Letter from P Tungseth 11-12-04 City of Chanhassen Attention: Planning Commission "7"7{)()J. ,r~_1_~4- Bou1~v'~rd I I vv lV.hU I\..v\. Iv a P 0 D 1 Á"7 '. . .uûX l"'t I RECEIVED NOV J ? 2004 Gíf'r OF CHANHASSEN Chanhassen, MN 55317 City of Chanhassen Planning Commission, Additional questions and concerns have been arisen concerning the proposed Pinehusrt Development (Slocum Tree Farm) road that would connect to Crestview Drive. The city notified most Crestview Drive residents about the proposed development. Because of this, some homeowners have done some investigating. Additional information that concerns Crestview Drive, Pinehurst and potentially the City of Chanhassen has been found. Notification of the proposed development The City of Chanhassen planning commission may not have notified the entire Crestview Drive neighborhood. It is currently understood that residents within a certain distance of proposed changes need to be notified. At least two families appear to not be aware of the situation. The proposed change to Crestview affects every one on Crestview Drive. The powers that be may want to check. The scope of the notification really should change as well. Are other neighborhoods in close proximity going to be connected too? What about traffic where none existed? For example, Crestview Circle is affected in two ways. First, additional traffic at the intersection where CR 17, Crestview Drive and their road come together might be an issue. Secondly, due to the current attitude of the planning commission, their road may not remain a cul- de-sac either. They may want to voice their opinions now. Perhaps the previous comments are inaccurate. Other information residents have points 4-~ ..1....~.. tV tuat. l'\.T""" r>onr>crns m· Qddit10n to Pl'nehurst .l.. '"",,,....y VV'J....LV ,, .. , ,u. ..LV .J,...I-.I. a. " Concerns over proposed road, the developer, partners of the developer and the City of Chanhassen have arisen with additional information. It is now the residents understanding that a person or group associated with the Pinehurst development has intentions of developing the 3+ acres at the end of the Crestview Drive cul-de-sac. Accordingly, the Shultz property has been already split into lots. It appears that the City may want to "force" the Pinehurst connection to Crestview to favor some one or a group associated wl'th O;_~1....,._~.. I L III\';:;HUI~t. Frankly, no one is interested in being associated with Pinehurst in any way. In fact, there would be no reason for the connection other than to favor the people associated with the Shultz property (at the end of the cul-de-sac). Comments from homeowners suggest other motives/concerns may be in play. Relocating the road west of its proposed position (see enclosed drawing) would seem to eliminate the issues at hand. It should never be connected in any way to Crestview Drive. This is the easiest solution that has no ill effect on any party involved. Residents are not against one or two houses. It would allow us to keep our cul-de-sac. Our style of neighborhood with large lots wouldn't change either. We don't care for a full-blown development. If the is the case, move the road. It is understood that the Pinehurst, and any additional development connected to it, would be serviced in an acceptable way with out disturbing us (no connecting road). Examples of this exist all over our city. Access to two major roads is beyond what most, larger neighborhoods have. ~.........__1...,...:........-" vVI1""IU~IVI1 Several things have happened. Residents have, conveniently, not been fully informed. No discussion has ensued on a development at the end of Crestview Drive. I'm sure that sma]] lots and "cookie cutter" PinchUíst houses are the wish. This is not of interest to the homcowl1eís on Crestview Drive. Property owners here like their large city lots and privacy. A change in our situation is not of interest. Certainly, our neighbors and us are not obligated to share in a developers "vision". This would be especially true 1....~~~..~~ ~.. ..1....~ ~~~.. ~·~d ;ncol~He-;~n~ß t1~~t '''OU1r1 b~ ;n~urr",r1 ul.,;""au~\,; VI \.II\,; \AJ~t all I IV ·llll.,; ""..., Ila W IU ..., I 1'-' I\,;:;U. One would hope that collusion is not something occurring between the people associated with Pinehurst and anyone at the city. Forcing the residents of Crestview Drive down an unwanted path for no concrete purpose, under protest, makes every one ask more and deeper questions. This is especially true when simple solutions exist. Certainly this is not a test of wills either. I know that most our city employees are exceptional and in-tune to the community. 'T'ho ...^Q,rl "'ou1d ho moved '~Tðst so l't dODS not l'nfl"en"'r> rrestul'e'~T ~'u.. 1n -1. 1..1.'-' J. VU\,.&- \,,¡ . V\,.r. J. V VV'\,.l ,,",. J..... ..&. u. .I.\,,¡'\,.l "--" V vv VI i y"" J.J.J. any way. The simplicity and effectiveness of this should be obvious. No change to Crestview Drive eliminates homeowner concerns. The development can continue unopposed for the most part. Thank you for your time and consideration, pa:::~:;;; Ä_ - " . - .,~- -~ ,- ,- - t........~· .. n......'---t ~....... Slnàs,1Ic. ". ¡¡¡¡¡r.;¡¡1. - _ __ t"1OWIIn81'eS .......".......r---. ' _... 1, - - . .. '*-110!'..... .......-............. ..,.---................. .. ............. ......,..... , ..~---........_~ , . . .I. $ ,.... \ "\ ' " \ \ \'',¡'j I t \ "..1)' J ~. I .... }' -_./ ) --=:-=:~:::=---..--- ~..~-=--~~ -:Ý'-~ ~ ~ -=------.: GeJaen1 UtiUty .NoM :;=~'=;r::'.~--"- '...__fft......CLØ........._- :C:";==:M::;:.-'" --....... - ""- ==,~~..=r¡.r: """. "'" ..__"'"_,.........._....._~..._!_ ~.:n::t~r=-. j fIa= ----...-..---- rt5..~- '!! II - .",.¡,.,___....._..__ ".,.tI!II~f'! _" 1IC , _ _ _.IICiOf.""-' :..-=--=..~.M' J. ':J~-& V:'_ ~':='~""""="-="'--=:- ~.:r=.IIt41. '"""__~-. .M............ ........-it....... ... .' I \ I I I ~'c'cr;Fl,f:;~;~r¿.: ^ ,r"'~'.""·f r 'h: l'IíI~F ,.,.- J ':; ~ - ÞISIØI· ......,.,. R1IÞf -..- __ -1- ........'111: ---... ..,. .... -p oM- LLC. .- .....,... ~..- 101. -,- .."""..... - -- -...- ù'-- ~,--.,- . ~. ......0 " .' ~::, ~ Pinehurst r{t)~"J(~:s .......... ~~'VCDR:V:;¡: .~ . ,{'('""" ...." ~~" '" r 4.,H;t/J4"'; ~,.,nv ~ t ¡-~ It III t ....- ,_ ~IN _ ! ~ 0IIIIy !Ia ..... ' Nit,,, "þ.~ ~="=-t"""": í"'- . ~~