Administrative Section Administrative Section II 1\ ADDENDœ'l /Ÿð~;-f/'A/ r/6..£b ~~C I ¡ II As a part of that certain Agreement dated Hay , 1978, 1978, first party, RANDOLPH HE~'ffiN, hereby agrees that in con- sideration of this Agreement, a condition for conveying fee title for parcel B to the City of Chanhassen will be for park and recreation purposes in perpetuity, and that if for any reason, the City of Chanhassen at any time elects to use the land for other than these purposes, title to said parcel will go to Carver County, for inclusion within the boundary of Lake Minnewashta Regional Park. I II I I I I Dated: Hay , 1978. 4 #,ír /~-'hW~v / I áñdo. h erman Agreed and Accepted on the above terlilS. CITY BY or CHANH.Þ..SSEN /\ / / ' i, ({l^~ City Manager-- II ¡ :~XHIBI'r C ,I o w > - w (.) w a: ..-> (~ c-:> ':'-.j 1"'..... ~-''>J. ','-j r- u o ..::. 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Dictated: yes~ noD In Custody;.-¥esbJ-no!~~1.__Jtèpor~ Type: Incident ICR: 04-26678 Offense Level:_,,___,_.S_o.PX_!~:___~?~~t,L~!~'?~neyD City AttorneyD Social ServicesD Mental HealthD Incident Description Property Damage Incident Address 8690 Chanhassen Hills Dr. S Apt Zip 55317 Date Reported 9/22/2004 Time 1730 City Chanhassen State Mn Date Occurred 9/22/2004 Area 2800 Person Codes A-Arrested Party B-Business C-Complainant D-Driver E-Mentioned F-Field Contact JA-Juvenile Arrest JM-Juvenile Mentioned JS-J uvenile Suspect JV -J uvenile Victim K-DOA M-Missing Person O-Owner P-Reporting Person R-Runaway S-Suspect T-Parent U-Unknown V - Victim W-Witness Z-Other Time Unk. Grid 0250 Chanhassen City PERSON INFORMATION #1 Code: P (Last) Name: Hoeft (Middle) Dawn (First) Shari DOB:6/26/1968 Age:36 Sex: F Height: o same as offense address Address: 8600 Chanhassen Hills Dr. S. City: Chanhassen Weight: Eyes: Race: Wht Hair: State: Mn Apt: Zip: 55317 (cell / Pgr) (home) Phone: 952-906-0388 DL: (work) State: Add'l Descrip: PERSON INFORM A TION (Last) (First) (Middle) #1 Code: Name: DOB: Age: o same as offense address Sex: Height: Weight: Hair: Eyes: Race: Address: Apt: City: State: Zip: (cell / Pgr) (home) (work) Phone: DL: State: Addn'l Descrip: CASE FACTORS Felony Crime Against Person: Property with Model #/SS #: Crime Scene Processed yesD no[g yesD no[g yesD no[g By Badge: Incident Officer Doing Follow-up: yesD no[g Officer Requesting Investigator Review: yesD nol6l Info: I OFFICER INFORM A TION Reporting Officer: Dep. Michael Fel~ge: 856 Officer Assigned Follow-up (Badge #): DIDRIBUIfD :-r \ Q.. ho. 11\ Assisting (Badge #'s): Reviewing Supervisor: IJ 8(1 Report OK:~ / NO ICR: 04-26678 PROPERTY INFORMATION CODE DESCRIPTION BRAND MODEL # SERIAL # EST. VALUE D Playground Equipment unk. unk. unk PropertyNehicle Codes: E-Evidence S-Stolen R-Recovered L-Lost F-Found D-Damaged O-Other Colors: BLK, BLU, BRN, GLD, GRN, GRY, MAR, ORG, PNK, PUR, RED, SIL, TAN, WHT, YEL BICYCLE INFORMATION Code MAKE MODEL # STYLE HEIGHT COLOR CONDITION SERIAL # VEHICLE INFORMATION Code: Forfeiture: yesD noD Lic #: Make: Model: Lic State: Vin#: Veh Yr: Color: Value: $ Distinctive Features: Odometer: Add'l Description: Prop in Vehicle: Impound: yesD noD Towed: yesD noD Placed in Prop Rm: yesD noD Key Disposition: Tow Company: Veh Location: ** SIGNATURE: Si nature of Com DATE: MISSING PERSONIRUNA WAY 1. MENTALIPHYSICAL DISABILITY: A person of any age who is missing and physically or mentally disabled, thereby subjecting self or others to personal immediate danger. 2. INVOLUNTARY DISAPPEARANCE: A person of any age who is missing under circumstances which indicate the disappearance was not voluntary, 3. PHYSICAL SAFETY ENDANGERED: A person of any age who is missing in the company of another person under circumstances which indicate their personal safety is in danger. 4. JUVENILE RUN A WAY: An un-emancipated person who does not meet any of the entry criteria set forth in the other record types, I certify that the person described herein is missing due to the following: _ 1. Mental/Physical Disability _ 2. Involuntary Disappearance _ 3. Physical Safety Danger _ 4. Runaway ** SIGNATURE: DATE: Signature of Complainant is Required on Missing Person/Runaway Reports NCICfMNCIS ENTRY Date Entered: By: Owner Notified By: Date: Date Cancelled: By: Date: Time: Date Located/Recovered: Location: By: Recovered Condition: Impound Location: Form #22 Revised 1/04 CARVER COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE INCIDENT REPORT NARRATIVE I ICR: 04026678 Date of Incident: Incident: Date of Report: Incident Address: 09-22-04 Property Damage 09-22-04 8690 Chanhassen Hills Dr S, Chanhassen, MN (Chanhassen Hills Park) Reporting Party: Address: Phone: Shari Dawn Hoeft, DOB 06-26-68 8600 Chanhassen Hills Dr S, Chanhassen, MN 55317 952-906-0388 SYNOPSIS: · Received a report of damage to playground equipment at a city park in Chanhassen. Unknown persons did bum a hole through a plastic crawl tube. DETAILS: 1. On 09-22-04 at 1730 hours, I was notified by Carver County Dispatch to respond to Chanhassen Hills Park, located at 8690 Chanhassen Hills Drive South in the city of Chanhassen. 2. Upon my arrival I met with the reporting party, Shari Dawn Hoeft, DaB 06-26-68. Hoeft is a resident at 8600 Chanhassen Hills Drive South. She stated that on this date at approximately 1400 hours, she had taken her two children over to the park to play. While there, she noticed that there was a bum hole in one of the center tubes of the playground equipment. She stated that according to her children this damage was not there the day before. 