Letter 6-30-99 June 30, 1999 Mr. Michael Christopherson Family of Christ Lutheran Church 275 East Lake Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Mr. Christopherson: This letter is to formally notify you that on June 28, 1999, the City Council approved PUD #97-2 granting Final Plat approval for Family of Christ Lutheran Church Addition subject to the following conditions: 1. The church facility shall commit to provide approximately 147 parking stalls for the industrial office users of the property. In addition, the office and industrial site shall provide parking facilities for the church. A document acceptable to the city, protecting the joint use of the parking facilities, shall be recorded. 2. Landscaping shall be installed as approved as part of site plan #99-2 for Family of Christ Lutheran Church. 3. The development shall pay full park and trail fees pursuant to city ordinance. The developer shall dedicate to the City an easement for trail purposes, 20-foot wide over all existing and proposed trail segments. 4. The proposed industrial development of 5.77 net developable acres is responsible for a water quality connection charge of $26,732.41 and a water quantity fee of $25,157.20. Based on the developer constructing the stormwater pond for the entire project on Outlot B, Bluff Creek Corporate Center, the developer will be eligible for SWMP fee credit. 5. Fire hydrants shall be incorporated per the Fire Marshal's recommendations. Fire hydrants shall placed a maximum of 300 feet apart. A 10 foot clear space must be maintained around fire hydrants, i.e., street lamps, trees, shrubs, bushes, NSP, US West, Cable TV and transformer boxes. This is to ensure that fire hydrants can be quickly located and safely operated by firefighters. Pursuant to Chanhassen City Ordinance 9-1. 6. All 19 boulevard trees along Coulter Boulevard adjacent to Lot 1, Block 1, Family of Christ Lutheran Church Addition, construction limits shall be preserved and guaranteed by the applicant. Where trees need to be removed for entrances, they must be replaced elsewhere along Coulter Boulevard. Protective tree fencing shall be installed around all boulevard trees prior to any grading activity. No landscaping or berming shall be placed within Stone Creek Drive right-of-way. Mr. Michael Christopherson June 30, 1999 Page 2 7. The developer shall supply the City with a detailed haul route for review and approval by stafffor materials imported to or exported from the site. If the material is proposed to be hauled off-site to another location in Chanhassen, that property owner will be required to obtain an earthwork permit from the City 8. The private utilities shall be constructed in accordance with City's Standard Specifications and Detail Plates and/or state plumbing codes. 9. The developer will be required to enter into a PUD Agreement/Development Contract with the City and provide the necessary financial security to guarantee site grading for the pond and Stone Creek Drive as well as the final plat conditions of approval. 10. The City's standards for boulevard street lighting shall be incorporated in the public portion of the street improvements. II. The developer shall notify the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) regarding amendment to the existing floor plain boundary. The developer will be responsible for providing FEMA the necessary documentation to have the Federal Flood Plain maps changed to reflect developed conditions. 12. No building shall be permitted to encroach upon drainage or utility easements or impede access to perform maintenance functions to the utility system. 13. Upon completion, the developer shall dedicate to the City the utility and street improvements within the public right-of-way and drainage and utility easements for permanent ownership. 14. All areas disturbed as a result of construction activities shall be immediately restored with seed and disc-mulched or wood-fiber blanket or sod within two weeks of completion of each activity in accordance with the City's Best Management Practice Handbook. 15. Wetland buffer areas shall be surveyed and staked in accordance with the City's wetland ordinance. The City will install wetland buffer edge signs before accepting the utilities and will charge the developer $20 per sign. Wetland buffer areas shall be surveyed and staked in accordance with the City's wetland ordinance. The City will provide wetland buffer edge signs and charge the developer $20 per sign. The developer shall verify the location of these signs with the City's Water Resources Coordinator and shall install these signs before the utilities are accepted. 16. The developer will meet wetland rules and regulations as stated in Corps of Engineers section 404 permit, the State Wetland Conservation Act, and the City's Wetland Ordinance. Mitigation work shall be implemented prior to or concurrent with wetland fill activity in all phases of the project. Mr. Michael Christopherson June 30, 1999 Page 3 17. The developer shall apply for and obtain permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies, i.e. Carver County, Watershed District, Metropolitan Waste Control Commission, Health Department, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Army Corps of Engineers and Minnesota Department of Transportation and comply with their conditions of approval. 29. The applicant shall report to the City Engineer the location of any drain tiles found during construction and shall relocate or abandon the drain tile as directed by the City Engineer. 30. The project and individual site users must comply with the Development Design Standards for Bluff Creek Corporate Center incorporated herein as Exhibit C of the Development Contract/PUD Agreement. 31. The developer will need to acquire additional drainage and utility easements outside the plat over Outlot C, Bluff Creek Corporate Center to encompass the proposed sanitary sewer. The easement shall be over the south 15 feet of Outlot C, Bluff Creek Corporate Center between Stone Creek Drive and Outlot B, Bluff Creek Corporate Center. 32. The developer shall dedicate to the City a trail easement over the northerly 10 feet of the easterly 130 feet of Lot 1, Block 1. Two mylar copies of the final plat should be submitted to our office for signatures, along with the signed development contract and all required financial securities. One 1 "=200' and one 1 "=500' scale mylar reductions of the final plat should also be submitted. Also, landscaping, detailed grading, drainage, erosion control and tree preservation plans must be submitted to the city prior to recording. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Robert Generous, AICP Senior Planner c: Dave Hempel, Asst. City Engineer Steve Torell, Assistant Building Official Liv Homeland, The Land Group \\cfs 1 \vo12\plan\bg\family of christ lutheran fp-e.doc