PC SUM 2004 09 07 CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING SUMMARY MINUTES SEPTEMBER 7, 2004 Chairman Sacchet called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Uli Sacchet, Bethany Tjornhom, Dan Keefe, Steve Lillehaug and Kurt Papke MEMBERS ABSENT: Rich Slagle and Craig Claybaugh STAFF PRESENT: Robert Generous, Senior Planner and Josh Metzer, Planning Intern PUBLIC PRESENT FOR ALL ITEMS: None PUBLIC HEARING: VARIANCE FROM THE CITY’S LIGHTING STANDARDS ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF HIGHWAYS 5 AND 41. APPLICANT: LIFE TIME FITNESS CENTER, PLANNING CASE NO. 04-22. Public Present: Name Address Jeff Melby, Life Time Fitness 6442 City West Parkway, Suite 300, Eden Prairie Bill Doerr, Life Time Fitness 6442 City West Parkway, Suite 300, Eden Prairie Robert Generous presented the staff report on this item. Commissioner Keefe asked about the impact the .01 foot candle at the top of the building would have on the Landscape Arboretum. Commissioner Tjornhom asked if there are any other buildings in the City that have uplighting. Commissioner Papke asked about the light diffusion and the angle of the Z-light, and what the motivation of the city code was for disallowing uplighting. Chairman Sacchet asked for a definition of “skyward”, why uplighting was only prohibited in commercial/industrial and not residential, and how consistent has the City been in applying the ordinance in the past. Bob Generous responded to the Commissioners’ questions. The applicant, Bill Doerr of Life Time Fitness, addressed the Planning Commission and answered questions from the Commission. After discussion, the following motion was made: Papke moved, Keefe seconded that the Planning Commission recommends approval of the variance to permit the lighting as detailed by Life Time Fitness Development with the following four conditions: 1.Less than or equal to 14 lights. Planning Commission Summary – September 7, 2004 2.Less than or equal to 60 degrees from horizontal of the beam. 3.Less than or equal to 60-watt incandescent light. 4.Aimed at a spot less than or equal to 10 feet from the ground. All voted in favor, except Lillehaug who opposed, and the motion carried with a vote of 4 to 1. PUBLIC HEARING: VARIANCE TO THE SIDE YARD SETBACK TO CONSTRUCT A THREE-SEASON PORCH ON PROPERTY ZONED PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT-RESIDENTIAL (PUD-R), LOCATED AT 7200 LODGEPOLE POINT, JAMES & KRISTIN RUELLE – PLANNING CASE NO. 04-28. Public Present: Name Address Jim Ruelle 7200 Lodgepole Point Josh Metzer presented the staff report on this item. Commissioner Papke asked about the elevation difference between the subject house and the neighboring house. Commissioner Lillehaug asked if the City had a potential need for a full 9-foot side yard easement. Chairman Sacchet asked about the patio door, the angle the house was constructed on the lot, and the specifics of two previous variance requests in the neighborhood. Commissioner Keefe asked about the design of the porch and deck, and comparison of a similar variance. The applicant, Jim Ruelle, addressed the Planning Commission and answered questions from the Commission. After discussion, the following motion was made: Papke moved, Tjornhom seconded that the Planning Commission approves Variance 04-28 for a 6.75-foot setback as shown on the plans stamped “Received August 5, 2004” with the following conditions: 1.A building permit must be applied for within one year of approval of the variance or it shall become void. 2.The proposed addition must be built per plans stamped “Received August 05, 2004.” 3.The proposed addition must not encroach into the existing 5 foot drainage and utility easement. All voted in favor, except Papke who opposed, and the motion carried with a vote of 4 to 1. PUBLIC HEARING: AMENDMENT TO THE ARBORETUM BUSINESS PARK PUD DESIGN STANDARDS TH TO PERMIT RETAIL USES ON BLOCK 1, ARBORETUM BUSINESS PARK 4 ADDITION, LOCATED SOUTH OF HIGHWAY 5, WEST OF CENTURY BOULEVARD 2 Planning Commission Summary – September 7, 2004 AND NORTH OF CORPORATE PLACE, HELSENE PARTNERS, LLC – PLANNING CASE NO. 04-29. Public Present: Name Address Chris Helsene, Helsene Partners, LLC Brenda M. Helsene, Helsene Partners, LLC Gene Helsene, Helsene Partners, LLC Robert Generous presented the staff report on this item. Commissioner Tjornhom asked if any other exceptions have been made for a retail store in the area. Commissioner Papke asked what the response would be from the existing floral shops in downtown Chanhassen who are paying retail property taxes. Commissioner Keefe asked about the existing personal service businesses on the site. Chairman Sacchet asked about the existing “borderline” retail stores located nearby (All About Lights, Buck’s Unpainted Furniture, Sherwin-Williams, etc.). Commissioner Lillehaug asked what other types of retail would be allowed if approved. The applicant, Chris, Brenda and Gene Helsene of Helsene Partners, LLC, addressed the Planning Commission and answered questions from the Commission. After discussion, the following motion was made: Lillehaug moved, Papke(?) seconded that the Planning Commission recommends denial of the amendment to the Planned Unit Development (PUD #92-6) development design standards to permit retail uses based on the findings of fact and recommendation attached to the staff report dated September 7, 2004. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner Keefe noted the verbatim and summary minutes of the Planning Commission meeting dated August 17, 2004 as presented. Chairman Sacchet adjourned the Planning Commission meeting at 8:40 p.m. Submitted by Kate Aanenson Community Development Director Prepared by Kim Meuwissen 3