CC Minutes 9-27-04 City Council Meeting - September 27,2004 g. Approval of Temporary On-Sale Beer & Wine License, Edina Realty Foundation. h. Approval of Certificate of Correction for Walnut Grove 2nd Addition, Planning Case No. 04-10. 1. Resolution #2004-70: Award of Bid, 2004 Pedestrian Trail Reconstruction/Overlay Project. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to O. VISITOR PRESENT A TIONS. None. LA W ENFORCEMENT & FIRE DEPARTMENT UPDA TE. Sgt. Jim Olson: Thank you. Quite a beautiful evening tonight. I included in my council packet the sheriff's office area report for the month of August. Copy of crime alerts that were put out by Beth Hoiseth and also the community service office report. For the monthly calls for service, our total caIls for service were up by 153 for the month. That's compared to last year and for the year it's up by 412. Criminal calls were up by 17 for the month and they're down by 52 for the year. A couple things that Ijust wanted to point out, as I talked about at the last council meeting that I was at, that's jumped up quite a bit for the month of August. They're up by 20 for the month from 38 to 58. A large majority of those are from vehícles, and that's compared to last year and they're up by 21 total for the year. Related theft is down from 6 last year to 2 this year, and then for the year overaIl they're down from 37 last year to 13 this year, and theft related, what that has to do is internet theft, fraud, embezzlement, different things like that. Burglaries were down from 10 last year to 4 this year and for the year overaIl they're down from 40 last year to 30 this year, which is a good thing. Suspicious activity was up quite a bit from 97 to 166. MisceIlaneous non-criminal was up quite a bit also from 78 last year to 109 this year, and then for the month citations, for the month of August citations, we're at 158. Any questions at all relating to the monthly numbers? I want to talk about traffic and school. School's back in session again and I want to remind everyone to drive carefully before and after school, around bus stops and in school zones especially, and we're paying extra close attention to school zones right now. Making sure speeds stay down around those zones and reminding people to watch your speeds around there. Deputies have done 12 special traffic details this month on Pleasant View Road alone, and another 10 on Frontier Trail. So we've been hitting those quite a bit. We also had saturation patrols on both streets involving multiple squads and also the laser that we did. With Frontier Trail, I think that's a perception problem over there more than anything else. The top speed that we had on Frontier Trail was 38 miles an hour. That was one vehicle and that was, we certainly did issue them a citation for that. From there we had one vehicle at 33 and everything else was down under 30 for Frontier Trail. Cars look like they're going quite a bit faster along there because of the curves and we're waiting to hear back from the neighborhood for Project Leadfoot. We have contacted some people out there but have not heard back from them as of yet. We're trying to institute Project Leadfoot on Frontier Trail. Any questions in reference to traffic problems? We did have 2