3. Hoeft showed me to the park and showed me the damage. I did note that a plastic playground set with a number of slides and crawl tubes had a hole (approximately four inches across) burned in the top of one of the crawl tubes. The hole was rounded in nature with the inner edges pulled downward as if they had melted. It was quite apparent by the damage that some type of open flame had been exposed to the interior of the tube, causing a hole to bum through. I asked Hoeft if there had ever been any other cases of damage to the playground equipment. She stated that this is the first time something like this has occurred. 4. I did advise Hoeft that a report on this incident would be created. At this time there are no suspects in this incident. 5. The City of Chanhassen Parks & Recreation Department will be notified of this to implement repairs as soon as possible. The hole in the tube is of a size which creates a possibility of a small child getting a limb stuck in the hole. Narrative Page 1 of 2 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 2020 . CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 CITY CENTER DRIVE 1998 Plan Update 2020 Chanhassen Comprehensive Plan 1998 Plan Update Chapter 1 Land Use Chapter 2 Housing Chapter 3 Natural Resources Chapter 4 Park and Open Space Appendices Chapter 5 Transportation Appendices Chapter 6 Sewer and Water Chapter 7 Capital Improvement Projects 1-20 21-32 33-42 43-52 53-86 87-102 103-135 "tempora mutantur, nos et mutamur in iIUs." City Council: Nancy Mancino, Mayor Mark Engel, Councilman Linda Jansen, Councilwoman Steve Labatt, Councilman Mark Senn, Councilman Planning Commission: Alison Blackowiak Matthew Burton Ladd Comad Kevin Joyce Deb Kind Craig Peterson LuAnn Sidney City Department Heads: Scott Botcher, City Manager Kathryn Aanenson, Community Development Director Don Ashworth, Economic Development Director Anita Benson, City Engineer Bruce Dejong, Finance Director Charles Folch, Public Works Director Todd Gerhardt, Assistant City Manager Todd Hoffman, Parks and Recreation Director Planning Staff: Phillip Elkin, Water Resource Coordinator Robert Generous, Senior Planner Sharmin AI-Jaff, Senior Planner Cynthia Kirchoff, Planner I Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resource Specialist Adopted June 28, 1999 , Park andOipen Space , COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CHAPTER 4 1998 PARK AND OPEN SPACE INTRODUCTION The quality and number of recreational facilities in a community directly contributes to the quality of life. For this reason, the City of Chanhassen places a strong emphasis on parks and open space, As the City of Chanhassen has developed and increased in population, more pressure and attention has been given to providing recreational opportunities for our residents, Increased leisure time, health awareness, greater mobility and higher disposable incomes have all contributed to the increased demand for recreational activities. The challenge of the next century will be to provide facilities for a growing and diverse population. Parks can be defined as public areas that provide active or passive oriented recreational facilities. A significant characteristic of park land is its accessibility to its users. Open space is any parcel that is not used for buildings or other structures and is left in a natural state. Parks and open space perform three functions: meet physical and psychological needs, enhance and protect the resource base and enhance real estate values and provide a positive impact on economic development PARK AND OPEN SPACE PLANNING Open space, in its broadest terms, refers to any parcel that is left in its natural state. The property could be utilized for recreational purposes or simply to maintain a natural environment An example of recreational open space is the Lake Ann Park, whereas, the National Wildlife Refuge is open space that aims to preserve the natural environment and its habitat There are numerous factors involved in park and open space planning such as existing regional, local and private facilities, demographics and funding. The demographic structure determines the types of recreational facilities in a community. For instance, a young population would warrant the construction of more active recreational facilities. Parks and Open Space - Acquisition and Regulation The city obtains land for recreational purposes in one of the following manners: acquisition or regulation. Acquisition refers to obtaining land through easements, condemnation, donation or purchase, The trails are constructed in easements. The second means of obtaining land is through regulation or the zoning and subdivision ordinance. The subdivision ordinance states the developer shall dedicate land for parks, playgrounds, public open space and trails and/or shall make a cash contribution to the city's park fund and trail fund (Section 18-79). The planned unit development (PUD) ordinance also encourages the preservation of open space and sensitive land. For instance, 100 acres of environmentally sensitive land was dedicated in the Arboretum Business Park, In addition, the Bluff Creek Overlay District will ensure ecologically sensitive features and open space will be preserved. Park Fees The subdivision ordinance also permits the city to require fees in lieu of a donation or easement for the park and trail system. These fees are paid with the other subdivision fees and the remainder is paid at the time of building permit issuance. FACILITY INVENTORY The Metropolitan Council has developed standards for recreational facilities by the size, use and service 43 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 1998 METROPOLITAN RECREATION OPEN SPACE SYSTEM CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM FOR LOCAL AND REGIONAL RECREATION OPEN SPACE Component Use Service Area Specialized facilities serve a concentrated or Mini-Park limited population or specific group such as tots or senior citizens; may be in locations such as Less than 1/4 mile Site: Less than 1 acre apartment complexes, townhouse developments, or commercial centers Area for intense recreational activities such as 1/4 - 1/2 radius to Neighborhood Park field games, court games, crafts, apparatus area, serve a population of Site: 10-25 acres skating, neighborhood centers. 