Lot Survey HARD COVER TABULATION: LOT AREA TO OHW: 11,590 Sq. Ft. EXISTIN:<ß: House Garage Deck Bituminous Concrete Railroad Tie Wall Rock Wall Rip Rap by Lake TOTAL: ADVANCE sa VEYl G ENGINEERING co. 5300 S. Hwy. No. 101 Minnetonka,MN 55345 Phone (952) 474-7964 Fax (952) 474-8267 SURVEY FOR: TOM & JACKIE JOHNSON SURVEYED: December, 2003 DRAFTED: December 12, 2003 REVISED: January 19,2004 to add dimensions. Also got a better idea of what the proposed deck is and this changed the prQPosed hard cover tabulation to plus 68 sq. ft. on the deck. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 17, except the East 10 feet thereof and aU of Lot 18, Block 4, Red Cedar Point, Lake Minnewashta, Hennepin County, Minnesota. SCOPE OF WORK: 1. Showing the length and direction of boundary lines of the above legal description. The scope of our services does not include determining what you own, which is a legal matter. Please check the legal description with your records or consult with competent legal counsel, if necessary, to make sure that it is correct, and that any matters of record, such as easements, that you wish shown on the survey, have been shown. 2. Showing the location of existing improvements we deemed important. 3. Setting new monuments or verifying old monuments to mark the comers of the property. 4. Showing elevations and contours to show th.~ topography of the site. The elevations shown relate only to the benchmark provided on this survey. Use that benchmark and check at least one other feature shown on the map when determining other elevations for use on this site. 5. While we show proposed improvements to your property, we not as familiar with your plans as you are nor are we· as familiar with the requirements of governmental agencies as their employees are. We suggest that you review the survey to confirm that the proposals are what you intend and submit the survey to such governmental agencies as may have jurisdiction over your project to gain. their approvals if you can. STANDARD SYMBOLS & CONVENTIONS: n . fI Denotes 1/2" ID pipe with plastic plug bearing State License Number 9235, set, unless otherwise noted. I hereby certify that this plan, specification, report or survey was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a licensed Professional Engineer and Professional Surveyor under the laws of the State Qf Minnesota. em l'Mo A N W Wa?_Qf\ . ~s'à Parker P.E. & P.S. No. 9235 '''''' % HARD COVER: GRAPHIC SCALE PROPOSED: House Deck Bituminous Concrete Railroad Tie Wall Rock Wall Rip Rap by L~e TOTAL: o 40 , 11111 . ........ -~ % HARD COVER: ( IN FEET ) r.ITY OF CHANHASSEN v RECEIVED ¡\It: it 1J ~~ 11 1J ft. , ~ <&, ~-- FJ;D 1/2" C V _~ ~\ ~/\ IRON PIPE ~ ... - ~ ~ \ 601>( \ ? /' ....,.. S ô1·~9.~~ ,,~ PJ"'¿ \ / I I I I //1/ íií-- \~ j II œ \ ./ EXISTING / \T, -ç, EXISTING /~. ---/ STRUCTURE / \ !".\9 GARAGE I~I r;:;Þr./ , \ 'I / 'I'I FLR EL = ;:~ \ \ 957.5 . _~]0__ j / , '" P OSED ./ J /!. . L " , \ / ! "~ ADDITION-;-- j/ ~ ~ ¡" 11// / / / / /. / b'Ö " PJ<:o'ò' 0 P~OPOSE[,;- \ "A " ~% AtITION' . ~ \ \ ¡l CONCRETE ( ¡:;. ~ \ ....- /'" ~... PATIO 7 4 çn~.. 'b / \ /~ . . __ OJ (.,.\ /J) (") / EXISTING RESIDENCE\ t/ . ;- <.0 ~ \ \~ / LOW FLOOR = ~ 62 _____ ~ ~ 957.4 \ / ~t': 960 œ~~ PROPOSED ~:/I. .,! ¡I) /~ öC'Q.P. ~ NEW DECK I~,// / L1j~'" - \ ~/:~.Äg,,¡1 _;~~- ' . Q'i-Cf- ~g,,"'/ .. A.. .~ ~\ 9 '. './ __'9--\ \ gs1¡ ~ ' g,,~----- ® \ i "/ \? T 1rIIS TIME \ ~ ~. . b/Ot-::; \ NO" SSE~\tEO HERE \ ()} ------. 9 ~ 6 'X· DOCK 1Q ,~.,' /"\ " E I I '-..I N 81·26'19 \ ,,--~ . . . ~50-+- +- - e \ \œ ~ UNE \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ V! __-- \.. '~1----- \ \ -944.5-' -;- I . . ____ - __ ....--·r 944----- I - --. --- ~ SEWER ® MANHOLE J 2 0 ~ CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT ú111 SO ~~ /' 1,181 Sq. Ft. 539 Sq. Ft. 431·Sq. Ft. 1,988 Sq. Ft. 827 Sq. Ft. 15Sq.Ft. 84 Sq. Ft. 25 Sq. Ft. 5,090 Sq. Ft. JlrA SEWER MANHOLE ® / ., FOUND 1 2 "c PPED IRON - ~ EXISTING RESIDENCE "'h I '-.J .,., '-- OHW LEVEL CONTOUR LINE 43.9% ...- N£tfA l\'fJN 2,604 Sq. Ft. 768 Sq. Ft. 1,770 Sq. Ft. 155 Sq. Ft. 15 Sq. Ft. 70 Sq. Ft. 25 Sq. Ft. 5,407 Sq. Ft. --------- LAJ{£ 46.6% -- ~. ~ ~ ~ -- ...-- - --------- Dwg. No. 031571