Email from Pamedco 9-13-04 Page 1 of 1 - - AI-Jaff, Sharmeen ---------.--,' From: Pamedco [pamedco@integraonline.com] Sent: Monday, September 13, 2004 8:01 PM To: AI-Jaff, Sharmeen Cc: pamedco@integraonline.com Subject: monument sign Dear Sharmeen. HI, how was your vacation. I hope it was very nice for you and your family. I have given this monument sign a lot of thought. I got the 24 sq ft sign approved through Shell. I would like a bigger sign because it will help advertise my business. However, I do not want to turn this into a big issue. I sent a check for $100.00 for a planning commission meeting and would proceed with it only on the terms that; I want a bigger sign for the reasons already stated. If you feel that a meeting is a waste of time, I will direct my efforts toward other issues. Pam and I have decieded to go with the lettering on our store, in lieu of the Pamedco sign. We will be appling for permits this week. Please give me a call and give me your feedback on the monument sign. As always; Thank you, Ed Puchtel 612-270-7045 9/1412004