4,000 to 5,000 (neighborhood) Area of natural or ornamental quality for outdoor Community Park recreation such as walking, viewing and 12,000 - 20,000 Site: 25-50 acres picnicking; and may contain areas for intense population recreational facilities such as athletic fields, Area of natural ornamental quality for nature Regional Park oriented outdoor recreation such as picnicking, 3-5 communities Site: 200-500 acres boating, fishing, swimming, skiing, hiking and camping, Linear Park Area developed for one or more varying modes Site: Sufficient length to of recreational travel such as hiking, biking, N/A accomplish purpose snowmobiling, horseback riding, cross country skiing, canoeing and driving Source: Metropolitan Council Table 4-1 area (Table 4-1). The city uses these standards to define its park system. REGIONAL OPEN SPACE Lake Minnewashta Regional Park 2020 Land Use Plan: Parks/Open Space Lake Minnewashta Regional Park is located on the northeast corner of Lake Minnewashta, west of Hwy. 41 between Hwys. 5 and 7. The facility was originally established as a park in the late 1970s. The area of the park totals 350 acres. Lake Minnewashta Regional Park continues to be operated and maintained by Carver County with funding from the Metropolitan Council. Lake Minnewashta Regional Park contains the following facilities: a swimming beach, picnic areas, boat access, 7 miles of trails, play areas and a 30 acre ,reforestation area. The future plans of this park call for an amphitheater, beach enhancements, a picnic shelter and additional trails. Minnesota Landscape Arboretum 2020 Land Use Plan: Public/Semi-Public The Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, a unit of the University of Minnesota, is a public botanical garden and an international recognized education and research institution. Its 935 acres feature display gardens and exhibits, model landscapes 44 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 1998 for home and community, restored native landscapes, fruit and woody plant research plots, and woody and herbaceous plant collections, Over 5,000 species of plants are represented on the grounds. The Arboretum is open to the public year-round. There are six miles of trails for warm-weather walking or cross country skiing during the winter. A new research project, the Spring Peeper Meadow, a sedge meadow wetland restoration, is located at the corner of Hwy 41 and 82nd Street. The Arboretum's many educational offerings include children's programs and gardens, family activities, adult education, therapeutic horticulture, and Anderson Horticultural Library, one of the foremost botanical libraries in the world. The Arboretum also hosts several public festivals every year, including the Sugarbush Pancake Brunch in the early spring and Fall Festival in September. The city may support the use of an outdoor amphitheater on the Arboretum property located north of Highway 5 and west of Highway 41 . National Wildlife Refuge 2020 Land Use Plan: Parks/Open Space The National Wildlife Refuge provides protection for the natural habitat of the Minnesota River Valley. The wildlife area, encompassing 14,000 acres, provides a linear greenbelt stretching from Fort Snelling to the City of Carver. Within the City of Chanhassen, the refuge consists of 100 acres of land located adjacent to Rice Lake. The mission of the refuge is to manage the natural resources in order to perpetuate wildlife species and ecological communities' natural diversity and abundance, as well as provide opportunities for wildlife-oriented recreation and an educational center for the study of natural systems. PRIVATE FACILITIES Camp Tanadoona 2020 Land Use Plan: Public/Semi-Public Camp Tanadoona was started by the Minneapolis Camp Fire Girls in 1924. This camp consists of 63 acres of land on Lake Minnewashta, south of Lake Minnewashta Regional Park. Today the camp serves both boys and girls, Bluff Creek Golf Course 2020 Land Use Plan: Public/Semi-Public and Low Density Residential Bluff Creek Golf Course is a private facility located on Hwy. 101 south of Pioneer Trail (TH 14), The 18-hole course is approximately 228 acres. INTERGOVERNMENTAL COOPERATION/ FACILITIES Intergovernmental cooperation has been a successful means of acquiring and maintaining recreational facilities. In 1991, the city and School District 112 jointly acquired land for Bluff Creek Elementary and the Chanhassen Recreation Center. The recreation center is a multiple-use facility with outdoor ball fields, tennis courts, and a state of the art in-line skating/hockey rinks. , EXISTING PARKS AND OPEN SPACE The city has six community parks, 21 neighborhood parks and 2,815 acres of open space (this includes land guided parks/open space and public/semi- public). Bandimere Community Park, City Center Park and Roundhouse Park are scheduled to be completed before 2000. The following table lists the parks and the facilities and activities they provide. 