Application 8-20-04 Exhibit "A" Hidden Creek Meadows D & G of Chanhassen , LLC. RYAN ENGINEERING, INC. LOT AREA DATA SINGLE FAM DEVELOPMENT AREA 1924:± +/- AC LOT NUMBER BLOCK 1 I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 AREA 46,024 19,742 15,071 15,079 15,086 15,094 15,101 15, /09 15,116 15,124 LO T NUMBER BLOCK 2 I 2 J 4 5 6 AREA 22,457 16,139 17,054 77,969 13,562 17,045 21,J28 22.46J 22,755 27,9JO 27,/00 20,270 57,778 OUTLOT A OUTLOT B OUTLOT C OUTLOT D PUBLiC ROW 8 9 10 17 12 7J Tolel BLO(> ¡ &- 2 AvC} BLOCV 7 &- ;; DEVELOPMENT DATA ZONING. EXISTING ZONING: PROPOS£D ZONING LOW DENSITY RESiDENTIAL LOW DENSITy RESIDENTIAL LEGAL DESCRIPTION All thai portion of of the Northeast Quart of the Northeast Quarter of Section 6. Township 116, North of Range 2J West, lying South of the M.inneapolis and St. Louis Railroad Company's oght of way os now established, Carver County, Minnesota Records of Carver Coun ty Abstract Property Property Address' 4001 Aster Trail, Chanhassen, MN 55J37 AND That port of Lot 8, SChnic/s Acre Tracts, lying north of 0 westerly extension across said ¿ at 8 of tne south line of Lot 6, Schmid's Acre Tracts; together with an easement for driveway purposes over and across the east 50 feet of that port of lot 8, lying northerly of 0 line parallel with and distant 165 feet southerly of 0 westerly extension of the said south line of said Lot 6 across said Lot 8, Schmid's Þcrf' r'Gets Property Address: 3921 Aster Trail, Chanhassen, MN 55337 AND That part of Lot 8, Schmid's acre Tracts, lying south of 0 westerly extension across sa,d ¿ ot 8 of south line of Lot 6, Schmid's Acre Tracts. established, Carver County, Minnesota. Records of Carver County Abstract Propert) Property Address. 39J1 Aster Troii, Chanhassen, MN 55331 At.¡{j Lot 7, Schm'dc; Acre r-oe ts, oecoro 'J<j to tile recoroeo p ('I thereof or fliP ona cf record in thf' off'e of the Peglster of Deeds, Carver County, Minnesota Abstract Property Propert y Address.· 630: Cart way Lane, Chanhassen, MN 5.'JJJ' 17,157 4,175 47,572 273,164 77, 772 478,3JO 20. 797 07/29/2004 THU 16:02 FAX 952 278 5111 COLDWELL BANKER BURNET MAY-eS-2ß04 15:89 P . 0'.2 CItyQtO~h~ Plamúng Depetimml. 7100 Mmket Blvd ~J\~Mssea. MN 55317 To whom It mar cœœtt1; I tho ~"gp ~y owner of 3921 Ast« Trail hero by aathøri!t D & 0 of ~..hðNtmr.. U£ 1Þ roakc: appIicatiOD for the NDdivision ol my plOpOI'ty. <~IWt.v).. Kathy - ~ 010/013 07129/2004 THU 16:02 FAX 952 278 5111 COLDWELL BANKER BURNET ~ 007/013 City of Cha.nhassen Plonning Department 7700 Market Blvd Chanhassen, MN 55317 Tu whom it may t;;oncem; I the undersign property owner of 6301 Cartway Lane here by authúfizt. D&.O of Chm1haasen, LLC to make application for the: subdivision of my property. ~~/k/'~ MarK MacphØñ' 07/29/2004 THU 16:02 FAX 952 278 5111 COLDWELL BANKER BURNET MAY-0S-20Ø4 1S=Ð9 Cityot~t,~ PIaøning~ 7100 Marlœt Blvd Chtmbasßeo, MN 55317 To whom it 1M.)" COŒCrØ.; I tbc ~ property oWQC1' of 3931 Asta' Tnùl here by iWihori7J:: D &. a of ~ LLC 10 make appJìœtiOll for the SlÜ&vision of my properey. })AÅ-~~/'¡;~ nme~ I . P.0:5 TOTAL P.ø~ ~ 004/013