PC SUM 2004 10 05
OCTOBER 5, 2004
Chairman Sacchet called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Dan Keefe, Bethany Tjornhom, Kurt Papke, Steve Lillehaug,
and Uli Sacchet. Rich Slagle arrived during item 3.
Craig Claybaugh
Kate Aanenson, Sharmeen Al-Jaff, Matt Saam, Paul Oehme, and
Justin Miller
Paul Oehme provided an update on the feasibility study being prepared for the 2005
MUSA area, highlighting the infrastructure and design criteria that has been established.
Commissioner Lillehaug asked staff to explain the feasibility of extending services to the
southwest corner of the area, which has been requested by a land developer in that area.
He also asked for clarification of the proposed collector roadway system. Chairman
Sacchet asked for clarification on the roadway alignments and if there’s any flexibility in
their locations. Commissioner Lillehaug asked staff if they were comfortable with the
touch down points established by the County. There was no action taken on this item.
Public Present:
Name Address
John Bertelsen 201 West Travelers Trail, BV
Joel Hussong 2428 Minneapolis
Andy Martin 1016 W. Ninth Avenue, King of Prussia
Brandy Geiger 1016 W. Ninth Avenue, King of Prussia
Fred & Valaire Riese 9154 Sunnyvale Drive
Chris Thompson Remax Action West
Rick & Kathie Engelhardt 403 Santa Fe Trail
Judy Schmieg 200 West 77Street
Joanne Meuwissen 201 West 77 Street
Planning Commission Summary – October 5, 2004
Fred Prinz 408 Santa Fe Circle
Dick Mingo 7601 Great Plains Boulevard
Jack Atkins 220 West 78 Street
Sharmeen Al-Jaff presented the staff report and Kate Aanenson clarified the role of the
Planning Commission in review of this item. Commissioner Papke asked for clarification
on zoning regulations for a school versus a daycare, and traffic circulation interfering
with current uses. Commissioner Tjornhom asked about hours of drop off and pick up
for the school, ages of the children, and location of the playground equipment.
Commissioner Keefe had a concern with safety and security with traffic along West 78
Street. Commissioner Lillehaug questioned the setbacks and landscaping.
Commissioner Tjornhom asked staff to explain what happens with the building if the
school use leaves. Chairman Sacchet asked for clarification on the retaining walls and
elevations on the site. He also expressed concern with the size of the roof. Fred Riese,
9154 Sunnyvale Drive, spoke on behalf of himself and his wife, Valaire Riese, the
applicants. He thanked city staff for their assistance and introduced the civil engineers
from John Oliver and Associates and support staff from Goddard School. Commissioner
Keefe asked Brandy Geiger with Goddard Schools to outline their program and how it
differs from other daycare/school programs. Commissioner Papke asked how
architecturally this proposed building compares with Goddard’s prototypical building.
Commissioner Lillehaug asked the applicant to comment on the parking agreement with
the church and questioned the adequacy of the parking. Commissioner Keefe asked the
applicant to explain the traffic circulation patterns in relation to their drop off and pick up
of students. Commissioner Papke and Chairman Sacchet asked the applicant to clarify
the color and height of the roof. Chairman Sacchet asked the applicant to elaborate on
the playground layout and size, and elevation of the site. John Bertelsen with John Oliver
and Associates explained how the building and amenities were located in relation to the
elevations of the site.