45 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 1998 TABLE 4-2 46 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 1998 TRAILS Trails are an important element in an overall successful recreational system. They link parks and neighborhoods and the city to Eden Prairie and Chaska. The city places a high priority on the construction of trails. The map at the end of the chapter displays the location of public trails and park land, EXISTING AND PROPOSED TRAILS Trails can accommodate various transportation modes. Walking, jogging, in-line skating, bicycling, cross country skiing, snowmobiling and horseback riding are frequent uses of trail systems. For the purpose of this plan, the city's trails are categorized into two general classifications: walkways/bikeways and nature trails. Walkways/Bikeways These trail facilities are designed to accommodate both bicycle and/or pedestrian use. The trails are generally eight feet in width (Figure1.2). Nature Trails These trails are designed solely for pedestrian usage, In some areas of the city, particularly in the southern portion, they are used to provide public access to areas isolated by extreme topography, tree cover or other factors. Other Trails/Regional Trails The Southwest Hennepin Regional LRT (Light Rail Transit) Trails, part of Hennepin County parks, traverses through the southern portion of the city. It extends from Lake Riley to Chaska running parallel to Hwy. 212. CSAH 101, formerly TH, 101 and TH. 5 provide additional regional trail connections. Other special use trails also exist within the city. For instance, snowmobile routes are designated by private clubs, in cooperation with the city, that connect to routes in adjacent communities in Carver County. DEMAND User surveys constitute an important tool in the assessment of recreational demand. In January 1997, a survey was conducted to determine support for a park bond referendum. General questions relating to existing services/facilities were also included. Four hundred randomly-selected Chanhassen residents were surveyed. The most notable results are outlined in this section, Existing Park System The residents of Chanhassen overwhelmingly (80 percent) rated the availability and condition of existing recreational facilities as "excellent" or "good." One-quarter of the respondents indicated that they felt positively towards recreational facilities because they are "accessible." New Trails The majority (55 percent) of the residents surveyed indicated they would support a bond referendum for the construction of new trail links to form a comprehensive system. Urban Sprawl The majority (sixty-one percent) of residents surveyed supported the preservation of open space before it is lost to urban sprawl. Sources of Information about the Chanhassen Park System The advertising the city has done through the newsletter has been successful. Sixty-eight percent of the respondents indicated they were "very well informed" or "somewhat well informed" about the 47 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 1998 park system. Only four percent stated they were "not at all informed." Forty-three percent of the respondents cited "usage" as to how they obtain information about the park and trail system. The "Villager" followed with twenty-six percent. In response to questions regarding the park system, the highest percentage (70 percent) of respondents indicated they utilized "smaller neighborhood parks." Sixty-four percent stated their household used the "community parks." One-half of the residents reported using the "trails." Proposed Recreational Projects In the survey, respondents were asked their opinion on new recreational facifities ranging from a golf course to an ice area. For instance, forty-seven percent stated they oppose a municipal golf course. There was a similar response for both an outdoor and indoor municipal swimming pool. Forty-nine percent were opposed to an indoor pool and fifty- one percent were opposed to an outdoor pool. The survey indicated many (47 percent) of the residents do not support an indoor ice arena. However, fifty- six percent stated they would support a "full service community center." 2020 PARK AND OPEN SPACE PLAN The 2020 Park and Open Space Plan places an greater emphasis on preserving passive open space than acquiring land for an active use. The natural features found in this city enable passive, nature-oriented recreational activities. The city recognizes this sensitive land is finite in supply. As development has occurred, the challenge of accommodating the needs of the population and protecting and preserving the vulnerable environment has become apparent. Land Use Plan The 2020 Land Use Plan indicates 12 percent (1,707 acres) of the land in the city is guided park land or open space. Although this plan does not specifically provide for additional park and open space, recreational facilities will need to be constructed to serve those not located within the service area of an existing facility. Open space will be maintained using the standards of the Bluff Creek Overlay District. Also, highly desirable open space parcels are proposed to be purchased in the southern portion of the city. 1997 Park Bond Referendum In June 1997, a $4.9 million park bond was approved. This funding