PC Minutes 6-14-04 - -- óY-I'S City Council Summary - June 14,2004 g. Walnut Grove 2nd Addition, Klingelhutz Development:* 1) Final Plan Approval 2) Approval of Plans & Specifications and Development Contract h. Highways of Bluff Creek, Plowshares Development: 1) Final Plat Approval 2) Approval of Plans & Specifications and Development Contract 1. Stone Creek Town Offices, Eden Trace Corp/Stone Creek Office Group LLC: 1) Final Plat Approval 2) Approval of Plans & Specifications and Development Contract J. Countryside, Lundgren Bros. Construction: 1) Final Plat Approval 2) Approval of Plans & Specifications and Development Contract k. Burlwood 2nd Addition Final Plat Approval, McDonald Construction, Inc. 1. Resolution #2004-38: Consider Modification of 2004 CIP for Stormwater Quality Improvements for the 2004 Residential Street Improvement Project 04-01 n. Resolution #2004-39: Approve Transfers to Close Capital Project Funds and Debt Service Funds. o. Resolution #2004-40: Approve Change Order No.4 for City Hall Lower Level Remodel, Gen-Con Construction. * All voted in favor, except Mayor Furlong abstained on item g, and the motion carried unanimously 4 to O. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS: Tom Devine, 7640 South Shore Drive representing the South Lotus Lake Association, stated he was not aware of the water treatment program unfolding in their neighborhood until Friday night, but the association had prepared to do a brief overview of the South Lotus Lake Association's concerns relative to the park/tennis court and boat landing areas. He's had conversations with the Carver County Sheriff's Office, specifically Jim Olson about what can be done with enforcement of parking at the boat ramp. He talked about the history involved with planning and construction of the boat ramp, park and neighborhood and the promises that were made at that time. He voiced his disappointment in learning of the water treatment plant only last Friday night from Mayor Furlong that there's a decision to build or do something there and the mechanics is really what's on the table right now without getting the neighborhood involved. The last issue was the political effort it took from the neighborhood to build the trail along Highway 101 and his hopes that there isn't a political backlash happening from that effort. Staff 2