Letter from Bangassers 3-2-04 M~R-83-2004 09:41 F' . March 2, 2004 Via FAX 952/227-1110 Mr. Bob Generous Senior Planner City of Chanhassen 7700 Marker Boulevard Chanhassen, :\1N 55317 RE: Tom & Jackìe Johnson Variance Requests 3637 South Cedar Drive Dear Bob: We are wrirîng this leller to express our support of the Johnson's variance requests that the City Council will consider on March 8, 2004. As you know, we spoke at the public hearing held by the Planning Commission on February 1 ih and expressed concerns regarding portions of the plan while expressing a general! y posili ve view of the overall concept and archìtecture. OUf property at 3633 SOLlth Cedar Drive is directly east of the Johnson home. Our primary concern was the locatjon of the deck approximately five feet from our joint property Bne. We had initially been concerned with the request for a side yard variance to build the kitchen to wíthin 7.4 feet of the property line. However, in subsequent discussions with Tom we indicated we would support the originally submitted kitchen plan sìnce it minimized windows on our side and was 8n ¡¡ppealing architectural design. We are in receipt of the plans submitted to the Planning Department on March 2nd. This revised plan goes beyond our request to move the deck away from the property line by moving both the deck and the kitchen back. The kitchen would be setback ten feet from the property 1 i ne with the cast end of the deck aligned with the east wall of the additìon. We are very appreciative of the Johnson's willingness to listen to our concerns and revise their plan. We believe the Johnson's addition as proposed wíll be a wonderful addition to the neighborhooel' ThJnk yOLl for thc opportunity to present our views. Sincerely, ~~~Cf~ Dave & Mary Jo Bangasser TOT~L F'. ,~c