will enable the majority of the parks to be improved, the expansion of two parks, the preservation of open space in the southern portion of the city (south of Lyman Blvd.), and the construction of trail segments throughout the city. The following is a list of the improvements, expansions and constructions that is proposed to take place. IMPROVE NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS Carver Beach Park Carver Beach Playground Chanhassen Hills Park Curry Farms Park Sugar Bush Park Hennan Field Kerber Pond Park Meadow Green Park Minnewashta Heights Park North Lotus Lake Park Pheasant Hill Park Power Hill Park Prairie Knoll Park Rice Marsh Lake Park Roundhouse Park South Lotus Lake Park Stone Creek Park Sunset Ridge Park EXPAND COMMUNITY PARKS Bandimere Park City Center Park NEW TRAILS Hwy, 7 (1 mile) Galpin Boulevard (1.75 miles) Powers Boulevard (1.5 miles) Great Plains Boulevard (.5 mile) Bluff Creek (.75 mile) Pioneer Trail (1.25 mile) Recreational Needs Based on Population The 2020 plan will address the needs of future populations. This need is calculated using the population ratio standard. This standard is 48 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 1998 expressed as a number of acres of park land per one thousand people and is used to provide a general guideline for the assessment of future needs, Only parks will be assessed since a standard is absent for open space. This assessment will only be completed for the years 2000, 2010 and 2020. Park System (overall): 13 acres/1 ,000 people Neighborhood Park: 5 acres/1 ,000 people Community Park: 7 acres/1 ,000 people The following standards are utilized in the tables below: 2000 ASSESSMENT OF FUTURE NEED - POPULATION 19,045· Existing Estimate Component Standard Acreage Net 2000 Acreage Needed Park System 526 13 acres/l ,000 248 +278 Neighborhood 234 5 acres/I ,000 95 +139 Park Community 292 7 acres/I ,000 133 +159 Park 2010 ASSESSMENT OF FUTURE NEED - POPULATION 26,753· Park System 526 13 acres/I,OOO 348 +178 Neighborhood 234 5 acres/] ,000 134 +]00 Park Community 292 7 acres/I ,000 187 +105 Park 2020 ASSESSMENT OF FUTURE NEED· POPULATION 35,400· Park System 526 I 3 acres/ I ,000 460 +66 Neighborhood 234 5 acres/ I ,000 177 +57 Park Community 292 7 acres/l ,000 248 +44 Park 'City of Chanhassen Planning Department Projections Table 4-3 These estimates indicate the city currently fulfills the estimated assessed need for 2020. However, additional neighborhood parks will probably be needed to serve new residential areas not located in an existing facility's service area. Future Issues The primary focus of the 2020 plan will be open space or passive recreation, although the city recognizes there will be a need for additional neighborhood recreational facilities to serve new residential areas. One additional regional park may be considered in the southern portion of the city. It shall be a priority to preserve environmentally sensitive or significant areas before they are destroyed or altered by development. The Park and Recreation Commission met and established the following issues as actions they will work toward implementing: · Pursuit of arts and theater programming - Create an Arts Council · Development and focus on high school programs · Construction of a BMX trail - work on programming for youth development · Continue commitment of resources to Bluff Creek Greenway (Corridor) · Identify and explore community partnerships · Acquire open space to preserve the historical landscape · Consider another park referendum in five years · Complete trail loop around Lake Ann; and · Development of facilities that create a revenue system to provide alternative funding for park programs. PARK AND RECREATION GOALS AND POLICIES GOAL The City of Chanhassen will provide recreational facilities and open space areas which will reasonably meet the outdoor recreation needs of the community's residents and preserve and protect environmentally-sensitive areas and varied topography. POLICIES · Provide park and open space facilities that emphasize accessibility and use by Chanhassen residents. · Coordinate expenditure of local funds for recreational open space with the schedules for the provision and development of other municipal services. · The city should update and adopt the recreation open space element of the comprehensive plan at least every five years. An annual assessment of 49 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 1998 programs, identified needs and the capital improvement program should be conducted, · Negotiations for the acquisition of recreational open space areas should be based upon appraisals by qualified appraisers. Reasonable efforts shall be made to acquire land by negotiated purchase before utilization of the power of eminent domain, · The location, design, use and impact of recreation facilities should be compatible with and enhance the environment of both the site and surrounding area. · Abandoned right-of-way should be reserved and preserved for public use if they can be utilized for recreational purposes. · Encourage the cooperative effort between the school system and the city in the acquisition, development and usage of recreational lands and facilities. c-~, · Provide open space areas which assist in the conservation and protection of ecologically sensitive areas. · Provide a recreation system that integrates manmade facilities into the natural environment of the area. · Develop a park and open space plan which is consistent with and complements the