORH IMD ASSOC"'TES. INC. Si'W..L Ø( wmtoUT LJHII.IJY TO K--...rY-HORN AM> ASSOC&AT£S. INC. _269(528) ,..-149(239) 472(184)_ '\ r 224(149)"", ~ " ... íò o ~ ~ '-IWI(7) J- 'f _2 523) \ ,..-21 40) 148<44¡J '" r 590(342 - l. _ 67(13"", ~ m ~~ "- "- "- "- "- "- "- "- ¡¡:;- "- i~ '-32(19) t ~ ,..-81(56) t r ~ j! _301(356) ,..-37(27) 293(315)_ 1 1 109(94)"", ~ ,., ';=:' 0;" on -"'~ "'-N ~i~ '-125(148) ]N_ -4(53) ! ~ ,..-54(104) 8;~~~:: 111 76(46)"", !9 ~ R x~".,. :;f<Þ_ "'- ... '- '- '- -- / / / ~ N-~ ~* '-94(102) )- I f -190(470) .J. " ,..-25(66) 121(52~J " t r 487(208 _ ~ 90(58"", ~8¡¡¡ ~~~ ~ \ /\ \ I ) / / / / / õ>' ~ '-147(102) J \. -298(620) 10(18)J 620(306)_ CHANHASSEN AUAR 2010 - BUILD HWY 212/312 FIGURE 9 - 2010 TOTAL TRAFFIC 201 0 TOTAL TRAFFIC /' ..,J' r~ ¡.. "J -;:'B "'N_ N"'''' ~~ '-21(20) J~ T 'f _226(172) .J. \ ,..-73(58) 20~221jJ " t r 26 251 _ --'---- 242213 ""' ~~ ¡ß~<Þ / L.....IUCI ../ ~:-? ~t;.·i·lc~¡fjJ::' #71"" _ _ _ - !'Ii ¡¿.~ ""'1'--"- - <t' .r' ;< I' i, " 1/:i<971 >i " fY':;¡' itit' \ ('-9600~ \ ~.. .../~ \ \ ...,. \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ " " " " õ)~ ",on ~ J t 29(171)J '\ t 9(53)"", 2.~ m".,. ~ on §: ~ '-116(24) - '" - _326(358) J ! ~ ,..-27(36) 9(2~J " t r 418_ I ~156 ""' ~ - ~ ~ <0 ..et:ll".1 £ NORTH ~ XX(XX) AM(PM) Peak Hour T ratfie Volumes Average Daily T raffie Volumes XXX X .......-¡-n Kimley-Hom ~_U and Associates, Inc. (þ ~ KM.£Y-HORN AND ASSOCIo\1ES. tC.. ~...~ :eo PrI..~ -:I~(:t /:.,., M"fE: OCTOBER 2003 THIS DOCUU[Jrll'. TOO£THER WITH THE CONCEPTS Nt«) DESfGNS PRESENTED HEREIrI. ÞS Nt INSTRUMÐlT Of' SÐMCE, es IN'TDIDED ONlY FOR THE SPECtnC PURPOSE AND CUENT FOR WHtCH IT WAS PREPARED. REUSE Of NIID "'PROPER RE1.JAHCE ON THIS DOCUMENT WITHOUT WRfTTEN NJTHORIZATlON AND AtW'TA'ßON BY KIWL£Y-HORH AND ASSOCIA1ES. 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