Letter from Johnsons 1-14-04 - - January 141\ 2004 Re: 3637 South Cedar Drive Variance To whom it may Concern, This letter of description is to inform the members of the Planning committee and the city council our need for a variance on our home. The Variance will allow us to have a bedroom for both our son and daughter, at the present time both of the children are sharing the same room, our current layout has a master bedroom and one bedroom. The addition will allow us to have a bedroom for both, as well as a bathroom to share. As per the plans we were able to utilize the room over the current garage by raising the existing roof. To accommodate this plan as well we are adding six feet to the west on to the garage below. All the added square footage allows the bedroom expansion to work. As far as the hard cover we are willing to match the current hard cover calculations as well as reduce by 3 to 5 % by adding in some planting areas. It is of our opinion we are not asking for unneeded space only making what is currently there, work. Variances requested are for the following: o 30' set back on street side. (11' proposed - existing garage) o 10' side yard set back. (7' proposed) o 75' from high water mark. (73 proposed) o Hard Cover (to maintain existing 43.9%) ,:'~'I TV ('IF" r ;< cAiANHAScr: "ECtfV~n ".';', t:, ' Thank you very much. 7",//) / '1 ß' / -;'/1 t/i~/ ~éI!!~eL,.'~~- Tom and Jackie JOßnson ¿: 3637 South Cedar Drive Chanhassen Mn / !D ;~-,t r~ ¡'.' ," ZOOt! ::I-¡AIoJ/-¡JjC:: "SFNP: !'if--þ.