Email from Jim Sulerud 4-15-04 Page 1 of 1 AI-Jaff, Sharmeen .m~_~~_"'__"'''_ ...---~----~--,....".~~...---- From: jsulerud@juno.com Sent: Thursday, April 15, 2004 3:37 PM To: saljaff@ci.chanhassen.mn.us Subject: Bluff Creek Corp Ctr PUD amendments and development agreement application Concerning the application of Stone Creek Office Group, LLC for the property of Bluff Creek Corporate Center. Family of Christ Lutheran Church requests the following: Regarding the site plan: · The waste storage area currently shown in the southwest comer of the plan should be moved away from this area. (It is not compatible with the enjoyment of the Church's view or that from the trail.) · The site plan should clearly show sidewalk/trail connections to our present sidewalk and to our future parking. · The crossover parking agreement should be approved by the City, or changes proposed for its reVlSlOn. Regarding construction related activities: · No construction related parking be permitted on Stone Creek Drive between Church entrance and south to Coulter Blvd. · No construction parking on Church property or in Church parking lots. · No construction materials to be deposited or stored on Stone Creek Drive or on Church property. · Daily dirt/mud/debris removal from Stone Creek Drive between Church entrance and south to Coulter Blvd. · Church be provided with name and phone number for responsible contact person representing owner/developer for site/construction issues. Family of Christ Lutheran Church reserves the right to make continued comments throughout the City reVleW process. For the Building Committee Family of Christ Lutheran Church Jim Sulerud, Member 952-361-0900 4/28/2004