Plat 5-24-04 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUN T( OF The fortgoing in51rument wos aÜnowl bet, Minn€:tsota licens€:t No 41578 Nolary Pwbliç, ______~ y. f. MyCürnmissiQnExpires_ :HANH¡'..SSEN, MINNESOTA 'I " A j' COUNCil OF THE OF CHANHt.S'óH! ¡,m, By " COUNTY SUP'ÆfOR, Car"'"r County, MinneSC'(1) Pee toCt 395, Mini Lr¡ws of 19/1, pi e,e TOWN OF=F= I CE& &TONE C~EEK Marcel Eiber,stei, o \ Liability Company. fee own Stote of Minnesota, to-wi Minnesota except that par wn as el Woy Plats Numbered 10-08 10-09 cle'Ji plo STONE CREEK TOWN OFfiCES and dG hereby danot for droinege end utility purposes os shown on the Minnesota Limited liability COin 200~ Stone Creek Group. lLC, described situotedin B' : CENTER, Carver Co Transportation RighI Hove caused the $Qme to be sur'.ejed and pl~ited os public for pub!iç use forever the drive and easements In witness whereof said Stone Creek Of/ice Group, LLC, proper officer this _ day of_ SIGNED Stone Creek Olfiçe Group, LLC ~ Presi, KNOW ALL MEN o single p~rson, Outlot C, BLUFF CREEK COHPORA 2t5C on Minl,,~sola Deportment 0 t, ¡(O_~ ,\ by " b p , STATE Of" MINNESO COUNTY OF The foregoing instrumlo!n President of Stone Cree , 8, Un des tad, M 0\ behOI Comp t;;efcre me this oMinnesotaLim~ M, was acknowledged Offic:e GrQup, lLC, C Notary P~bllc, _ My Commission E~p; In witness wi 0\ SIGNED R~ d d , pr;0rt.o~ 2rJO~ pi .,\ d \, \ 200 OFF! f' TOWI f \ ly.t..'i....nesot 01 STOI~£ Ooçument No Recorder COuNTY AIJ(IITOR, Corver County, r.11 I her eb y ce r l i f Y tho t the e are nod el~" q ~ entered Dotedtt.is_doyof__._ MARl< LUNDGREN, County Äuditor Bv' COUNTY TREASURER, Cor"...r (('un!y, "-'inll IheTetf that t¡'e lo,,;>spOjob:e f have been on this_day of_ TOM ~:ERBER Ccuntv TreaslJ' By COUNTY RECORDER, Car"er C I her...l:>ycer\ifyth0t thisplCl al o'clock M. 0$ CA HANSON, JR Count. Marcel by d 200~ thi h h, , ~ 0\ d h person, slngl County, Minn b Marcel Eíbensleiner, 200~ açknowl wo person E~pi MINNESOTA STATE COUNl The foregoing [ibenstelnero NOtory Public, _ My Commission OF ET SHEE ~N~, INO. E. c!'. :;èUO 4 I..and &.rvsl: ore '-; OF=F=ICE& TOWN C~EEK &TONE / t ~) ¡ NCRTì-I or., -'t- I -~ , ~~ ~i 1/4UJRf<1 1116,P ~c OI'1l-1E J: - ~O:TI selnE'DD 26~1.90 ,om "" Of5[C ¿c COONI ~ ~\ o~ LEGEND DHWITSrOUND IRON IoION\iI.lWTA$ LABELED DENOrrS SET IRON M{)NUI,tHH MARKED RLS I 4157B DENOTES rOUND MOOT R!W "'ONUIojE~ Of NO ITS PESTflIC1EO ACCESS . o @ OUTLOT A \\\\: ~~\;~ \ I J \ ,- I Of THE N0RTlHlEST OU,\.Rf[R ANASSUI,(E'tJ8(AR1NGOf5!!B'26'OO· BEARINGS SHOWN ARE B.o.<;.[D ON THE NOI1TH UNI orSECTIQN15.TOI'ItISHIP116.RA!jGE23,HA\IIN' [ASOIEI! EUCWICAJ., 2B0550 ,ODT OOC '7~'i{l :.:~~ ~i% lW ðOl\lð, 11\10. E. G. ~UD 4 L..!Ind 6urvsyor& \ .. \