Chairman Sacchet opened the public hearing. Fred Prinz, 408 Santa Fe Circle presented
a petition signed by 160 people requesting that the property remain vacant and asked
what organization he should talk to regarding this issue. Justin Miller explained the
EDA’s make-up and role in the decision making process. Jack Atkins, 220 West 78
Street expressed concern that this use would be better located along Highway 5 on a
larger parcel and asked that this property be retained as open space. He also had concern
with the size of the roof. Dick Mingo, 7601 Great Plains Boulevard, a 47 year resident of
the community, stated he’s not against a school but thinks this is the wrong site. He feels
the site should remain a park to go along with the historical area of old village hall and
old St. Hubert’s Church. He suggested using the site for a Veteran’s Memorial or a
Pioneer Memorial honoring the pioneers of this community. He also expressed concern
with the locations of the playgrounds. Judy Schmieg, 200 West 77 Street asked for
clarification that this was a public hearing and that the residents of Chanhassen own the
property that’s described as Lot 1, Block 1, Old Village Hall. Kate Aanenson clarified
the role of the Planning Commission is to decide whether or not this site plan meets with
the zoning code. The Planning Commission does not have the jurisdiction to decide
whether or not this piece of property should be sold. Judy Schmieg expressed frustration
Planning Commission Summary – October 5, 2004
at the public hearing process and asked who the public, the 160 signatures on the petition,
need to talk to about keeping this parcel vacant. Chairman Sacchet suggested contacting
the mayor and City Council members with their concerns. She also expressed concern
that this was a daycare center, and asked if it was licensed with the State of Minnesota.
She also had concerns with traffic from this site interfering with the Dinner Theater
traffic and city traffic on Great Plains Boulevard and West 78 Street. Chris Thompson,
representing Remax Action West, stated their concern with an island in the parking lot
interfering with the traffic flow from their site. He suggested re-writing their easement to
lose one of the spots in the parking lot and cut back on this existing island to make a
more reasonable entrance into the Remax Action West site. He also proposed that there
be some common signage associated with Remax, the proposed school, the church and/or
city hall in this general area to help guide people as to where they’re going. Chairman
Sacchet closed the public hearing.
Planning Commissioners asked Justin Miller to clarify what agreements exist with the
property and if there is any verbiage that this site was planned as park and open space.
Kate Aanenson clarified that this site is zoned commercial, not parks and open space.
Dick Mingo commented that he felt it was dirty pool for the city to eliminate a business
place that had been there since 1933 and now replace it with another business place.
After commissioner comments, the following motion was made.
Lillehaug moved, Papke seconded that the Planning Commission recommends
approval of Site Plan 04-32 for an 8,068 square foot building to house a school as
shown on the plans dated received September 3, 2004, subject to the following
1.Applicant shall preserve all existing trees south of the grading limits and outside of
the property lines. Any trees removed will be replaced at a rate of 2:1 diameter
2.Applicant shall move the red maple shown in the southeastern corner of the site to a
location within the grading limits. A revised landscape plan shall be submitted to the
3.Permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies will have to be obtained including
but not limited to the MPCA and Watershed District.
4.Add detail sheet showing City Detail Plate Nos. 1002, 1006, 2001, 3101, 3102, 5201,
5203, 5214 and 5300.
5.Sanitary sewer and water hookup charges are applicable for the new building. The
2004 trunk hookup charge is $1,458 for sanitary sewer and $2,814 for watermain.
Sanitary sewer and watermain hookup fees may be specially assessed against the
parcel at the time of building permit issuance. All of these charges are based on the
number of SAC units assigned by the Met Council.
Planning Commission Summary – October 5, 2004
6.Prior to building permit issuance, all plans must be signed by a professional civil
engineer registered in the state of Minnesota.
7.Any retaining wall over 4 feet in height must be designed by a Structural Engineer
registered in the State of Minnesota and require a permit from the Building
Department. A 4-foot safety fence must be included on top of the wall where
adjacent to a pedestrian walkway.
8.On the site plan, revise the handicap parking stall from 9-inch to 9-feet.
9.On the utility plan:
- Revise the sanitary sewer pipe class from SDR35 to SDR26.
- Revise the watermain pipe from CL55 to CL52.
10.Show all existing easements on the plans.
11.Revise the plans to provide a minimum of 1.5 feet of elevation difference between the
FFE of the building and the emergency overflow elevations of the side yard areas.
12.Storm sewer sizing calculations for a 10-year storm event must be submitted prior to
building permit approval
13.Tree protection fencing must be installed around all trees in the construction zone that
will remain.
14.All roof top equipment shall be screened.
15.The applicant shall enter into a site plan agreement with the city and provide the
necessary financial securities.