overall land use plan for Chanhassen. · Provide a system of neighborhood parks which are centrally or conveniently located within the area they serve and where possible, are integrated with school facilities. · Encourage citizen participation in the planning for and development of park and open space facilities. · Continue to seek assistance from community groups in the planning and development of recreation areas. · Provide a balanced park system which includes neighborhood parks, community parks, special use facilities, schools, and private developments; all interconnected by a linear trail network. · Where possible, neighborhood park lands should be planned for prior to development to ensure that future facility demands can be met. · The location of neighborhood parks should be identified in areas that do not require the crossings of major thoroughfares by small children. . The planning for recreation and open space within Chanhassen should concentrate on total 'environment programming rather than emphasizing facility programs. Recreation activities will be designed to appeal to all age groups. · The city will develop a comprehensive interconnected trail/sidewalk system throughout the community. 50 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 1998 APPENDICES 52 , PL V ARI ABLE -I :. ! I I I i I MINIMUM ,,' 10' VARIES CURB n [ ~ 1/2" SLOPE PER FT. I- '8' 'I __I' TOWARD ROADWAY TOPSOIL TYPICAL q 'C:rr/;r--:-;;:rf(:/: . J 3" BITUMINOUS TYPE 41WEA50055Y-- I 6" CLASS 5 BASE --.J J Cl00% CRUSHED) COMPACTED SUBGRADE PER SOIL ENGINEER NOTES: 1. Shoulders to be restored with 3" of topsoil and re-vegetated with sod or seed / mulch. 2. The contractor or developer sholl supply a 2 year 100% maintencnce bond upon city acceptance. ~.~A:, \l~~ ~: , ~ CITY OF CHANHASSEH BITUMINOUS TRAIL REVISED: 1-98 DATE: 2-97 Figure 1.2 Ë- =- " g- z o := ~ \ \ '. \' >\ '/,'" "/-'í' , ; C/:~",\ ,'\,_"- I, " ,"'r"'" " ,', '\ " \. ././ I '/1 / \ \ \' , \1, - "" - I I '-~ '. ' ;: Y"_ / ' I / I ;, '\ "'.......- ...... /)_ , / 0, ", /'_ / I' I I \" -' f / / / 5" \ . ' '....... '- -./ .;-', , ' 'I I /' ~ . -:..., - ~ --I ~/;-~ /' / 1 I .P' "':.-:=':4\' ,,/j, " ----", ~."< / F,.,.-/ // ~'" I /ì /1 _/ / / /1,/ /....... ~~ " I ....-: /,/,/ ~, <7'· ....... '- - - r ./- "/ /'/ // ---:..// . / ..................' I //~:~:;~.,'j~'/ ,~'-,~~, / I : ", V- ',..C''' 'I /, I ' /' ...... } I \ \ i "'1 f II \ I I ,i' I \ I I. 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Sln·,I. SUit.. 100 M.ft....",,..... !l1I.....ol. )).01-1')' 'It-Vi-MOO City 01 ShorewooCl, Minnesota 1 I I , , "\---" '\ ~~.... .... ' I I \ , - -----, ~ J - ~--;=--=----I-----; \ I ' I - "I I " ,// --/,,' ) ({), \ i I I / -/;'1' '<;-, ,. ;' '-- ~: ¡ " ,-/ '~- Á J I I 0')""/' "\..... ~ I ~_.0~~</' I ~-'ì-:-:-/ ',,- " I Y' -- , ' " I I ._~0~~"~¿: I D' "«?1 "~ "-;',,-,,/ I I /" \ \ /' I __ \ f " _/ "-, I -:'\~ \ ,/! ',----~--; ". I I :) \ ,V \ " \, - :\~ '''-'' I :;: '. ", .)-. \__, ,0 ._,.~,.,,";~ \ ~ \ . r'/ -... ........' · .- . . . " . , .i., '0 '" /----------:l(-:'IOO-:.-:-OO:-:-.;:-:;-.:-OO,-OO-i I ~ -- ---:-:=- /¡~." , , -! .'[O'~' . ì·~ I ; I \ rv \ ') V'I , I.. '- (ì : ., I I, '0 ','y 'I " :~m---0\, go " , 'i ,j-: tj ": T: - , "" ~~ I: Ii: ~~\ :g: Ii '1 :1 i ~ ~ \ ~;., f : ".. ," í1 \ ~..... i ~ J :/ ~ '.. .j) :/ / ¡': ~ ' . ¡', '" ' I: \ '1~ (';</ '" i: ' W: % \~': ij / '..' \'1 . I ~~ ~ ': II' I I:, ._ é r---- - / ~ ,,' .... 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J.., 1..1 SHEET -- - .---.-- ---------- .. > ... .. . 4 .. .. 4 1 ! f . > .. ~ ! ë c ; '" ~ c c , :. , " , so ~ = . , .; ~ ' . c C " % c " ~ Chanhassen Recreation Center City of Chanhassen, Minnesota 6/J2/97 - ----.~._---~_._- '. ! I f , , I I I ! I .........~-...... "'........_--- í '~~::-:~~.J , ¡~/.!..-...¡;.:. '.....' ~?'.¡.' /-- .:.'@":·"""",/I;,,! , .: .. 'i ..-.---.--- J '" i .7R) i I. I ij b0 / r'" I ! .II / I I LY -"'. rl'" I IÇJI'I I I Ii). iCl) ': {\I' I j~ I.þ, v' i I ;iì1 '" í' i~ :..~ . If!i~ J1~f~' \ ':,¡ , ii (~.~---~:---~--. r;" \~ ~¡ i<: ~I 0:' ,1,1 ¡9 J \ II), ~-0T' ,1,' \ --=.--1 :;, \ \ ; , ".1" ~------...: //-~\ - \: '--~"'~=;;;;;=="'-"f'. "\ i \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ,; I~ ¡;::,' ¡;:;i¡l i?!j , I I I ) . ) Ii G)(~ æn Hoisinclon koec1er Croup Inc. Cr~.tI_ 50''''''0.' 'or Loll. 'I.nntr'. "'4 0.....11 1;:3 S."'h :lro l Str".l. SUit. 100 thÞn...,.h,. MlfI..._t. ~)401 'IZn,H-OIOQ ~ '~ ~ '~ Master Plan SHEET 1..1 ". C /'\ // \ --;::...........-\ " " : " , r'-_~ , ,,-J ',L ( -, , "=~ 2 \ r _____ "- I ~'- "I . ("' )¡/ ----\), / c // ') ì/ III ,. ____./ \ l..---./ ( I , J I '""' /;:: \' ' ':___./)) / J r V x "'~, t l_/ _-----../.;: / / (- '- " / ------- / '/ /, , -_ '-___.///' r------// (if?' -) ," _/ ........... I .-/ \1... Y I - -f--' 'OOO,,__--J r_J C"'-- ì I, > \ /---, ) '- I ( " \ I ---- '- / I \ II _, í ---- '- <- .-.1 \ \ -", \ " .---- ''\ / r., I \ ' I /"" ~ '- '\) ( \ ' (/ I ) " '\ "..1 \, I r,\ ì \ , I f I I ., "\ \ /) / r- \ ( ( ( ---__/I~/' I I ---L \ / \ J \ \, '\ L/ ~ 7" i ,'.1 ..~.- -=~'- . .:~ ' z="'. ::~,;;.~-- :-=-'=-:~- J ;; , . a - . , /', I \ ......- / " I 1 I SARATOGA CIRCLE \ \ I I / ~ o :.> -4 / ./ '- --- ) ./ I / ,-- '" , , / / / , ( I / ,-----"'" '" ,,' , I I \ " , , \ , \ I \, " J ~ , : / = c c .. c ~ F --- -- -". .:'-~ -- -- -~ -..... . I :;:' ... -;-'~ - _. - - "' . - - t. -; .- -- ''\ ,r \ ì \ , / / ( , .) ~ ,i i \ II! ~)/ , k ';:1: L '2,1 \ I ,;::1: 'I @! ( I .- 'I I ¡ I" :~i, --U'I,' , I: ( ~: \i, ¡I -_-::......_.~Ii "........ 