Referral 9-20-04 City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard Chanhassen, MN 55317 (952)227 ·1100 ClTYOF CHANIlAS8EN Date: September 20,2004 To: Development Plan Referral Agencies From: Planning Department By: Josh Metzer, Planning Intern Subject: Request for variance to bluff ordinance to allow grading and construction of a garage/storage area located at 8850 Audubon Road. Applicant: Steve Monson Planning Case: 04-33 The above described application for approval of a land development proposal was filed with the Chanhassen Planning Department on September 17, 2004. The 60-day review period ends November 16, 2004. In order for us to provide a complete analysis of issues for Planning Commission and City Council review, we would appreciate your comments and recommendations concerning the impact of this proposal on traffic circulation, existing and proposed future utility services, storm water drainage, and the need for acquiring public lands or easements for park sites, street extensions or improvements, and utilities. Where specific needs or problems exist, we would like to have a written report to this effect from the agency concerned so that we can make a recommendation to the Planning Commission and City Council. This application is scheduled for consideration by the Chanhassen Planning Commission on October 19, 2004 at 7:00 p.rn. in the Council Chambers at Chanhassen City Hall. We would appreciate receiving your comments by no later than October 6, 2004. You may also appear at the Planning Commission meeting if you so desire, Your cooperation and assistance is greatly appreciated, 1. City Departments a. City Engineer b, City Attorney c, City Park Director d, Fire Marshal e. Building Official f. Water Resources Coordinator g, Forester 8, Telephone Company (Qwest or United) 9. Electric Company (Xcel Energy or MN Valley) 10, Medicom 11. U. S, Fish and Wildlife 2. Watershed District Engineer 3. Carver Soil & Water Conservation District 12. Carver County a, Engineer b, Environmental Services 4, MN Dept. of Transportation 13, Other- 5. U.S, Army Corps of Engineers 14. 6, CenterPoint Energy Minnegasco 7. MN Dept. of Natural Resources Location Map Monson Variance 8850 Audubon Road City of Chanhassen Planning Case No. 04-33 To: Chanhassen Planning Commission/Staff From: Steve & Mary Pat Monson Address: 8850 Audubon Road RECEIVED SEP 1 7 2004 CllY OF CHANHASSEN Re: Variance to build garage/storage on bluff We are requesting a variance to build on what is considered by Ordinance a bluff area, listed below are the issues concerning the property and why we feel this is the best possible place to locate the structure. Background Information: In 1997 we wanted to divided the 5 acres we owned into two- 2,5 acre lots as permitted by the city, the original plan was to divide the 5 acres north and south with a common driveway coming in off of Audubon at the south end of the property, which would have allowed flat area's for both lots. The city asked us to change the plotting of the 5 acres to run east and west, which is what we did. Now that leaves us with 2.5 acres almost entirely on what is considered a bluff. Our property is zoned RR, Rural Residential. We own 2,5 acres this acreage is surrounded on 3 sides by other property owners and Audubon Road, 90% ofthe property is on a hill. Our neighbors to the south and west also have 2,5 acre lots, the house to the north we believe is an acre lot. We believe there is only two other area's on our property that may not be considered bluff area's however there isn't access to those area's without crossing through someone else's property to get to it. We are asking for a variance to place a garage with storage just south of our existing driveway. We do not believe the properties in our same zone have the same issues we have, The purpose of the variance is to be able to use with reasonable expectation some of the 2,5 acreage that we own, i,e. out buildings, garages and other structure are within the limitations of the zoning in our area. Our hardship is created by the unique percentage ofthe property that is located on the bluff. We want to build this structure to store pool equipment and out door furniture that is currently being stored behind our house under tarps in the winter, which is directly below the hill from our neighbors to the north, We believe they would rather not view the tarps, the new structures would not be in view of their home at all. The neighbors to the south are t~1r below the structure. The structure would not block or obstruct views from any of the neighbors. The structure does not impair any air flow, light source to other property owners, It does not add congestion to the street and it is not a fire danger or public safety issue. I n closing, we do not believe the structure has any impact on our neighbors except to enclose what we already have stored in the back yard, It does not impact the hill, we did not take down any trees or create an erosion area. Due to the large tree next to the driveway on Audubon we do not believe anyone will see the garage from Audubon, We believe with our 2.5 acres it is with reasonable expectation to be able to build a structure that we can access, CONi. COP~ 5' CONTRASTING HOUSE NUMbERS REOUIRED M!N. 5' ABOVE GR.4DE CALL PAUL EKHOLM 952-227-1193 WITH BUILDING PLAN REVIEW QUESTIONS PLUMBING, HVAC AND ELECTRICAL PERMITS AND INSPECTIONS REQUIRED BEFORE FRAMING'INSPfCTION i- ¿~O' ---ícl:d~' I -_.._-------~ ~.. - m::>~_ "",. __ ~" - -¡s5P.~,:r9c1I~=<. 9 'n - ~JW...:E'7'!;';T -..II _I, . -~A ~"1'¿~t.t/ _! ~ ==z: if'~'-::"~ ~;""u~ç;~ =- . !\ð\lb~ -1-2;;1- =-- {/ð ~~- ?!O\et\;~~ ~~\\ '\~~ ~ / '~ - ¡{e'1C" Q\e'\~5:;(1 -r / / " \: '~(ec\\"';~~cP-g I .y ;/ , / ~\ð\\ ð (QQ~.,-,œv -11 -;/ #- .~ ~::' - " ~~- ~ "0 L.~~ ).~ ~~"ê= ,-- I ~~ I - ~r ._- -~~~ ;.V:'I«JvEl; P!A'~S, SURVEY, MFG, COMPONENT SPEC'S .AND PERMIT CARD M\&I BE ON JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES EN&IN££f!./JJ6- IZE'(:~vl~~D I ] ,,' "Z-9Ji Þ...::ol.f:,~ '\.N I í1-i v....nS13 ST1r'F~EC$. :1... r=~"ß 1.1' iL~ ·~I!) -~; i .( ~E~~~i~=D_~_ :\1 M ~ICi-,.,s <?,H co<%. CALL FOR INSPECTIONS .-1'J / ~OOTING ....... 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