Letter from C & B Jackson City of Chanhassen Attention: Planning Commission 7700 Market Blvd. P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 City of Chanhassen Planning Commission: This letter is to give additional support to Mr. Tungseths letter that has been presented to you. We were unaware, until Thursday, November 11, that Lecy Bros. Development is planning a development at the top end of Crestview Drive. No notification was ever sent to us, and we feel we have the right to be given notice of any changes to our street and/or properties. We know of the proposed Pinehurst development and have concerns about the projected extension of our road to tie in to that development. As in Mr. Tungseths letter, we strongly agree that there is no reason to join the neighborhood of Crestview Drive to the Pinehurst Development. With the Lecy Brothers development planned for the end of Crestview Drive, it makes much more sense to connect this new development to the Pinehurst Development. This will leave Crestview Drive residents to not have to undergo any changes to our street and neighborhood, that we feel are not needed. This in no way improves our neighborhood. As indicated by the petition signed by the majority of the residents of Crestview Drive, which you have already received, we as a neighborhood, do not wish to have our neighborhood or our quiet dead end eliminated, or changed. Concerns: 1. Will Crestview Drive be widened? 2. Will City Water have to be extended to the end of Crestview Drive? 3. Will sidewalks be put in? For us personally, if Crestview is widened, we will lose a large amount of mature trees that add value and beauty to our property. These potential changes will lead to an assessment to the residents of Crestview Drive, which we feel is an unnecessary expense. None of these proposed changes benefit our neighborhood. Do what you will with the new developments, but don't include them into our established neighborhood. We specifically sought out this home because it was on a dead end street and in a long established neighborhood, all homes being on larger private properties that give all of us a setting that is hard to find. We enjoy the quiet and solitude that this neighborhood offers, and don't want to see it destroyed. Sincerely, - - , >. , ",¡. "'. '( / /,> I ' '-- ., '- . ' '~~-- ;' \ (~:tZµ~L,.µ~ Charles & Bev~J~~~on 2110 Crestview Drive Excelsior, MN 55331