CC WS Minutes 11-10-03 -~ , CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION NOVEMBER 10, 2003 Mayor Furlong called the work session to order at 5:00 p.m. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Furlong, Councilman Ayotte, Councilman Labatt, Councilman Lundquist, and Councilman Peterson STAFF PRESENT: Todd Gerhardt, Justin Miller, Tom Scott, Bob Generous, Matt Saam, Bruce Dejong, Greg Hayes, and Kelley Janes UPDA TE ON CHANHASSEN CHIROPRACTIC RELOCATION ISSUE. Todd Gerhardt and Tom Scott, City Attorney, provided background information and explained the legal process that has occurred to date, and what action the City Council needs to take on the appeal. Councilman Peterson asked the City Attorney to explain how state law relates to cities in these types of issues. Tom Scott explained that any number from 1 to the entire City Council could hear the appeal and asked for City Council direction. Councilmen Labatt, Peterson and Lundquist volunteered to hear the appeal, with Councilman Ayotte as an alternate. Tom Scott stated he would set up a time and date within the next 30 days and asked the City Council to make a motion on the consent agenda for the appointments. DISCUSSION OF MOON V ALLEY PROPERTY. DAN HERBST. Todd Gerhardt introduced Dan Herbst with Pemtom Land Company, who is looking to develop the Moon Valley area into residential lots prior to 2015, when the property is scheduled for municipal services. Dan Herbst gave a power point presentation providing background information on his company and outlined their proposal. He stated he is looking for council feedback on getting sewer and water service improvements through Settlers Ridge in Eden Prairie, and that he is willing to pay all costs associated with that extension. Todd Gerhardt agreed that it will be very expensive and hard topographically to extend service from Chanhassen in the future. The City of Chanhassen can enter into a joint powers agreement with Eden Prairie. Councilman Lundquist asked what benefit does Eden Prairie get from providing this service. Councilman Ayotte felt there should be discussion with representatives from Chanhassen and Eden Prairie City Council to discuss the issue. Councilman Labatt stated he would like feedback from public service regarding the length of the cul-de-sac. Councilman Peterson felt the City Council should let staff work out the details with Eden Prairie's staff and make a presentation. Mayor Furlong asked about the timing of closing the businesses on the property and the precedence this will set for other property owners wanting services from neighboring cities. Todd Gerhardt explained that because of the topography of the site and the opportunity to get service through Eden Prairie, it makes this unique. Mayor Furlong expressed his desire to move forward diligently and thoroughly. Dan Herbst stated he City Council Work Session - November 10, 2003 will hold neighborhood meetings and work sessions and anything he can do so it is not a burden on the city process. 2004 BUDGET PRESENTATION. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Greg Hayes gave a power point presentation on the proposed budget for 2004 and comparisons to the 2003 budget. Councilman Lundquist asked for clarification on the figures in the handout compared with what was on the power point presentation and how projected revenues compared to actual revenues. Bruce DeJong explained how money had been reallocated between different funds. Greg Hayes stated medical calls are on a record pace for the number of calls this year and explained how the system works with Ridgeview Ambulance, Police and Fire Department. Mayor Furlong asked if the fire department could bill for medical calls like ambulance. Greg Hayes stated he was researching state laws governing reimbursement for medical calls. The City Council also discussed options for billing for car accidents, false alarms, etc. Councilman Peterson requested that the fire department e-mail copies of the power presentation to the City Council. The work session was recessed at 6:50 p.m. until after the regular City Council meeting. The work session was reconvened at 8:05 p.m. PRESENTATION OF 2004-08 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM. Bruce DeJong passed out handouts which outlined the 5 year capital improvement program. Councilman Ayotte asked about the status of work on the water treatment plant since the City Engineer/Public Works Director left. Councilman Peterson asked for back-up material be provided for the capital items being presented. Mayor Furlong asked for a cost benefit analysis, similar to what Councilman Peterson is asking for. Bruce DeJong explained the process of tying down more concrete numbers for 2004, with softer numbers for 2005 and out. He stated he strongly feels people should pay now for what they use, as opposed to paying for something in the future. He is still working on the water and sewer rate study and getting more accurate numbers for the street maintenance program. Mayor Furlong asked the council if they had specific questions, to e-mail Todd Gerhardt or Bruce DeJong over the next couple weeks while staff is finalizing numbers for the budget. He stated the council may want to hold a work session prior to the Truth in Taxation meeting to go over the final numbers prior to the public hearing. Mayor Furlong adjourned the work session at 8:30 p.m. Submitted by Todd Gerhardt City Manager Prepared by Nann Opheim 3