16.Fire Marshal Conditions:
a.The building will be built to the 2000 International Fire Code as adopted by the
State of Minnesota not the NFPA 101 2000 Life Safety Code.
b.Builder must comply with the following Chanhassen Fire Department/Fire
Prevention policies (copies enclosed):
01-1990 regarding fire alarm systems
04-1991 regarding notes to be included on all site plans
07-1991 regarding pre-fire plan drawings.
29-1992 regarding premise identification
36-1994 regarding proper water line sizing
40-1995 regarding fire protection systems
34-1993 regarding water service installation
c. The 4-inch ductal iron pipe as shown on page C4-1 should be no smaller than 6-
inch per NFPA 13 Sect. 9-1.3.
Planning Commission Summary – October 5, 2004
17. Building Official conditions:
a.The building is required to be protected by automatic fire extinguishing systems.
b.The plans must be prepared and signed by design professionals licensed in the
State of Minnesota.
c.The accessible parking spaces must be located on the shortest possible route to the
buildings served.
d.Roof drain piping must be air tested within 10 feet of the building.
e.Detailed occupancy related requirements will not be reviewed until complete
plans are submitted for a building permit.
f.The owner and or their representative shall meet with the Inspections Division as
soon as possible to discuss plan review and permit procedures.
18. The applicant must obtain a sign permit prior to erecting the signs on site. A detailed
sign plan incorporating the method of lighting, acceptable to staff should be provided
prior to requesting a sign permit.”
All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0.
In summary, Commissioner Lillehaug wanted to add that his support wasn’t for the actual
use of this land for this building versus leaving it open space. It was strictly looking at
the site plan and if it adhered to the city comp plan and ordinances. Chairman Sacchet
stated the Planning Commission looked at this site plan in terms of how it fits with the
ordinances, comprehensive plan and the surrounding area. He addressed the concern
that’s been brought up very strongly from the local residents that they would prefer this
to be an open area, a park, possibly a memorial and asked that the City Council consider
that request, especially considering the fact that there is a petition with 160 signatures
asking that the land remain vacant.
Public Present:
Name Address
Rick Dorsey 1551 Lyman Boulevard
Krista Novack Town & Country Homes, Eden Prairie
Kate Aanenson presented the staff report on this item. Commissioners Papke and
Tjornhom asked staff to clarify how the design standards being proposed by staff line up
with what’s being proposed by Town and Country Homes. Chairman Sacchet clarified
the wording on page 2, point 9. Chairman Sacchet opened the public hearing. Rick
Dorsey, who owns property at 1551 Lyman Boulevard, expressed his opinion that the
design standards being implemented were too vague. Not strict enough. He provided
Planning Commission Summary – October 5, 2004
some examples of what other cities do with restrictions and products built and suggested
if it designs went more vertical and had green space around it, you wouldn’t feel that
tightness and that is probably more appropriate. Krista Novack with Town and Country
Homes thanked the Planning Commission and staff for their time and consideration in
having the opportunity to present their ideas for the community. Chairman Sacchet
closed the public hearing. Commissioner Papke asked if Commissioner Lillehaug
concurred with the recommendations regarding setbacks to promote his suggestion of
sidewalks and tree lined streets. Chairman Sacchet reiterated his reasoning for
supporting this amendment.
Papke moved, Lillehaug seconded that the Planning Commission recommends
approval of the code amendment to Chapter 20, Article XXIII, General
Supplemental Regulations Design Standards for Multi-Family Developments. All
voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6 to 0.
In summary, Chairman Sacchet emphasized the amount of work that went into fine
tuning this document, through work sessions, field trips, etc.
Commissioner Lillehaug noted the summary and verbatim Planning Commission
minutes of September 7, 2004 as presented. Commissioner Tjornhom noted the
summary minutes of the Planning Commission meeting dated September 21, 2004
with an amendment on page 1 to reflect that Commissioner Lillehaug was opposed
to directing staff to pursue a study of the land use recommendation of the Hillside
Oaks neighborhood.
Chairman Sacchet adjourned the Planning Commission meeting at 9:00 p.m.
Submitted by Kate Aanenson
Community Development Director
Prepared by Nann Opheim