1 CHADDA Development Propsal CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Markel Boulevard PO Box 147 Cllall!:asser'. fMJ 55317 Administration 9522271100 9522271110 Building Inspections Phorle 952.227 1180 Fax 9522271190 Engineering 9522271160 952 m 1170 Finance Phar1e 9522271140 Fay 952 227 111 I] Park & Recreation Pllorle 952.227 1121] Fax 952.227.1110 Reuealrolr 2310 C:luller Boolevard 952227 1400 952 227141]4 Planning & Natural Resources Pholle 952.227 1130 Fax 952.227 1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phow 952.227.131]0 Fax 9522271311] Senior Center PIJrle 9522271125 Fay 952227111 I] Web Site www.ol.cllai1l.asse:1.lnll.us L MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Gerhardt, Executive Director FROM: Justin Miller, Assistant to the Executi ve Director O~· DATE: September 20, 2004 RE: Development Proposal for Medical Arts Addition and CHADD A Second Addition BACKGROUND When staff was negotiating the sale of the Old Village Hall addition, the original proposal included a Dunn Bros. coffee shop. Unfortunately, many factors contributed to making the coffee shop a non-viable part of the Goddard School development. However, staff agreed to work with Dunn Bros. to find a suitable location in Chanhassen. Since this time, staff and representatives from Dunn Bros. and Lotus Realty have been in discussions regarding city owned property across the street. Ownership of parcels in this area is complex, and any development proposal would require consent from numerous parties. Fortunately, Lotus Realty is in a position to make this possible, and therefore their participation in this process could make proceedings much easier. Before the EDA tonight is a draft proposal for your review. It includes two buildings on either side of the entrance for the Cameo Cleaners and Medical Arts buildings (adjacent to the clock tower). The Dunn Bros. shop would be on the east side while the building on the west side is proposed to be a possible restaurant. Ownership of the parcels is outlined on the attached map. The City controls these properties because at the time of development, the City wanted to make sure that all future development in the area would have sufficient parking. In essence, these parcels are part of the larger public parking lot system the City owns (see attached map). Staff sees potential in this proposal due to the fact that it would increase activity in this part of downtown and would create a consistent architecture in the area by developing two buildings at the same time. Many details would still need to worked out (parking, suitability of a drive-thru, architecture, purchase price, etc.) if the EDA directs staff to proceed. RECOMMENDA TION Staff recommends that the ED A direct Lotus Realty, Dunn Bros., and staff to further negotiate the details of the proposal and if possible to bring back a more detailed site plan and purchase agreement for the ED A's consideration. The City ot Chanhassen · A growIIlg oommunlly with clean lakes a cllarlll I I1lj dowlilown. tlnVll'lj IJUsrr:esses. w: 1111 I Ilg I ral Is. ami Ileal;! Ilu I pal ks Ie WOI k. alld play Development Area Ownership -0 ~ a ca .Q - ctS c: :r: ~ 0 c: ëi.) ..... 0 0 ~ ::J CI) C .~ a... ~ +-.0 '-----~ C't1 <D ... L<~ View -------- CD ------ i--- ....... 0 ø i--- :. :. .... .. -.. . . 0 1-. .. . o . o . 0 . .. .. M -:...::...... : : . .. . II. .. . ... .. . o 0 " . .. . . .. ..1 . 0 I. .. .. ... .. ... I. o 0 0 . ... . .. .. . I. .: : . :.. . 0 0 . 0 '-- . : :. ~A (W 78th St) - W 78th St ~ lL ~ II )~Ì\ ~ 1 ~~ c\-\\C~GO --~ .~ > C Proposed Development Parcels D Thies & Talle (Lotus Realty) D City/EDA Map Print Output Page 1 of 1 Carver County GIS Mapping Application Legend Road T.II US Highways ¡I 11M Highways ¡I CSAH COunty Roads LIkes Palnls Aerial PIIotII2002 C ''''+' .LIIIIIi' --- Carver County Map Created on: 9-20-2004 This map was created using Carver county's Geographic Information Systems (GIS), it is a compilation of information and data from various City, County, State, and Federal offices. This map is not a surveyed or legally recorded map and is intended to be used as a reference, Carver County is not responsible for any inaccuracies contained herein. 9/2012004 ¡11~n!~ ~~ !h] lrllll~1 ~!~ I[ 1>lf~ ~:] OfJ ~Ul¡ðUI¡~ ¡,~ I~ ¡~-I! Iii-if r &lld: '~~¡ ¡~I u:H"j '" ~~j ~_j II ~-'-----" ,_ L~~¡t- L~j ~j j¡ J .\... o O. 0 o 0 0 . . .. . 0 o . 0 . . . 0 . . · t/) ¡:::: '-' en' . ....¡...) Q) ill E----t · -2 .¡:; ~ 0 t¡ · u _~ -0 ~ ~:¥~ · 0 b s:¡ ,~~t C/J U ~<>.~~ ~ ~~ <I; . . jii ! I :ilJ~ ; i;'I: : ~ ¡i'" ~I il ._,,~ì~ ~ t ~. ~¥ i; ~~ ~t/) ggj ""~ ,-,0 f- u 31::5 Zw oe>: ""<0 0:=0 '-'Of t/) ~ 9 i ~ <r: I CV <r: ~~ "'0- ¡-. 2J I 101 'ON '^MH :H~ Oèf'V'^:nn08 SNI'Vld 1'V3tJ9 c; ~ ~ CJ Z c=; 5 ( ) ¡ :-.. ~.. ! I' ? =1···· ~ f- W W IX f- (/) :r: f- eo r--. f- (/) W :s: jCL~~ \Jß u, o 'J p-,Qì t;: , ZD ~: w >- Vi~ ~~