5 Town & Country [1] MEMORANDUM CITY OF CHAN HAS SEN TO: Planning Commission 7700 Ma'\et Buu!evarlJ POBux147 CIHI~hasserl M~I 55317 FROM: Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director DATE: September 21,2004 Administration 952.2271100 Fax 952.2271110 SUBJ: DISCUSSION ITEM - Town and Country Building Inspections 952.227.1180 Fax 952.227.1190 Engineering 952.227.11 CO 952 22ì 1170 Town and Country will be presenting some ideas that they have been working on for their project and would like to receive direction and input for a future submittal. Finance PlrU1le 9522271140 9522271110 g:\plan\ka\subdivisions\town & country\9-21-04 pc memo. doc Park & Recreation 9522271120 Fax 952227 1110 RecreatlOl', Cerell:! 2310 Cuuller Boulcvarc: 952 227 1400 952.227 1401) Planning & Natural Resources Phillie 952.227 1 Î 30 952.22Î.1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road P'lOlle 952 227.1300 952.227.1310 Senior Center PllUlle 9522271125 952.227.111 D Web Site WWW.CI clm:l13SSc:l CTlI1US The City of Chanhassen · A gruwlllg cummumly wllh cleall lakes quality Sc:ilOuIS. a IIlarll;lllO IrallS allG beaulilul parks A greal piace 10 live. work. and play.