Petition 11-10-04 RECEIVED City of ChanhasiWli Attention: Planning Commission 7700 Market Boulevard P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 NOV 1 (} 2004 CITY OF CHANHASSEN City of Chanhassen Planning Commission, This letter is intended to address the proposed development of the "Slocum Tree Farm". The city has indicated that it intends that the aforementioned development must affect the neighborhood situated on Crestview Drive, in Chanhassen. This is primarily due to a proposed road that would connect the new development with the Crestview Drive neighborhood now or in the future. Introduction The Crestview Drive neighborhood was created during the late Fifties. The area is around 25 acres. The road began as private. Over the course of20 years, the road was extended and a cw-de-sac was added. During the late 70's, the city took control of the road when paving, water and sewer where added. A total of 8 houses exist on this cui-de- sac. The yards are large and private. Only two properties are larger than 1.25 acres. They are the Jackson property and the recently sold Shwtz property. AU the properties on Crestview Drive are fairly weU kept up. A simple review of permits granted over the years demonstrates this. Simply put, this neighborhood has seen little change/development. There are few like it - especially in this city. It is fair to say that a sound majority of the folks here (the Crestview Drive neighborhood) like the road the way it is and would like to see it continue in its current form. It is not a zone of transition or even close to one (as a geographer wowd put it). This area is not run down, in need of change, not unattractive or a hazard in any way. Several Crestview Drive homeowners have inquired on the city's intentions. Each time some one asks about the proposed road that connects "our" property to the Slocum Development, a new reason appears. The city has cited the following: 1. Parts of the Crestview Drive neighborhood might be developed and that requires a connecting road. 2. Crestview Drive needs to be something other than a cul-de-sac so school buses can use it. 3. Utilities need to be connected. 4. It wowd be in everyone's interest to get rid ofthat "ugly" cw-de-sac. 5. People on Crestview Drive need access to the new development or visa versa. Each of the above items needs to be addressed. It struck a number of people that the reasons given were somewhat "superficial". Hopefully, the planning commission has left room for discussion. Parts of the Crestview Drive neighborhood might be developed and that requires a connecting road. Point number one suggests that without a road, no other development can take place on Crestview Drive. The Jackson family (one of the two lots that potentially might be divided) inquired about the needs. Interestingly, the city said that water would need to be extended up the street at a cost of $8000 per household. At no time did anyone suggest that additional streets would be needed. At this time no one, or at least, a majority of people doesn't want an organized development. Sure, folks all understand that a few houses (2-5) might be added someday. Anything beyond that (a development) is not wanted. The argument against the proposed road can also be tied to neighborhood size. Crestview Drive currently has 8 houses on it. If the two larger lots are split and rezoned (another distasteful thought) some homes might be added. For arguments sake, let us assume an additionalS houses. The resulting total of 12 houses shouldn't require anything more than a cul-de-sac. The current Slocum development supports this. The proposed neighborhood actually has IS or 16 houses on a cul-de-sac! This makes people ask why a road is needed. If this comes down to a development at the end of Crestview Drive, then make it part of Pinehurst. If this is done Crestview remains a cul-de-sac and bears no burden. Nothing changes for the area. Here any and all questions are addressed separately ftom Crestview Drive. The proposed road would need to be moved further west so it doesn't affect the Abblett property. This is reasonable. Maybe the road has nothing to do with developing Crestview Drive. Perhaps the Slocum development needs the road. If this is the case, reduce their development. Crestview Drive doesn't need to be burdened with their shortcomings. Didn't past discussions put a road through the Brenden Pond, 3rd addition, though the "outlot A" of Pinehurst (see Pinehurst drawing)? The connecting road should not be Crestview's concern. If the above statement is true, why force another neighborhood to support an unwanted violation. How could the Crestview neighborhood be compensated? It affects every family on Crestview. It adds traffic that otherwise wouldn't be there. When is the City of Chanhassen going to force changes to the existing streets? Does Crestview have to pay for that? Is the city going to take property to make the streets wider? Where does the harassment end? In the past, Chanhassen has stated that, neighborhood improvements won't be made unless every family agrees. Is this no longer the case? Why does the Slocum (Pinehurst) development need three access points? Other neighborhoods have hundreds of families and three access points. Several examples can be found all the way up County Road 17! What is special here? Crestview Drive needs to be something other than a cul-de-sac so school buses can use it. A city employee did indicate that there was concern about school bus access. In the first place, no one has children on Crestview at this time. Secondly, other neighborhoods (with multiple access points and connecting roads) seem to have their school age children picked up, not in the neighborhood, but along the main road. Interestingly enough, other neighborhoods aren't affected in the same way as ours is. A fabulous example of this is on Lake Lucy Road in between CR 17 and Powers Blvd. Again, people ask why does Crestview Drive need to be concerned with this? Why is Crestview so special? Utilities need to be connected. The city has indicated that it wants to "connect" utilities. We know this is not a problem. The folks developing the Slocum Tree Farm (Pinehurst) have access to utilities via Woodridge Heights, Brenden Pond and CR 17. Crestview Drive has water and sewer. If it needs to be extended it can be done reasonably ($8000 per family according to the Jackson fumily). Again, the Crestview neighborhood is being burdened. Why? It would be in everyone's interest to get rid of that "ugly" cul-de-sac. This is this the weakest argument of all. Personally, we like the large cul-de-sac. It has served Crestview and the City for plowing purposes. We all have mature trees and don't have to see each other, much less the cul-de-sac. Our so-called "ugly cul-de-sac" has never come up at neighborhood gatherings or polite discussion. So if the city doesn't mind, we'd like to keep it! People on Crestview Drive need access to the new development or visa versa. May we say, "no thank you to Pinehurst access"? Crestview Drive will remain much safer as a cul-de-sac. All concerned feel that it keeps us safer, secluded and buffered rrom the bland, "cookie cutter" houses or mini-mansions this city seems to prefer. The Crestview neighborhood likes it's large secluded lots and it's privacy. Conclusion The homeowners on Crestview Drive would like you to reconsider the proposed road. We would prefer to be an 'independent" neighborhood as we have been for years. May we respectfully decline the privilege of serving a developers needs? If the Pinehurst Development (Slocum Tree Fann) can't support their proposed development, then reduce the number of homes. Other arguments do not seem credible for a road. The size of our road is fine as it stands, it can support Crestview Drive's and the City's needs now and in the future. We aren't concerned about school buses (apparently other neighborhoods aren't either). Homeowners know they have ac-cess to utilities and are satisfied. We like our cuI-de-sac. It is not ugIy. It has served us well and will continue to. No benefits seem to exist for Crestview Drive. ThaJl.~ you for your time and consideration, Crestvievv Drive Homeowners (See enclosed petition) Crestview Drive residents against a road connecting the Pinehurst Development (Slocum Tree Fann) to Crestview Drive. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Name .' ,1~' J~ " 'í" II 'A <A'~ ¡; ¡ )/... , ' v II \'., ,! \. , j / /1' .j'{ <. r ,z 'jU I / '\ / ',- ~ '(\~,", ~/......¿ L ~ L / ~ , .,.' " _(.'- ¿ / ~] / / .;.. -! /C <-.( é'L.. 4~. d_{~~' /~' ',,;üve4. : ')\ ,'\..' l::' . .).-< ?-J 1 . '/ h i~ ¡ / 6. /....'ý' 4dhl//::l"-Vr;lñ<UAj:J./[~ 7. ~~\...- 8. ~~0 /IØ1' I' / 9 ~'1' /'i /l ", · / ¡' 'j; . "',"7"~ :~S 12. 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