'i ì I I I / (/ / J ( / / " ~ ;/~ ' ,- (- 1/ '" I I /"". / " , I \'- :: .... //1 ' /J -- ,", -- .- \\'\. \ ,\ " \ \ \ ...... \, \....0 " \\_'-~~-:::-:..----_:-:- j ~=-::::::~:: :' ";-:~-:'=:'~m, I ... - ..... I " .,./ ./ ----- -- .,'" , , ....---- "--"", ---ì , "- " ( - , I ( \ / / I ) , -'" --- City Center Park City of Chanhassen, Minnesota WIS æn Hoisincton Koecler Croup Inc. Concept Plan Alternative #1 Cn'It.¡_ S.luti.... ,... t.ftcl "¡,nnl"I .n4 0.."." ;""""-.-'-. :--'.-:;.. .~. . .-, .,'...7 1;::1 :\.ntl. :lr4 5',......'_ SUII# 100 ............h.. tII.n"....'. S!\'OI-I.~.. 1II ::-3J'-oeNI SHEET 1 .,1 ~ o = -I S,\R,\ TOGA CIRCLE ! / = .. J ,'(......'........" .. / I ,-- " I ,/ I, ), _/ / (.. õ co ~ ~ ~- I ~--' " I /' - Q1]"'" .. ".". " . ... .:.~>~?.~. ;:::=::::; , / , i ! I I §I §! ;/ -¡ i \ , "-j i r-----.----..., : :---1 'd 1 . \ I , , . ~-··~··--·::........·---:-··-·J7i .\ " - r. ',.. / I / ~ .~ ---~--_.. " / .+ ", ~ - / :. - ~ ~ 8 " ~/ f ! ~. r- lj··~,·\"' .. I I :1 '~ ,I ~.-- I " : 1 \1' I I, ,/ , Itl " " ~ 1\ /TI St--------/Jfl}l; : \ J~, \\_'-:::"::o.-=::'::_=:'~-_'_:_ _ -'_:.- , ~ \'_:=-.=::::::.:::.-._. : I ... _ __ ... ,---Ii .::=-~::~~-=:--,- ~-----~"__~_/ "', " ,I í !I . . J---------- I' -\ I I I I : f ~ : L: I :...- --. - ---!. ::: \ QJ , H'¿ "1 I I J i ""!""I' .J, ,~,. , ",- ~-...~-- -~~ / "-. ----=............- - .-. -. E '_... -- -- ~- ....... " -' - " ---------.... , , \ , ......\~'........__._. '- '-- " _. _0._" J mil æn City Center Park City of Chanhassen, Minnesota HobiD&tOD Koecler Croup Inc. Concept Plan Alternative #2 C...·.ll" SoluU... 'or "'.ul 'l.no.lI. ."4 0..'1" ....... ."u. ._. ',: t _,2'.' I~J S.rt" 2r. Slr...t, Suit.. 100 ~.n.......Io.. 'h.......010 :!o~.OI-18!1. 612·331-0a00 SHEET 1..1 :z o "" ~ .. '" '" '" ~ --- '\ ' \ It I - \ \ ;.\ \ \ 181, ... \ } I "',~~, ---- ml3 æn Curry Farms Park City of Chanhassen, Minnesota HoisincloQ Koecler Croup Inc. Master Plan (no h.. Solution. 'or L,.ft' Ple"o'''' ond tlU"b ;..........,_. .-,!.o¡:¡' 1::1 ~..,II, 'rlt Str,,"t. S....t.. 100 !III..."........ !II.nn"_lo ):iIUI·I':" 11':-3J8-0I00 1..1 SHEET - - - r--- :¡'~. / I, 1/ ' . r I I 1 I I 1 I I 1 I I 1 ! ~':~- '. 1 ~~ía\'\;\, ~ . ~"",. . \\ 'þ \ ~\=l ~\~~ ~\ ~ ,¡ '-. i ~ \:. '-----" <::::=::::--~ ,/ \. \:'~,"" \~\ \ ? .~ ~ -CTI;o~. ://"~[):!.j--~\~~f\ : - - - :~ " : ~ : I ="; \" I - - - - - -' - - - -:~ ~'_:,:l- - \~ ~:.- ..L _ _ ~ '- '- - -: GoI,Gin LOL-A ~ ' --- "- ,,-ood~' ". +", 11 '. ".. ....,----.. . '. - - -- , /.>.---~--~ . .' . :J " I i, ,,_~.:.;.-:;';'~ :,.g ~ 0 ö: ' i / ~ 5' 7C o , r- -- -------- , - - -'1 , / i I ~, o U\ ~ (\' 2 {) u: ¡--------- , /' ,0 f)) .? / ,. o :0 ~ ml3 æn Galpin Boulevard Park City of Chanhassen, Minnesota (ò/I:!ID' Hoisinrlon Ko~&ler Croup Inc. ('''.1..... Sol~tI:>." for [..,.4 rl"ßlun& ...is 11"_'1" I ~3 :\..nh 3,4 St'.....I. 5'nl.. 100 -',..n...poIl1l. "Inn...nl. ~~'Ol .12/:n.~oeoo -. H ~~ 1 H i~ t ¡~ ~~ l~ i· §~ ~ .i Ii l ~. _¡ R , A·~ ç ¡~ i a i~ i~ ti ~I d I ~. ~l ~ ;0 ~~ ' i~ ! ~, ~ ,I Q ðÒ Concept Plan SHEET 1..1 . , , , ' , : '¡ I ! ~,-_..~ j , " ',-.>:::::~:.i:::,:",:__:_ h ./,. :;::.,..L~_ / ì / '-" ,/',..g ,'~;: ~\ Î. " '\ ._n-..-n-I;-··,'-"-··-"-"-'·'"7'·-··-"_··' ø/" F ) " \, \ '.. , '. I:: i;,~ ... \ j' ~ ,,'- \. , :- / ./" '- {, /' \. f: ' /'- \, .......:, '! I,"~ ./.., . ../., j. .,f ,'" ........ , ' / i !' , - ./ -<-i./.,,:-t-:::F--< >O~_·_"'· / ,-1 . , ì', ~ ""/ \. , /. -' ' 1 /"-. '. /'-./ ¡ " : /'_------u-n..:.,,;:-;::::., . .-__/- '<:/::{F~fu ____ j "<~~:~ :-.<>,~ ~'-'-f .:'. - _::-,_.;::.~,::.::~:,~}¡ -... , -.. ,'~~-': " ¡ D ¡: - , , .-- I ii, , I í I . , ¡ ! j /.1 ,I ! ~-----______/------OÕ¡C,:~ .'! " ¡ \ ¡:' ! i \.,.{ i -- ;0 - " \ r n ~.., ~þ z z -. ...~ - - --~ 'Z o ., ~ Greenwood Shores Park City of Chanhassen, Minnesota 7/ï/97 ml3 1:30 Hoisinrton KoC'c1rr Croup Inc. (".&h"~ Soh.uø.... ,.... uftd riannlnÆ .not u......" 1~3 ~orUI 3r. 5u....'. 11=....,.. 100 M.nn...pobtl. '1Ih,,,,....,I.· :a~.OI 11::/331-0800 r þ 'I" ..., ~r -c n -< -- Master Plan SHEE'T 1..1 z o '" ~ r: c c \ , . . , _/ I I / ; ~" ~~ _21 ~21 !1!ð , 2~ 1'-' . , <\ '~~-- --, \)/ I I' \ -,\/ ' , \ ~~::Y~//-1-_LTL , \ ' , ,/ D ~ ~' . '" : ::r ;; 21 . CI o l " !: ... t} ( \ '\ , ......" ......" \ \ -----... ~~~.. , : I '---: ~...:.- 'I " ::' ,~/-=----_/ //. , I CD/,../ ..............._..rf \ " I % \ \ / ~ \ \ / I~ , \ \ : I!: , "\ Q. \'... ,,',.....-) } " ',__"'/ . =~ ~ ...---... . ~ \ 21 _ _~, '-~'-i--- \ -,- \ -,- ----; I I I I I I I , I I I I I \1 \\1 § !- n í :' /<"~ -- ~~'~~~l~-_____-,~'J"'_/-- I " ...... \ ' , , , I I 'If' ¡ \ I I 4!. \: " ,....,.... --~ ... ,... " ,- , / 1,1 ,'" /' ... , ',. ,."~",", -"", ........:........ """,' ",,/'/ "'...." ,';" .......:........ .......... ,'" r" "" .\~~/;, Oriole lane CPl·"....o.wJ \ I I I , , ml3 æn Herman Field Park City of Chanhassen, Minnesota Master Plan HoitiDClOD Koecler Croup Inc. Cr.al''''' 5oIub.... 'or wad PI.,."nn. .nd hs'Cn . ....:..... .,J. ., I:::' ,.....U, ~.. ",,.....t. 5...tr 100 ....nn..,..h.. ..""r_t. ""VI.I.)_ 61 :·3 "-0100 1..1 SHEET '--'~---'---------- --_._------~---_.__.__..__._- z o " 9!~~~~ ~!: 6'S~ >C"...1'1 ~~C:"r- ,,~~ t; !'!-~ !'!- ~O5'~'" ¡;S-¡;n~ -t¡ 5'sn ~C"...1'1 ~~C·· r.- ,,~~ n !'!-~ !'!- -iC~'" O"a n > ¡;;--:o -[[n >""'1'1 ~ "r.- " = ~~~~ E[:=.:o ~!'!-[r;¡ ~ .. ro- ., > 'C ~ 10> '" ....., w....., 0\ ~,^NOo ~ D» D» D» o n n (') a ã a à ~ÄNÑ i....d..~ N 00 D» D» D» þ I n n n 0 a a a ~ N-- -J~'" ~:...a~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N _ o -J 10> ~\..,)~ .. .. .. 