Certificate of Survey Contours FRANK R. CARDARELLE Land Surveyor, Inc. 941-3031 6440 Flyin·g Cloud Drive Land Surveyc Eden Prairie, MN 5534· qc~~tif í:eau I!PJf ~u~1>ty Survey For Book Page FHa n::Wg Scale: 1"=601 o Denotes Iron Mon.Found __Proposed Retaining Walls Prop.Gar.Floor Elev. 906.0 Prop.60' Drive @10% Grade 912.0 Ret.Walls: Lower Wall 910.0 Prop. Higher Wall 916.0 Prop. .:"" ~ Steve Monson 8850 Audubon Road Chanhassen, MN 55317 Phone: 361-0957 Description: Parcel I: That part of Lot 2, Block 1, Sun Ridge, according to the recorded plat thereof, and situate in Carver County,Minnesota, described as lying Northeasterly of a line described as follQws: Beginning at a poi~t on the Easterly line of said Lot 2 a distance of 353.03 feet Southerly ôf the Northeast corner of said Lot 2¡ thence North- westerly to a point on the Westerly line of said Lot 2 a distance of 130.50 feet Southerly from the Northwest corner of said Lot 2 and there terminating. Subject toa roadway easement over the Easterly 17 feet of said parcel adjacent to Audubon Road. Subject to a drainage and utility easement over the Southerly and South- westerly 6 feet adjacent to the Southwesterly line of said parcel. This plan, specifica.tion or report was prepared by me or under my direct super- vision, and that I am a duly Registered Land Surveyor in ä Sta . of Minnesota. S i g n e d t his 2 n d .d a y _of e p' em b e r, 2004. Frank State ...-- {, ?'j~öt 6508 , , \~ ,,~. I , ("., \:,....' r·· , ""M \ ~ IIU/)UBON ----... . . ROil D ~ ~ 'r, r\ ~ ~\ ~." 1-" t ~-~ ~, ~ '-.. ~ ~ ..~ . . ~ ~\ IJ .... ~ .~ ./' ~ ..c ~' , f¡;1 /0- tJ ;--0 L( 3íO'bf /) Ú\ ~µL f/~~I'i1J (¡ _ 1/ /U1IJ -U~ J/vw 1VVVVL j/1 S~ tP--"4.~ 1- Vht~µi £{, . A AA ß j ~/ ~"IiI"-0 14U4/J-;~- d-''- r - 11I-- Mt~~ l?OëJ.d W~y E:q oS e In E!1]t