000 ñ ð (1 .. .. .. ml3 æn Hoisinclon KOe'II~r Croup Inc. I COO",, "''" i SHEET 1 ..1 Highway 5/ Galpin Boulevard Park City of Chanhassen, Minnesota CU-.h.. $ol",t..... '''II' W".. ';.""1'" .". D#",,, . 'AT 1:::1 '-0",11, 3,. :0>"....1. !'ttlt# 100 ..."."....,.:.... ,....11"_'. ~~'OI-16::'''' 11:-311-0.00 // -----' J-.....~ .~. ~ ~ t'JL ~'~. -~...~._. ." T--;J. .~.....~.,~ ~~~If& -. I . , . . 0, . " i þ - ! - · { · .. :~ i . i ð · , l 11 it ~ : ¡ ,ì ; fl. .!.~~ö:: ~ ifà i: ~ ~c ; ~ :: .Ii '! gl~ ~ Q. ~,¡ ~: El' :.: ~ . iif d ¡ ~ I . w; " oe:.1:: ~ i ~I!~ f: - . ~ d~ l .., ~ ~! ~ i: :;~ %1, ! ~ t¡! .. . : i '" nJ = ~ 8j~ ~I & ~ ~IU 0« "I § ~ . " ~ · j . , . @) ~ · ~ · @ ~ '" ¿\ \ \ "'''*oj \ >00., L-J ~ ; j j .. - ~U . 2f11 - .. 1 .1 &. . H. . o:¡ ¡~ != l 0.; : H~ taU ð i ~illl rleD ë¡ ~ j - 0 . - c c :1 l ~ ;; .. X, ; i í 1 1 I 1 ! J Î! ! ! -j · III · J ! I · I'· : î Ii I§I I '" i ¡i! o:'tI.. Õ ~:; ., .õ 1. !i ~ ~ '" ~~~ ~:¡ o . 'tI '" c I lI:.,ii'tl (¡; . 0 fIIug C , it it ~ i Cl. c"i " ~ ¡' ~ c: . i~ii 0 '" I .3 « . Cl. ~ ì c j .. . ~:~ª õ! ~;i ð .... ~ j :~š: Q) : -e õ),. Q) .~ I, ~ ! i ~ u ¡ . 1 : 2'f' . ¡!;t " 1 t:i!j hl,. nlH !!!;¡ ~ , , , .00 bituminous pedes ulan/bicycle [la" lake Ann i I I t I I I \ \ \ i i t i t t C "trolled ".curlty Ace... 0\'- ;t; trft'.nn 0·0 ~\~ -;-.- t ~ shops EXRND ELEC'''ICAL S["VlCE r. ,__ _T~~Lftr:::rB~r I Q \ ~f~¡ ! \ t~nrvs 't;:r~ ,:::·-"':f:::::::::r:o::::if::::::='-:::'·=:::" ExisUngJf.øä::;\ ~ ï;:,_;::/ , 'New Buffer &-SCr!,~n//) J r--;- \' , \ Berm H~$:~-=-.d-~_~·, \ ------~------------- ------------------- - . . - - - - - ----...- -- H5 TOTAL PARKING SPACES 382 (SERVE PLAYING FIELDS) TH 5 :lX1STINC S^NIT.uv SEwtR _ -... WCAŒ r.,rid' ~ rf_~ . 0 25 so 100 200 400 Lake Ann Park APPROVED CONCEPT II Hoi.inrlon ICoe¡ler Croup IDC. Master Plan City of Chanhassen. Minnesota C.....h.... SolvtJOft. .., La.. '.."'1101.' an. 01",..... I:!:\ s..,th ~.... !l:h_I, "",,.. tOO ",...........1,.. IIIII,.........h ......nl_III.... SHEET , of 1 \,..__._-o-.__---.,.-~ ! , .............. f " .. r !fIH I mn f I'h' Ii!:' · I! ilf II. ~ 000 ~ :? ~ m..~. -C g ~ : ~ j' .. .. '" ~ ~ ~ a. :- iiO '" .. .. n ~ e' .. ml3 æn Uoìsinclon KOe'c1rr Croup Inc. lake Susan park City of Chanhassen, Minnesota . . r- .. '" CD (J " .. .. " (,...,.... !i'..h,I.....~ '..r L...... 1".0''',11" .,,·1 II"""B ------- -- I:!:t '..,u, Jr' Su·....,. 5...,.. 100 !lhh......pohl. ..........._.. ~:'I..OI- at::-, .1 ~-:U'·OIOO S"EET 1..1 .,t,., -. ~ Master plan \ ' ~:~f7:'íiiy~C.~,~::\, // I '. \"' ,'" Î'. . /' \" \ " - -ÞJ\lM )<,,// ) \~~E=~=~~·::,!:: (-+" . ... ;\';';'~J , / / '\ ' "-~~j"-"-" ¡ i r j F';~~","Y//<5:-\<~, ¡ /0 ¡f"7=-~~¡~-~===~ L >1', \:,', t \ "...j./ \ \ .) : ~ ' . 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S..otr .00 )4.""...polo". ~hn"rwt. $~.Ol IIZ/:lJII·oaoo SHEET 1 .. 1 - " - :: \. \ : -: " r. .----,,~--,:} \ : :. .; \': .! p. \ : ~ r----r-:-;-··' t -, /- , \ 'I': .,; I~ ii,,: ~ ¡ t \ " I':' : .. :----t- I \ 1--;1' -...-....L..!_ I ,.! ' :, . }-..-, I. -I ,'/,~-=:-;:. ~ I ::' i ': ,': ,'\ I ~ ! .' '[Y" . I: :':;0-.....::.':: /: f /------_.." ' l. z - ~ ' ~ '-~" . , , . " , i: ~.-:-... -. -:,.~...... ;;/, I -/ : i : :: .........: . : . .:.... :,": ,/,", Ii· \ .! ! .......~,) : \.: '.. _-';". " -! r i : ;' , : -. ~ ;:, ". "/' . . / "J ¡ -:<'f.:'·/""",..",,~,,",:,G¡}'t\ y ,\ ' ;¡:.. ,0" ,-',-' --". ..~"--~ ' ì\ ''''",,,/ (iF;:~;;i::f:,;; :' \ :",;J; :"! ¡: '--' '-;' "--'-'--"Y':'- \\\ : ': ./'5. "i \ " ': ~-::~ ¿'."', 't .,/: _..___. :\./ :--'~ ? / i-/ \ ,\ ~/ ,,';:~~~/;.~\v/ \, --- // ."),.' ,:____,,--í<,,_,. ~"\'/ \.,:.<,~' ___ ':-.. .............A..\ \.././ \ \ /'/ .:~:?..\..__ ",/ \\ \ .. ./'o \\\ /< ,-)" ',/ :" ,/ ! ! j ! j .~ '- \ \" ". 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'll-J3.-0PO SHEET 1..1 c ~ o '" -I = ;; c ,. c C . '" ~ GJI3 æn Power Hill Park City of Chanhassen. Minnesota Hoisin¡lon Koc-gler Croup Inc. Master Plan c U·."~" S..I..h....~ ,..,. (.."., ".'II"", ...... p..~.." .""1' I:!J 'urth 3f" "\1'"'\. ~u.lf' 1011 "............10.. ,.........,.,. ~!.Ot-Ie$. .1:-338-GaOO SHEET 1..1 .._n___..___ % o '" ¿, .11 A·:%: , f ~ ,: _ ." % - . / -', .' ~- ~; . . :.... / _ . ~ . t· 1= y'.-,' .-,~:"':-/ \. ,.'" ; ,'r.' / ' '<-,. .",1' 'It . '/_-,:.""~~{ 'f '·'¡/;I ¡r , '~.'-î 1 .f I ~'" : f "'--.. Y· .~/..;::'".,",...~¡¡" \ . . . .' .. /. .L:'-,+i i -. .= , - ~..J Prairie Knoll P City of Ch ark anhasse M· .".., n, mnesota mrs fÐn Hoi,incton II: oeeler Croup Inc:. C,..h.... SeI 1:3 ~n" 3"'....· tor un" P\.n,un, eft =;;~;;::''':~,:~::;;:;;,. 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Plannu" ,n' Df"III'" 1:;1 ~rtl, ),d $t,....t. ~.lIl.. 100 1iII........'..Io.. ,..n.......... :').Ol-I'~II _,,:-:)"-oeoo SHEET 1.. 2 .I".~ ! , \ \ i i ì ì \ i ¡ \ \ i \ i ì i \ , , i \ \ I , \ I 1 I \ \ , , \ , , \ , \ , I , I I , I I , , , , \ , \ , , , , , \ \ I , I ----, i ! \D \ , I I i I I i í I I -_ --- i--____ --~_ --r-- - --; ~-------:::~: t '-, -~t--- --', -=-1-:\:::~~::::\ \ \ \ \ " , \' , \ \ \ \ \ \, \ \ \ \ \, \ , , \ \ f if I ~ \ \1\ -~----~------~- o D / I / I I I { \ ' \ " \ , \ I \, '\ \, \ \: \ \ \. \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ , I I : : I, , I Ii 111 \ I;' I , I \ \ , , , , , ", ", , , , \ I , I I , \ \ '\ \ \ \ \ \ , , \ \ \ \ \ I \ I I \ , \ -- . r . 0 i ë en r þ) "" f C ) mil æn South Lotus Lake Park City of Chanhassen, Minnesota Hoi.iDltoo Kot'll~r Croup Inc. Master Plan Boat Access Area (,..ll"" SOlut..... 'or ~n. P:.nftln, .n' 0.'1'" .....r '::1 ~·.'tI, 3" ~tl"fl'. S....I. 100 ""'"11'0''''&''' ..n_..,. 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